Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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Hoddmîmir’s Grove


The modern society, with all it’s good and bad aspects (yes, it has both), is bound to collapse sooner or later, if not under the weight of all the crime, (debt) slavery, poverty and misery it produces, then under the weight of the overpopulation and other self-destruction it brings forth. It is not a question of whether or not it will cause a global and catastrophic crisis, or actually crises, but when this will happen. You might even say it already is causing such crises; they have just increased so slowly in intensity and frequency over the years that we got accustomed to them and failed to react as strongly as we should have when they occured.

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At one point the gradual decline of European civilisation will force us into what can best be described as a survival situation. There will be so little law and order, so few services will work, the crime rates will be so high and the economy so bad that we can not live even fairly normal lives anymore, but have to do our best to survive. If you live in a town or a city you can either get out of there asap or you can expect to not survive very quickly…

To survive you need to prepare and make sure you are as self-sufficient as possible. You can pack the knife, the wool carpet, the metal water container, a fire starter and the rope, the five most neccessary things you need to make sure you can survive alone in the woods at least for a short period of time, and perhaps long enough to get to a more rural area, but you should do your best to settle down in a rural area to start with. There you can stockpile food, drinking water, fuel, batteries, medical supplies and so forth, to survive for a longer period of time, but you should also stockpile (legal!) firearms/ammo (12 gauge, .22 LR and .222 Remington would be my choice*), fishing equipment, and other items that will enable you to survive when you run out of food. Perhaps most importantly though; you must ensure that you always have (fresh ecological) seeds to plant so that you can grow your own vegetables in the future, and you should have hens, for egg production, and if you can raise rabbits as well – for meat and also fur (for clothes). Lastly, but not least, you should make sure you have enough tools and «how to» books for any and every possible situation; there will be no internet to help you in the future! You should also test and practise using all your survival gear before you need it, so that you can use it and use it correctly and well when you need it.

*12 gauge because it is so versatile. It can be used for almost everything (including boar and bear hunting) .22 LR because you can carry loads of ammo (literally thousands of rounds) without being too encumbered, and also because it is cheap and can be used by your wife and children too, and .222 Remington because it is powerful enough to kill medium sized prey at medium ranges – and even deer if your aim is good. These ammo types are also the easiest to find (e. g. just about every household in rural France has a 12 gauge shotgun and a .22 LR rifle), so if you run out of ammo you will be most likely to find someone willing to trade such ammo with you in exchange for whatever you may have to offer. Weapons using these ammo types are also available for just about anyone in France. Finally, if the law should by any chance get more restrictive these are the last weapon types that will be banned – and certainly the last to be taken from you by the criminal regime. If you get yourself some fancy assault rifle with military ammo (you can do that too, if you please and can wait 1 year for a permission) you should not be surprised if the police come and take it from you long before you will ever need it.

Do not underestimate the power of a well placed .22 LR round; the cheapest, lightest and possibly most common (i. e. most available) ammo type in the world. 


The immigrant scum will be confined to the cities. Why? Because they are helpless in the wilds – most of them have never even left the city or sub-urbs– and because rural France is very racist and also armed with hunting rifles… If the immigrants leave their cities they will probably pay a heavy price, so to speak. So the countryside will not be too dangerous (and it can possibly be very fun near the cities…), and your main focus should be to prepare for cooperation with other good Europeans rather than isolation from the nearby world and conflict with those around you.

Ideally you should have neighbours who are like you, or perhaps you could even live in a village made up of Pagan survivalists, and if so you are highly likely to survive any crises.

If you want a secure future I will recommend for you that you study and learn to master skills and crafts that might be neccessary in the future. Tanning perhaps, pottery, blacksmithing, old-tech agriculture, carpentry, masonry, shoemaking, herblore and so forth – and of course fishing, hunting, tracking and trapping. Anything that can make you an asset for a rural community in a falling civilisation.

The most important for any society to thrive and even survive is trust, and as you know you can only really trust others who are like you racially; i. e. those who carry a DNA similar to your own. So the most important of all is to make sure your community is homogeneous; only allow Europeans in. Only ever help fellow Europeans!

When the storm wanes and surviving Europeans are to clean up the mess caused by the boomers and their Jewish masters we – they – can build a new and better Europe; a Europe for Europeans only. A Europe with a future! Our job as good Pagans must be to ensure the survival not only of the European blood, but also of the European culture, traditions, religion and spirit! HailaR WôðanaR!




As at least most of you know by now this is a pro-European blog, existing solely because this is the only (at least semi-) legal means I have to fight against the European Genocide going on as we speak. I have used illegal means before, and it worked well some times, but it also to a large degree silenced and crippled me; I ended up in prison for a long time because of this. Me arguing for or resorting to illegal means will help neither the cause nor me – and certainly not my wife and children – so I (perhaps cowardly) do my best using music and this blog instead.

I like to think of Thulean Perspective as a pro-European think tank. A post can be good, inspiring and informative, or at least I intend for it to be, but some times the comments can be at least as valuable and important to read as the post itself.

In this «think tank» I want to keep an honest and trusting atmosphere, but a problem with the resistance against the European Genocide is that our movement is often infiltrated, mainly by European traitors working for the enemy, but also by Jews. They mainly try to convince us that the Muslims are the real enemy, and that we should focus all our energy on them, but they also work hard to sow strife amongst us, to make sure we can not at any point muster a proper, strong and pan-European front against them.

I have no problem with non-European commentators, as long as they don’t pretend to be Europeans (or something else they are not), and of course as long as their comments make sense and they speak their hearts. We can often learn much from discussing (in a civil manner) with those different from us – and our beliefs are in any case not so weak they cannot survive challenging views or a bit of resistance. I do however not want to discuss with non-Europeans living in Europe, no matter what they think or say, they are part of the Mongrel Horde attacking us. They are enemies, or at best tools used by our enemies. Europe is for Europeans only.

Our warbands are only to be made up of Europeans. True trust can only be achieved in homogeneous societies; true friendship only through honesty and true comradeship only in war! We can speak our hearts here, gain the friendship of others, but we will only really know who we can trust when we sit or lie side by side with them on a battlefield under a hail of bullets, so to speak. This is the why Pagan Europe was so aggressive and fond of war. This is why we can argue that every generation should see at least one war; only conflict enables us to detect the cowards amongst us, and thus also enables us to build societies made up only of the type of individuals we want to have around us. Men and women we can trust a hundred percent, who work and fight for the same, who look like we do (i. e. are of the same race) and thus carry most of our DNA; who will protect and raise our children if we can not do so ourselves, who will fight and kill for them, and even die for them if they have to. Individuals who will live not only for themselves, but for you and your well-being as well. Individuals you too want to fight and kill for, live for and even die for if neccessary. Kinsmen. Europeans. HailaR WôðanaR!

The only place where men get to know what they and their friends are made of! 




