Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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Heathens of Vinland


Some videos have no meaningless violence, no meaningless nudity, no extramarital sex, no African music, no vulgar language and no race mixing… so you will never see them on TV. Here is one such video:

This one is from the blog “Heathens of Vinland” and is made by William G.

We have a golden opportunity these days, to turn our little creek into a wild stream, running exactly where it used to run, in the days of yore. We don’t even need to recreate our past, because it is already here and has always been here, in our blood. We have been under attack for a very long time, but our blood and soil is still here. We are still Europeans, so nothing has been lost. Yet. HailaR WôðanaR!

Show Wotan to the people, and Wotan will be lit in its soul.” (Carl G. Jung)

The Wizards of Oz


My wife and I are somewhat disillusioned these days. We only wanted to become as self-sufficient as we possibly could, and also be preparred for the worst, but…. The police (under orders from «French» politicians pretending there was a link between me and some Zionist loser) breached our front door and arrested us, and because of that both of us are now banned from legally possessing any type of arms. After we had been cleared of any suspicions they just handed us a paper telling us about this. No judges, no evidence for anything, no crimes committed by us, no hearings or anything at all was needed for them to do this. They just did, because my wife and I had been arrested for terrorism without any valid reason. Perhaps worst of all: they knew they didn’t have a valid reason to arrest us before they did!

I am very sorry to tell that Orwell’s «1984» is already here. We live in extremely suppressive dictatorships, using terror against their own citizens as a means to suppress all dissent; they use terror to take away our resolve to resist, they use the police forces originally intended to protect us from criminals like them to disarm and harass us, they use their banking system to enslave us, they use their bogus «democracy» to dupe us into thinking we have influence, they use their entertainment industry and educational system to distract us and turn our attention away from their crimes and to brainwash us. They use everything they can get away with to make sure they will be allowed to keep milking us until there is nothing left of us. Until Europe is dead. Then they will move on to their next victim; to a new host. And they believe it is perfectly okay for them to do so, as if they were some sort of «chosen people» with a God-given right to enslave, rape, torture, abuse, kill, lie to, rob, steal from and destroy all others on this planet…

Just about everything can be used as a weapon, so I am not worried about that part: we will be able to defend ourselves anyhow. I am not afraid to express my opinions after this either: they have only made me – and so many others too – understand how important it is to do so. Obviously something I have said must have hit a nerve with them. Obviously something I have said made them afraid. Obviously they are vulnerable and afraid to be exposed to the public.

I think that is all we need to defeat them; expose them! Tell the truth about them and what they do, and they will fall from power. They use terror to make us think that they have total control and all power, but they don’t. They only want to make us believe they do. In reality the police, the military, the media institutions, the educational system and every other state institution are crowded with people who disagree with them and what they do, who sabotage them and what they do and who only wait for an excuse to topple their rotten regimes – by simply using the law to arrest them for their crimes.

They know this, and that’s why they are so afraid of individuals who speak the truth about them. Like I have recklessly done for a long time already. Like I will keep doing cunningly as long as there is breath in me. A time comes when they will have to answer for their crimes in front of the peoples they have leeched on. HailaR WôðanaR!


Very bad news: Monsanto buys Blackwater


Reblogged from Vinland Heritage:

Click to visit the original post

Dear pagan readers,

It is not common for me to share this kind of news on Vinland Heritage but the nature of this news is so unsettling that I decided to make an exception:

A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater (later called Xe Services and more recently “Academi”) clandestine intelligence services was sold to the multinational Monsanto.

Read more… 1,544 more words

Generation Treason


One of the most common experiences I have when out with the wife and kids is to see 50-70 year-old women express contempt for my wife and children. These short- and often red haired women clearly express their hatred and anger over the fact that my wife has been rude enough not to take advantage of the many «liberties» they – the feminist boomers – fought so hard for. Instead she has chosen to become a traditional wife and mother. The same women glow from joy when they see «multi-cultural» children, and express this clearly too. They are so happy to see those little brown kids, with curly hair and everything.

Thankfully, this group of boomer women are the only ones I see react this way. Older women, younger women and men of all ages, even the boomer men (in particular when they are alone…), react completely differently. They clearly express their joy over seeing young blonde women with many blonde children, and also tell us how beautiful they think it is with blonde hair and blue eyes. In particular older women often stop my wife to tell her that she is a real women.

The boomer women seem to be completely messed up, in so many ways, so the boomer men are at first glance better, but they too have a serious flaw: they seem to be terrible weak, coward and simply spineless. They never speak up against injustice. They never go against the will of their short-haired anti-European wives. They just bow their heads and accept… everything. Europe is falling, but they do nothing, because their messed up wifes don’t want them to.

These boomers, that I like to call «the traitor generation», has been heavily bribed by the rulers of Europe post WWII, and did nothing for so long to prevent Europe from being taken over by our worst enemies. They accepted their bribes and acted like this:


If you are new to the concept of boomers, feel free to familiarize yourself with it from this:


Not everyone age 50 to 70 are boomers, and certainly in Eastern Europe this phenomena is probably largely unknown, but a huge number of them are. They think they know best, always, but in reality they must be the most ignorant and coward generation to ever walk on European soil. To us, to those who fight for Europe, they are not just a huge problem, but possibly one of the biggest problems we have. They are our parents or grand parents, but they actively sabotague our efforts; figuratively speaking they shoot us in the back when we charge to fight the enemy. They manipulate and try to control us as best they can, and they seem to always do this to stop us from fighting for Europe. They do their best to take away our few resources, to report us to the authorities if they think we have done anything illegal, to spread lies about us behind our backs and so forth.

