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The prime minister in Norway, Herr Stoltenberg*, has been presented by the Norwegian media in a video as a taxi driver talking to random individuals in Norway about politics, because he and his left-wing extremist party, according to them “want to listen to the people and hear their concerns”.

*This German, Polish and Ashkenazic Jewish surname of STOLTENBERG is an occupational name for a joiner. The name was derived from the Old Polish word STOLARZ. The name is also spelt STOLL, STOLARZ, STOLIAR, STOLLER, STOLERSKY, STOLBURG, STOLBERG and STOLTBERG.

You can read more about this here. Use Google Translate if you don’t speak Norwegian.

Old propagandaposter used by Stoltenberg’s extremist party. A party in government in Norway some 60+ years since 1945 (possibly because they had a monopoly of broadcasting, both TV and radio until the end of the Cold War, and also owned most of the newspapers in Norway….). 


Soviet Norway representatives: able to fascinate… well, at least  dozens of Norwegians…. 


If you on the other hand read French newspapers you can read this story, telling how Mr. Stoltenberg and his agents have hired actors to sit in a taxi and pretend that they talk about politics, to pretend that their worries are real worries people in Norway have etc. Use Google Translate if you don’t speak French.

So it seems using paid actors in the news and in political propaganda has been unveiled in Norway too.

Interestingly none of the Norwegian newspapers I have checked write anything at all about this, so Norwegians still believe that the “man” steering the Norwegian ship into the abyss was actually talking to normal Norwegian taxi customers…

The favourite book of most old members of the Stoltenberg’s party. 


They use the term “social democrats” to describe themselves today though. Right…

Norway is completely messed up by this gang of lying, often foreign, coward, communist thugs, but thankfully there is a huge abyss between them and their genocidal politics and the will of the people. I seriously consider returning home to start a proper nationalist party in Norway… Heil Odin! HailaR WôðanaR!

Related post here.

About Utopia & Dystopia



As I see it the Pagan movements, in all areas of politics, are drawn between two different future visions; the return to a life in harmony with nature and the revolutionized and improved high tech civilisation. We can argue well for both of these visions.

Today I am going to argue for the return to a life in harmony with nature. Not because I think this is the only solution, but because I think it deserves our attention.

As I see it pretty much everything is wrong with today’s society. From grand politics to the tiny details in the everyday life. Just about everything is destructive, if not in the short run then at least in the long run. We literally shit in our drinking water. We pollute the soil we grow our food in and the air we breath in, the water we drink and not least out minds too. We do so only because our rulers want to make even more money and because we are unwilling to give up this easy, and apparently comfortable lifestyle, made by and for lazy sub-humans. The modern lifestyle is so destructive that we need to spend enormeous sums on healthcare too, because our species is suffering so much from its many deficiencies, and this in turn forces us to deplete even more resources, pollute even more and turn our species even more degenerated, unhealthy, twisted, depraved, sick and in need of medical care.

This death-trap is profitable to the tiny elite ruling our world, so it is maintained. The ship is heading for the abyss, but as long as it is still a profitable trip the captain will keep pretending everything is normal and that everything will be fine. He cares not about the fate of his passengers or his ship. He only cares about profit. He too will die as the ship falls into the abyss, but his hunger for gold has blinded him and he can no longer see. He will go down with the rest of us, holding all our gold in his hands.

Some talk about leaving this planet, some time in the future at least, and go look for somewhere else to live – out there. Because of this they argue strongly for a continuation of the high tech track we are already on. Well, sorry to disappoint you but this is probably not possible. Man can not survive in space because of extreme radiation. It is like a microwave out there, and no man can go there. We can probably not even go beyond the Van Allen radiation belt. To visit even Mars you need space ships with several meter thick lead walls for the crew to survive. The further out you go, the more radiation there is. So at least for this post let us pretend we are stuck here, on our planet. There is no way for us to physically leave. Ever.


The future of mankind today, if we continue on the same track, is almost for sure nothing but chaos, crime out of control, global war, famine, natural disasters and a horrible detoriation in general health and life quality – and eventually self-induced mass-death and to many races even extinction. Nature will eventually reclaim what we took from her, and mankind will be reduced to small tribes surviving in isolated pockets for ages. E. g. Neanderthals in Europe. Denisovans in Asia and Homo Sapiens in Africa. Technology will become synonymous with death and destruction, and the collapse in tech production in combination with this anti-technology world view will return mankind to a Stone Age. Anyone not conservative enough to accept this new way of thinking and living will be executed – possibly for «blasphemy». They will be seen as too dangerous to be left alive.

In order to make the survivors forget about the horribly destructive technology the sages will present their propaganda in a very colourful way, using metaphors and low-tech or no-tech realities to make their listeners understand. Their stories will be known as mythology.


Perhaps with time, e. g. after 300,000 years, the Neanderthals, who were responsible for the high tech and even low tech inventions in the first place, will slowly start to re-discover what their distant forebears knew, but if they do it will take a very long time, and until then they will live in harmony with nature, and be happy, strong and wise.

Maybe, because of the absence of metals and electricity, some of the sorcerous abilities we often dream of or imagine our forebears being in possession of, will rise to the surface (again?) here in Neanderthal Europe, and help keep the status quo. After all; if you have sorcery, who needs technology?

So am I talking about the future here, or actually the past? Or both? You tell me… HailaR WôðanaR!

Related posts here and here.


Front International


Deutsch. ItalianoMagyar.