English version

On dit que le Rîgsþula (“le chant du Roi”, “le verset du Roi”) est un mythe sur la façon dont Heimdallr a engendré les différentes classes sociales; Þræll (Thralls, esclaves), Karl (Paysans) et les Jarl (Nobles). La signification d’origine de ces noms est: “coursier”, “Homme libre” et “Homme” respectivement. Il se rend lui-même Rïgr, ce qui a été interprété par les chercheurs comme venant du mot irlandais Roi, Rig.

Les chercheurs interprètent cela comme une influence irlandaise négligeant l’évidence, à savoir que le mot Rîgr peut être orthographié Rikr (No.”Puissant”, “Roi”) si cela avait été écrit par quelqu’un d’autre (Il n’y avait pas d’orthographe claire à l’époque), et en tout cas les deux mots Rig et Rikr proviennent de la même racine Indo-Européenne *Ric (“souverain”, “Roi”, “puissant”, etc.). C’est bien sûr aussi la racine de l’Allemand Reich (“Royaume”).

Baldr faisant signe à Heimdallr (en tant que Hermôðr) de Hel.


L’interprétation de la classe sociale est toujours valable, cela signifie uniquement que le mythe était à l’origine à propos de ça. De nombreux mythes ont été altérés avec le temps, avec les changements politiques et religieux dans la société, et leurs significations originelles ont été cachées. Un mythe expliquant les changements dans la composition raciale des Européens peut bien être compris comme un mythe expliquant la composition raciale des différentes classes sociales, y compris la description de leurs propres caractéristiques à une époque où ça devenait de plus en plus visible. Ça pouvait facilement être élaboré avec bonne foi, ainsi qu’avec les noms des fils et filles et leurs descriptions colorés sont alors ajoutés au mythe original.

Dans le Rîgsþula, on apprend qu’Heimdallr marchait le long du rivage lorsqu’il rencontra un couple appelé Arrière-Grand-père et Arrière-Grand-mère. On dit qu’ils étaient “sous l’ancienne apparence” dans leur maison. Il dormit là trois nuits et après trois lunes, Arrière-Grand-mère accoucha d’ un fils horrible et basané nommé Þræll. Il engendra corpulent, courtaud, basané, aux longues jambes, rustre, lubrique, paresseux, cul-terreux, bagarreur, taon, lascif, vacher ainsi que patraque, bourrée, bossue, nez crochu, pleurnicheuse, servante, cheville en chêne, pouilleuse et boniche. En d’autres termes, pas un groupe d’enfants très sympathique.

Ensuite, Heimdallr continua jusqu’à rencontrer un couple appelé Grand-père et Grand-mère. Il dormit chez eux trois nuits et après trois lunes, Grand-mère accoucha de Karl, au teint rosé et coloré avec ses yeux pétillants. Il engendra jeunesse, héros, gentilhomme, forgeron, propriétaire paysan, membres larges, paysan, gerbe de barbe, voisin, fermier, orateur, barbe épaisse ainsi que Dame, épouse, gouvernante, joyeuse, voyante, grande servante, femme, féminin, timide, élancée. Un groupe certainement plus sympathique que celui de Þræll.

Toujours en route, Heimdallr rencontra un couple appelé Père et Mère. Il dormit chez eux trois nuits et après trois lunes, Mère accoucha de Jarl, avec ses cheveux brillants, ses belles joues et ses yeux éclatants. Cette fois, Heimdallr resta pour élever l’enfant, lui apprit comment se battre avec armes et boucliers, lui apprit les runes (secrets), lui donna son propre nom et le reconnu comme son fils. Il lui ordonna de maintenir les champs ancestraux et la demeure ancestrale. Il épousa Vive, et enfanta héritier, enfant, bébé, successeur, progéniture, garçon, descendant, renouvellement, fils, jeune, parent, le-plus-jeune (Kon-ungr) (le verset concernant les noms des filles est manquant).

Ces garçons apprirent à jouer, à faire du sport et à nager. Ils apprivoisèrent les cheveux, fabriquèrent des boucliers, taillèrents des épieux de guerre, manièrent la lance mais Le-plus-jeune apprit aussi le secret de la vie et de l’éternité, il apprit aussi la sorcellerie et comment parler aux oiseaux. Il utilisa ces secrets pour gagner son patrimoine et devint connu son le nom de Roi (le mot “King”vient du terme “Kon-ungr”, mieux reconnu dans l’ancient suédois “Konung”).

Vous pouvez voir que ce n’est rien d’autre qu’une description des différentes classes sociales de la société de la période viking, mais ça peut aussi être compris dans le contexte de l’homo neandertalensis et de leur contact avec l’homo sapiens – expliqué d’une manière plus scientifique ici.

Heimdallr est un Dieu, mais les Dieux se manifestent sur Terre comme des êtres humains; les Roi et les Reines n’étaient pas seulement de grands prêtres ou de grandes prêtresses, c’étaient les Dieux et les Déesses eux mêmes ! Ils se faisaient passer pour eux et sont donc devenu eux-même. Rîgr (Hemdallr) n’est pas un Dieu, mais la personnification de l’Européen originel voyageant vers le sud le long des côtes, chassé de l’Europe par les glaciations et rencontrant les Africains. Les Néandertaliens étaient plus forts et plus intelligents donc, s’ils le voulaient, pouvaient prendre les femmes des Africains, et parfois ils le faisaient -et lorsqu’ils le faisaient, ils engendraient des enfants basanés pas très sympathique. Ils retournaient en Europe par la suite, lorsque l’âge de glace se terminait.

Ils rencontrent l’Africain une nouvelle fois après l’âge de glace suivant, mais cette fois il est moins basané que la première fois. Il possède déjà un peu de son sang venant de la dernière rencontre datant de 12 000 ans environ. Il reprend encore quelques femmes et enfante plus d’enfants, moins basané cette fois, mais il n’emporte toujours pas ces enfants avec lui en Europe une fois l’âge de glace terminé. Ils ne sont toujours pas à son goût pour ainsi dire, ou alors ils les emmène mais ils ne sont pas capable de survivre en Europe -et périssent du manque de vitamines “soleil” et des autres problèmes causés par leur sang Africain.

Le temps passe et un autre âge de glace les oblige à quitter l’Europe encore et lorsqu’ils rencontrent les africains, reprennent quelques femmes. Cette fois, les femmes ont plus de sang européen et sont beaucoup moins basanés que les dernières fois. Ils vivent avec eux jusqu’à ce que l’âge de glace se termine, sans doute pendant longtemps, et lorsqu’ils retournent en Europe, certains ayant des ancêtres Africains se joignent à eux et sont capables de survivre en Europe. Ils sont suffisamment clairs, intelligents et forts. C’est alors qu’Heimdallr les revendiquent comme étant ses enfants, dignes des champs ancestraux et des demeures et les emmène avec lui. C’est ainsi que l’Homme moderne est né, un croisement entre l’Africain et l’Homme de Néandertal mais bien sûr plus Néandertal qu’Africain. Il a environ 99,7% d’ADN de Néandertal.

