Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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Revolt against the modern World



We live in a world were deep wells are called tall towers, where tall towers are called deep wells, where night is day and day is night, where hatred is love and love is hatred, and where life is death and death is life ; where nature and everything natural is spat upon, stepped on and viciously attacked continuously. Burzum (« darkness », i. e. light) was my teenage reaction to this, perhaps best seen on the album called Hvis Lyset tar oss (« If the Light [i. e. Darkness] takes us »). I revolted against the modern world – and everything in it. Because everything in it was up-side-down, inverted, twisted into the opposite of what it should be.

The world is in turmoil, and like a bucket slowly being emptied of clean water, our divine Europe is being slowly poured down into a filthy sewer, where the rest of « mankind » dwell. This is chaos, confusion rules supreme, and in reality this is war ! Yet, we know not what is happening ; our men and women, our boys and girls, are given the « bread and circus » they need to stay in blissful ignorance – and they will be given bread and circus, more bread and more circus, until the time comes when it is too late for them to react anyhow – too late for them to change the course of events.

Our enemy is as I see it weak, coward and stupid, but also rotten to the core, and completely void of any sense of honour. I see him as a horribly inferior being, a parasite incapable of sustaining his life without a host to feed on, but also as an expert liar, and he has made us think he is like us. Yes, this is his greatests and really only great achievement ; he has managed to make us think he is like us ! Had we identified him for what he is we would have removed him with very little effort, and in no time, but we don’t. He is a too good a liar. He has lied about our past, he is lying about our present and also lying about our future. He even uses his ability to tell convincing lies to entertain us.

I have seen his true face ; a long-nosed, curly-haired, dark-haired, sinister-looking foul creature standing behind your back with a sica in his hand, ready to cut your throat when you turn your back to him. He excell at that ; murder, assassination and backstabbing has always been his favourite trade.

Alas ! I show you his face, I expose him to you, but no…. you see good where there is evil, and evil where there is good, because that is what he has done with all his lies. He has made you incapable of seeing or accepting reality, because you only see the opposite of reality.

Break free from this sinister spell, break free from this slavery and manipulation of your mind, get rid of this parasite’s influence over you and your life – and together we can remove this parasite from his host people, and thus save Europe. We need Europe to live, you and I, just like each cell in a body needs the body to survive. Without the body each and every cell will die.

Divine Goodness ;

 Portrett_av_Vidkun_Quisling_i_sivile_klær,_ukjent_datering. ah-1923-colorized-1


Enemy-Jew-Betty-Friedan-pulled-the-trigger-on-the-white-race-with-her-lying-propaganda-book-The-Feminine-Mystique Jesus 960x cohen-beads images Abraham_Maslow

Love is not to care for everyone, but to care for your own. If you love everybody you love nobody.

Hatred is not bad, but something we feel and should feel to ensure our own survival when we are exposed to deadly threats.

Racism is not hatred for other races, but mainly love for your own race, and the most obvious and natural instinct each and every species on this planet has.

Anti-Racism is suicide and genocide.

I am deep down there, in a damp and dark dungeon, because I dwell in the true Heaven ; a European Europe. HailaR WôðanaR ! 

Strange World


Deutsch. РусскийСрпски

As a young man I some times took long walks in the rain, all by myself and during the late hours of the day. For some reason I did get something from observing the world, and I guess more than from participating in it – probably for reasons explained here. Rather than listen to the sounds of the world I used to bring a walk-man, playing Iron Maiden mostly.

I was not a bully, and I never started a single fight myself, but I spoke my heart when I often should not have done so, and because of that I had many enemies (not unlike today…). I was also arrogant and looked down on those who deserved to be looked down upon. For some reason I didn’t care and I guess I even wanted this; «if the world is sick, why should I not be in conflict with those who seem to fit well in this sick world too?». Most of the time I won the fights (and note that I never attacked anybody! I was always just defending myself). In fact I won so many fights that by the end of the 8th grade I think I had beaten up more than 50% of all the boys in the 9th grade at my school, and was very unpopular amongst them. I don’t tell that to boast, and I don’t think I was actually stronger than the other boys; I was just more brutal, aggressive in the fight and willing to use brute force. When e. g. one huge 2 m tall 9th grader tried to gently wrestle me, a 7th grader at the time, to the ground I responded by giving him an elbow in his nose, and of course because of that won the fight. He lay there crying like a baby when I left him. Another guy, my own age, but both bigger and stronger than me simply threw me to the ground and held me there. He asked me if I «gave up», thinking he had won. Yeah sure; I simply kneed him as hard as I could in his face. He instantly let go of me, and started squeeking like a pig in a slaughter house. He was bleeding from his face when I got up. When some Asian girl told me I was «cruel» I kicked him in his stomach too – just to piss her off even more. Then I left. His friends were just standing there, looking at him squeeking. I was of course alone from the start.

Most of the time this «war» was very uncomfortable. I always had to watch my back, because there were always some older boys looking for me, to «get» me. One time when I was 16 and was driving my moped I noticed a car following me. It was loaded with five obviously older and bigger boys, I guess around 18 years old all of them, and not at all very friendly looking. I took some odd turns, and they kept following me. When I sped up they did too, and I figured I should try to loose them. I drove as fast as I could to a small road that I knew was a dead end, and where the speed bumps were simply extreme. Driving a moped I could just use them as small jumps, and I did. The car following me however was beaten and bruised by them, to put it that way, and I am not sure if what I did was really that smart. Now I was being followed by five probably really pissed off 18-year-olds! The road was a dead end, but I knew of an open field around a corner to the left and I headed for it – full speed. Again I jumped, on a little elevation in the ground, and I landed in mud – and was stuck! I turned my head around to see if they were still following, and saw their car litterally crash into the little elevation in the ground. The opening to the field was simply too narrow for the car to enter. Dirt and small rocks flew through the air when the front of the car hit the elevation. The opening to the field was so narrow though, that the right doors of the car could not be opened, so only three of them were able to quickly dismount – and they came charging for me. The first one didn’t see the mud, so he fell – flat on his face into the mud. His entire front was brown from mud and he was just screaming madly, in anger! «Shit», I thought to myself. «I really need to get out of here». Being stuck in the mud with a moped is no big deal after all; I could just give full throttle and use my legs to walk the moped out of there, so I did. But the two guys still on their feet were very close. Now, the only problem – to them of course – was that they were behind me. So when I gave full throttle I spun a ton of mud directly unto them. It was like a spray of mud! At that point I started laughing; I was inching my way forwards, but because of the mud so were they, trying to get to me whilst protecting their faces from the mud spray. Finally I got out of the mud and could continue on dry grass, to the other side of the field, and my safe escape. *Phew* One bullet dodged.

PS. I think it must have been a Friday or Saturday evening, because the five guys in the car were dressed for a night out, so they wore nice clothes… 

My «escape plan». A is where I descided to bail out. B is where their car crashed. The route between B and C is where the open field (and some forest) was. The speed bumps are gone. You can no longer drive from A to B with a car (the road has been closed for traffic) and they have built houses on the open field. The forest has been cut down too. «Progress», they call it. Oh, and the “dead end road” is no longer dead end, I can see. 

The Escape Plan

A good Spot to Crash a Car following You (there was no path after the elevation in the ground back then, and the elevation was more abrupt);

Car Crash

There were quite a few situations like this, but I was always damn lucky – pardon my language – and either won the fight or got away fairly unscathed. Against all odds I was never beaten up, and like I said, it was not because I was such a strong guy. Many of those I won over were stronger than me. Many were even better fighters too. I am neither very strong nor a very good fighter. I am just lucky. My Hamingja must be strong.

Yes, that is the point I want to make here; I feel lucky. Whatever I have done, for better or worse, I have always been exceptionally lucky. I have had a loaded revolver pointing at my forehead; I have even had a .22 caliber rifle pointing at my head at point blank range fired at me, but it misfired, so I lived to tell about it. One time a guy (a supposed «friend») tried to cut my wrist, attacking me with a knife in a back alley in Bergen, but I just turned my arm around 180 degrees, so all I got was a little cut on my arm.

A Scar to Remember;


One time I ran away from a pack of rabies infected dogs in Baghdad, and managed to – six years old – climb over a more than 2 meter tall concrete wall, to safety, before they caught up with me. They caught my brother and me by surprise. My brother climbed a palm tree instead, and my parents had to rescue him using a car to get to him. The more I think about it, the more such scenes comes into my mind, memories of my own past, and how lucky I was to get away unscathed.

Death is often the best healer.” (Þulêan proverb)

He who fears death can not enjoy life.” (Þulêan proverb)

Of course there are many others who have experienced much more than I have, and much worse things too, but the point I wish to make is that I feel lucky. Blessed. Yes; even important. I feel as if someone or even something has protected me ever since I was born. Call it a God or a Spirit if you like, or a Guardian Elf.

Hâvamâl stanza 77

Deyr fê

deyja frændr,

deyr sjâlfr it sama;

ek veit einn,

at aldregi deyr:

dômr um dauðan hvern.”

(Cattle die,

friends die,

you die the same way yourself;

but I know one thing

which never dies:

the decision of every man’s death.)

The ‘problem’ though is that I feel as if that same someone or something has also lead me into all these problematic situation – as if to educate me. To strengthen me. To prepare me. To turn me into something a bit more useful… This also would explain why I ended up in prison; it was to educate me. Would I have read all those books had I not been locked up and in a sense been forced to do so (or lose my mind if I didn’t)? No, I would probably have died very young, most likely in some desperate suicide attack on… everything.