My wife and I were until fairly resently both paying members of Front National. When asked for donations for Marine Le Pen’s presidential campaign we donated money, I think 100 EUROs. That was all we could afford at the time. When asked for more support, in form of a loan, we did that too. We lent 1500 EURO to FN, to help Marine Le Pen and her party, and doing so actually had to postpone our own house-building project – something we did because we thought Marine Le Pen’s campaign was more important for the future of France and our French children than our house project was.

Earlier this year both Marie and I chose not to re-new our memberships, because of FN’s flirting with Zionists, because of the many new Freemason FN members, because of Marine Le Pen’s odd choice of partners and because of their inability to make their opinion clear on a few very important issues. As we saw it FN was infiltrated by the enemy and was lost as a hope for France.

«Grima Wormtongue» is running FN, not “Theoden”.


At this point, instead of seeking a political solution to the problems we began to more seriously prepare for the chaos that will come when this world order collapses under the weight of all its self-produced problems. FN as it is heading today is not a hope for France; FN is only an alternative route to Hell, to put it that way. Politics will not save Europe (not least because the whole election system is probably a scam in the first place), but perfectly legal survivalism will save many Europeans.

If I am wrong, and I hope I am, those who listened to my advice will not have lost anything. They can enjoy their camping equipment in the weekends and vacations, they can still eat their dry food, they can keep reducing their living costs with their hens, kitchen gardens and possibly other animals too. You can only win from being a survivalist.

If I am right those families who listened to my advice and became survivalists will thank me and greatly increase their chances to survive the coming crises. If enough Pagan Euroepan families survive we can no matter what happens rebuild Europe some time in the future. Nothing will be lost if this happens: Europe will return, as she is supposed to be; beautiful, healthy, clean, green and European.


You can both try the political solution and prepare for the worst though, if you have any hope left that the election system works as intended in your country, but if you try the political solution make sure you at least only vote for strongly and clearly anti-Zionist, anti-masonic and anti-Christian parties, with a perfectly clear pro-European Pagan agenda. If these parties don’t exist in your country, and you still believe in a political solution, then start them up yourself, or simply don’t vote. Voting for anything else is voting for a European genocide. Their genoicide is carried out in different ways, from the political left to right or from right to left, but it is still a genocide. It doesn’t matter. At least don’t vote for those who work for the destruction of Native Europe! When the choice you have is to jump off a cliff to the right or left side of the cliff, or straight ahead, then simply stay put and don’t jump. Choose to survive instead. HailaR WôðanaR! 


Jedem das seine



As some of you know the terror attack against my wife and me last month, by Mr. Valls’ department, lead mainly to more sympathy for us and what we stand for – and of course the world was given the opportunity to see what kind of politician Mr. Valls is and what kind of system he works for.


The honourable French police failed to produce the results sought by Mr. Valls’ department, they looked for and found only the truth, and the truth was that my wife and I had no connection to the Freemason and Zionist Mr. Breivik whatsoever, that we had no terror plans and that we had done nothing illegal whatsoever, so Mr. Valls’ department, pushed on by the anti-European press in Europe, tried to end the case by telling the public that I will be charged with «hate crime», with spreading hatred for certain groups in our society. A charge that had nothing whatsoever to do with the original arrest, I may add.

When asked about this by the professional liars of the press representatives of Mr. Valls’ department told them that I had not yet been charged, because of Summer vacation, but that I can expect to be charged in September or perhaps October. The readers are left with the impression that I am already charged, or that it is only a matter of time before I am.

Ah, well, apparently Summer vacations was not a problem when they were to send more than a dozen policemen to arrest us and investigate the bogus «terror» case against us, so I am in doubt that I will ever hear from them again in relation to this «hate crime» charge they talk about.

So what is this really all about? We hear so much talk about people being charged with «hate crimes», because of things they say, write or in other ways express, and I am of the firm conviction that this is only terror from their side. Yes: terror. They try to scare us into submission, to scare us into accepting their European genocide, they try to scare us into saying and doing nothing when we see their crimes, when we expose their sinister plans, when we realise that they are a bunch of raving mad genocidal lunatics who hate us more than anything else in this world! And they misuse the police and the legal system to achieve this. «Keep silent or face legal persecution!»

They tell the public that I will be charged, but like I said this is probably not going to happen. You see I want to be charged with spreading «hatred» towards those who try to exterminate Europe, lock stock and barrel. I am hoping for the opportunity to defend myself. Yes, I am hoping for a chance to speak up in court, and explain why I defend Europe against these criminals and their hateful and racist plans. I will plead self-defence, and I will prove in court that I have a good reason to expose the enemies of Europe and do what they claim is to spread «hatred» for certain groups in our society. In fact, I will turn this around and explain how those I talk up against are the real racists, and that they are as we speak carrying out a genocide in Europe, and that we – the native Europeans – have been marked by them for extinction. We, dear European ladies and gentlemen, are not the racists here. We only promote true diversity; respect for every people’s right to have their own unique culture in their own native homelands. That includes a Europe for the Native Europeans. The human population of this planet will be rich only if we keep the diversity.

If the enemies of Europe don’t want to be hated, then perhaps they should stop trying to exploit us, enslave us and ultimately exterminate us instead of accusing those who expose them and their plans for spreading hatred.

The truth will prevail. It always does. HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. My defence speech, if I am charged with “hate crime”, will of course be published in full here on TP!

“Do you want to live? In his shadow?”


What once was


Magyar. RomânăРусский.

First some appropriate music.

The European man was better before; stronger, healthier, more intelligent, more inventive, braver, more honest and more honourable too. In fact, the further back in time you go, the better our forebears were.