We, their children and grand children, must man up and fix what these traitors have destroyed. We owe the future generations. We must do everything we can, using all the legal means we have available.

Show the boomers the respect they deserve. At best they stood idly by when our enemies were allowed to rot Europe from within. Ignore what they say. Do the opposite of what they advice you to. Show no mercy; let them die alone and from old age in the fancy old people’s homes they built for themselves, at the expense of their children. They get what they deserve. HailaR WôðanaR!

Lie Propaganda I


There is not a single contemporary source claiming or in any way suggesting that the so-called Vikings raped anybody during the Viking Age. Not one single source!

images (22) images (17) images (16)

However, in the centuries following the Viking Age we all of a sudden saw a number of Judeo-Christians claiming this, and all the anti-Scandinavian propaganda that we today call «history» is naturally not based on the contemporary sources, but instead and solely on this obviously inaccurate Judeo-Christian lie propaganda.

Remember this the next time anybody suggests the «Vikings» were rapists. Remember also that everything else negative they say about Scandinavians, of any age, is based not on facts, not on reality, but on their hatred for everything European. HailaR WôðanaR!

Related post here.

Lie Propaganda II



South-Europeans often think of other Europeans as primitive, as savages, «barbarians», and see their own marvellous architecture, advanced science and beautiful art as proof of the superiority of their forebears. I am not going to discredit them in any way or claim that their ancient civilisations weren’t fantastic, but I will try to explain something about the «barbarians» that many don’t seem to know these days.

First of all, the art of Gallia, Dacia, Germania, Britannia, Scandinavia etc. was no less beautiful or difficult to produce than the art of Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece. It was in no way inferior. Here are some examples:

images (19) Bronze_age_weapons_Romania (1) Oseberg_Wagon Oseberg_ship_head_post OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA439px-Romano-Celtic_mirror_(Desborough) 800px-Britishmuseumsnettishamgreattorc

The science of «barbarian» Europe was no less advanced either, although they were often experts in other sciences than the Romans or Greeks were. E. g. the «barbarians» had surgical tools for advanced medical surgery, they had herbal lore offering remedies for just about any and every potential illness or injury, some of them had advanced navigational skills and they all had great knowledge in astronomy. Further, much of what the South-Europeans knew they actually learned from these «barbarians». E. g. the mails (lorica hamata) worn by the Romans were invented by the Gauls! Their helmets too were copies of Gaulish helmets. Their long sword (the spatha) was a copy of the Gaulish (often «antenna») swords. If the «barbarians» were so savage, then why did the civilised South have to learn so much from them?

Most of what we know about Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece survived, because they wrote down everything, but elsewhere in Europe the older oral tradition was still more alive, and this meant that all the philosophy and much of the science of the «barbarians» was lost when Europe was Christianized. The sages of «barbarian» Europe were in the most cowardly ways possible murdered by the Judeo-Christians, the last ones as late as the 18th century, accused of «devil worship». When they died so did much of the European cultural and scientific heritage.

There is more to this though. Something that often passes by above the heads of most scholars and laymen. E. g. why did the South-Scandinavian (i. e. «Germanic») tribes not use proper armour? Were they that primitive? They didn’t even have armour?!


The Scandinavians and Britons («Picts»), and also many of the Gauls at the time went into battle completely naked, only protected by a shield and their weapon – and often war paint too. They didn’t wear any armour because their cultures were uncorrupted, unlike the Roman and the Greek cultures at the time, by non-Euroepan influence, so they still had their strong belief in hamingja. More than worrying about winning, they wanted to make sure they lived and died honourably. When they went to war they didn’t put on any armour simply because they were not afraid to die and wanted to prove this to everybody. A perfectly logical thing to do for an uncorrupted Pagan. Wearing armour was to them proof that you were afraid to die! Cowardice!

Death is today seen as something horrible, the end to all, but death was not seen that way by our Pagan forebears. To them death was just «a change of bodies». If they lived and died honourably they would no matter what return to life, when new kinsmen were born into the tribe. It was much more important to live and die with honour than to survive at all cost.

Hâvamâl stanza 76:

Cattle die,

friends die,

you die the same way yourself;

but I know one thing

which never dies;

an honourable reputation.

In Julius Cæsar’s Gallic wars an estimated 1,000,000 Gauls died. Most of them were children and women, butchered by the Roman legionaires, but why were they butchered? Many were enslaved too, of coruse, but why do you think so many chose to die instead of surrendering? The reason is of course that they were Pagans. Not influenced by non-Europeans, like the Romans and Greeks were at the time, but truly and purely European/Pagan.

The buildings of «barbarian» Europe were made of wood for the most part, and those who survived the wear and tear of time were burnt to the ground by the Judeo-Christians. All traces of European culture was to be removed, burned and smashed to pieces.

Exodus 34:13

«Ye shall destroy their altars, break their images and cut down their groves

Notice that a cruficix has been carved into the forehead on most of these once Pagan statues; the symbol of those who destroyed them. All the images below are examples of Pagan art partly destroyed by Judeo-Christians.

aphrodite augustus germanicus livinia venusdm

They tried to do the same in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece too, by the way, but that was more difficult, because everything was made of stone, and the smashed stone statues and temples could often be repaired. Burnt wood on the other hand can not be repaired. We still have the remains of some wooden temples, like Woodhenge, and of course part stone and (originally) part wooden structures too, like Stonehenge, but even today, whenever such temples are discovered, they are immediately destroyed by the genocidal criminals dictating the politics of Europe. No European culture is to survive! Europe is to be destroyed at all cost, and Christianity is one of the tools they use to achieve this!