Ceci expliquerait naturellement l’affirmation de certains scientifiques disant que certains européens ont des ADNmt d’africains. C’est l’ADN transmis de la mère à l’enfant. Ça explique pourquoi le Néandertal moderne (l’Européen) n’est pas exactement comme le Néandertal d’antan. Avec le temps, l’ADN africain qui a survécu s’est réparti plus ou moins équitablement entre les Européens et la différence de degré de mélange racial peut s’expliquer par les différents peuples Européens. Plus vous allez dans le Nord ou à l’Ouest, moins vous trouverez d’ADN africain et plus néandertaliens seront les Européens.

Ce sur quoi nous pouvons tous être d’accord est qu’au Moyen Âge, les Scandinaves n’avaient pas une vision très positive des basanés environnants et reconnaissaient la peau claire, les cheveux et les yeux comme étant un trait important pour un roi ou un noble en général. Le plus sain étant le plus noble, bon, généreux, travailleur, honnête, digne de confiance et courageux – et le beau, pure et innocent Baldr est le plus beau de tous.

Baldr (=Apollon) et son épouse Nanna.


Traduit en français par C. S. 



English version

Le terme “tolérance” est, comme le terme “liberté”, très utilisé dans la propagande anti-Européenne. Être tolérant est apparemment une bonne chose. Être tolérant est la seule alternative positive. Oui, la tolérance est le signe d’une pensée hautement développée, d’un individu mature et de la sagesse.

Les homosexuels, les autres races, le métissage, les autres religions, les styles de vie alternatifs, l’athéisme, tous les arts et les idéologies politiquement corrects; nous en sommes tolérants! La seule chose que nous ne devons pas tolérer c’est bien sûr l’intolérance…

Un slogan de propagande juive.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance

Oui, être intolérant est considéré comme quelque chose de mauvais, et si vous êtes intolérant de quoi que ce soit (sauf de l’intolérance) vous commencerez à parler et à vous habiller comme un débile, car c’est ce que vous êtes à leurs yeux; un arriéré non éduqué, émotionnellement infantile, stupide et ignorant.

Posters de propagande juive.

Tolerance (1) tolerance_coexist tolerance

La liberté et , en fait, cette notion absurde de tolérance sont ce qui a causé le plus de ravage à l’Europe. Lorsque les gens sont libres de faire tout ce qu’ils veulent et lorsque tous les autres sont censés tolérer ce qu’ils font. Ce ne sera pas long avant que la société entière – pardonnez mon langage- se retrouve dans une merde profonde.

Mon affirmation est qu’être tolérant n’est pas un geste de grandeur d’âme ou de maturité émotionnelle ou encore de sagesse; c’est uniquement un signe d’ignorance et de faiblesse, c’est (d’un point de vue biologique) suicidaire et aussi complètement stupide. Oui, tolérer une invasion de peuples qui sont tout sauf tolérant à votre égard, tolérer que l’ennemi que nos ancêtres ont combattu durement pour les empêcher d’entrer pendant des millénaires entre tranquillement; tolérer que tout ce qui est sain est couvert de crachats chaque jour et partout est extrêmement stupide, ignorant, suicidaire et aussi irrespectueux envers nos ancêtres. Désolé mais je crache sur la tolérance à la place !

tolerance (2)

Je ne tolèe pas que le gaucho pourri tellement lavé du cerveau qu’il n’est pas pire que le Juif lui-même qui autorise les Juifs et les musulmans à gouverner. Je ne tolère pas que les musulmans en particulier, mais d’autres aussi (y compris Européens), violent les Européennes dans la rue ou n’importe où d’ailleurs, dans n’importe quel contexte, et qui sont autorisés à le refaire encore et encore. Je ne tolère pas que les politiques pourrissent l’institution sacrée païenne du mariage en permettant aux homosexuels de se marier comme s’ils étaient comme les autres humains normaux. Je ne tolère pas que nos enfants Européens soient endoctrinés avec des mensonges ignobles anti-Européens. Je ne tolère pas que les Juifs, prêtres et autres pervers sexuels abusent sexuellement des enfants européens. Je ne tolère pas que Hollywood propage la promiscuité et la stupidité comme étant l’idéal des femmes. Je ne tolère pas que les judéo-chrétiens construisent leurs synogogues sur notre sol sacré Européen. Je ne tolère rien en Europe qui soit à l’encontre des intérêts de l’Europe! Tolérer quoi que ce soit de ce genre est une trahison et de la lâcheté!

Désolé mais pour moi, une tolérance saine est par ex. d’accepter que les autres fassent des erreurs aussi et d’être en mesure d’apprécier ses amis malgé leurs mauvais côtés. Vous ne tolérez pas d’invasion musulmane ou de gouvernance juive de l’Europe ! C’est de la trahison, pas de la tolérance! Vous ne tolérez pas qu’un ou plusieurs violent votre fille; vous vous vengez – et si vous ne le faites pas, vous n’êtes pas un hommes mais un lâche sans une once d’honneur !

Non, je ne suis pas un homme “primitif”mais un homme. Pas un homme moderne unisexe femme/homme mais un vrai Européen ! Je représente la norme, la norme historique; je suis le gardien de la loi et de l’ordre, des traditions et de la culture, des valeurs et des vertus, de la race et de la raison, de l’Europe – et je ne tolère rien qui n’aille à l’encontre de ça !

HailaR WôðanaR!

Le visage de l’intolérance:


Traduit en français par C. S. 

La Pensée, l’Esprit et le Sang Européen.


English version.

La tolérance n’est que faiblesse et ignorance et c’est un outil promu par les Juifs pour détruire l’Europe. C’est pour quoi je ne suis pas une personne tolérante, et je ne pense pas que l’Europe future doive l’être. Nous sommes bons par nature, mais nous devons laisser l’intolérance nous guider plutôt que la gentillesse quand on doit décider du sort de ceux qui doivent rester et ceux qui ne le doivent pas, dans la Nouvelle Europe. Nous devons être impitoyables et efficaces dans notre désherbage des Juifs et autres métis parmi nous -sinon ça ne devrait pas être long avant de nous enfoncer dans un autre marais puant.

Ce que je veux dire quand je parle de “Juif artificiel” c’est “Européen racialement mais avec un esprit et une pensée Juive”. En d’autres termes, Francs-maçons, chrétiens, socialistes, communistes, sociaux-démocrates, capitalistes, libéraux, féministes, nihilistes, athéistes et musulmans. C’est pour cela que je dis que pour être Européen en pensée et en esprit vous devez avoir une vision Européenne du monde et des valeurs Européennes – eh oui; Européen signifie Païen ! Vous devez fonder votre vie sur l’Honneur! La seule religion qu’un Européen peut avoir et le culte ancestral Européen, et il doit prêter serment aux Dieux de nos ancêtres!

Ce que je veux dire quand je parle de “métis parmi nous” c’est “une personne qui croit être Européen mais qui est en réalité si mélangée qu’il ne peut plus se définir comme quoi que ce soit d’Européen”. C’est pour cela que je dis que pour être défini comme Européen par le sang, vous devez être Européen aussi. Qu’est-ce que ça signifie ? Eh bien, ça veut dire que vous ressemblez à un Européen et n’avez eu aucun non-Européen dans votre famille ces derniers siècles. S’il y a le moindre doute, c’est que vous ne l’êtes probablement pas. Par ex. beaucoup ( oui, pas tous mais beaucoup) d’Ibères, d’Italiens du sud et de Grecs ne sont pas Européens par le sang ( Ils sont plus proches des Arabes que des Européens!) et la même chose peut être remarqué concernant d’autres nations Européennes.