You might wonder: so why did he live in caves, wore rags and never washed? Well, I understand your concern, but what you have been told about our forebears is simply not true. They never lived in caves; they only used caves in certain religious ceremonies. They never wore rags either; the few Stone Age clothes we know were quite elaborate and well made. Nor were they filthy; why on Earth would they be, when not even most animals are? Even dogs wash themselves. Why would your human forebears not do?

5000+ Year old European Clothes


So why do we have this horribly negative view on our own superior forebears? There is of course one very simple answer to that; Christianity. I could say much about that, and I have already, but I will instead quickly return to something more interesting; how can we return to greatness?

You see, there is no «original sin» other than the mixing of species, and no «salvation» other than the one we ensure for ourselves, using our own mental power, in life and here on planet Earth. There is nothing to ask for forgiveness for, only something to fix. There is nothing to pray for, or to pray to for that sake, only something to do.

You first of all really need to understand that there is nothing better than life on Earth: there is no heaven, no blissful afterlife of plenty, no eternal rest or anything like that. There is no other immortality than the one you ensure for yourself by living honourably, by reproducing and by being reborn in your own kin. There is no other happiness than the one you ensure for your children and for their children; you will be reborn in your kin, so whatever happiness you create on Earth will benefit you in the long run.

The second thing you really need to understand is that although life is the best we have, there is no need to fear death; the best of you will be reborn in the kin, when you return to life as one of your own descendants. All your mistakes will be forgotten. Only the good returns, because only the good will be remembered and brought back to life.

The good life is not about plenty, luxury, pleasure, laughter, joy and relaxation. Any pain you must endure in life is only good, because it makes you stronger and enables you to express and maintain your strength – and if you suffer your death from it you probably died with honour and will return to life anyhow. Any «evil» in your life is only good, because it makes you better and enables you to express and maintain your goodness – and if you suffer your death from it you probably died with honour and will return to life anyhow. Disharmony is there only to remind you of the need for harmony, and to ensure that you are preparred to restore it when needed, or to die trying. The good life is the one that enables you to express and maintain all your qualities, and to inspire those around you to do the same. The good life is the one that spirals upwards to greatness and strength, through hailstorms of adversity; to honour! Death is not the end; death is only the sum of life – all your honourable actions summed up and sent forth to the next life. You die, but your honour can live forever, and it will also nourish the greatness in all those around you.

The third thing you really need to understand is that life is eternal. You are part of an ever changing world with no beginning and no end. There is no «creation» and no «judgment day», only a dynamic existence in eternity, and just like the seasons change in nature, so does man in his stages of existence. Winter is like re-birth, Spring birth, Summer life and Autumn death. Night is like re-birth, Morning birth, Day life and the Evening death. The Lunar eclipse is like re-birth, the New Moon birth, the Full Moon life and the Waning Moon death. Everything revolves in circles. As in nature so in man. As in heaven so on Earth.

Scandinavian Petroglyphs


Make the best of what you have and what you can do something about. Don’t worry about the inevitables. Enjoy the harmony of the universe, and also the struggle against all disharmony. Live for a future life on Earth, not for fictional «Paradises» in Heaven. Live to make your kin strong and healthy, intelligent and inventive, brave and honest, and honourable again. Rid yourself of the Jewish yoke called «Christianity». HailaR WôðanR! 

40,000+ Year old European Art

Bisons in Altiira cave

Sacred Groves


Forests have always been an important part of the European religion and culture. All the trees were once upon a time seen as physical manifestations of the deities; in each and every tree a god or a goddess resided, and no tree was cut down unless there was a good reason to do so. The Ancient European man who planned to chop down a tree in the forest would first perform, offer service or sacrifice to the deity, in its temple (i. e. usually a sacred grove, centered around the oldest tree [known to them] connected to the particular deity) or to the tree that was to be chopped down. He explained to the deity why he had to cut the tree down, and what purpose its wood would serve. This little gesture reminded the Ancient European man of the sanctity of the forest and of each and every tree too.


The forest is the home of other manifestations of the deities too; all the wild animals found in Europe were also seen as physical manifestations of the deities. We often know these animals from the mythology as mere attributes of the deities; Freyja’s cats or Þôrr’s goats, Ôðinn’s wolves and Freyr’s boar for example. In reality the cat was Freyja, the goat Þôrr, the wolf Ôðinn and the boar Freyr. The deities resided in trees and in animals – and of course in man too!


We live in a different age now, in lands where the trees have been cut down to make room for pasture, fields, roads and cities. Animals are scarce too. There is not much left to remind man of the sanctity of neither forests nor land, of the flora nor the fauna. So why would anybody be surprised by the fact that the deities are not much present in man today either? The modern man is a hollow and shallow creature, with little consideration for the sacred. The pasture that used to be covered by forests is populated by cattle mostly…

I encourage you to take the time to visit a nearby forest. On a warm and sunny day you will notice that the heat outside is unbearable as you walk across the fields leading up to the forest, and the moment you step into the forest you will understand just how important the forest is. In the forest there is always shadow and the temperature is perfectly comfortable, no matter how hot it is outside. The Sun lights up the forest, but blinds nothing in it. The Sun warms up the forest, but burns nothing in it. The wild forest is the most comfortable, natural and safe place you can dream of, it is rich with everything you need, and its sanctity should be clear to anyone who enters. It is the home of our forebears, and where we should live too.


Alas! But we must leave the forest, we can only visit the few forests that are left in Europe every now and then. We live most of the time on the scorched plains outside, blinded and burnt by the Sunlight that would have enlightened and warmed us had we lived in our natural environment. Make haste: plant trees all over Europe, and revive her dying spirit! Make the gods and goddesses return, in nature and in man! Let the roots of trees tear up the asphalt and concrete in our streets; let plants enter the cracks of our buildings and demolish them; let thorny branches strecth out into the pasture and fields as the forerunners of tall trees. Let Mother Nature take back what belongs to her – and rejoice! Be grateful for her effort; it is to your benefit. Facilitate the return of reason; plant trees! HailaR WôðanaR!