There is no death for the honourable, only a change of bodies.” (Þulêan proverb)

I am still here, in this strange world, lucky and guarded by (for lack of a better name for it) Ôðinn. In dark moments I do feel cheated for that heroic death, but I am beginning to trust my destiny more. I am still here for a reason. Maybe just to continue to sing my silly songs, or perhaps for something else. I don’t know yet.

Death answers before she is asked.” (Þulêan proverb)

I can dream and I can hope; I just don’t seem to be able to plan anything, because my personal wishes and opinion doesn’t seem to be taken into consideration by the gods… C’est la vie, I guess. HailaR WôðanaR!

A fair death honours the whole life.” (Þulêan proverb)

PS. All “death quotes” are from MYFAROG.

Save Europe


David Duke claims to be a Christian, but he talks like an Ôðalist. Give him 10 minutes of your life. He deserves to be heard.

Related post here.




For as long as I can remember I have been what I like to think of as a romantic. A classic romantic, dreaming of performing acts of heroism. There were no princesses to save from trolls or dragons any more (…!?), but I did have a faint hope that I would at least get the chance to rescue someone from certain death in some other context. I was even hoping that someone would be in need of help, like being caught off guard in front of a bus, just to give me the opportunity to jump out in front of the bus and push them out of harm’s way. My own death was not a necessary part of these heroic plans, but I never cared too much for my own safety. Children caught in wild streams, car crashes, air planes on fire, maidens being harassed, whatever; I was ready to act! Now, I did feel a bit bad for actually hoping that others would be in need of help, but how can anybody become a hero if there is no one in distress? These silly, naive and romantic dreams never really disappeared. I am still that fool hoping for an opportunity to help others in dire need of help – the more the merrier. In fact, I think that most European men are – if they are honest enough to admit it – just like me in this context. The self-sacrificial heroic mentality is deeply rooted in our psyche. It is actually a rather typical expression of the European spirit.


On Friday there was a train accident in a Parisian suburb (i. e. an area populated mostly by immigrants), and several individuals were killed and many were wounded. Some were even decapitated in the accident, I guess by flying debris. My wife told me about this, and I responded by saying to her that I didn’t believe it was an accident. I was sure it had happened because of sabotage. The cause of the accident was listed as due to high temperatures in Paris (?). Right… Yesterday evening the French (“French” as in Jewish) media reported that “youth” (i. e. immigrant youth) were throwing rocks at the firemen who came to help the many wounded.

Today the emergency personnel has gone out public and stated that the “youth” had been waiting there when the train crashed, and had then started to rob the wounded and dead passengers when it crashed. They had thrown rocks at the firemen, the ambulance personnel and the police to keep them from aiding the wounded, because they had not yet finished robbing them. There were more to loot, apparently.

The “French” president, the Jew Mr. Hollande, and his Socialist government describe the reports of robbery (told by the emergency personnel at the scene!) as “rumours” and as descriptions of “isolated incidents”. They also seem to fail completely to admit or even contemplate that perhaps the train crashed because somebody wanted it to crash, and actually did something to make it derail and crash. Like e. g. the gang of “youths” standing nearby ready to rob the passengers when it did.



Now, had any European attacked these looters, like e. g. I for sure would have done had I been there, to make sure the emergency personnel could assist the victims, what do you think would have happened to him? Yes, the looters would have, by the Jewish media, been described as “immigrants running to the crash site to help the wounded”, and the European attacking them would have been an “evil racist Nazi thug”, and he would have ended up in jail, possibly for the rest of his life, for “hate crime“.

This is the Europe our parent generation has left us and our children with. We have no protection from the law, but the law does prevent us from protecting ourselves. We have a government who not only imports criminal non-European scum en masse, but who also lies to us about the consequences of this. “Our” media is no better than the media in North Korea, and serves only their Jewish masters in government, and deliberately ignores, hides or explains away the truth. Their sole purpose is to spread anti-European propaganda and to cover up reality.

I am so angry, and I have been the whole day, and I just don’t understand why Europe doesn’t revolt against this. What do they have to lose? They have already lost the protection of the law, the freedom of speech; they are already living like slaves, working not for their own interests but for Jewish-owned banks and Jewish stock holders; the elections are obviously rigged, so there is no political solution in sight, and even if the elections weren’t rigged the media is under Jewish control, so there is no hope for any real political alternative. They have already lost their safety; they are being robbed before or even rather than being helped when they are injured, their daughters are routinely sexually harassed and run a serious risk of being gang raped by immigrants (an estimated 25% of all Swedish girls born today will be raped during their lives), their sons are routinely harassed and beaten, and even stabbed in the streets by gangs of immigrants, and so forth. What will it take for them to say stop and to take action to change the situation? If we don’t we will all be killed, one after the other, and each and every one of us.

Yes, you see; that is what they want! To exterminate Europe, lock, stock and barrel. They hate us! There is nothing they hate more than Europe and everything European, and they want it all gone – and they have been working for thousands of years already to ensure that this will happen. It must stop; we must take actions to end this. Before it is too late.

Hermann calling the Germans to Arms;


For obvious reasons I will not encourage anybody to take any illegal actions to end the European genocide, but there is much you can do that is not yet illegal. Be smart about this, and never give them an excuse to tighten the screw even more. I will suggest that you first of all take action to expose them and their lies to as many as possible – like I do here, but also like you can do elsewhere; in public, in private and in so many ways. You can e. g. make “DestroyZionism.Com” and “ThuleanPerspective.Com” stickers and put them on your car, tell the truth in all possible contexts to as many as you can. Make leaflets and put them in mail boxes in your area. Write “DestroyZionism.Com” or “ThuleanPerspective.Com” on walls. Whatever. Everything helps. Rivers are made from tiny drops of water! Let us together make a river of Truth! Let is wash away their lies and clean the mind of Europe! Let it wash away all liars and traitors, and drown the beast once and for all! HailaR WôðanaR!

Our coward Parent Generation doing what They have always done;



The Journey


Deutsch. ItalianoRomânăРусский.

First some appropriate music.

Some time ago I did something I am not very good at; I made up a story and wrote what was intended to be a fairy tale intended for children, and was even happy with the result. If I had been able to I would have done this more often, and ideally I would be doing that instead of making music – the latter I do only because it is all I know, and apparently because that is what I am intended to do.

The story in question was called Perþ, and it is named after a rune sign. The name translates as “journey”, mainly of a spiritual kind, of man travelling up or down between the realms of man and spirits. I don’t remember exactly when I wrote it, but it must have been some time in the mid to late 1990ies, and I wrote it in Norwegian. It was then translated to English by Vidar Ermesjø and published on burzum.org I think in 2003 or 2004. Mr. Ermesjø did a good job translating it, but I have still gone through the text and made some improvements and corrections, and wish to share with you this short fairy tale. I hope that if I ever grow old I will be able to sit down in a study, in peace and quiet, and produce more such fairy tales. I enjoy them very much, and do believe they are valuable.

For now, this is all I have. A short fairy tale called Perþ. Listen carefully….


Part I
Once upon a time, in another world and another place out there in space…

I was young and curious, sought and searched for answers to the most unbelievable questions. I grew up in a noble family and was educated to become a knight. I travelled far and searched for honour and fame – like all knights do. I found both, but I never found happiness. There was too much injustice and cruelty out there for me to be happy. Only fools are happy.

Famous and honoured as I was, I thought it my duty to end all injustice in the world. I knew the gods were behind this and therefore decided that I should find them and demand answers to why they were so cruel and unfair. Why they let young boys get cut down on the fields of battle; why they let innocent infants die of disease in the crib; why they let plague and sickness ravage; why they let some live like slaves their whole life, only to die filthy and old in their beds. Why were they so cruel?


With my big headed ego I therefore one early morning trampled down to the most wise man in my home-town. I hammered impudent on the door with an iron glove and announced loud and clear that I wanted his service.

“Where are the gods?”

He was (dressed in a nightgown) astonished, not only by my bearing, but also by my question.

“Where are the gods?”

He repeated my question to himself. He pointed towards the heavens and said:


“But I want to talk to them. I have a question for them. Are they never here on earth?”

“It is a long time ago since the gods wandered among us.”

He bade me indoors and his servant (who also had been aroused by the commotion) served us food and beverage.

“There once was a time when the gods themselves wandered on earth. They descended from the heavens in their shining wagons and altered everything that existed. Mankind was destroying the whole world. They had burned or cut down all the forests, they had fished all the fish in the sea, they had killed all the animals that existed and the soil which they grew grain on was emaciated. There were too many humans, and all had become bandits. The smoke from the chimneys polluted the rain and made it dangerous to drink. The ocean, lakes and rivers died. The growth and plants, birds and animals that were not already dead because of the humans died too. Even the humans got trouble with breathing the air, which because of the funeral pyres was thick and heavy.

The gods therefore descended to restore order. To give life back to our planet. They burned the cities and slaughtered humans in tens of thousands. Lightning and flames rained down upon the fleeing masses. The sea washed up on the land and pulled humans back into the deep. The wind blew them away and crushed them against the ground. Mountains collapsed, some over the cities. The whole world lay in ruins. Ashes, mud and rocks, sea and glowing lava had covered everything. Only vestiges of the old world peered over it.

The gods then created a new world and let some people from the old world live there, but to prevent the humans from again demolishing the earth they placed Guardians among them. Thereafter the gods travelled back to the heavens. No one has seen them ever since.”

“But I must speak with the gods. I must meet them”

“Then you must speak to a Guardian. Find a Guardian. Perhaps he can help you?”

“Where are these Guardians? How may I get a hold of them?”

That I do not know. They are invisible. They only see, they can not be seen.”