La seule Europe avec un futur et une Europe avec une population Européenne, en pensée, esprit et sang. Ceux qui ne le sont pas ne sont pas de vrais Européens! Ce sont des Juifs artificiels ou des métis. HailaR TîwaR!

Exemples d’Européens par le sang.

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Exemples de métis qui pensent être Européens par le sang.


Traduit en français par C. S. 

The Call of Thule


It would be no exaggeration to say that I detest Esperanto, that Jewish attempt to make everyone speak the same language. The mere mention of the term makes me reach for my seax, so to speak. In Europe we speak many languages and have many different cultures too. Sure, we all stem from mostly the same roots, but some of us live in valleys and others on hilltops, some in fjords and others in grasslands, some in the heath and others in forests, and some of us even live in very odd and peculiar places, and we have done so for quite a few millenia already. Europeans are creative and individualistic people, so we boast the largest cultural diversity on this planet; every little village has its peculiarities, every little group of people do at least a few things differently form the rest. And… just about every group of Europeans speak their own language. Proudly, I may add.

We all have a common cause though; the preservation of Europe and it’s European diversity. We all struggle against the same Mongrel Horde invading and trying to take over and destroy everything European. We all face the same Jewish agent, working clandestinely for our extinction. We all fight alone, and might well be beaten one after the other, until all of Europe looks like this;

1200 (60)castelpict4110505_france_rioting4

The only logical thing to do then is to not let each and every one of us stand alone and face the Mongrel Horde and it’s Jewish generals on his own, but to unite and form a common European front! Bring every Euroepan warrior out there into our warband! Make peace and shake hands with former European enemies; brothers we have fought against in history, due to disagreements, for the sake of Honour or even for sport (…). We can always fight against each other later one, if we wish to (we often do…), but right now we need to stand shoulder to shoulder with every other European out there! Form units of countrymen and raise your tribal banners proudly in our phalanx – and compete against other European units not by fighting against them, but by fighting better than them against our common Enemy! Ensure that your tribe wil be the most respected, well-known, fearless, efficient, persistent, noble, intelligent and tough of them all! Ensure that your name and the name of your tribe will be the first to be mentioned in the Hall of Fame when our victory has been achieved!

I am one of those who try to muster our forces (I am true to my call as a scald), but I talk to Europe – like I said the most culturally diverse continent on this planet – so I can only talk to that group of us who speaks English, my second language. Many tribes, excluding my native Norwegian tribe, don’t speak English, so I want to propose to those who speak well other large European languages – like French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Spanish in particular – to help me muster our forces to the Ôðalist banner. By help of good Gauls and Franks (alias Frenchmen) I already have a page with posts also in French, and hope to expand that with time, but I would be happy if other good Europeans could translate the most essential posts here into other European languages.

I offer no payment for this, save my thanks to those who help, and I will not publish the names of translators if they wish to remain anonymous. You can translate the posts you like, or the ones you think will speak the most to your good tribe. HailaR WôðanaR! 

Führer befiehl, wir folgen!



Our forebears cultivated and promoted the health of mankind. Health means beauty, so they idolized the beautiful men and women amongst them. To a depraved, perverse, hyper-sexualized and degenerated Jewish mind it is probably impossible to understand that a man can praise the masculine beauty of another man without any sexual motivations or undertones though, so when we hold the healthy, masculine body up as an ideal for our men, when we are physically aware and try to look our best, we are accused of being homosexuals, by Jews and by those fooled by their propaganda. When we also hold the healthy, feminine body up as an ideal the Jews for some reason ignore that and only focus on our mandom cult. They perhaps want to present us as homosexuals, or rather «closet homosexuals».

There is nothing sexual in the healthy male admiration for healthy male bodies, just like there is nothing sexual in your admiration for e. g. a large, strong and beautiful deer, standing proud on a hilltop. You think it is beautiful, but you are not sexually aroused by it. Of course not. If you are there is obviously something wrong with you; in Antiquity, if you were a man sexually attracted to other men, you were commonly executed. Homosexuality was a crime punishable by death in Ancient Europe! Sure, some claim things were different in Ancient Greece and perhaps also Ancient Rome, but I will adamantly claim that they simply misunderstand; they don’t understand the a-sexual mandom cult, the a-sexual master-apprenticeship relationship or the healthy nature of the Pagan European mind. They also intentionally interpret the sources this way and say these things for propaganda purpose, to discredit Europe and European culture. They are, after all, just (real or artificial) Jews.

The European ideals for men are simply put healthy; the male body is to be strong, muscular, symetric, powerful, agile and tough! This healthy naked male body is to inspire boys and other men to work hard to become like that themselves, and also to respect and admire those who have achieved this ideal. The attraction is not sexual at all, but is related to our most natural, healthy and positive instincts; we are all born weak and we need to follow the lead of the strong to become strong ourselves – and we need to become strong in order to have any right to survive.

The sexual attraction some men feel to other men is simply sick, a malfunction of the mind and instincts, and can only be seen as a means for the tribe to be able to remove the bad seeds. Nature has already ensured that they will not procreate, and I am sure that is the purpose of this attraction to. There is something wrong with them, so by all means don’t let them reproduce!

So let us stick to the healthy (i. e. a-sexual) male attraction to healthy men, and let us explain how this is good and healthy for us! Let us also talk about how this can be used for our interest. Ah, and let me use the SS as an example of how this was used by Hitler’s Germany for the same purpose.

The SS had very good looking uniforms. The healthy men who wore those uniforms looked very good, and if they weren’t handsome already they certainly became more handsome when they put on the SS uniform. The purpose of this was to make other men want to follow them, to be like them and to be willing to obey them.

What on Earth makes the Norwegian Army think anybody wants to take orders from a guy looking like this?


Joachim Peiper;

Joachim Peiper

If you take a look at e. g. Joachim Peiper you see not only a handsome man in a cool uniform, but you will be forced to admit that you trust him and his abilities to lead just by looking at him, and you would not only feel safe under his command, you would do your best to impress him and earn the right to be in his unit in the first place! I’de follow Peiper into battle any time, and be so proud just for having his unit’s name on my jacket sleeve that I would be more than willing to undertake any suicidal mission if he ordered me to! I’de die a happy man, hoping that he – that damn impressive gentleman leading me – would think well of me.

This is how it works; we men want to be seen as cool in the eyes of the men we admire, we want to be liked by them, and their mere presence alone can be enough to make us better too.

Now, if the Jews can make us think that is gay… then they have to a large degree ruined our ability to lead others and to be lead by others – because we all know that being gay is sick (even the gays understand that). And what will we be able to do against these genocidal maniacs without good leadership?