Related post here.

Here are some trees I planted in what used to be pasture, in Limousin, France.


Healer of the battlefields


Reblogged from Vinland Heritage:

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Dear pagan readers,

Let me introduce you to a plant used in medicine for tens of thousands of years. It was even a part of our neanderthal ancestors pharmacy in prehistory. But we use to link it with greek antiquity because the origin of his name is linked to a greek hero which everyone knows, and also because it is mentionned in the great books of herbal lore of antiquity.

Read more… 454 more words

Poisoned I


Many already know or at least understand that vaccines are given to us to break down our immune systems, so that we will be in need of even more medicines in the future. The pharmacy industry is malicious and controlled by a sinister group of individuals who care only for two things: destroying Europe and making money whilst doing so.

You might think I am paranoid when I say such things, but these are proven facts.

If you ever see a child with constant running nose, with frequent ear infections and other health issues, and who is prone to catching all sorts of diseases, you can be sure he or she is vaccinated. I was such a child. My wife too.

Our children are not vaccinated though, and I can count on one hand the times all three of them have been sick in their in all 12,5 years of life. My 2,5 year-old daughter has in fact never been sick. She has not even ever had a running nose.

We all eat the same food, drink the same water, live in the same house, get about the same amount if exercise and breathe the same air.

I strongly suggest you don’t poison your children with vaccines! They will thank you for it in the future, when the truth about this prevails. HailaR WôðanaR!


Poisoned II


ItalianoMagyar. РусскийСрпски.

Vaccines are a threat to mankind today; they can «accidentally» sterilize an entire generation of Europeans anytime if they want to, and I am sure they will too, some time in the near future. However, this is possibly not the greatest threat to mankind; there are similar and possibly even more secret threats to worry about….

In 1951 three men, Carl Djerassi, Louis E. Miramontes and George Rosenkranz invented oral contraceptive pills. By the early 1970ies they had made the use of such pills mainstream in Europe, and…. Europe changed because of this.

You see, these pills contain hormones, and hormones influence us a lot. The hormones influence the body, but perhaps even more importantly also the mind and the behaviour! As we know most of the women in Europe changed their behaviour a lot in the 1970ies, and have since then been – as seen by a traditional man – very strange. If you mess with a person’s hormones he or she will change, and probably not for the better.

If you know a woman who otherwise seems to be perfectly intelligent and capable, but who just doesn’t seem to understand the importance of race and honour, you can be pretty sure she is “on the pill”. The hormones in the oral contraceptive pills has contributed greatly to making her this way, and if she stops taking “the pill” she might well “grow a brain” overnight and become a lovely, intelligent, reasonable, open-minded and child-loving woman again. Just like she probably was before she started taking “the pill”.


Oral contraceptive pills are designed by three non-Europeans, at least two of them with a traditional hatred for Europe and everything European, and “the pill” could well be seen as a tool in their ongoing European genocide, a post-WWII means to sterilize the European female population. They even make a lot of money selling these pills to these duped women. It was designed to make all our women completely mad – messed up by the hormones in the pills they take almost every single day of their adult lives! My experience is that there is no way to put any reason into the head of the average modern European woman, no matter how intelligent she is, and “the pill” might well be the reason for this. Until you take her off “the pill” she will for sure remain an infertile, feminist, promiscuous and left-wing zombie working actively to aid the enemies of Europe in their European genocide.

If you are a woman don’t for anything in the world take oral contraceptive pills, or any other things containing hormones that will mess with your body and head. Stay healthy, in body and mind. Stay European. If you don’t want children at this point in your life simply take the consequence of that and behave like women are supposed to do: keep your legs crossed, and keep them crossed until you find a man with good genes and marry him! If you want to be “liberated”, then first of all liberate yourselves from the destructive influence you come under when you take oral contraceptive pills.

The thing that scares me the most about this is the fact that nobody forces women to take these pills. They take them of their own free will, without any apparent thought about the consequences. Alas! Have European women no more sense than that? A few feminist ideas and almost every European woman out there poisons and sterilizes herself of her own free will, and even pays for it herself. This really has to stop! Tell all the girls and women you know about the adverse effects of such pills! Those who take such pills are not themselves any more! HailaR WôðanaR!

“Oral Contraceptive Pills”, alias “Chemical Sterlilization”. 


About shooting yourself in the Foot


The last month has been turbulent, for me but also and I guess in particular for my pregnant wife. Some days after the post where I talked about how I hope to be charged with racism three polite French policemen showed up at my door, with a letter to me. They were not from the Gendarmerie that we with pleasure often see here in the countryside, nor were they from DCRI, but from the Police aux Frontieres, a special branch of the Police Nationale. Yes, you might wonder what the border police was doing in Limousin, in central France, far away from the border, but some of you probably already understand why; «they» now wants to expell me from France – for «spreading racism», for «being a part of the most extreme right-wing movement» and for «encouraging people to use violence» (?!). According to the letter I am «a potential threat to the national security of France».

This naturally came because they don’t want to charge me for spreading racism; doing so would mean that I would be able to express popular opinioins and facts about the subjects in public, and «some people» really really don’t want that. This also comes because my wife is taking legal actions to get her right to own weapons again, and is also planning to take other legal actions, and this would of course be very difficult if we were not in France… or if we have no money left to do this as well, after having spent it all on legal aid to make sure that I would not be expelled.