The other tools they designed for this purpsoe are of course feminism, «tolerance», capitalism, humanism, marxism/socialism, internationalism, multi-culturalism, «anti-racism», «democracy», liberalism, etc., etc., etc..

Only true «Europeanism», i. e. Paganism, the Ancient European religion and world view, can save Europe. So I say we hail the European deities! Each and every one of them: Hail and Joy! Let their Pagan light banish the Judeo-Christian darkness! HailaR WôðanaR!

The Fruits of Judeo-Christianity


FrançaisРусский. Italiano.

What do you think happened to Europe when the Judeo-Christians took over?

Here are some examples of what happened, in different areas. The text below has in its entirety been cut and pasted from this blog.


Stone buildings that had been built extensively for private and public purposes were now limited to military and ecclesiastical structures. Existing public buildings (forums, libraries, odeons, theatres, museums, stadia, hippodromes, circuses, schools, gymnasia, temples, baths, Roman amphitheatres etc.) were often vandalised or destroyed. Many building techniques were forgotten.


Where even the poor had been taught to read and write in pagan times, and the rich had been expected to build public schools, education became a Church monopoly, and was denied to all except prospective priests and sons of the rich. The syllabus was restricted to Christian indoctrination.


Dance was prohibited as pagan and tending to promote lust.


Democracy was condemned as un-Christian, since the Bible presupposed kingdoms.


Factual history was replaced by fabrications and propaganda (such as “legends”), except for sympathetic chronicles that did not reflect badly on the Church. Unsympathetic or objective histories were “lost”.


Law was converted from an instrument of justice to a system featuring trials by ordeal, frequently serving the interests of the Church and denying the principles of natural justice. Inequality was a fundamental principle of ecclesiastical law.


All literature, including the Bible, was banned to the population at large. The few who were allowed to learn to read were restricted to prayer books and Christian Legends presented as fact. Other books were generally destroyed or hidden away in monasteries.


This was limited within the Church to the arithmetic necessary to calculate the date of Easter. Otherwise it was treated with suspicion or hostility.


All medical progress was halted. Illness was considered to be a punishment for sin. Hygiene and public health were abandoned as unchristian.

Music & Singing

Music and singing were periodically restricted to Church music. Otherwise they were regarded as satanic. Classical opera died out under the Christian hegemony — it was re-introduced in the sixteenth century.

Natural history

The study of nature, popular in the ancient world, stagnated until the Enlightenment. Research was suppressed until then because the Church insisted on a literal interpretation of the Bible and its infallibility as a handbook of all world knowledge.

Painting and Art

All representation was first banned, then restricted to religious themes from the fifth century. Existing non-Christian art was destroyed. The rules of perspective, known in ancient times, were “lost” until rediscovered by Brunelleschi at the dawn of the Renaissance. In 1563, the Council of Trent confirmed Art as a conformist naturalistic propaganda tool.


A Church monopoly was established. The subject was then reduced to scholasticism. Existing philosophical works were destroyed. Genuine philosophers were censored, persecuted and sometimes killed. No significant progress (except by “heretics”) was to take place from the murder of Hypatia until Cosimo de” Medici revived ancient philosophy with his Platonic Academy in Florence.

Public Service

The charitable endowment of public buildings (schools, libraries, theatres, sports stadia, baths, horse racing cources, etc.) ceased almost completely when the Church enjoyed total control. Almost every village in Europe has a medieval church, generally built in better materials than any other local building. A vanishingly small number have comparable church built schools, hospitals or other useful public buildings. The first modern public library was founded by Cosimo de” Medici, “godfather” to the Renaissance.


Non-religious sculpture ceased to be produced. The best examples from antiquity were “lost”. Inferior material was produced for the Church, generally for propaganda purposes. Nothing comparable in quality to classical work was produced until the Renaissance.


Sports were suppressed, along with international sporting events. They were replaced by various kinds of animal torture and pastimes too local to be controlled by the Church.


Acting was banned, except for propaganda purposes: religious ceremonies, mystery plays and morality plays.

Public Health

Public baths, sophisticated aquaducts and sewers were all destroyed or allowed to fall into desuetude (the only exception being baths which were preserved in monasteries for the use of monks).


Streets and viaducts were used but not maintained. They survived into secular times only because they had been so well built

If you ever wondered, this is one of the reasons why I wrote posts like this and this. HailaR WôðanaR!

Alea iacta est


Français. Italiano.

At one point Europe as we know it or at least knew it will be lost forever, and when this happens it will be too late for the common man to change anything. He will be stuck in a multicultural pit of crime, a bog of misery where Europeans will be the minority – and he will suffer a life as a beaten, raped, abused, robbed, spat upon and scorned slave for the rest of his life. His children will suffer the same fate.

Europe has not yet crossed the Rubicon, to put it that way, and those pushing Europe into the dark pit are terrified of one thing in particular; they have been exposed before, in Europe and elsewhere too, and they know the consequences when individuals like them are exposed, so more than anything they fear exposure! They fear that the masses, the good and just majority that they have duped for so long, will get to know the truth about them, about their motivations and their agenda. They know the power of the people and fear its wrath.