What we should do is to make this clear to all other European warriors, and then we make sure that our future uniforms are no less cool than the SS-uniforms, that they make the wearers feel good about themselves and that they feel handsome when wearing them. We will also not only allow, but strongly promote and actively cultivate the mandom cult of our forebears – and this will lead to a so strong wish from European young men to join our ranks that we can but prevail! HailaR ÞunaR! HailaR WôðanaR!

30-451-09b-18 uniforms-ss-ill4



English version. French version.

La tolerancia es solo debilidad e ignorancia, es una herramienta promovida por los judíos para destrozar Europa. Así que yo no soy una persona tolerante, y no creo que en el futuro lo deba ser Europa. Somos amables por naturaleza, pero nosotros deberíamos dejar que la intolerancia nos guíe antes que la amabilidad cuando vayamos a decidir quién se quedara y quién no en la Nueva Europa. Debemos ser despiadados y eficientes en la separación de los judíos artificiales y de los mestizos entre nosotros – de otra forma, no tomará mucho tiempo antes que nos hundamos nuevamente en una ciénaga maloliente.

Lo que quiero decir cuando digo “judío artificial” es “un hombre de raza europea pero con mente y espíritu judío”. En otras palabras cualquier Masón, Cristiano, Socialista/Comunista/Socialdemócrata, Capitalista, Liberal, Feminista, Nihilista/Ateo y Musulmán. Por lo tanto yo digo que para ser Europeo en mente y espíritu tú necesitas tener una visión y valores Europeos – y sí, ¡Europeo significa Pagano! ¡Necesitas basar tu vida en el concepto de Honor! La única religión que puede tener Europa es la del culto ancestral, y ¡ella debe jurar lealtad a las deidades de nuestros antepasados!

Lo que quiero decir cuando digo “mestizos entre nosotros” se refiere a “un hombre que cree que es Europeo, pero que actualmente esta tan mezclado que no puede ser definido ya como parte de las especie europea”. Por lo tanto yo digo que para ser definido como ser Europeo de sangre tienes que ser Europeo. ¿Qué significa esto? Que debes parecer Europeo y no tener ningún no-Europeo en tu familia por lo menos en los últimos cien años. Si hay alguna duda concerniente a si eres o no europeo entonces probablemente no lo seas. Por ejemplo, muchos (sí, no todos ni la mayoría, pero muchos) íberos, italianos del sur y griegos no son Europeos de Sangre (¡Ellos son más cercanos a los árabes que a otros Europeos!) y lo mismo se puede decir sobre algunos de otras naciones.

La única Europa con futuro es la Europa con población europea,  tanto en mente, como en espíritu y en sangre. ¡Aquellos que no lo son no son verdaderos Europeos¡ ¡Son judíos artificiales y/o mestizos! HailaR TîwaR¡

Ejemplos de Europeos por sangre

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Ejemplos de Mestizos que creen que son Europeos por sangre

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Translated by Celta.

Нечеловеческий Неандерталец


English version. French version.

Как только первые останки Неандертальца были найдены в 19 веке, они сразу были исследованы церковью. Да, священники удостоверились, что находка человека с черепом, в котором мозг больше (!), чем у современного человека, не будет проблемой для них или их Еврейских учений. Идея, что Европеец – «дикий Язычник» – был умнее, чем современный человек или создатели Христианской веры, была просто неприемлема для них.

Из-за этого Неандерталец, первоначальный коренной житель Европы, был представлен в очень нелестном свете. Он стал полуживотным, жестокой полуобезьяной, разбойничьим, грязным и примитивным недочеловеком. Они даже пришли к выводу, что он, скорее всего, не мог говорить. Он просто был очередным животным.

Некоторые Европейские учёные старались представить Неандертальца в более приемлемом свете, но у них не было ни шанса в борьбе против церкви, силы её пропаганды и механизма. Таким образом, и по сегодняшний день Неандерталец считался недочеловеком.
Когда Европейские учёные нашли доказательство, что Неандерталец никогда не вымирал, и его часть находится в нас и сегодня, ужасная картина недочеловека-полуобезьяны появилась в умах почти каждого. «У нас их гены? О, нет!» Газеты, писавшие об этом, казались более шокированными по поводу факта, что мы имеем их «нечеловеческие» гены, чем кто-либо другой.

Другая персона из истории, которая была представлена в довольно нелестном свете, это этот человек:


Да, у них было более 70 лет, чтобы заставить нас думать, что этот человек является злодеем, художником, который зол на Евреев, не признавших его искусства, человеком с одним яичком, человеком, приказавшим отравить газом 6 миллионов Евреев, человеком, начавшим Вторую Мировую Войну, и так далее. В конце концов, они даже попытались заставить нас думать, что сам он еврей, что у него еврейские предки. Он не получил уважения; Они не уклонялись ни от одного способа заставить нас думать плохо о нём.
Гитлер, так же как и наши Неандертальские предки, был назван чудовищем!

Из-за этого многие отказываются думать лучше о Гитлере и Неандертальцах. Им тяжело принять то, что, возможно, сказанное им о Гитлере и Неандертальцах фактически не просто неточность, а явная ложь, сказанная с абсолютно злодейскими мотивами! Конечно, некоторые думают, что ложь распространена о Гитлере или о Неандертальцах, и по-прежнему верят в другую ложь. Тяжело освободиться от Еврейской пропаганды, под влиянием которой мы растём.

Прото-Европеец, Неандерталец, не был диким, не был низкой или уродливой полуобезьяной. Он также не был грязным (даже многие животные не такие!), и почему только он не мог говорить? Нет ничего, подтверждающего это! Всё негативное о Неандертальцах сделано священниками или «учёными» Евреев!

Современные Европейцы зачастую голубоглазые и светловолосые потому, что Неандертальцы были голубоглазыми и светловолосыми. Мы белые потому, что Неандертальцы были белыми. Мы умнее других рас потому, что Неандертальцы были умнее других видов людей. Мы больше не точно такие же как Неандертальцы, чьи останки мы нашли, потому что во время Ледникового Периода некоторые Неандертальцы ушли на Юг, они контактировали с другими видами человека и смешались с Гомо Сапиенсом (прото-Африканцем), и эти неевропейские гены со временем распространились по всей Европе. Меньше на Севере, больше на Юге, но они всё равно изменили весь Европейский вид. Они сделали из нас того, кем мы сейчас являемся: современного Европейца.

Мы нелюди? Мы дикие звери? Мы полуобезьяны? Мы грязные? Мы выглядим, как полуобезьяны? Были ли мы когда-либо грязными за всю историю? Нет? Так почему наши дальние родственники должны быть такими? Можем ли мы говорить? Да? Так почему тогда наши предки не могли?

Европейские языки более продвинутые и сложные при продвижении назад во времени. Например, Норвежский примитивен в сравнении с Древнескандинавским. Древнескандинавский примитивен в сравнении с прото-Нордическим . Прото-Нордический примитивен в сравнении с прото-Германским. Так почему язык наших доисторических предков не должен быть более продвинутым и сложным? Почему  они тоже не такие, в сравнении с нами?