Well, I think this is just great. If being a racist, a «right wing extremist» and encouraging others to with legal means (yeah, I know: I only encouraged people to use legal means…) resist the European genocide qualifies a foreigner in France to be expelled, then think about all the others who now can be expelled from France! This must be a change in immigration policy in France! I am intrigued: will we now see them finally expell the millions of Muslims who think it is their religious duty to either convert us to their faith or kill us if they fail? Who encourages to and also often uses violence in their struggle? Will we see them expell the hundreds of thousands of Jews, who not only think of all others as being here on Earth only to serve them as human cattle, but who also so openly express their racism in all other ways? They according to sources I have spoken to even have their own violent terrorist groups here in France, sponsored by Mr. Valls’ department, banned amongst other places in Israel (but of course not in Socialist France…)!

Now, some of these extremists already have a French citizenship, so I guess France will only expell those who have not, or perhaps those who have dual citizenship as well, but still: this is a very interesting move, from Mr. Valls’ department…


But… actually, as I see this I can now publically defend myself against the accusations of racism after all, and express my popular opinions and facts about this subject in Brive la Gaillarde, the 10th of September 2013, at 09:30, when the case is to be discussed in a court of law open to the public (Salle de la bibliotheque, Tribunal de grande instance de Brive, Boulevard du Marechal Lyautey, 19312 BRIVE LA GAILLARDE). Merci beaucoup, Mr. Valls! I appreciate it.

Life is what we make of it. I am becoming more and more satisfied with my life. I must be doing something right… HailaR WôðanaR!

About Justice


Français. MagyarСрпски.

For some reason I have always been a magnet to what ordinary people would call «problems» or even «trouble». Ever since kindergarten I fought other kids and forcefully objected to much of what the authorities did or said, often with very negative consequences for myself. After kindergarten I ended up attending an Iraqi public school in Baghdad for one year, and of course this didn’t change anything; I fought other kids there too, and was no less in opposition to the authorities. Back home in Soviet Norway the story continued; I was fighting other kids and objecting to much of what the teachers said or did. The explanation for this was at the time that I had an over-developed sense of justice, and reacted to all injustice done to myself or to others, and even on behalf of others when they themselves did not dare to speak up for themselves. Some would say I was courageous, because I fought older kids too – much older kids – but I am sure many would just call me stupid instead. The teachers for sure hated me. Now, I was always afraid when I fought others, but I failed to let the fear or perhaps reason take hold of me. I also always felt sorry for the kids I beat up, even – and in fact in particular – older kids. One of the worst (and in a sense also best) memories I have in my life was the time when I was in the 4th grade and beat up two 6th grader bullies at the same time. The other kids thought it was cool, and I was celebrated for this, but at the expense of the two beaten, humiliated and crying 6th graders.

In junior high school the story continued, but by then the teachers explained it by the fact that I was arrogant; intolerant towards the weakness of others and incapable of hiding my contempt for those who – as I saw it – deserved it. In other words; I was too honest for my own good, and I guess some would say that I was too stupid not to express my opinion when I should have understood that it would lead to me getting into trouble. But I knew that perfectly well, and why should I be afraid to get into trouble? Isn’t injustice worse when ignored, than when you perhaps have to suffer to have it corrected? I thought so. I think so. To any true European the pain of others is often much worse to bear than your own pain.

Today some would perhaps say that I am socially inept, but I object to that idea, because I know perfectly well what others feel and how they will react to what I do or say, but… I don’t care. Inflicting emotional or even physical pain unto others is not always a bad thing, and justice is always more important than the petty feelings of individuals. In fact, inflicting pain unto others is often the only solution, the only way to wake them up, to force them into taking a stand, to make them do what is right, or at least to make them think for a second.

I never say anything to provoke, but I do provoke to say something.”

The trouble I get into myself when I fight for the truth, for justice and for a future for Europe is something I welcome; this is a sacrifice I am willing to make. In fact, this is a sacrifice I am unable not to make, because I am European in mind, spirit and body, and to be European is to be Just and Honest – and Proud too. The self-sacrificial will of the European man is in fact egotistical, because this is what brings him Fame and Honour, and he knows this, cultivates this and benefits from this in the long run.

Chivalry; the European (Pagan) Spirit surviving into Christian Times, not because of but in spite of Christianity:


The evils of our world is but an opportunity for the European man to gain Honour, from bravely fighting these evils. Let us do so, all of us (by legal means, of course). The first to fall is the luckiest one. The one most hated by our enemies is the bravest. The one most lied about is the one who most efficiently and fearlessly spoke the Truth! Our brave and honourable forebears are here with us, not fighting alongside us, but fighting themselves – because we are them! Honour prevails! Justice prevails! Europe prevails! Hail Ôðinn! For Fame and Glory! HailaR WôðanaR!


Letters from Sodom



Apparently the newspapers in France know before my lawyer and I do that I am after all going to be charged with spreading racism and (according to some newspapers) also for apology of war crimes (?), the 17th of October this year in Paris – one week after I will be expelled from France, if «they» get their will through. I guess this means that they already know they are not going to succeed with their expulsion. Either that or they are not very bright. Or both, actually.

I will not say much about how I am going to defend myself, if I indeed will be charged with this (although we can assume by now that I will), but I will assure you all that I am well preparred to defend myself and will of course do so with full force. Thanks to your kind donations I will probably even be able to do so as well. A good European should of course never shy away from a good and just fight, and it warms my heart to see how many I have on my side in this. I am in good spirit and look forward to this as much as many of you do. In the current situation I can of course not at all garantee a victory for us, but that naturally does not scare me one bit or take away my determination to enter this fight with full force. The bigger the chance for total failure and huge losses, the more honour to gain from entering the fight.