Once again I ventured out in the world, not to win honour and fame, but to confront the gods with their wrongdoings. I intended to march into Valhöll itself and point accusingly at Ôðinn, while I put forth my allegations, questions and criticism. “Why are you so unfair and cruel? Why!?” Very content with my noble goal I therefore left to find a Guardian. I searched high and low, in old ruins from the old world, in high towers and deep caverns, in dark forests and over wild seas. There were no Guardians to find. No one who knew where the gods were. No roads ascending to the heavens.

I was travelling for many years. My followers fell one by one. Some were killed in combat against jötnar and trolls, worms and bandits, other fell like rocks down from high mountains and walls, some were victims of plague and sickness, others just died. I do not even remember any more how and why they all died. There were so many in the end. My anger only increased. My aggression towards the gods only grew in strength. They did not even care to give me an answer!

In the end I lay there on the ground myself, wounded and dying. Exhausted and weary, dejected and in despair. It all had been without meaning. Without a solution. Without an answer. Without a cause. It all was going to end in the mud, where I lay. Bloody and beaten. Alone amongst dead humans that I soon were to join in death.

Then I saw her; a fair being on a white horse. Smiling, almost laughing, she slowly rode towards me. My vision was double, the horse had eight legs. She laughed at me:

“Hold on if you can.”

I did not understand what was happening, everything was so unreal. But, somehow I got up on my legs, and suddenly I was sitting there behind her on the horseback. The horse galloped away as soon as I got a grip around her. In my condition it was not easy to gather everything that happened, but it seemed as if we were riding upwards, upwards and ever upwards. Towards the heavens. I clenched to hold on. It went so fast. After a while I hung in a vertical position after the horse. The hands clenched around the hips of the fair woman, but I was about to lose my grip. I cried out. In despair, but also with the hope that she would help me. But she did not help me.

“Hold on if you can.”

She nearly grinned it to me again, teasing. There was no compassion, no help. Nothing. I screamed and screamed. I lost my grip around her hips and slid slowly backwards, with my fingers at the horse’s back and behind. In the end I hung after the horse’s tail. Straight out behind it, on its wild race over the firmament.

Then there was a silence. There was no other sound but my own screams, and the woman’s teasing “Hold on if you can” that rung back and forth inside my head. It was not cold, nor warm. My body was no longer feeling heavy, but nor did it feel light. Time somehow stood still. We only rode towards the light up there. Silently. I do not know how long it all lasted. The light enclosed us entirely after a while and the horse began riding downwards again. But I could not endure any more, I had no strength left. I could not hang on any more and let go. No! No! No!

But suddenly there I was. I had let go even as we landed. I lay on the ground. The horse stood there. The woman – still smiling and teasing. More fair men and woman assembled. They were so light they shined. Not fair as us, but even lighter.

“Bring him here” I heard one of them say.

Part II
“Where am I?” I heard myself say. I was in the process of waking up. There was somebody there.

“You have arrived” said a voice.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a large room. The walls, the ceiling, the floor and furniture were all white. Soft and white. Comfortable white. The sheets were also white. A fantastic beautiful woman stood there with a clever smile. “I shall announce that you are awake” she said and left the room.

My byrnie, seax, helmet, shield and gloves, pants and everything else I had brought lay beside the bed on a white stool. Newly washed and cleaned, repaired and in good condition. I searched my body and understood that it as well had been repaired. The wounds were healed. There was not even a scar to see, and no bandages either.

The door opened again and a woman peeked in. “You may enter” she said. “Get dressed and come.” I wanted to ask her how long I had slept, but she was too fast and closed the door before I could. I dressed and remembered why I was here.

Outside the door a corridor led me down to a large door. The woman escorting me said that “Now you are here.” As if she new why I was here. I swallowed heavily and braved myself to knock on the door. She smiled at me as I peeked at her uncertainly. “Come in” it sounded. What else could I do?


A vast hall opened itself before me. Straight ahead there was a large throne, wherein Ôðinn himself sat. Around him sat and stood many other gods, in a crescent towards me. They were all fair and wonderful, tall and healthy. They had no faults. No visible flaws. Some bore serious facial expressions, other smiled at me. Even Ôðinn smiled too. “Now, what does this young sire want?” he said with an artificially strict voice. He still smiled. I felt rather small where I stood. My great ego was suddenly not that great any more. My great self-confidence was suddenly not so great any more either.

“Well” it nearly peeped out of me.

“According to my records you bring some accusation” said Odin, and demonstratively flipped through some papers. He acted irritated, but even so gave me a feeling of security and confidence. Nothing could go wrong here. Here was nothing to fear. I was safe.

And so it came, the accusation. In detail. I told about how unfair life was for some people, how cruel for others, how undeserved certain individuals found happiness and how undeserved others did not. I spat out one accusation after the other to a patient gathering of gods, and ended my prosecution with a why!? Ôðinn was not stirred. None of the other gods seemed stirred either.

“You ask us hard questions. To answer them I must know what you already know about earth and life on earth. For example, do you know from whence the humans come?”

“Yes I do. We are your children. We are the children of the gods.”

“And whence do you think the water spirits come, or the fairies and dragons, jötnar and trolls?”

“I do not know.”

“Let me tell you a story” said Ôðinn. “A long story, that you might not understand.”

“Try me.” I had won back my self-confidence.

“There was a time when neither jötnar nor trolls, dragons or fairies existed. Only men and animals, only plants and mountains, ocean and heaven. Mankind had wagons to pull themselves, they had tamed vast birds that flew about in the wide world. They had dwarves forge them food, so they needed neither fields nor farmers. They raised towers that nearly reached the sky, and delved caverns so deep the flames from the inner earth came out and burned them. Ashes and smoke poured out and enveloped the cities. The animals got lost in the darkness of this ancient world. The fish in the sea drowned. Birds fell as rain from the heavens, gaunt and lifeless – some with humans riding them. Plants decayed and the earth was no longer fertile. Mankind had forgotten everything about the gods.”

“It was then that you descended and destroyed the old world?” I interrupted.

“Yes, it was then we had to descend and destroy the world of men. Because they had forgotten why they were on the earth and why they were humans. They had forgotten what they were to become and who’s children they were. They married animals and had children with them. In the end there were almost no humans left; they had all mixed with vile beasts. Only some few individuals were left, but also these lived like animals. It was but a matter of time before all our children would completely disappear. We had to intervene.”

“But with so much cruelty? Did you have to let mountains fall over the cities? Did you have to let the oceans swallow the human masses? Did you have to let the flames burn those who were left? I have myself seen towers from the earliest times, that jag up from the earth. They are still black with soot on the inside. How many had to die?”

“It is often so that someone must die so that others may live. The earth is created for our children, for humans, and all other creatures, animals and plants, fish and fowl, everything is created by us for the humans. So that man could live and grow. We created this earth, we placed her where she is now, between the warmth of the sun and the freezing cold of the vast outside. We do with our creation as we want. What we have created we have the right to destroy as we see fit.”

“But what about men? What about your own children? Have you no concern for them, no compassion or good wishes?”

“Children are unruly. They often do what they themselves want, and not what their parents ask them to. What we did was to save our last surviving children from extinction, by forcing them to live differently. By forcing them to live like they should. By forcing them on to that road that leads ahead. By forcing them on the right road. We took some of the animals and from them we created new species and races. We created jötnar, large, strong and stupid, to force men to fear the forest. We created jötnar to give them something to test themselves against. The jötnar are uncomfortable when they think, they therefore prefer the fight, because then they do not need to think. They hate the humans because they are themselves fallen humans. They are ugly and small, dark and foul, violent and dangerous, stupid and without a spirit. But they have a purpose, like trolls, dragons and other creatures they force men to noble deed. We replaced the old and sick world with a world that gave humans a chance to become something more.”

“That does not explain why you let young boys die before they get the taste of the fruits of love! Why you let infants die of sickness in their cribs, why you…”

“Yes, yes” He interrupted me. “Yes, it does explain all this too. Mankind needs to be strong, to face future challenges it must be strong. Is it then so wrong to let the weakest die, so that in fact the rest has an opportunity to survive the future? If everyone were to live everyone would die. Now only the weakest die, so the rest may live. And how noble are not the youth that storm forth and fall on the battlefield before they have even tasted the fruits of love? Would the rest of the world ever know how good blood their family had, if not these boys had proved it with their noble deeds? Would their mothers ever get the chance to refine their consciousness without this loss of a son? Is not the good man a man who has taught himself to tackle pain and to be able to imagine others’? Women’s tears are like red gold; her pain refines her conscience.

All the pain and suffering, all the hardness we put you through is to your own good. Without this you would once again become low life, without this you would again let the stupid and weak decide the course of the world. Without war it is impossible to unveil the cowards, and because of that if there are no wars the cowards get as much to say as the brave. Man becomes coward, mixes with animals and forgets the gods and the creed of the gods. What are we then to do with men, we have after all created them for a reason? We have created them so they shall become better, not so they shall become animals.

Look around, look at us. We are your parents. We created you. We want like other parents that you shall become like us. Just as beautiful, just as intelligent, just as strong, just as good, just as honest, just as tall, just as fair, just as creative, just as brave. You can become what I am, but then you must do as I tell you to. You must understand the necessity of the tests we put you through. No beauty comes without pain. No strength comes without hardness. Nothing noble spawns without misery.”

“But why have you not told this to us? How was I supposed to know that everything that happens, no matter how gruesome and unfair it may seem, has a profound and deep meaning?”

“It has no purpose. You must figure that our yourselves. That is a part of our goal with you, that you shall learn to think for yourselves. You must understand on your own, without us having to tell you what is right or wrong. You have our blood; listen to the voice of the blood, listen to your intuition. Those of you who understand will guard the others, tell them what is right and wrong, and see to it that the improvement of man takes place.”

“Is that your Guardians? But where are they? Where are these Guardians? I have sought them for years, but never found any!”