Понятие того, что современный человек является «высшей точкой эволюции» бред! Церковь тоже хочет, чтобы мы так думали: Они хотят, чтобы мы думали, что только будущее имеет значение! Конечно, у них есть этот их Райский Сад, и допущение того, что этот Рай находится в прошлом, но они запечатали все входы туда своим «первородным грехом»: всё хорошее в будущем: спасение, Рай, что угодно! Это всё находится в будущем! Не смотрите в прошлое! О, нет; в прошлом только зло; Язычество, дикари, примитивизм, жестокость и ужас! Только грехи в прошлом!

Естественно они хотят, чтобы мы так думали; Язычество – культ прошлого, культ предков, где предки восхваляются, представляются лучшими! Где всё хорошее прошлого сохранено и перенесено в будущее. Честь. Слава. Сила. Всё это приходит из прошлого. Мы являемся теми, кто мы есть, из-за предков. Если вы отрицаете духовную действительность, вы хотя бы должны признать, что мы являемся теми, кто мы есть, из-за ДНК предков! Мы должны работать, чтобы удерживать хорошее!

Неандертальцы – подавляющее большинство наших предков. Наше ДНК говорит, что 99,7% наших генов приходят от неандертальцев. 0,3% оставшихся – от Гомо Сапиенса (прото-Африканца). Вместо того чтобы стыдиться наших Неандертальских предков, потому что Евреи лгут о них уже издавна, мы должны гордиться ими.

Последние несколько тысячелетий человек деградировал, как наши языки. В основном из-за цивилизации, затем из-за Христианства: мы перестали работать, чтобы удержать всё хорошее прошлого. Если это продолжится, мы превратимся в нелюдей, в то, что многие из нас презирают: грязных, глупых, жестоких, беспощадных, полуобезьян; обезьян, которым лишь бы заниматься сексом со всем, что движется, поедающим друг друга, подобным дерьму.

Только культ прошлого может спасти нас от этого. Старые Боги лучше. Чем дальше мы углубляемся в прошлое, тем больше прошлое питает нас и спасает от превращения в обезьян.

Я предлагаю вам почитать посты на Atala. Уделите этому время. Прочитайте их всех. Вы будете мудрее, сделав это. Слава Вотану!!

Translated by A connoisseur.

Die Magie unserer Welt


English version. French version. Hungarian versionEspañol.

Vor mehreren Zeitaltern konnte man sich in eine Höhle wagen und von Felszeichnungen auf der Wand der Höhle, die vom Flackern der Fackel, die man in der eigenen Hand hielt, zum Leben erweckt wurden, emotional, intellektuell und spirituell aufgeregt werden. Man verließ die Höhle mit einem neuen Sinn des Lebens und mit einem Gefühl der Erleuchtung!

In unserem Zeitalter werden wir von intensiven Sinnesreizen von allen Seiten bombardiert, wann immer wir uns umsehen. Wir sehen sich bewegende dreidimensionale Bilder, wir betreten digitale und virtuelle Welten und wir hören alle denkbaren Geräusche. Wir erfahren extreme Geschwindigkeiten und besitzen die Ausrüstung, um auf die höchsten Berggipfeln der Welt klettern zu können. Wir fliegen über den Wolken und springen aus Flugzeugen, die hoch im Himmel fliegen, und kommen schlußendlich sicher am Boden an. Und doch langweilen wir uns zu Tode. Umfragen zeigen, daß wir, die modernen europäischen Männer und Frauen, Langeweile mehr als alles andere fürchten. Heute begehen mehr Europäer Suizid als jemals zuvor.

Die antike Jagd nach dem Spiel wurde ersetzt durch die Jagd nach neuen Erfahrungen. Die Welt um uns zerfällt, doch wir haben nicht die Zeit, uns darum zu sorgen; wir sind zu beschäftigt damit, die Langeweile in Schach zu halten und verbringen all unsere Zeit damit, das flüchtige Gefühl eines Sinnes des Lebens zu jagen. Je schneller wir rennen, je lauter wir schreien, je tiefer wir tauchen, je höher wir klettern, je extremer die ergriffenen Maßnahmen sind, umso weiter entfernen wir uns von allen Gefühlen eines wahren Sinnes des Lebens.

Wenn man die wahre Magie unserer Welt will, schlage ich vor den Propaganda-Bildschirm (den Fernseher) und den Computer abzudrehen und in ein Feuer oder in den Sternenhimmel zu blicken. Dreht das elektrische Licht ab und zündet eine Kerze an. Parkt euer Auto und geht in den ältesten von euch erreichbaren Wald wandern. Lasst den iPod oder MP3-player zuhause und lauscht dem Gesang der Vögel, dem Blasen des Windes und dem fallenden Regen. Schließt eure Augen und träumt; besucht die Welt eurer glücklichen Vorfahren und beginnt zu verstehen, warum sie im Laufe von 500.000 Jahren nichts an ihrer Kultur verändert haben.

Translated by H. S.

Re-organizing the Thulean Perspective Blog


Dear readers,

After the “The Call of Thule” post I have received translations of different posts from all over Europe, in many different and fine European languages, and naturally appreciate this a lot, and thank all translators for their work and dedication. However, as some have pointed out this blog has because of the many differnet languages become rather confusing, and if this blog is going to be multilingual I probably or perhaps only possibly shold re-organize the blog. By chance, and for a change, I have plenty of time to do so next week. Yet, before I do so I would like to ask you if you really think the blog has become too confusing or if it actually works fine as it is.

I plan to add a page for posts in English too, no matter what, by the way, arranged alphabetically (and it will include ALL the posts [yes, I probably need next week just to do that...]), so please take that into the equation when passing your vote;

Thank you for your time, and your vote.


PS. If I could I would naturally embed a poll where you could vote by making noise with your weapon against your shield istead, but I was unable to find such an alternative.

Volunteers for Blogging wanted


An even better plan than this is taking form; as suggested by several commentators on this blog it might actually be best to have one blog for each language. I can have a separate page on Thulean Perspective and link to these blogs, each dedicated to one specific language.

What I would like to know then, is if any of you have the time and will to start up such a blog? Translations of posts to your language will of course still be provided by others, and by you if you can.

If you have the opportunity to do so please let me know (fremmedehenvendelser@gmail.com).

It will make TP much less chaotic and it will also allow those speaking other languages easier access to the posts in their language. And I will have some workload lifted from my burdened shoulders and be able to focus more on formulating pro-European propaganda. :-)

The Plan; 

-Volunteers to start a blog announce their interest and tell what language their blog is going to be in

-Volunteers start their own blogs in “this or that” European language

-They publish on their blogs translations to their language of the posts on TP

-I link to each translated post in the English original post here on TP

-I make a separate page with links to the main page of each blog

-I also follow each and every blog, so that they appear in the list of blogs I follow as well

-I send the already translated posts (a whole lot off them, thanks a lot guys) to the volunteers.

This is the start of a better oganized Ôðalist community.