Many things suggest that the legal system in France is actually not controlled by rotten politicians and their dirty money though. You see, those who do everything they can to harm my family seems to be scared senseless by the prospect of us using the apparently uncorrupted French legal system against them, and that is the reason why they are doing this; trying to expell me, charging me with spreading racism etc. They are even illegally holding back the documents that will enable me to take legal actions to get my right to own weapons back. The have used their power to close our bank account, to close our PayPal account (and also prevent us from ever getting a new account), and in effect by doing so take away our opportunity to make money from selling the «ForeBears» DVD, at least temporarily. The cases against me are probably motivated by a wish to drain us of all the resources we have, and to make us unable to take legal actions against them for their crimes against us. I am sure they do not expect to win any of the cases against us. They are probably scared. And they should be. They have gone way too far, and deserve to be held accountable for this in a court of law.

I hope you all will, like I am going to do, use this for all it is worth, for our struggle against the European genocide. The wind is turning in our favour. Raise the sails, fellow vikings, from all over Europe, and (using only legal means, of course) sack the Sodom they have created, under the cross, the crescent and the star of David, on our sacred Pagan soil! HailaR WôðanaR!


Breivik & the Mainstream Media



The mainstream medias are still doing their best to make me look like a Breivik sympathizer, some of them even claiming I will be charged with “apology for war crimes” because I according to them have “supported the actions of Breivik“. 

A quick Google search will reveal that I have not supported Breivik’s hideous crimes (that are not war crimes anyhow, by the way). In fact I have attacked him for this repeatedly. The question here is not whether or not the journalists, reporters and their “experts” know this or not, they probably do: the questions is why they are reiterating their coward lies and keep spreading their petty slander.

So who benefits from this? Who are they working for? You tell me…

Or let this gentleman answer that question for us all:




Our European culture (i. e. the pre-Christian culture in Europe) stems from the European man’s racial peculiarities. It is penetrated by our peculiar lawfulness, our peculiar sense of honour, our peculiar kindness, our peculiar sense of justice et cetera. I am not saying that others don’t have such characteristics, but our such characteristics are peculiar to us – just like their their such characteristics are peculiar to them. Their and our characteristics are different from each other, just like we are physically different from them; they too have hair, but our hair is different from theirs; they too have eyes, but our eyes are different from theirs; they too have skin, but our skin is different from theirs. This however is not a bad thing; it just adds to the diversity of mankind. I strongly oppose everything that seeks to destroy this diversity, just like I strongly oppose everything that seeks to destroy the diversity in the flora and fauna of our wonderful planet.


This is the reason why I so strongly oppose the Abrahamic religions, who all seek to destroy this diversity, either by turning all non-Jews into «human cattle» serving the Jews or by forcing a Muslim or Christian faith on everyone, thus destroying their native religion and culture. The Abrahamic religions are all serious threats to the diverity of mankind and are all actively seeking to destroy it.

Cultures already almost completely destroyed by Abrahamic Religions:

The Afghan culture

The Baltic culture

The Basque culture

The Berber culture

The British (i. e. the Pictish, Welsh and Irish) culture

The Dacian/Thracian culture

The Ethiopian culture

The Finnish culture

The Gaulish culture

The Greek culture

The Iberian culture

The Ilyrian culture

The Indian (i. e. Indus Valley) culture

The Latin (i. e. Italian) culture

The Mesoamerican cultures

The North American cultures

The Nubian culture

The Persian culture

The Philipinian culture

The Scandinavian (i. e. «Germanic») culture

The Scythian (i. e. «Slavic») culture

The Somali culture

The South American cultures

The Tuareg culture

et cetera, et cetera….

It is about time we (using legal means) stop this genocide and restore diversity on our planet! Peoples of the Earth; revive all Pagan faiths! HailaR WôðanaR!

Related post here.

From Children and Drunk People….and Frenchmen


If you know French you should watch these videos, by Alain Soral.

I think they might have wanted to expell him from France too. Unfortunately for them he is French…

The European Rites



Many ask me for advice on how to do this or that in a Pagan way: «How do we marry the European way?» or «How do we celebrate this-or-that High Festival the European way?» and so forth. I can not answer all these questions, I am but a single person with limited time at my disposal (in this life, anyhow…), but I do my best, and first I wrote a book, «Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia», dealing amongst other subjects about this, and right now I am working to finish MYFAROG, a pen-and-paper roleplaying game, where 19 pages of the AIO rulebook is dedicated to the High Festivals and different rituals. Naturally there will be some RPG terminology and to most people irrelevant information in the chapter dealing with this, and it is all explained in a peculiar light, but it will still explain to a very large degree how I believe our forebears did these things.


In «Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia» I describe much of the same, but I have failed to separate between the oldest and the youngest Pagan customs. Originally our forebears didn’t believe in gods and goddesses, but in nameless spirits, and when at one point these spirits were anthropomorphised and turned into deities the customs changed a bit, and today we often fail to understand anything about them because we fail to separate between the often contradicting oldest and the younger customs. In MYFAROG however I do that, and feel that I am able to present to the readers a very rare insight into the customs of our forebears. Those who read the chapter about the High Festivals will not only learn about the High Festivals, but will also understand so much else about our own culture, of traditions we have today, of rites and customs we still have, and the Pagan influence on Christianity – in particular Catholicism and the Orthodox branch – will be gleamingly clear. The Pagan nature and origin of Chivalry will become no less clear, and you will gain a new foundation on which to stand when you read our fairy tales and mythology.