For this reason they have banned the truth in Europe, and punish those who tell the truth as severaly as they can get away with. In Germany they even punish lawyers who try to defend those accused of breaking these hideous «laws». There is no justice for those who tell the truth about the European genocide; their carefully calculated, cynical and sinister plan to exterminate Europe, under the guise of «anti-racism», «humanism», «tolerance», «humanitarian aid», «cultural enrichment», «diversity», «multiculturalism» and other similar despicable lies.

They have not yet managed to ban all truthful expressions in relation to them and what they do though, and for this reason they also turn to other means to destroy their enemies. I have been an outspoken enemy of them for several decades now, and since January 2013 I began to expose them and their plans on this blog, Thulean Perspective, and because of that my my pregnant wife and I were arrested and held in custody for two or three days, accused of terrorism (!). They used some fictional link to a Zionist (!) mass-murderer as an excuse to arrest us, but even they knew that this was just an excuse to get us. Mis-using the police to shoot our front door open, to arrest us in front of our three small and scared children, to present us to the world as terrorists and to disarm us; they tried to terrorise us (and all others too) into submission.

But it is not over for us. Marie and I are facing new troubles. Not legal troubles. Nothing official. But a world of problems created by our enemies clandestinely (they do love to work in the shadows). You see, the enemies of Europe own the banks, so a few days ago Marie’s PayPal account was suddenly frozen for no good reason whatsoever. The woman working for PayPal didn’t understand anything either, when we asked her about this, and believed that it had to be a bug and should be fixed soon. It has not been fixed yet, several days later. Being paranoid by profession I saw what was coming, so I was not surprised when we today received a letter from our bank telling us that all our accounts in the bank will be closed. I suspect that finding a new bank in Hollande’s France might not be that easy for us… Unless we manage to find a new bank we will be left without any way to earn money, which of coruse is not very good for us.

Apparently we face these problems solely because of what I say on my blog; only because I expose them. If I was telling lies they would not worry, like they don’t worry when liars like Alex Jones and David Icke spew out their nonsense. They worry only because I tell the truth! We are dissidents in a dictatorship, a mafia system, posing as a «democracy». I expose them on my blog, so we are marked for financial destruction. Yes, they are crushing the economy of a perfectly lawful, tax-paying Norwegian-French family with three (soon four) small children, officially for no reason whatsoever…

Ironically the enemies of Europe expose themselves by their own behaviour, and they confirm everything that I and so many others too have said about these genocidal maniacs. Although it is a catastrophe to my family and me personally, this is a great victory for the Truth, and thus for Europe. Many Europeans will open their eyes to reality when they seee how these people behave in relation to us, only because I speak the truth on this blog.

Justice will prevail. I am not worried. HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. If my blog at one point disappears just look for a new blog on on burzum.org. 

Why Ôðalism?



Ôðalism is in the strictest sense an ideology based on blood (of the native population) and soil (the homeland of the native population); protecting, promoting and if necessary reviving the customs, traditions, world view, values and religion that naturally came from each particular population in their homeland. It can be applied to each and every people on this planet, and will also be different to each and every people on this planet, because they are in essence different from each other. Ôðalism promotes true diversity; respect for every people’s right to have their own unique culture in their own native homelands. Africa for Native Africans. America for Native Americans. Asia for Native Asians. Australia for Native Australians. Europe for Native Europeans. The human population of this planet will be rich only if we keep the diversity, and make sure that no human races are lost, either through interbreeding with other more numerous or dominant races or through other genocidal politics, such as feminism and colonisation.

Ôðalism is opposed to all forms of internationalism, be it universal faiths such as the Judeo-Christian religions or Marxist ideologies, because internationalism is a threat to the human diversity of our planet. Each religion, culture, customs, traditions and world view stem from the blood and soil of a particular people, and can not be made universal.

Ôðalism is advocating the repatriation of all non-Europeans in Europe as the solution to the genocidal politics lead by most European nations today – and also repatriation of all unmixed Europeans from the former European colonies. Because of the young age of the Native American population, going no more than 18,000 years back in time, and also because of the fact that the Native American population is a mix between Asians and Europeans, America is a special case and should be treated as such. If nothing else America should serve as an example of how colonisation leads to genocide and a huge loss to mankind; the American Natives are almost extinct today, and so is their beautiful and colourful culture.

There is not hatred for others in Ôðalism, only love for your own. There is no destruction of others in Ôðalism, only protection and preservation of what is your own. There is no plans for world supremacy in Ôðalism, only love for and a strong link to the soil of the forebears. There is no interventionism or aggression in Ôðalism, only respect for each and every people’s right to rule itself as it sees fit.

Ôðalism is not nationalism in a modern sense: each and every modern nation is a modern construct based on geography (where the borders have been drawn) and ethnicity (i. e. languages spoken) instead of racial – or if you prefer tribal – identities. The Ôðalic nationalism is based on race. E. g. to Europeans today the European race (and different sub-races) is the nation. The language spoken is completely irrelevant in relation to racial identities. 

Why the European Religion?



The native European religion, traditions, customs, culture and world view, is known in slightly different hues from all over Ancient Europe. This Pagan religion is the religion of our blood and soil, and like a mind can not be separated from the body this religion can not be separated from us; without it we will cease to be. Without it we will die, like we do today, because we don’t practise it. With the re-introduction of the European religion we will start to live like we did before, in harmony with ourselves and our environment, and be able to cultivate our racial peculiarities, known to have brought forth philosophy, mathematics, architecture, beautiful music, sculptures, paintings, poetry, medicine, astronomy and all sorts of technology.