“Are you sure about that? The whole time you have searched for something you have had with you all along, in your own baggage. You must understand that you are a Guardian. A Guardian of life, a Guardian of the children of the gods. A Guardian of customs. A Guardian because you react to what is unfair and gruesome, a Guardian because you dare to travel up here, all alone, even to the gods to ask questions about our treatment of human kind. We can feel safe when we know that men are cared for by the likes of you. You will watch over them. You wish the best, not only for you, but for all of humanity. You will fight for people who would rather see you dead. You will fight for somebody who would fight to come first in line when you were to be stoned or hanged. You will fight for somebody who does not even deserve to lick your boots clean. But, still you will fight for them. You will fight because your own spirit says to you that; “forgive them, they do not know what they are doing”. It is not their fault that they are like this, but you know that it is your responsibility to make their children become something better – and then you must also fight for them. One can not hate a plant because it can not grow in dry sand, but one can take its seeds and plant them in fertile soil.

The female Guardians are too proud to defile themselves, the male too proud to lust for defiled women or others’ wives. All the Guardians are noble, and always grow more noble as their lives stride forth. Some even crave answers from the gods, when they see the sufferings of man. And some get answers. Like you have today. The best of them become gods themselves, are allowed to enter our halls and live with us like equals.”

Part III
This was what I remembered. After this I was escorted back to my room. I became sleepy and lay down to sleep. I was back in the mud, still just as battered and dying. But a young maiden had heard my cries and her parents came to my rescue. So I survived. I got to live.


Oft I wonder if it was all just a dream, a dying man’s delusions, but it strikes me as obvious that they were right. The gods told me only what was right. I got a whole new world view, and I hope also that others will learn from what I have told. You can not smell what I smelled when I was there, you can not see what I saw, nor can you know how my travel to the heavens was like – but you can try to imagine it.

This is how I found a Guardian in the end, who could show me the path to the gods and explain to me why the world was like it was. Why the old world had to end and be replaced with a new and better world. How you in your world got a hold of my story I do not know, and neither do I know how your world looks like, but I hope my story can help you know what you should do with your world, so that it too can prosper, grow and thrive in accordance with nature and the laws of the gods.


Translated from Norwegian by Vidar Ermesjø.

2. The solar system and its laws (en)


Reblogged from Atala - A journey to the Golden Age by Marie Cachet:

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Version française

Quotations are (still) from Critias by Plato:

Regarding the description of the inner solar system, it is recognized as follows:

And Poseidon,
receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal
woman, and settled them in a part of the island, which I will describe.
Looking towards the sea, but in the centre of the whole island, there…

Read more… 2,354 more words

Terrorism in France, part I



Thuesday I woke up a bit earlier than I normally do. Yes, I normally wake up because the dog wants to take a leak on our lawn, around 7:00, but this morning I woke up because of a loud bang. I more or less jumped out of bed and saw that somebody was breaking into our home. Thankfully I immediately saw that it was actually the police, so I did not reach for any means of defence, and instead just raised my arms and waited for the police to enter. “Ah, it’s just the police”. My second thought was “What on Earth are they up to? Are they actually smashing our entire entrance area just because of my blog?” I was not sure whether or not they were shooting into our living room or actually flashbanging our living room. After a total of three explosiones (that later turned out to be gun shots) and a lot of breaking of glass and door frames they entered.

My pregnant wife, not yet aware that it was actually the police, tried to cover our youngest son and — she told me later — was about to reach for her 22 LR  Browning lever action rifle, when she understood from my reaction that it was the police. Our youngest son, who was sleeping in our bed during that night (because my mother-in-law was visiting), and was therefore directly behind me and in front of the muzzles of the police’s assault rifles.

Sorry to digress, but some times when you buy underwear you get three underpants in one package, and for some reason at least one of these are always in some horrible colour, and of course I was wearing such a pair of underpants on Thuesday morning. A pair of strikingly orange underpants. Having been repeatedly dragged out into the street or prison hallways or similar in my underwear before, by the Norwegian police or prison guards, I thought to myself that this was going to repeat itself and I would be photographed with my little belly, my thin hair, my tanned arms in great contrast to my pale body and — wearing horribly orange underpants. (Everybody would believe that I was actually Dutch…)

When I had completed  my little intelligent string of thoughts, about orange underpants and everything, the police had climbed the staircase and — simply put — arrested me, laying me face down in the bed with hand cuffs on my back. To my great surprise they also arrested and put hand cuffs on my pregnant wife, leaving my shocked youngest son sitting there alone without his mother’s protection. A whole lot of DCRI police officers in civil clothes arrived and the apparent chief said “Yes, that is Vikernes”.

The front door to the living room after the police action:

IMG_8147 IMG_8145 IMG_8143 IMG_8141

Now, thankfully my mother-in-law was there, to take care of our children, so I was not so worried about that part. I heard them talking and her trying to calm the children down. I was — to my great surprise — allowed to put on some clothes, I was told that we were suspected of having committed or preparring to committ an act of terrorism, and was held in custody whilst the police in civil clothes went through our things in the office. All in all, throughout our house, they confiscated books, ammo and 5 spare rifle magazines, PCs, USB pens, hard-discs, a 222 Remington CZ 527 bolt-action rifle, a 22 LR CZ 457 bolt-action rifle, a 22 LR Browning lever-action rifle and a side-by-side 12 gauge Bajkal shotgun, an air rifle, two air-soft rifles, hunting knives, survival knives, three crossbows with bolts, a gladius, a seax and two spears. They checked the entire house and the property too with dogs, but — of course — found nothing. They also found all the receipts for all the rifles and ammo, and my wife’s permission to own these firearms.

They did not take my wife’s hunting magazine, any of our books about camping, our fishing equipment, our first aid books, our cantines, or any other hunting, survivalism or camping equipment. (…)

After that I was brought back into the living room and saw that my youngest son had thrown up in his grand mother’s arms, and I understood that he was very shaken. The police action was obviously a bit too dramatic for a 3,5 year-old boy. She was trying to comfort him. Apparently things weren’t going so well with the kids after all. His pregnant mother was placed in front of the children on a chair with hand cuffs on, bleeding from her nose.

Outside there were cars parked all over our front lawn and there were DCRI policemen everywhere. I had a hood placed over my head and was quickly placed inside a car along with half the SWAT team. My wife was placed in the car behind with the other half of the SWAT team. The two cars left the property and drove very fast towards the high way, and continued in around 160-170 km per hour on the high way, to Brive. The police professionally maneuvred the car through the traffic, and we arrived safely in Brive. We were both placed in different holding cells. I knew that they had had no reason whatsoever to charge any of us for “terrorism”, but I had my bad experiences with the Norwegian police freshly in my mind. Would the French police too fabricated evidence? Would they too lie? Would they too plant evidence? Would they too keep me locked up for almost a year before they would let me stand before a political court and go through  some mock trial? I did not yet know, so I was worried. Unfortunately my wife was apparently involved too, and my three children were left there to wait for our return.

See part II of Terrorism in France here.

See part III of Terrorism in France here.

Thankfully the police did their best to remove the glass from the floor and went to great lengths to make sure there were no glass fragments in the shoes given to our children. Here is some of the glass found on our floor, after I have vacuumed the area outside of the pile itself:

NB! Remember that I have no Facebook profiles, so anyone pretending to be me there are frauds. Remember also that each and every Burzum website other than burzum.org are all false, made by fans or by individuals who wish me no good. 

Terrorism in France, part II



Unfortunately I have been in a holding cell before. Several times actually. All in all for about a month’s time. It is not very comfortable. You just lie there, some times for days, or in extreme cases even for weeks, before you are transferred to a normal prison and a normal prison cell where you are to spend a year or two in custody awaiting trial.

In France I was allowed to talk to a lawyer surprisingly fast. He told me that I was arrested for “terrorism”, but that they didn’t seem to have any evidence for this whatsoever, so he assumed that it had been done just to give them more time and more legal rights in relation to their treatment of us.

Having found nothing whatsoever in our rental house or on our property suggesting in any way that my wife and I had any criminal plans the police officers were left with trying to make us talk ourselves into trouble, to put it that way. Only they didn’t actually seem to be too interested in “getting” us. Instead they tried to get clarity. I was shocked! Having experience with the band of thugs known as the Norwegian criminal police, who never seemed to care for anything but getting me and everybody else they arrested, no matter what, I was talking to policemen who were instead doing their job, like common people expect them to do and like they are supposed to do. No false testimonies. No fabricated evidence. No planting of illegal items on our property. No desperate attempts to make everything I said sound as if I was rotten to the core. No obviously deliberate misunderstandings of what I actually said. No attempts to put Marie and me up against each other. Nothing, save some confusion regarding what had been confiscated where and who had been present when this had been done. At the same time the local policemen in Brive behaved exemplary too, all of them and all the time. They were polite and professional. No screaming of vulgarities to the incarcerated. No threatening behaviour. No disparaging laughing or exposure of us to ridicule or other unpleasantries. No misuse of power. Wow! France was really different. At that time I felt a bit ashamed for being Norwegian. Maybe civilisation had not yet reached Norway after all.

They brought clarity and very quickly found out that my wife and I had no terrorist plans. However, the DCRI police officers were working under orders “from the top”, as they put it, so they had to find some way to justify the arrestation of us, obviously ordered from “the top”, so they started to prepare other accusations against us. Like were we suitable parents? I was asked questions about my sons’ camo clothes, archery and my daughter’s use of a sword on one of the photos on my blog.

Was this military training for and political indoctrination of my oldest son?


Was this military training for and political indoctrination of my 2-year-old daughter?