For you to make any sense of it all I have included a PDF with the old calendar as well.

These, ladies and gentlemen, are our old High Festivals. Enjoy. HailaR WôðanaR!

The Calendar

The High Festivals


PS. To anyone interested in my pen-and-paper RPG I can tell that MYFAROG will be published, hopefully later this year, but probably not until 2014, and I will sell it and promote it commercially.  

Forever Young


Mankind is not a static entity; mankind has changed a lot since the Old Stone Age. Not just because of evolution, and indeed not even mainly because of evolution, but because of hybridisation – something we more commonly simply call ”race mixing”, or even “the mixing of species”.

The modern European man is a hybridised being; he is mainly still a Neanderthal (on average 99.7%), but he has some African (i. e. homo sapiens) genes too (on average 0.3%). This mixing occurred probably during the Ice Ages, when some of these proto-Europeans were driven south by the extreme cold in Europe, and there (in the Middle East and in North-Eastern Africa) they met the physically and intellectually much weaker proto-Africans. Most likely the proto-Europeans killed the proto-African adults, but not the children, and every now and then they adopted a surviving African child out of pity (a trait still very strong in Europe). On rare occasions these adopted children were allowed to mate, and because they were of different species only the female offspring was fertile. On rare occasions the mixed blood survived for more than a few generations, and when it did their African DNA was taken up in the tribes of the proto-Europeans, and was eventually fairly evenly distributed amongst them.

When these mixed proto-Europeans returned to Europe – after about 120.000 years of Ice Age – they brought these genes with them, and the African DNA was thus further distributed in the European populations. The further north, the fewer individuals with African genes survived, because they were after all not at all an advantage in Europe, and thus Europe was left with a population fairer, blonder and more blue-eyed the further north you come.

Everyone in Europe today has some African DNA, and this changed the European man. Most obviously he became physically much weaker and his brain shrunk – because the size and shape of the skull changed. He is largely the same, but these small changes in the European man had a lot to say in relation to most things.

Some see these changes as positive, because they most likely led to the creation of civilisation, of high culture and high tehcnology. Others see these changes as negative, because they led to a long list of health issues and even mental issues for the modern European man. Most likely almost all problems we have that are related to our nerve system and almost all autoimmune problems are a direct result of this. The metaphysical despair, and probably almost all other mental problems modern Europeans in particular suffer from are a result of this. If you want to know more about this you can read the posts on atala.fr.

I will return to the topic of civilisation, of high culture and high tehcnology, though, and try to explain why this happened because of the mixing of species. You see, there is an apparent paradox here: the more intelligent proto-Europeans did not create any civilisations, any high culture or high technology that we know of (although that might be the only problem in this context; we just don’t know of it today. It might well have existed), but the less intelligent mixed Europeans did. If the unmixed proto-Europeans were more intelligent then why didn’t they do this?

We think very highly of civilisation, high culture and high technology today, and sort of measure the brilliance of a race by how advanced it is in relation to this. I have previously suggested that perhaps they were so intelligent they chose not to create these things, because they knew of or understood the adverse effects they had and how things would go wrong if they did. There is perhaps another explanation to this though…

We are born infants, then we are children for some time before we become adolescents, and finally adults. When we were proto-Europeans (remember; i. e. Neanderthals) our skulls changed when we became adolescents. Neanderthal children had the exact same skulls as modern European children do; our forebears didn’t develop the well-known Neanderthal facial features until they became adults. Today the European man never does; so in a sense he remains an adolescent.

Young women are supposed to be attractive to men, in order to be able to choose between many men to find the one she thinks is the best for her, and then when she has done so she is supposed to grow up and raise her children and focus on her family instead. Modern women are obsessed with their own beauty even decades after they are married and have had their children, and keep trying to be attractive to other men, because they never actually grow up. The mixing of species has led to them not developing as they should, so they never develop their adult skulls.

Young men are supposed to impress young women, with their skills, their strength, their crafts and their courage, in order to be chosen by the best women, and when they are they are chosen by one they are supposed to grow up and provide for their families whatever they need; food and security in particular. Modern men never stop trying to impress women, even decades after they have been chosen by a woman, because they never actually grow up. The mixing of species has led to them not developing as they should, so they never develop their adult skulls.

The consequences to this are many, but let us for now at least focus on how this led to the creation of civilisation, of high culture and high tehcnology, and first and foremost in those areas where the hybridisation had been most widespread; in Southern Europe, in the Middle East and North-Eastern Africa.

In the less hybridised areas of Europe the men grew up more and for longer than in the more hybridised areas, and even into historic times the men in Northern, Eastern and Western Europe actually became real adults, with real adult proto-European facial features and skulls (and thus brains). So the women in these areas were less “slutty” – as discussed by Cornelius Tacitus in hos book Germania – and the men less childish.

Gallic coin. Image of man withNeanderthal facial feature. 


In the more hybridised areas of Europe, which genetically speaking includes the Ancient Egyptians, and we assume also the Sumerians, the men kept competing for the favour of the women throughout their lives. Because the men never really grew up and became adults they always tried to impress the women with what they did even after they had grown old and wiser; their art and architecture became more and more impressive. Everyone wanted to show off with whatever they did, to impress the most attractive women, and if one did something great the others wanted to do even better than him – all in order to impress the equally immature women, who in turn kept doing their best to be attractive to all men. In order to keep doing so the men needed new techniques and new ideas, and when old and wise they were able to create new techniques and come up with these new ideas, and that would explain the birth of civilisation and high culture in these areas.