The European religion promotes not some fictional otherworldly “Paradise” as the ultimate goal for each individual man, but instead the eternal life on the soil of the forebears, and immortality through Honour. There is no contempt for the Earth, no description of Earth as something you have to “endure” or “tolerate” until you can move on to something better. The European religion promotes the Earth and life on Earth as something good, valuable and meaningful, and holds the Honourable life as the highest ideal. Life is lived with the betterment of everything in mind, the preservation of the good and the promotion of Honour: the Honourable European Pagan lives his life knowing – or if you prefer believing – that he will himself be re-born by his own children or grand children after he has died, so he does his best to make life as good as possible for those who comes after him. He will not deplete any resources or chop down entire woods for profit, because he knows that he will himself need them in his next life. All he does well in this life will be to his own benefit in his next, and he will only be reborn if he lives and dies with Honour.


The European Religion is not just our religion; it is the quintessence of the European man! The mind and spirit of Europe! Without the European Religion the European man is like a computer without software (e. g. an Atheist), or with software that is not or only partly compatible with the hardware (e. g. Buddhist) or even with malicious software (like a virus) working to destroy everything inside (e. g. a Christian or Muslim). He is not working properly, if at all, and he will crash. Re-boot if you like, every time you crash, but be prepared to crash again and keep crashing until you remove all viruses and install the right software. You can. Everything you need is here, in the 30 oldest posts on this blog. HailaR WôðanaR!


Rangers of the Pagan Forest



The purpose of art has often been a subject of debate, but no matter what you think of the purpose of art today you have to acknowledge the fact that the original art had a purely sorcerous-religious function. All art produced, since the first art we know of was produced some 40,000 years ago, has been sorcerous-religious 99% of the time. Entartete Kunst («degenerated art») is a strictly modern pheonmenon. It is very kosher and known only from the last few centuries. Actually, only from year 1789 and onwards, and for reasons some of you might know already.

Art is not supposed to provoke you, to test the limits, to break taboos or anything like that. I will go as far as to claim that the sole original purpose of art is to serve as sorcery and/or to promote religious enlightenment. The bards travelled the land to inspire others, to initiate others, to enlighten others and to ensure the survival of the religious ideals in society – and in particular so in times of confusion, war and other troubles. All paintings, scultures, poems and plays too were especially designed for the same purpose. The ancient society was very much religious, because the religion was the glue that kept it harmonious and proseprous. The artists were like cleaners in a spiritual sense, and ensured that everything was kept nice, clean and tidy. No rubbish was allowed to pile up and soil the minds and spirit of the tribe.

So-called artists today are serving not as cleaners of the mind and spirit, but mainly – if not even exclusively – as soilers of the mind and spirit, and not only wallow in the rubbish of our world, but actually add to the piles of rubbish with their so-called art. They don’t inspire, instead they drag others down into the filthy bog they are in themselves. They don’t initiate, but degrade and pervert. They don’t enlighten, but confuse others. I am not going to give you any examples of such art, I don’t want to soil my blog and give any of you nightmares, but I am sure you know what I am talking about – or recognize such «art» (i. e. rubbish) when you see it.

Embracing art and rejecting degenerated art is not about narrow-mindedness, racism, xenophobia, «anti-semitism», hatred or anything like that. It is no different from embracing the street cleaners and rejecting those who throw garbage in the streets. We should not tolerate that others just throw their garbage around and soil our streets, and likewise we should not tolerate that others soil our minds and spirit with their degenerated art. We are better off without it.

So I would claim that if the piece of art does not inspire to greatness, if it does not teach you something profound, if it does not give you a sense of religious enlightenment, then it is – simply put – not art. It is instead rubbish and should be treated as such too. The “artist” producing the rubbish should not in any way be rewarded for this. 

To the many well-meaning artists out there, I wish to – on a professional basis, as a musician myself – advice you all to think over what you do. Do you follow an age-old bardic tradition of sorcerous-religous enlightenment through art, or do you dive into piles of shit and drag your audience with you into this shit as you present your «art» to them? Is your art a religious call to you, or is it just some sort of self-therapy for your own sick and twisted mind?

In our age true artists are persecuted, because they try to uphold something good in a society marked (by a tiny group with huge influence) for destruction, but I wish to say to all of you that you should not fear anything. Do not be afraid to produce politically incorrect art! You might fear a boycott, but why? Even if some boycott your art; so what? What do you have to lose? Are you afraid to end up like me, and have to spend a few nights in jail every now and then? Would that really be such a big deal? Isn’t your art worth that? If not, what is it worth?

Be a true artist, and spread art that will inspire, initiate and enlighten others. If you don’t you might as well stop trying to be an artist and do something else instead. If you don’t do this, then who else will? To do so is the purpose of the artist. To do so is the responsability of the artist! You – we – are the light of society, banishing the darkness that falls upon our world when the Sun sets in the West. Without you the cold darkness will smother our world, and leave a devastated wasteland when the Sun rises the next day. And it will you know. One day the invincible Sun will rise again in the East; it will banish the darkness and light up the shadows, melt the ice and revive our bodies – and also blind our enemies and expose them. Until then the true artists must keep the torch burning and guide our tribes safely through the perilous darkness; and keep the tribe spiritually and mentally intact. HailaR WôðanaR!