No?… okay. I have no idea what went through their minds when they asked these questions, but at least they didn’t insist that this was military training or indoctrination of any sort. Boys like to play with toy guns and camo clothes. Boys love wooden swords and shields. They love to play hide-and-seek (and camo clothes are very good for that). Boys love bow and arrow, I did too when I was young. The little 2-year-old girl is playing with her bigger brother’s wooden sword? No, that is not military training and brainwashing of children. It is not political indoctrination. It is perfectly normal.

“The guy on the top”, a politician of course, wanted to get me for something though. No terror plans unveiled after the first 24 hours? No evil nazi indoctrination of children unveiled after the first 48 hours? Merde! So they had to find something else to pin on me, and extended the custody for another 48 hours. My pregnant wife was released from custody though, and was successfully smuggled out by the DCRI under the radar of the horde of journalists who had set up camp outside the police station.

See part I of Terrorism in France here

See part III of Terrorism in France here

NB! Remember that I have no Facebook profiles, so anyone pretending to be me there are frauds. Remember also that each and every Burzum website other than burzum.org are all false, made by fans or by individuals who wish me no good. 

Terrorism in France, part III



The next day interviews started normally, around 8:00, and the subject was very political, and obviously intended for a preparation of a potential legal persecution, based on my possible violations here on Thulean Perspective of the French ban on expressing certain political opinions. Later the same day a judge wanted more answers and more clarity in relations to questions I had answered before, both the same day and also the two previous days, and he according to the police wanted to get a more correct picture.

My lawyer told me at the end of the day that I was probably going to be transferred to Paris, to a special place dedicated to these subjects, and after having been returned to the holding cell I started to prepare mentally for another long and hard battle against all odds in a hostile system wanting to punish me in order to scare me and others from talking against the “elite”. Political crimes. Punishment for expressing my opinion and airing my concerns for the future.

One of the investigators returned to the cell shortly after, maybe after only 20 or 30 minutes or so, and told me that the judge had read through the last interview and I could go home. But I had been given another 48 hours in custody, and only 10 or so of those hours had passed! How was that possible? Well, I had given my explanation, which seemed to be just fine, so I could just leave. As easy as that. Again I faced a cultural shock, being used to petty police investigators in Norway, who never ever released anybody until the very last minute, no matter what, and always trying to keep you locked up longer and for as long as possible. They would have at least kept me for those 48 hours! No, the investigation was over so I could just return home… okay, as a Norwegian I was really not expecting this, but I was of course not going to argue about it, so… off we went.

The same SWAT team that had arrested me were tasked with bringing me back home, in civilian clothes this time, but still with ski masks on. They were still exceptionally authoritarian, professional and clear, so to speak, and we left the police station driving a car through a group of photographs and reporters, who had to be physically pushed out of the way to give room for the car to leave. They kept running after the car for some time, trying to get a shot they could use. Dear Pagan God! I was ashamed of being of the same species as these individuals; what a horrible group of people! (Yes, my wife has moderated me quite a lot here. This was not what I originally had to say about them…)

During the journey home the policemen drove and behaved no less professionally than before, looking out for pursuers (i. e. journalists), and routinely telling each other about what they saw. “Right clear”. “Left clear”. “Attention! Volkswagen”, when a Volkswagen started driving from a parking lot when we drove past it, et cetera. Being a Lada Niva driver I can assure you that the trip from Brive to my home certainly took much less time than it normally did.

They asked me where I wanted them to drop me off, because they told me there were journalists besieging the property, and I told them to go to a pathway behind a grove nearby. They sat me off and joined me on my walk towards the house. I explained how I planned to enter our garden, and they told me they had to make sure I entered before they could leave. Within sight of them I approached the house and gave them my thumbs up when I arrived in our garden. It was a bit bizarre. Four well built and fairly young men wearing ski masks and combat gloves, but t-shirts, just standing there under the trees. Had I met such a group on a pathway in a forest, when out walking with the kids, I would have been very concerned. I was thinking about that old lady I had seen a few times on the path, and was hoping she wasn’t out walking that particular evening…

The rear entrance was locked, so I had to move around to the front, but I tried to do so when there were nobody there. The coast was clear and I opened a front door, which had been left unlocked (!?), and when I closed the door behind me I saw a photographer taking pictures.

The reporter rabble by the police station in Brive started to appear, one after the other, and began taking photos of everything. The garage. The house. The cars. The tree in our garden. The windows. The cars again. The cars from another angle. The house from another angle. Et cetera. Over and over again. It went on for hours. Why? Why on Earth would these motives be of any interest whatsoever to their readers or viewers?

All cars had been left unlocked, in the open in our yard. One car had been taken out of the garage and another had had it’s cover removed, leaving them completely exposed to the lenses of the reporters. Why?

To stop their intrusion of privacy I went out, under cover, to put one car in the garage and to cover up another. The cameramen went nuts, and ran around like madmen, taking photos.

Very early the next morning I moved the third car out of the way, around the corner of the house, but the reporters – arriving a bit later – just trespassed on the neighbour’s property and continued to take pictures of it from his private property. Yes, they broke the law in order to continue to take photos of the same car they had photographed the day before… what a scoop! “The car is under the tree around the corner now!” Oooo!

I pity them. They can not be very proud of themselves.

This photo is taken by me this morning, the 20th of July 2013. “What goes around, comes around”.


The blacking out of the face and the license plate is (yes, amateurishly and quickly) done by me using Paint, because of the privacy laws here in France, that I at least respect.

I am a survivalist, so if I want to keep staying out of their view I can do that – literally for years. They took my wife’s rifles, but not our food and water reserves. I wonder if the TV stations and newspapers can afford to keep their reporters here in France for very long – or if they are willing to keep this up, only for them to take more photos of our property and properties. They are already representing services that have in reality become redundant. We have the internet now. We don’t need you guys any more. Bye bye.

See part I of Terrorism in France here.

See part II of Terrorism in France here.

NB! Remember that I have no Facebook accounts, so anyone pretending to be me there are frauds. Remember also that each and every Burzum website other than burzum.org are all false, made by fans or by individuals who wish me no good. 

Terrorism in France, part IV



True comradeship can only be forged in conflict. I have said this before, and I still believe it is true. When things go wrong the cowards and traitors will scatter, run away and hide, and leave you to fight the enemies alone. We see this in war, but we also see this in other types of conflict; verbal disputes, fist fights and also legal persecutions. True comradeship is only forged when things go wrong and those who don’t run away to save their own skin are left to see and know that they can trust each other.

Many have loved treason, none the traitor.” (European proverb)

This week Marie and I was in trouble; persecuted by the police for no good reason whatsoever, and also placed in the stocks and attacked viciously by the media. Some human beings out there, none of them our friends, joined in when the media wailing choir sang their songs of scorn, when they spewed out their hatred and spat upon us with their venomous tongues.

An undeserved insult doesn’t bite much.” (European proverb)

So I am happy to tell that Marie and I, although we have certainly also seen some hostility the last week, have been overwhelmed by the support we have received. From family, from friends, from acquaintances, from complete strangers and even from individuals we have only admired from a distance before. We have seen so much courage and true comradeship in those around us. We are very touched by this and grateful, and we wish to express our gratitude to you all. We have received literally hundreds of mails, with everything from offers of economic assistance to moral support. We are also very encouraged by the fact that so many who were not our friends before have stood up for us and thrown themselves into the line of fire, so to speak, when the temperature was at its highest, for our protection; demanding from us only that they shall be allowed to fight for justice and morality alongside us. Thank you all, very much.

One should go invited to a friend with good fortune, but uninvited if he is has problems.” (European proverb)

To those who offer us economic aid, or who suggest we open up for others to donate money to us, I will say thank you very much, but no thank you. You are very kind and we appreciate your thought immensely. We have of course suffered economically from this, but we wish to carry this burden alone. The burden of knowing that others will be burdened by us is worse to carry than the burden of the economic loss itself. We think and we hope that we will be able to manage.

From harm you grow wise, but not rich.” (European proverb)

To those who have ordered the ForeBears DVD I have been asked by my wife to tell that your orders will be processed, but it will take more time than usual, because of our situation right now. She has received an extreme amount of orders, much more than usual, but at the same time we have a house to tidy and clean and a door to repair after the police raid. We are walking with shoes on inside, because there are tiny glass fragments everywhere, even upstairs, and even after we have vacuumed several times. Because of the siege by journalists we have also been unable to comfortably remove the rubble and piles of glass from our living room. We hope to get it all done before the return of our children.

Rather suffer for the truth than be rewarded for lies.” (European proverb)

Thankfully, because we are survivalists we have not lacked any food, drinking water or anything else either, and had the choice not to expose ourselves to the individuals with cameras outside, and I wish to use this as an example of how important it is to be prepared for any and every type of difficult situations that might occur. If you are a survivalist you will suffer less, and some times not at all, in situations that would be very difficult for those who are not. Not everything you have to survive is of classical nature or possible to predict.

In calm water every ship has a good captain.” (European proverb)

Thank you all again very much for your support. We will try to get back to each and every one of you personally, but we hope you understand if we are unable to, or at least no able to very soon.

We have not inherited Europe from our ancestors; we have borrowed it from our children.” (European proverb)

NB! Remember that I have no Facebook profiles, so anyone pretending to be me there are frauds. Remember also that each and every Burzum website other than burzum.org are all false, made by fans or by individuals who wish me no good.

Terrorism in France, part V


DeutschFrançais. RomânăРусский.

There is one question that you obviously don’t know the answer to; exactly why did they arrest my pregnant wife and me under suspicion of terrorism?