With time the African DNA broke down the Northern, the Eastern and the Western Europeans as well and turned them into such creative and childish men too, and eventually Europeans developed high technoloogy – and because of that our world is now heading into an environmental disaster, with high tech enabling mankind to grow too numerous and produce too much that is made from the limited resources we have here on our planet…

The proto-Europeans developed technology too; spears, javelins, bone flutes and much else, but they had the wits not to go too far. They knew when to stop, and because of that lived in harmony with nature. The “primitive” Neanderthal Europe lasted several hundred thousand years. How long will the “advanced” high tech Europe last do you think? HailaR WôðanaR!

Related video!

When Children cry


My 2.5 year-old daughter has not had a single night of normal sleep ever since the 16th of July this year, when the interior ministry misused the French secret police to terrorize my family, most likely for personal gain. During the day she clings to her mother as if her life depends on it, and in the evening Marie spends at least an hour, and some times as much as three or even four hours, in order to make her sleep. My daugther is all of a sudden afraid of the dark. Afraid to be alone. Afraid to sleep in her bed. Afraid to be away from her mother. She wakes up often and for nothing, and starts to cry. She also talks about how the police tried to “destroy our home” (as she puts it), when they shoot our front door open and forced their way in – for no good reason whatsoever.

A few weeks ago my now 6 year-old son started to cry when I talked outside the house to a journalist working for a Russian website, and he eventually became hysterical, because he thought it was the police and that they were going to take me away again.

One night when there was a hailstorm all three of our children woke up, screaming and crying, because they thought it was the police, who was here to arrest their parents again.

Naturally this is nothing comparred to what the children of many others have to endure; the children of the many Frenchmen living in the suburbs often (!) experience that “youth” harass, rob, stab and rape their parents, break into their homes, burn their cars and smash their furniture. There is no police there to protect them. They are banned from entering. No firefighters or medical workers either. They are all chased away by the “youth” – some times at gunpoint.

The “youth” of France

J015_France-riots02Youth-riot-in-FranceFRANCE VIOLENCEparis riots3

Maybe, Mr. Valls, you should use the secret police, and other police forces too, to help the Frenchmen living in these horrible suburbs, instead of making them terrorise innocent families living peacefully in the countryside, and instead of making them spend their days at work writing speeding tickets, in an attempt to make motorists pay even more to minimize the deficits of the nation’s budget? (But you can afford to attack Syria, it seems…)

Policemen here in Europe, and at least in Western and Northern Europe, are almost always good, brave, just and self-sacrificial in their duty, and they pretty much all became policemen to do good, to help others, to protect their communities and I think also to be looked up to. They do what the knights did in the Middle Ages, what the King’s Guardsmen did in the Pagan past. They want to be allowed to do what policemen are supposed to do. Why don’t you let them?

My daughter is still not sleeping, at 00:22, and she is lying on the floor, on a carpet, next to her mother, doing her best not to fall asleep. She refuses to lie in her bed, or in our bed. She wants to be with her mother. She is afraid. Like so many European children are today, because of politicians who misuse their power because they have a special agenda of their own – in absolute conflict with the interests of the European peoples.

I know the police, and the army too, is between a rock and a hard place, and I understand that things have to become even worse before they do something about this, but I believe that they will serve justice when the time comes, when the time is right, and they will because of that again be looked upon by us all as the good guys, as knights, as heroes. HailaR WôðanaR!

The police in spirit


When the Media fails…

Per aspera ad astra


First of all some appropriate music.

Fellow Europeans; you have to make sacrifices and work hard to keep the good in life, in your land and culture and in your body and mind too. The tradition-religion of our forebears was a system to achieve this, a system that had been created hundreds of thousands of years ago, and that had ever since been improved and perfected for optimal effect.


When the European Neanderthals (i. e. the original Europeans) started to mix with (the African) homo sapiens, from about 100.000 years ago and onwards, the need for such a system grew dramatically, even though the mixing at the time occurred very seldomly and to a very little degree. The adverse effects of this mixing of species were many, significant and dramatic. What had been a steady uphill walk became a dangerous climb up the side of a steep cliff – and when the European man lost his grip he fell, far and long, and he is still falling and falling

Ladies and gentlemen of Europe: it is of utmost importance that we end our fall and start to climb again, collectively. Cast the Jewish faith – Christianity — into the abyss, where it belongs, and reclaim your European heritage! Falling might be more easy and comfortable for now, but unless you start to climb you will soon hit the ground – and I can assure you that this will not be comfortable.

I wish to dedicate this post to the memory of the unnamed and unarmoured Norwegian (i. e. Pagan) warrior, wielding an axe, who according to the Anglo-Saxons sources killed 40 Christian warriors on the Stamford bridge inn 1066. He is surely amongst us still today. Heroes never die. They only change bodies. HailaR WôðanaR!


If you want to know more about the European traditions and religion I recommend that you find some time to read the posts linked to below. If you are not Scandinavian I strongly advice you to read this first of all. 

Beyond the River Ifing.

The Vanir & the Æsir.

The Lord of the Elves.

Divine Light.


Guardian Elves.

Valhalla awaits.

The Vibrations of the Universe.

The Sacred Dance.

The Sacred Marriage.

The Apples of Eternal Youth.

The Line & the Circle.

I trow I hung on that windy Tree.

Rune Lore.

Yggdrasill & the Sacred Wells of Wisdom.

BalðuR – the Shining White God of Enlightenment.

The Maiden of the Labyrinth.

The Key & the Light.

Divine Light II.


The Genealogy of the Deities.

The Rhythm of the Universe.



Rangers of the Pagan Forest.

The European Rites.

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