PS. We probably don’t need blogs in languages used in countries where everybody speaks English anyhow (like Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland [?] and the Netherlands)

NB! We already have these languages covered: 

Bulgarian. French. German. Italian. Polish. Russian. Serbian. Spanish.




We are all individual human beings, but although we can survive for some time on our own and alone as such we are not just that; we also belong to larger biological units, so to speak; we are individuals, we are family members and we are members of the kin (i. e. the larger family). With the introduction of Christianity several of the larger natural biological units were destroyed, or at best replaced. The «tribe» was destroyed and in a sense replaced by «the congregation», and the people with «humanity». Yes, there are no nations, races or tribes for «God»; everyone are equals and the same. (Except the Jews of course, his «chosen people».)

Today, as we know, they are trying to complete their destruction of Europe by also destroying the family (with feminism and pro-gay propaganda) and even the very concept of a biological sense of belonging for human beings (by advocating acceptance for gay marriage and adoption, adoption from non-European countries, sperm banks and artificial insemination and so forth). They try to force us to exist only as individual human beings. If we do we will have no resistance whatsoever to them and their sinister schemes, and we will become the mindless and with time completely mongrelized slaves they want us to be. Cattle working for the “chosen people”.

We can often not do anything about others, but we can do something about ourselves, and when we do we often also inspire and help others to make the right decisions. So when young men and women choose a traditional life, marry other Europeans and have beautiful European children, and thankfully many still do, they actually – whether they want to or not – assist our struggle to save Europe. Today everything is done to make this very hard, though, if not impossible, but like I said; thankfully many still do. They marry and have children in spite of loans, unemployment, poverty and many other problems too. They have children even though society claims they can not afford it. Well, if they adopt a different lifestyle and another standard they can and do, and especially if they have others like them for support.

What we can do further to fight the ongoing destruction of Europe by Jews and European traitors is to re-establish the old European units lost to us. Our tribal identities are long lost, but all tribes were founded at some point, even the old ones, and why should we not do the same today? We can form new tribes, based perhaps on where we live; we can form military units based on tribal belonging, and we can gain glory and honour on a tribal level as well as the individual level. We can make banners and flags, and claim guardian (“totemic”) animals and deities for our tribes, based on what we like and identify with the most, just like our forebears did. We can further form tribal confederacies, based on the regions our tribes live in.

We can of course also identify the regions ethnically, to form nations, although this is actually a modern construct. Nations as such didn’t exist in the Pagan past, but why should they not in the future? If we speak German we are Germans. If we speak Hungarian we are Hungarians.

In any case, the regions, or perhaps nations, can form a confederacy as well; one based on the European race.

Each tribe selects (yes; selects, not elects!) a leader from the married men who has proven themselves in real conflict; only those can be trusted to lead anyhow. Each region selects from it’s tribal leaders a regional leader. Each nation selects from it’s regional leaders a national leader. In times of war with outside forces the European confederacy selects from it’s national leaders a European leader, to lead our race in war!

Every leader will be a man rightfully trusted by those who know him. He will be selected based on his qualifications as a leader, and not be elected based on his ability to dupe others. The good men will rule in Europe – for a change!

But – alas! – we don’t rule anything at all, you say? Nay, but Europe will change, not least because we will change her! They can dismantle the Christian and Socialist modern construct around us, but they can not touch our Ôðalic Europe, because we keep the traditions; we even revive the lost traditions, and we are right to do so. Some good Europeans will see that and join us, and with time many others will do the same.

Why? Because we hail what is good, harmonious, beautiful, intelligent, righteous, healthy, strong, natural, courageous, tough, honest and honourable: everything that is in our blood! In short: we hail the European gods and goddesses!


With time every good and intelligent European will see that living traditional lives is the only way for anyone to become happy. No interest (i. e. Jewish banking), no models so skinny they are infertile, no promotion of disgusting lifestyles (i. e. homosexuality, and worse too…), no celebration of butt ugly Niggers as “sexy”, no promotion of any race mixing, no genetically modified food, no torture of animals (i. e. industrial farming), no tolerance for scum, no hatred for feminine women (i. e. feminism), no hatred for life or cultivation of weakness (i. e. Christianity), no reward for the lazy and incompetent (i. e. Socialism), no reward for the greedy (i. e. Capitalism), no cultivation of nihilism (i. e. atheism & Liberalism), no tolerance for crime (i. e. Christian-humanitarian cowardice), no wasting of time on being brainwashed under the guise of “higher education”, et cetera, et cetera, and of course; no pardon for the Jews and European traitors responsible for all of this!

The modern world as it is can best be compared to a man standing on top of a tall building. He claims he can fly, so he jumps off the roof. As he falls he feels wonderful: “I am flying”. When he passes a sceptic, a traditional man standing in a window on the 12th floor, he tells him; “Look at me! I can fly!”. The same happens on the 11th floor, and the 10th floor. When he passes the window on the 1st floor and understands that the ground is getting dangerously close he might understand that he is going to smash into the ground and die. But by then it is of course too late. Our modern world has passed the window on the 12th floor a long time ago, and he is at least down to the 2nd floor by now. If not even the 1st. We can not save this world, even if we wanted to, and we might not want to look when it smashes into the ground, but we can be sure it will, and when it does we will be there, organized in traditional families, kins, tribes, regions and perhaps also nations, and we are then ready to build a new and better world, on the ruins of the old.

Those of us who will die when the modern world hits rock bottom are those too stupid, too weak, too ignorant or simply too unlucky (remember Hamingja!) to be worth saving anyhow. The parasites, the fungi, the cancer cells, the shit will be cut from the European body – and thank the deities for that! Alas! Many good Europeans will die too, but why should we or they worry about that? Honourable men are reborn in the kin! They will return, like they have done over and over again for thousands of years already! The honourable death is only an opportunity to gain more glory! To get closer to the divine! To simply become better! HailaR WôðanaR!

Hâvamâl stanza 76

Deyr fê

deyja frændr,

deyr sjâlfr it sama;

ek veit einn,

at aldregi deyr:

hveim er sêr gôðan getr.”

(Cattle die,

friends die,

you die the same way yourself;

but I know one thing

which never dies:

an honourable reputation.)

Michael Wittmann

images (1)

Towards a brighter Future!



We can just admit it right away; we are proud of who and what we are, and no matter where we come from in Europe we all have so many good reasons to be proud too!

Some times we are because of our pride unwillingly funny, like Finns who pretend they don’t speak Swedish when you approach them for help («Jag talar inte svenska…»), because they think you are Swedish, and then all of a sudden talk very good Swedish when they understand that you are actually a Norwegian only speaking Swedish to them because you think they do («Nei, men är ni norska? Varför sa ni inte det förut?»). They are too proud to speak Swedish to Swedes, their former masters («Jäklar!»), but to a Norwegian? No problem.

Not all of us speak other languages than our mothertongue, for different reasons, and are because of that of course deprived of much information only available in other languages. Europe is to a large degree speaking English these days, the new Latin, but not everyone does so with pleasure. They have their own language and like all proud men they prefer what is their own to what is not.