We could speculate widely about this, but the truth is that I know why they did this. They told me: they arrested us because “someone” had told them that I had been one of those unfortunate 500+ receivers of the “manifest” of the Zionist, Freemason and Christian mass-murderer Anders B. Breivik, who received it before his horrendously coward crimes against anti-Zionist socialist youth on Utøya. The French police had been told that an address reciving his manifest, registered in the name wolfschanze, was my e-mail address. According to the police this (false) knowledge alone lead to our arrest. Hm… I wonder who told them this, and why? 

You can always argue that my wife’s purchase of two small calibre (one 22 LR and one 222 Remington) bolt action rifles and a small calibre (22 LR) lever action rifle, as well as a 12 gauge shotgun could make them suspicious, but if so just about the entire rural France should be under suspicion too, because here were we live almost everybody has such rifles. Some one or two fewer, sure, and others one or two more, but still. If anybody thinks that terrorists plan an attack using legally registered side-by-side shotguns and small calibre hunting and sport rifles of 7th and 5th category then they are not policemen, but are more likely to fall under some other and much less flattering category.

With that said, I have yet to see any European family fathers and pregnant mothers of three small children commit any acts of terrorism anywhere

My criminal past has also been listed as an argument in favour of an arrest, but can anybody tell me where the link is between killing a perverse self-proclaimed murderer in self-defence, because he wants to torture you to death, and terrorism? Even if you believe in the self-contradictory lies of the “Norwegian” authorities and trust them when they claim that I drove almost 550 km and murdered a man for no good reason whatsoever (yes, that is the official claim, by the Soviet mock court in Oslo) you have to understand that going from “murdering” a man (for no good reason) to terrorism is a very, very long and indeed rare step.

(I can quickly add that they didn’t want to admit that I acted in self-defence, because that would have ruined their whole case against me, Norway’s most popular and unpopular dissident at the time, but they could list no other reasonable reason for me killing him, so they just pretended I killed him for no good reason whatsoever. Why not? Nobody in the “Norwegian” press has ever questioned this anyhow. They also claimed I had stabbed the guy 21 (23?) times, when in reality I killed him with a tiny pocket knife, that I pulled only because he tried to get a (big) knife to stab me, and the majority of those wounds were in any case probably caused by glass fragments from a smashed lamp, which he at one point fell flat into wearing only his underwear, and also later walked around in. One of those “stab wounds” listed as caused by me were found under his foot. Welcome to Soviet Norway.)

I seriously doubt that the police saw me as a threat only because I killed a man 20 years ago – for whatever reason.

Finally, the speculations regarding our arrest being caused by my encouragement to revolt are also pure rubbish, because I have stated in these same blog posts, and in comments too, that we must never break the law and always act according to the laws of our countries. “Never do anything illegal”, as I have often stated, is very much in conflict with terrorism.

The French authorities, like they told us and our lawyers, arrested us solely because of that (false) link to Breivik, a person we strongly disagree with on all fundamental questions. A person I have publicly and repeatedly attacked, because of his coward crimes and because I detest everything he stands for and represents.

So tell me France, why did this really happen?

My French wife was arrested, a shy, 155 cm tall pregnant blonde with three small children and no criminal record, and they pretty much only asked her questions regarding me and my activities, so why was she not brought in as a witness instead? You tell me…

I grew up in and have lived most of my life in Soviet Norway, alias NDR (Norwegische Demokratische Republik), so I am no stranger to vicious political suppression, totalitarianism, extremism and state persecution and terror against dissident citizens: is this perhaps the reason why I feel so much at home here in your new France?

Soviet Norway: first and mainly Soviet:

1. mai.

The France I remember and adore:


NB! Remember that I have no Facebook profiles, so anyone pretending to be me there are frauds. Remember also that each and every Burzum website other than burzum.org are all false, made by fans or by individuals who wish me no good.

Golden Tablets in the Grass


Thanks for “Duskhermit” for sharing this video:

Terrorism in France, part VI


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Everything is seemingly returning to normal. The media will continue to ignore Thulean Perspective, after their blunder last week, when they for several days promoted it more than I could have done myself in a hundred years, by accusing me of all sorts of things. We will see fewer visitors to this website than we have done the last week, but some new ones – only made aware of its existence the last week – will still remain. All in all quite a large number of Europeans have become aware of the injustice and other flaws of their system, and also the stupidity of certain actors in this system. I think we can safely say that my ideological and religious enemies have opened fire at me, but have been hit by the ricochets from their own firearms. I remain unscathed. In fact I am left with more credibility and a bigger group of readers. With their act of terror against my family they have strengthened and perhaps even proved my points.

Faint hearts never win fair ladies.” (European proverb)

Presented by the Media as a French Neo-Nazi Terrorist


The title of this series of posts is called “Terrorism in France”, and I have of course at no point referred to their accusations brought forth against my wife and me, nor to the media’s talk about terrorism. I have all the time referred to their acts of terror. To their terrorism. Only because I have expressed my politically incorrect opinions online, did they attack my family with terrorism, (mis-) using the police to expose me to real violence: our front door being shot at, glass being broken, screaming and threats at gun point (suggesting that “hands up or we will shoot you with our assault rifles”), armed intrusion of privacy by masked men, exposure to the vultures in the media, hand-cuffing in front of our children, imprisonment without any proof, and so forth. Is it not terrorism when they have had no real reason for doing so?

He who becomes a sheep will be eaten by the wolf.” (European proverb)

They didn’t just attack my family though. They did not just try to intimidate us by means of violence; they wanted to set an example for the rest of you. They wanted to scare us all. Their message is clear: “express your politically incorrect opinions publicly and you will suffer”. All nationalists out there are now supposed to cower and hide in fear. And keep quiet. They want total control, of every mind and every body on this planet.

Many have too much, but no one has enough.” (European proverb)

Sure, when made aware of the laws in France regarding the right to only express your political opinions if they are in accordance with those of the tiny elite in power, and as I understand also to question official history, I have removed many of my posts, to moderate them and make them legal, but have decided to instead just write new posts. However, all this means is that I have to re-formulate and express myself in a different way.

Blindest is he who doesn’t want to see.” (European proverb)

It does in no way take away my will or ability to continue to expose the enemies of Europe, to express my opinion or to enlighten fellow Europeans, and others too, regarding not only our colourful European culture, but also regarding the horrible realities of post-Pagan Europe.

History is the lies we have agreed upon.” (Napoleon Bonaparte)

European nationalists are by blood and spirit bound to our sacred European soil, like the mind of a man is connected to his body. Even those not living in Europe has and strongly feels this connection to Europe. This bond is unbreakable. You can suppress it, but it will always be there, like embers under the ashes, waiting to become a raging fire again. You spend a fortune to suppress the European nature, with all your distractions, smoke screens and lies, but all we need to awaken it again is to place a few branches and some dry wood on the embers, and it will again turn to a mighty bonfire, burn, warm, light up and enlighten our world.

Similar children play best together.” (European proverb)

We don’t need to use violence to achieve our goals, and I certainly don’t advice anybody to try to either, and the more violence and terror you – internationalists and Zionists – resort to, the easier it is for us to reanimate the European spirit collectively. We, so-called racists and “anti-Semites”, represent not hatred and contempt for others, but the love of diversity and respect for others. Unlike you we don’t try to turn this beautiful planet into a “global village”, destroying all diversity by colonialism, commercial imperialism and by turning mankind into a universal and brainwashed gray mass (of consumer debt slaves). Instead we respect every tribe and people and fight for their right to have a culture, a language, a religion, traditions and a homeland of their own, and to cultivate this without the intrusion or persecution of others. African natives, American natives, Asian natives and Australian natives, yes, but also European natives.

The worst deaf is the one who doesn’t want to hear.” (European proverb)

We have not inherited Europe from our ancestors; we have borrowed it from our children.”(European proverb)

NB! Remember that I have no Facebook profiles, so anyone pretending to be me there are frauds. Remember also that each and every Burzum website other than burzum.org are all false, made by fans or by individuals who wish me no good.

About Extremism & Extremists



The commonly held persecption today is that people like me are extremists, and of course they tell us that extremism is dangerous! They make most of us believe that just about all the problems in our world are caused and created by extremists like myself. We probably should at least be stripped of our right to express any of our abhorrently extreme views…

Well, as I see it I am not an extremist. To do your best to conserve traditional values, customs, traditions, rites and religions is not extreme at all. To fight for the survival of your continent and its native population is not extreme at all. It is in fact much more extreme not to resist when everything of value in your society is under direct threat and at risk of being exterminated and removed. What people like me represent is about as moderate and normal as it can get. In the history of man about 99% of everyone has shared my world view for 99% of the time.

I believe that it is extreme to think gay marriage is okay, or to think that homosexuality is perfectly normal. I believe that it is extreme to think men should do the work of women and women the work of men. I believe that it is extreme to think that your own biological group, should be hybridized to such a degree that it ceases to exist. I believe that it is extreme to think that foreigners want you and your people all the best and that they will not favour their own at the expense of you and your people. I believe that it is extreme to tolerate mass immigration to your country, and not least mass immigration of people from a different continent who follow a religion clearly stating that it is their duty to either convert you to their religion or kill you if they fail to do so. I believe that it is extreme to allow foreigners to come to your country and rape your women, and then let them stay after they have done so. I believe that it is extreme to allow Zionists and internationalists to destroy your culture, to let them entertain your children with lies and to let them cultivate racism towards your own people in your own homeland. I believe that it is extreme to believe in gods from another continents. I believe that it is extreme to allow bankers to enslave you and your children, using the banking system to achieve this. I believe that it is extreme to allow the pharmacy industry to poison your children with «vaccines» containing mercury, which they inject directly into the blood system of your infants. I believe that it is extreme to allow the state to take over most of the education and upbringing of your own children! You are the extremists here! How do you dare call me an extremist?