Harmony Reproduced



If you look at basically everything that was built in Classical Antiquity you will see that it was with very few exceptions made with care, with patience and will skill. Everything made was not just made to be functional and to last; it was also always decorative and often even educative. You could learn something just by looking at them; myths, proverbs, natural phenomena or local legends. Everything made was made with pride, by skilled craftsmen putting their love and honour into whatever they made – and their skills and honour was carried on from generation to generation.

Items of Classical Antiquity and Pagan Europe from the Dark Ages (the 5th to the 15th century): none of it made in a hurry for the sake of quick profit;

800px-Britishmuseumsnettishamgreattorc 439px-Romano-Celtic_mirror_(Desborough) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Bronze_age_weapons_Romania (1) images (19) images (2) téléchargement wp0add4198 800px-Olympia-ZeusTempelRestoration GriechTheater2  383px-Marcus_Aurelius_Glyptothek_Munich

This pre-Christian mentality survived for some time into the Dark Ages, but was eventually rooted out and cast aside when Judeo-Christianity managed to halt the return to Classical Europe; when the Renaissance was abruptly stopped by the Masonic Revolution in France in 1789. Not only did this put an end to classical art, but it also ended classical craftmanship. From then on more and more of what was made was instead made for the sake of profit. From then on former craftsmen were more and more replaced by slaves working in factories, under horrible conditions, solely to make profit for the factory owners.

I propose a return not only to classical religion and classical art, but also to classical craftmanship. Our future depends on it. HailaR WôðanaR!

Related post here




Dear European Policemen,

Our media is owned by enemies of Europe, our politicians are either enemies of Europe themselves or they are controlled by such, our entertainment industry is owned by the enemies of Europe, our educational system has been taken over by the enemies of Europe; and they are all instrumental in the genocide against Europe, that is being carried out by the enemies of Europe – e. g. by means of feminism and mass-immigration.

A genocide can be carried out in many ways; it can take form of brutal all-out massacres, like those carried out by Jews against Greeks on Cyprus in 117 CE and the Jews and Turks in the Armenian genocide in 1915, to the one carried out by Jewish and Russian Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union from 1918 and onwards by means of starvation and labour camps. Europe has been a victim of all sorts of genocides, but right now Europe is a victim of more or less silent and clandestine operations carried out by internationalists here in Europe, ever since the Christianization of Europe, but in particular in post-WWII Europe.

No matter how a genocide is being executed, it is as we all know a crime, according to both national and international law. It is your duty, as policemen, to arrest all individuals propagating for or in other ways participating in a genocide, such as the one Europe is suffering from as we speak. Not least should this be even in your own personal interest, as they are murdering your own peoples, your own European race.

According to the Nüremberg trials of 1945 and 1946 officers of the law can not hide behind their orders if ordered to in any way participate in a genocide. It is according to these trials your right and duty to refuse to carry out such orders.

We, the European people, trust you, believe in you, rely on you and need you.

Respectfully yours,

Varg Vikernes     




Through entertainment and news I have seen so much negative about Russians that I feel a need to clear my mind a bit. Please join me in my little attempt to forget at least some of the anti-Russian lies I have been fed with all my life, and watch this 5-minute video with me;


The Bolsheviks started this anti-Russian lie-propaganda, that we are still fed with here in the West, and I think it is time we stop this and refuse to listen to them and their lies. Hail Svarog! 

Untouchable Anarchists


«Extremists» like myself are persecuted by the police, by the authorities and by the media, because we shamelessly express our love for everything good and European. They want none of that! They don’t want such «extremist» ideas to spread and ruin their plans to exterminate Europe, lock stock and barrel.

There is a group of real extremists here in Europe, who just like the authorities work for the destruction of Europe, of each and every European nation and its culture, by means of violence. In fact they are even supported financially by the governments of Europe. They recruit and promote their ideas by means of propaganda posters like these;

NB! I wish to stress that I in no way support the message of any of these posters, and that I include them in this post only to show how criminal-minded the anarchists and communists are. 

onlygoodfascist antifascistisk anti-fascist-action_sj anti-fascist1 6847684166_7deee5e301_z  anti_fascist_fighter_by_party9999999-d64b55q   images (10) 524145_359547000772289_1083350628_n antifa_by_lycanthr0pe afa-cross 5344504294_80580f64e7_z images (14) tumblr_lmcijghMO91ql4opro1_1280 images (15)

Now image if I, a European national-paganist, had made posters with slogans similar to those on the posters above, with slogans like «Smash the Jews», or «Anti-Jewish Action» with a picture of someone throwing a molotov coctail, or «If you cannot convince an Internationalist acquaint his head with the pavement», or «The only good Jew is a dead one» or indeed «All my heroes kill cops», etc., etc., I would have been arrested within days and sent directly to prison – or possibly even to a mental institution, and they would have kept me there for ages.

So tell me, dear Europeans; why is it these violent haters, who work actively to destroy everything we hold dear, and also everyone who raises their voice to talk against what they do, are allowed by «our» governments to fare forth like that? They are openly stating that they will smash our heads against the pavement, that they gladly use violence as a means to remove us from the streets. Oh, and remember that anyone who doesn’t kneel before statues of Lenin and read about Karl Marx every evening before they go to sleep are seen as «nazis» by these people.

Where is the police? Why aren’t these punks arrested and sent away to jail or mental institutions where they belong? Why is it the secret police is used to terrorize e. g. survivalist families who only want to ensure the survival of Europe and true European culture, when there are people like those anarchists on the lose?

What is wrong here? Why are these hate-mongers allowed to say and do whatever they want? Why are they and who made them into untouchables? Even if we defend ourselves against their unprovoked aggression we are the ones being sent to jail. Why?

Ah, but I get it. They are the Sturm Abteilung of the Socialists, used to physically smash those of us who protest against their European genocide, and to terrorize the rest into submission.

Now, let me remind you of one simple fact: they make up less than 1% of the entire European population, so if we want to, the rest of us, the 99%, can fend off their attacks easily. We really don’t need to submit to anything they say. Rise, Europeans, be proud and defend yourselves when you are attacked by these thugs, and also defend others who are attacked by them, if you are there to see it happening. Don’t let 1% terrorize 99% into submission.

I can add that when I was 20 years old I was often (i. e. on average a couple of times every week!) attacked in the streets in Bergen, by immigrants and Internationalist punks, but even though I never ran away or backed down a single time, I rarely had to fight them myself. You see, most often before I had the time to do anything, fellow Norwegian citizens – of the completely normal, fashionable, short-haired, working/studying type with no criminal record – jumped on the assailants and smashed them. This was after a period when I had been viciously attacked by the media for several months, so everybody in Bergen knew how I looked and everybody knew who and what I was. So I was very much exposed and vulnerable to this type of attacks.

When I sat down in a pub or a club the same type of completely ordinary Norwegians approached me – knowing I was under constant attack – and told me that if I needed any help I could just give them a signal, and they would come to my aid. As bizarre as it sounds, I was drinking my sodas with a group of up to eight tall and strong Norwegians standing five meters from my table, doing nothing but watching my back, and every time someone approached me I had to give them a signal to tell them if it was okay or not, or else they would jump on him or them in a second.

To this date I am surprised and very touched by this solidarity from ordinary Norwegians with a «Pagan nationalist extremist», and eternally grateful to all those who helped me. I am proud of them, my fellow Norwegians, and I think they can be used as a very good example of how a society can work, and how nationalists can be protected from the state-sponsored criminal anarchist and communist thugs. I encourage everybody all over Europe to follow their good example; help all nationalists who are attacked by such thugs! Help those who stick their heads out to secure a future for you and your families too!

Thank you to all those who helped me, physically, in 1993 in Bergen. Thank you very much. I will never forget. HailaR WôðanaR!

They thought they were free


We have had the time to think over what happened to us in this «terrorist» case, we have talked about it with others, and we realise that the «French» authorities had no reason to arrest us in the first place. We had done nothing wrong, and they never had any evidence suggesting otherwise. They shot our door open, traumatized our children, threw my pregnant wife and me in holding cells and kept us there for two-three days, placed our scared children in the care of their grand parents, completely messed up our archives with official documents and such, took my USB pens and hard drives, confiscated all our firearms, ammo, many tools, decorative swords, my helmet, two spears, my wife’s flint knives (?) and all sorts of other things too, most of them with great affection value, and they decleared that we no longer had the right to own or possess any type of weapons: everything, all of this for no good reason whatsoever.

To make it worse the grand parents of our children tried to take them away from us. Instead of helping us out in this difficult time, they wrote a letter to a judge and tried to take our children from us, because they don’t like our lifestyle or political-religious ideas. So when we were to get our children back we had to go to court, argue and fight to have a judge tell them to give our children back. Thankfully she did, and of course I may add, but it cost us a lot, both in energy, worry and even money.

When that was over our PayPal account was frozen, apparently because our bank account, in HSBC, was closed – on orders from their HQ in Paris, and – again – without any reason. Not without any valid reason, but without any reason at all. Marie has to open up a new PayPal account connected to another bank account, in order for us to continue to sell the «ForeBears» DVD and make a living from that. We now have an account in a new bank, so that is fixed, and now Marie has to spend several days working to transfer all our payments (for the rental house, the cell phones and such) to the new account – a task made so much harder by the fact that the police left our archive in a big mess.

Naturally we are angry, and we don’t want not tolerate this. We want to sue the authorities for arresting us for no good reason whatsoever, doing so in the most brutal way possible and with children present, and also for without any reason taking away our right to own or even possess weapons. Marie has a crime record white as snow, so there is no reason for them to take away her right and freedom to own weapons. I have a record in Norway, from 1993 and 2003, but I have never done anything criminal in France, and I can own most weapons even in Norway if I want to, so they have no good reason to take away my right and freedom to own weapons either. Especially not when they have done so under such circumstances.

The only problem is that we can not afford to sue them, and we see no other solution to this than to ask for help from you. It pains me much to do so, and I have struggled a lot with myself to make me do this, but I think this is the right thing to do right now. They have done everything they could to make sure we could not afford to sue, so I think they really don’t want us to. We ask for help to sue from you, from individuals probably not directly affected by this case, because we believe that we are fighting not only for our rights and freedom, but also for the rights and freedom of every other citizen in France, and perhaps also in other European countries, who also risk being subjected to this type of treatment in the future. We need to tell the authorities that we don’t accept this and that what they do is illegal. We can not allow them to abuse their power like that and get away with it. This time they did this to us, we don’t know what else they might do to us in the future if just let them get away with what they did this time, and the next time it can be your neighbour’s turn. Or your friend’s turn. Or someone in your family’s turn. Or your turn.

«First they came for the communists,

and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,

and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,

and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Catholic.

Then they came for me,

and there was no one left to speak for me.»