Yes! Extremism is dangerous! Extremists like those in power today are as I see it completely mad and utterly dangerous! They are so dangerous that because of them and their genocidal anti-European politics we went from being the masters of Europe to facing extinction on our own continent in just 70 years or so.

Dear friends and passers-by, and dear brainwashed countrymen too; please take your time to think this over! Please join us in our struggle for a return to normality, to a traditional, healthy and viable lifestyle. We are not the extremists here. We are just some who slipped through their blood-stained fingers when they grabbed our nations by the neck to suffocate them – and we resist the extremists who do so.

As I see it these individuals are good examples of dangerous extremists in our world;

ephod islam-london4 1217-770 Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Israel 2008 images (2) nicolas,sarkozy,israel large

The Sun of our Hearts


Reading newspapers has become a burden. To find the news I first have to wade through loads of semi-pornograhpical adds and articles, the latter mainly about some low-life celebreties and how depraved they are, and then I have to decode the news items when I finally find them. Yes, decode is the right word, because there is very little truth in the news as they are presented to us.

At the end of the day I always think; «Why bother reading the newspapers in the first place?» I only do out of old (and bad) habit, and it really only serves as a catalyst for my own frustration. The news are in any case extremely negative, and we actually get all the negative news of the entire world served to us every single day. How can that possibly be good? Do I really need to see all that shit every single day of my life? Does this really concern me? I don’t live in a «Global village», so why let them pretend I do?

So at first I read the online newspapers less and less, and I think I have come to the conclusion that I will stop altogether. There is no point anymore; I can get my news from blogs made by people who see and experience the news themselves.

When it comes to my own blog I have decided to stop focusing on the negative in our world. I am just too tired of reading, thinking and writing about this. I want to open up the window and let in the fresh air and the light instead, and embrace only positivity. I want positive posts about solutions to our problems, rather than just focus on the problems. Positive environmentalism, Paganism, philosophy, stories and anecdotes. There will be less to say, much less, because there is less good than bad in our world right now, and fewer solutions than problems, but that’s okay. Saying nothing is some times the wisest thing you can do.

The press will soon die, because so many of us stop buying their services or even using their «free» services, and we will be better off without them. The rest of the power of the internationalists will also soon die, and especially if we focus on the positive in us and our culture. The Europe of tomorrow will be lighter, brighter and better, but only if we solve our problems more than we bury ourselves in them.

No load is easier to carry than one made up of much wisdom. Leave the problems of the rest of the world behind, and only carry those problems that concern you and that you can do something about. Let the rest of the world fall if it has to. Only Europe matters to us, and Europe survives through you and me. HailaR WôðanaR!

All those who carry wreaths are not virgins.”(European proverb)

NB! This is a moderated version of a post with the same name, from April 2013. 

The Ascent


Once upon a time the European man was a strong man; in all ways. Problems such as allergy, asthma, bad teeth, obesity, poor sensual perception and other ills tormenting the modern man did barely exist. If at all.

A reason for this was that his hunter-gatherer diet was rich and varied, offering everything his mind and body needed, and the food was sans preservatives, added colour or pesticides. What he ate was fresh, it had been ripe when it was harvested and was thus rich with vitamins and minerals. It had not been harvested prematurely only to be transported thousands of miles in containers, and then be made presentable whilst in storage, waiting to be shipped to the local grocery store. Lacking most of the vitamins it would have had if grown naturally.

Another reason for this was that the laws of nature were respected, and weak infants were allowed to die, instead of being aided by advanced medicine, so that he or she too could survive long enough to be able to reproduce – and allow his or her weak nature to reduce the overall quality of the group. Some strong died too, and some weaklings survived, but the general high biological quality was maintained, and probably even improved.

Yet another reason for this was that the only mercury inhaled or consumed by the ancient man went through the digestive system, where it was rejected or cleansed, and no mercury was ever injected directly into the blood system in form of “vaccines”. So the immune system of the ancient man was not attacked and broken down as early as a few months after birth. He remained healthy, his immune system intact. So he rarely had running nose as a child. He rarely had ear infections or lung infections. He rarely had allergies or other autoimmunity problems. He rarely had asthma. He rarely had any mental illnesses. He didn’t catch every single bug that flew by, and he was never sick for weeks when he did catch one, like modern man most often is today.


The European Stone Age man was fantastic: the average Stone Age man could throw a hardwood spear 110 meters or more, compared to the modern javelin (!) world record of 98,48 meters. The average Stone Age man could run 37 kph barefooted on soft sand, compared to modern man’s world record of 42 kph in a sports arena with modern jogging shoes. Had the Stone Age man had similar conditions when running we assume he would have been able to run 45 kph. The average man, that is.

In the Bronze- and Iron Age the European man was still fantastic: Roman legions completed marches of more than 60 kilometres a day carrying more than half their body weight in equipment. Athens could employ 30.000 rowers who all exceeded the achievements of modern champion oarsmen.

Had one of us, even a modern Olympic champion, been able to travel back in time he would have been seen as a worthless wimp, a sub-human degenerate, a weakling not worthy of life.

And they would have been right to think so.

So what happened to Europe? Well, the answer is very simple: Christianity. Yes, that tiny sect in the Roman Empire, known as “the early Christians”, rotted Europe from within and with time tore down everything that had made us so good, so strong, so bright and so beautiful. Our journey since the introduction of Christianity has not been like a bumpy ride or a tricky walk, but more like a free fall into a dark and foreboding chasm – and we are still falling, weighted down by all sorts of poisons: feminism, liberalism, internationalism, humanism, capitalism, communism, socialism, nihilism and other derivatives from that original mental plague, and that are all designed to make us fall faster and harder. Soon we will hit rock bottom, and cease to be Europeans. We will turn into some sort of degenerated creatures, unable to survive without medicine, unable to reproduce without medical aid, unable to live without serious health problems from beginning to end.

The Future European, as depicted by Robert Lenkiewicz:


Why would anybody want such a future for themselves or their children?

I am not like my forebears, neither in body nor mind, but I have chosen to reject the veil placed in front of my eyes, so I can see and I am willing to see the golden tablets in the grass, left there by our forebears. I pick them up and by doing so revive Europe in me. I invite you to do the same.

Christianity and its derivatives was imposed on us over the course of two thousand years, by force and trickery, deceit and treachery, but Europe is in our blood, and it has been all the time. Allow it to wake up and prevail, allow it to grow strong again and return, and it will banish all the darkness of our world just like that. Like a Sunrise banishes the Night. HailaR WôðanaR!


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About Christianity



Christianity is not what it used to be. It started out as a purely Jewish sect – one of many, I may add – and ended up as a series of rather different religions. E. g. Marcus Aurelius persecuted the Early Christians because there was evidence that they were cannibals, that they ritually murdered innocent children, even infants, and were engaged in a range of other subterfuge activities too – just like other Jews at the time.

Christianity of today, any version of it, doesn’t seem to have much in common with the apparently cannibalistic, child-murdering and in other ways too criminal Christianity of Antiquity, so what happened? Today we are not told anything about the horrible crimes of the Early Christians, or if we are they only mention it to try to explain it away or pretend it was never like that at all.

Jesus Christ, as described to us by quasi-history, and if he indeed ever existed, was a rebel, fighting against the Roman occupation of Judea, and the Early Christians must be seen in this light. Christianity was a sect, but more than anything it was a resistance movement, fighting the Roman occupation. The activities of the Early Christians in Rome must be understood in this light. They were initially using terror to achieve their goals; the threat to Romans of being eaten, the kidnapping and ritual sacrifice of gentile children, etc. They were a form of sicarii, like so many other Jewish groups were at the time.

Terrorist groups need members though, in order to be of any real threat to their enemies, so the Early Christians started to recruit; initially amongst Jews only, but with time they allowed gentiles too. At first they had to be circumcised to be allowed as members, but they also had to eat human flesh and kill an innocent – to make sure there would be no way back for them. Yes, they acted much like criminal biker gangs and the Mafia do today; they demanded that you committed a serious crime, in order for you to be allowed as a member, to ensure your loyalty. There is no way back for a cannibal in Europe, or for a murderer of children. Anybody committing such horrible crimes will forever be lost to Europe. This naturally explains the harsh treatment of the Early Christians too; when disclosed as such they were beheaded and even thrown to the lions. Of course they were; they were the worst of criminals; cannibalistic and child-murdering.

In order to enlist gentiles to this criminal sect they had to have something to offer that would be of interest to them. Judaism in itself was of no interest to a European gentile, nor the struggle for Judea, so the Early Christians started to adopt different European – Roman – symbols, ideals and customs. At first the idea that Jesus was a European initiate, as suggested by his (symbolic) death and resurrection from the realm of death: this was the classical European rite of passage at the time. Then the idea that Jesus was divine, also a classical European idea. With time they adopted more and more of the European religion, because they had to in order to successfully enlist Europeans to their organisation. They also, for the same reason, had to abandon their cannibalism and child-murdering.

With European members the Early Christians could infiltrate every Roman institution, and as we know in the end they even managed to do this on the top level. They won their struggle when they managed to place one of their own in the seat of the Emperor. Rome was thus forever lost, and shortly after crumbled and fell.

We hear that the “barbarian” invasions caused the fall of Rome, but the truth is that Rome rotted from within, because of the work of the Early Christians, who did everything they could to destroy the Roman Empire; with terror, with porn and other perversities, with slavery, with usury and so forth. If there was some sort of undermining activity or business, the Early Christians were there, heavily engaged. The “barbarian” invasion came only because the other peoples of Europe, not yet infected with Christianity, saw what Rome turned into when exposed to these Early Christians, and they wanted to defend themselves against this – just like the Scandinavians did hundreds of years later, in the Viking Age, when the Christian spiritual plague had spread out.

Christianity spread out – just like the “barbarians” had feared – and rotted the rest of Europe from within too. It lay waste to one European culture after the other, like a Spiritual Black Death. The last to fall was the Lithuanian culture, in the 14th century, or if you like the Sami culture in the 18th or 19th century.

Christianity changed tremendously over the years, because it had to adopt to the customs of the peoples it sought to destroy. If it didn’t it had no hope for success. If it didn’t adopt the Pagan moral, customs, rites and traditions it would fail miserably. So it did, and today we are left with a Christianity with almost exclusively European content, and only a tiny part from Judaism. European customs have unintentionally been preserved in Christianity more than they have been destroyed by it. In that sense Christianity failed; we are still Europeans celebrating European high festivals. Yule. Halloween. Easter. You name it; they are all European high festivals. The Jews’ distaste for Christianity today is not because of its origin, but because of what it has become. It is not what they intended it to be. They failed.

Although Christianity is not what it was intended to be it still represents internationalism and is a serious threat to the diversity of this planet. Because of its origin it is still being used as a tool to destroy gentile cultures.

It is possible for Jews and Muslims, and others too, to go home, but the way to remove Christianity from Europe, lock, stock and barrel, is simply to make sure that the coming generations are raised as true Europeans instead. When the Christians die, from old age, so will Christianity and its negative influence on Europe. We will be free again. Healthy. Whole. Happy. Like we used to be. HailaR WôðanaR!


NB! Remember that I have no Facebook profiles, so anyone pretending to be me there are frauds. Remember also that each and every Burzum website other than burzum.org are all false, made by fans or by individuals who wish me no good.

Blôð auk Ôðal



Man is a type of animals too, and we should see us as such. So the question is then; are there any polar bears living in Sahara? Any scorpion in the Arctic? Any zebras in Europe or America? Any kangaroos outside of Australia? Any whales in lakes and rivers? And why are the wolves larger in Canada than they are in Europe? Why aren’t the African elephants identical to the Asian ones? The answer is that all creatures are dictated by the laws of nature to live somewhere in particular, and they are adapted to this specific type of existence. They don’t belong elsewhere; they are not adapted to life elsewhere, or if you like not created to exist elsewhere.

Why should this be any different for the many species and races of men?

You can make a tiger and a lion procreate and have offspring, but you will have to do this with animals in captivity, like a cage; with creatures confined and cramped together in horribly unnatural environments. Much like human beings in a city. The offspring will be neither a tiger nor a lion though, and it will not be fit to live anywhere. It will be riddled with problems caused by the hybridization. Animals don’t mate with animals of other races or species in nature unless they absolutely have to and have no other alternative.

Why should man be any different?


Cultures, customs and religions, traditions and world views: they do not shape and form tribes of men. Instead they stem from the nature of these men and work to keep them in harmony with themselves.

The nature of these men has been influenced by landscapes, forests and fields, oceans and mountains high, valleys deep, fjords and changing seasons, plants and herbs, and animals living there too; by the food they ate and air they breathed, by temperatures and humidity. Each tribe of men has over the course of time become special and well adapted to its surroundings.

Some tribes are very similar to each other, and some are very different from the rest. A few are unique in almost each and every respect.

Tribes have influenced each other too, mainly through the exchange of sons and daughters for marriage, or through adopting the infants of conquered tribes, causing hybridizations described by the science religion as «mutations». Some groups of tribes have developed isolated from the rest of the world for so long that they have become incompatible with all others. Other group of tribes have been so hybridized that they no longer fit in or belong anywhere, and just wander the Earth, anywhere, rootless and confused, envious and hateful towards those who does not suffer the same fate. They have no connection with the natural life or the planet they live on, and are inclined to prefer death and destruction – and create ideas promoting both.


Every unspoiled tribe of men is connected to its Ôðal («allodial soil»), like a mind to a body. It can not exist as intended elsewhere. If you like; it can not exist healthily or perhaps naturally as intended elsewhere. A tribe moving away from its Ôðal will leave something important behind, and be poorer and lacking of something or in some way. Some tribes will miss the homeland, feel drawn to it and eventually return home, but the tribe not living on its Ôðal will until this happens be confused and poorer; it will be a falling tribe. E g. the Europeans in America, or the Asians and Africans in Europe. They will behave like animals trapped in an unnatural environment, and often react violently and irrationally. They need not be bad human beings; they need not be sub-human scum; they need not be rotten to the core, even though they often behave as if they are. They are simply not home. They are not where nature intended for them to be. They have no connection to the land they live on.


It is no good living on your Ôðal if you don’t accept the laws of your Ôðal, if you don’t take the consequences of your nature. If you are a polar bear you better not try to eat krill or dive to the depths of the Arctic ocean; stick to hunting seals instead. Whether because of a creation or adaptation; that is what polar bears are meant to do.

My forebears hunted and gathered for hundreds of thousands of years, in the pristine nature of Europe. They were shaped by this, and with time expressed their nature in form of poetry and music, rock carvings and cave paintings, philosophy and mathematics, wonderful mythologies and colourful pantheons, beautiful temples and fantastic wood carvings. All this was an expression of their unique European mind and spirit – their unique European blood. Blood and soil.

Why would I want anything coming from elsewhere?

I am European, so I reject every idea and ideal that is not. I am not saying it is “worthless shit” or anything like that, but it is just not for me or any other Europeans – like the desert is not for a polar bear. Instead I embrace my own nature, and only my own nature, and everything that stems from my nature. To reject it would be folly: to deny it would be suicide. Like trying to live in a desert would be suicide for a polar bear.

Europe wake up, and embrace and revive yourself. There is no other road to happiness, harmony, prosperity or diversity. Europe wake up! HailaR WôðanaR!

About Apologists


We can all agree that many have committed ghastly crimes in our world, but no matter how you see it there is one group that stands out as so much more criminal, cruel and horrible in this context, even compared to the Communists (murderers of tens of millions). Yes, I am of course talking about Christendom: the worst destroyer of culture, of religion, of traditions and of peoples and races. Christendom has close to exterminated the Northern American natives and their culture, and is causing or has caused terrible famines, wars and destructions in Africa and Asia too. It has been no less a catastrophe to our own Europe though. In fact it has been worse for Europe than for anybody else.

Apologists for Hitler’s Germany are imprisoned, demonized, put in the stocks and stripped of all civil rights, but apologists for Communism and Christianity are hired en masse to educate our children, to entertain us with TV and radio shows and to present the news to us as they see fit. They are because they are working for the same enemy; for those behind both these genocidal tools.

Today Europe is waking up. In fact we have been waking up slowly ever since the Renaissance; the Pagan (European) ideals and ideas are returning and re-kindling the spirit of life in Europe. We no longer worship death and destruction; we no longer plan to leave this planet for some fictional and utterly meaningless “Paradise”; we no longer care only for our own personal salvation and forgiveness, for sins we have never committed; we no longer bury ourselves in self-loathing and beg for forgiveness for being Europeans; we no longer worship some evil demi-urge of Hebrew origin; we no longer participate in the degradation and destruction of ourselves and everything we hold dear. Yes, more and more Europeans wake up and embrace their own nature! More and more of us become complete human beings; European minds and spirits in European bodies. We reject the filth of the desert peoples, and their international psychosis; their mongrel ideas.

In this process of waking up we see amongst us apologists for Christianity, and the other genocidal tools designed to finish us off, showing up trying to make us forgive and forget, and to keep tolerating the evil in our world.

Yes, many Christians are waking up too, and in theory they should join us, and cast aside the Jewish yoke, but they don’t; instead they come up with excuses for clinging to their Hebrew “religion”. They turn a blind eye to reality and in effect continue to assist our enemies – and to secure them a future in Europe. They don’t want to do this. They don’t know they do. But they do.

There is no apology for what Christians have done and is doing to Europe – and to others in the world too. There is no excuse in this world for what they have done. They have been nothing but a destructive and genocidal force in this world since the creation of their so-called “religion”. Everything good created and done under Christendom came not as a consequence of Christianity, but in spite of it. Europe didn’t survive because of Christendom, but in spite of it. Every good man who is a Christian is good not because of Christianity, but in spite of it. Christianity is poison to this world, a plague tormenting the Earth, a virus infecting and killing innocents, filth soiling us and nothing else, and must be treated accordingly. It was created as a tool to destroy us, and it is nothing else than this.

Dear good Christians; I know that most of you are good people, good to the core, and that you want to do good, but you can not when chained to evil by your hateful Jewish religion. Wherever you go you bring that tool of death with you. Whatever you do good and right you do it in the name of that tool of destruction, and you thus strengthen it.

Cast it aside and return to Europe! Keep all the good you saw in Christianity, because this is all found in Europe too; justice, kindness, law and chivalry, it was all taken from our old religion – to lure good Europeans into this sinister Christian cult. To lure them into becoming destroyers and murderers of Europe.

Christianity has failed, even though the Christians have tried to destroy Europe and have murdered Europeans for more than a thousand years now. Europe is still here. But for now. This might change, and it might change soon – unless Europe wakes up, arises and casts aside the Jewish yoke: feminism, capitalism, materialism, “tolerance”, internationalism, socialism, humanism etc., but not least Christianity.

There is no excuse for what the Christians have done to Europe, and there is no excuse for any Europeans to stick to this despicable Jewish cult of hatred and death.

Europe is Pagan. We are all Pagans by blood. Hail Europe! Hail and Joy! 

A Light in a Dark Swamp


The media is as we know it made up almost exclusively of cowards and criminals running errands for the enemies of Europe, but there are some exceptions.  Here is one.

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