(Martin Niemüller)

These days they come first for the Pagan nationalists, and I don’t think they will ever come for the Jews, but even if you are not a Pagan and/or a nationalist you might understand that you should speak up for those who are. I ask you all to help us speak up for our rights and freedom, and for the rights and freedom of all others too. Before it is too late.

If you want to and can afford to help us economically you can write me at fremmedehenvendelser@gmail.com and I will send you our bank account info. When we have the new PayPal account up and going we will include a «donate» button on the website. Please wait for that if you feel that is the best. Even a tiny contribution will help us, and «many small creeks make a river deep». I regret having to ask you for this, but I hope you understand. HailaR WôðanaR!

Pravda in Action


Italiano. Magyar.

Some newspapers have reported about this case, but like always they don’t actually tell the truth, or perhaps I have just failed to get the message through. I said that we are suing the authorities, meaning that we are planning to take legal actions against those authorities in France responsible for the terror attack against us (that was carried out by the police). We are not, like the media reports, suing «France». I don’t even know if that is possible, and I don’t understand how on Earth that would make any sense to anybody either. «France» is not responsible for the crimes against our family. On the other hand the «French» interior minister Mr. Valls and his department is.

Further, the media reports, in their headlines, that «Vikernes» the Norwegian «extremist» sues «France», but this is not very presise information. My wife mainly but also I are going to sue certain authorities, and although I am Norwegian, the rest of my family here is actually French. All of them. So it is not about a Norwegian suing «France», but a French family (with a Norwegian father) suing certain authorities in France.

Marie is also going to take legal actions to get her firearms back, that were taken from her by the police on orders from Mr. Valls’ department, and we both take legal actions to get our right and freedom to own weapons back. Marie also considers taking legal actions against the mayor of La Croisille sur Briance, and against certain media institutions as well.

We don’t do this hoping to cash in (this is not the USA), but to fight back, to let our enemies know that we don’t tolerate this from them and to make sure that this will not happen again, to us or – perhaps to most of you more importantly – to others.

The media has already started to attack us for our planned legal actions, they are just an instrument of the authorities after all, and pretend that we don’t stand a chance of winning, but trust me: they are only telling you lies. Like in this article, where they pretend that the French authorities had reasonable grounds for arrest because I had received the manifest from the Zionist Freemason Breivik. Well, this is not correct. I never did! What is correct is that the French authorities used this as an excuse to arrest us, but they knew perfectly well that I had not received this manifest and also that there would be no reason whatsoever for me to ever receive it in the first place (and even if I had; so what?). The French secret police shot their way into our home and arrested us without any other reason than the fact that Mr. Vall’s department wanted them to do this. The media knows this perfectly well, so they lie intentionally, and of course they do because they are nothing but another wrinkled arm working for the authorities, pretending to be critical to them to dupe the people into thinking we live in oh-so-blissful «democracies».

We don’t, and unless we all fight back against them we never will either. HailaR WôðanaR!

Here is a relevant video:

Anti-Semitic Extremist


Italiano. Magyar.

By now many of you know that I am an Ôðalist, and could well be described and more easily understood as a National-Paganist. So to those who fight against what I stand for (and what 99% of mankind has stood for 99% of the time mankind has existed) are calling me an «extremist». Apparently solely because that is a term loaded with much negativity and danger, and they certainly want me to appear as as dangerous and negative as possible.

The apparently worst thing you can be labelled as today though is actually not «extremist», or even «racist», but of course: «anti-Semite». So, to really show you all how horrible I am they use that term too to describe me. I am a bit puzzled though by the reason they say in Le Figaro that my remarks in this post were «anti-Semitic». The journalist refers to this sentence:

«These days they come first for the Pagan nationalists, and I don’t think they will ever come for the Jews, but even if you are not a Pagan and/or a nationalist you might understand that you should speak up for those who are. »

So apparently to say that the Jews will not be arrested this time around is «anti-Semitic». You see, the mere mention of the term «Jew» automatically qualifies you to be labeled an «anti-Semite» by the media. We are not allowed to even talk about Jews. If we do we are «anti-Semitic», unless of course we do to praise them. When we discuss the problems of our age we are supposed to pretend they don’t exist, to pretend they are not there. We are supposed to pretend that none of them are responsible for anything at all. To suggest otherwise is «anti-Semitism».

«To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.» (Voltaire)

What I want to tell here is that when they scream «anti-Semite» when they write or speak about someone who challenges their views and their truths, this is more than anything just an attempt to discredit, to undermine and to defame the dissident and his vocie. It actually says more about those who scream «anti-Semite» than it does about the so-called «anti-Semite». It also says much about who they actually work for, and whose interests they really serve. HailaR WôðanaR!

Ever since the Jews invented the libel charge of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the 1880s (The word ‘anti- Semitism’ was first printed in 1880.’ The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I (1901), p. 641), it has been built up with Jewish money, organizations, propaganda, and lies, so that now the word is like snake venom which paralyzes one’s nervous system. Even the mention of the word ‘Jew’ is shunned unless used in a most favorable and positive context.” (Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, p. 63).

Update to the “They thought they were free” post


A PS with info on how to easily support us financially in our struggle has been added at the end of this post.

Demoralized Nations



Here is a video that will explain to many of you much of what is happening today and why it is happening. Scandinavians in particular should see this.

Perhaps many now old and bitter men and women here in Europe will finally regret the time they walked around with a little red book in their hands at the universities.

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