This is a blog promoting amongst other things European pride, so I am happy to tell that our movement now can boast blogs with translations of Thulean Perspective posts in several European languages.

I encourage everyone to follow the blog posting in your preferred language, or several if you wish. Click here to find out what languages are available at this point. Other languages will be available later on.

The European Ôðalist community is resourceful, growing and getting better organized, and we will of course see further improvements in the future. It might take time, we might face setbacks, but we are walking steadily towards our goal. HailaR WôðanaR!

Towards brighter Times! 

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The Fall of Rome


DeutschEspañol. Italiano. RomânăРусский.

After writing about the anti-Scandinavian lie-propaganda we all know so well, and how the Scandinavians defended themselves against the decay of the South, against the mental plague we know best as Christianity, I realised that why would the official history regarding the Christianization of the rest of Europe be any more truthful?

We hear about hos the «barbarians» of Europe, mainly Celtic-speaking tribes, Germanic-speaking tribes and Magyar-speaking tribes, and how they repeatedly attacked the Roman Empire, and even sacked their capital over and over again. Why did they? Because they were such barbarous savages? Because they were so blood thirsty and hungry for the riches of Rome? Isn’t that what we have been told are the main reasons for this anti-Roman aggression? It does remind us rather much of the explanation to why the “Vikings” attacked Christian Europe a few centuries later, doesn’t it?

If the Scandinavians attacked Christian Europe because Christian Europe was infested with this hideous strain of Judaism known as Christianity, then why would not something like this be the reason the Celtic-, Germanic- and Magyar speaking peoples attacked Rome?

The Roman Empire was fantastic, and I admire the Romans a lot, but they had a serious problem; Rome was infested with a virus known as Jews. As we know any, all and every society suffering from the infestation of Jews, throughout history, has become rotten to the core. Dishonesty, greed, prostitution, porn, slavery, assassinations, smuggling and you name it. As I see it, it all springs forth from contact with Jews. Further, this is a contagious virus; the Jews in a realm spread out and infest neighbouring realms too. We don’t even need to know history to see this; it is happening in our own world as we speak. Anyone with a set of eyes or ears and a brain can see and/or hear this, if willing to.

Egypt fell after contact with the Jews. Sumeria too, and Ancient Greece. Then the Roman Empire fell, and all their neighbours as well, and finally Scandinavia fell. The last beacon of purity; infested and pulled town into the mud by contact with Jews.

You can always argue that it was the “barbaric” invasion who brought the Roman Empire down, but I am convinced that they took place because these “barbarians” defended themselves against that disease I call simply Jews. So the Roman Empire was crushed by “barbarians” because it had become a source of contamination for the rest of Europe, and of course because it was itself so sick and putrid from this disease that it deserved to die.

I am proud to descend from Vikings, who defended Scandinavia for several hundred years against this Jewish disease, but I think the rest of us Europeans can be no less proud, because I think all our forebears actually did the same. What the Celtic-, Germanic- and Magyar-speaking tribes did was no different from what the “Vikings” did some centuries later. In a sense the “Viking Age” began not in 793, but in 27 BC, when the first Jews arrived in Roma, to rot that fantastic civilisation from within and bring it down with decadence.

Our modern Europe is sick too, still suffering from this age-old plague, and I hope our immune system is strong enough to prevail and crush the virus. Either that or Europe will die. I, for one, refuse to die; I will never stop fighting and never surrender – and I will never forgive and never forget those who betray or betrayed Europe either.

Evropa Suffers from a Virus called Judaism, and the consequences are disasterous;

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YOU and I are the Cure; only anti-Jewish and Pagan Europeans can save Europe. So let us do that. HailaR WôðanaR!

Echoes from the Past



We have established that what we have been allowed to know about our past is mostly lie-propaganda. We can study the official and well used records of history but if we do we only satisfy our need for facts with lies and in fact grow more ignorant (because we then think we know when we don’t). It is no absolute rule, but generally speaking we can say that the older the source, the more likely it is to tell us the truth. They say that the oldest recorded history is full of errors and exaggerations, and perhaps it is, but it is still so much more accurate, reliable and truthful than the carefully constructed, considered and deliberate lies we have been served throughout our lives, in school, at the university, in books, in entertainment and so forth. The closest we get to an truthful and accurate book about modern history e. g. would be «The Protocols of the Elders of Zion». 

Our enemies have always destroyed our records of history when they had the opportunity to, and they have always replaced the truth with their own filthy lies, and they always did for a special reason – and always for the same reason. They are hiding something they don’t want us to know. They are shivering in fear that we may get to know the truth about them

Wotan; id est furor!


Italiano. РусскийСрпски.

Like all others alive today I was born into a withering world, and in life had to wade through a waist-deep sea of waste; a world shaped by wicked parasites. So I am not as clean as I would like to be. Not as fit either. I am but a shadow of my forebears.

Europe in Ruin;


As some of you already know I am not a very good man. Often I err, and often I go astray. Age weakens me more than it makes me wiser. I am not as much the sum of the wisdom I have gathered through my life, as I am a culmination of all the anger I have produced myself, due to the simple facts that I have eyes and see the world in which I live, and ears so I hear what is being said around me – and not least because I have a conscience, telling me when something is wrong. Very wrong. Not wrong as if a word in a book is spelled wrong, but wrong as if the entire book is made up of lies, written in a foul foreign language and with a filthy foreign script.


Not admiration and love for what has been before, here in Europe, or for what should be; but mainly the anger I feel from seeing what is not as it should be, makes me fight on – for the survival of the biological Europe and all its positive characteristics.

We can love the world and our species as much as we want, and that is all fine, but it will not change anything. We need not flower-gathering Freyjas or dancing ladies, men and women holding hands or laughter in the fields; we need not traditional tales told in taverns or funny fairy tales for children; we need not amazing art or architecture. We, ladies and gentlemen, are under attack, and have been for thousands of years, and we need – desperately need – only the anger and aggression we can produce. We need not a nice little candle to light up our living rooms, but a wild, raging, flaming fire to burn all that stands in our way as we march forwards for the future of our Europe – and fury will fuel the fire the most!

Ôðinn means fury! Ôðinn; that same old god we know so well from the so-called ‘Viking Age’, when our forebears too understood that they needed all the fury they could muster, to fight for and defend the European Europe! Fury! Before and above everything else; FURY!

Summon all the fury you can find; open up all hidden and secrets vaults inside you, open them up and let out all the fury of our forebears! All our fury! Let loose Ôðinn! Let loose your fury upon this wicked world!

but do it in secret, in the shadows only, where no man can see, in the darkness of night, where only our enemies thrive already. Meet and beat the beast where it dwells. Lay waste to the lair of the eternal loser!


…and wear your armour of law when you do.

I am furious. We should all be. HailaR WôðanaR!


«Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be. Become one yourself!»

Marcus Aurelius

On overgrown Paths I



One of the best things we can do today, to fight and undermine the powers that destroy us and the world we live in, is to cut them off, so to speak; remove their straws from our resources, and make sure they get nothing, or at least as little as possible, from us. We must stop buying the things they say, but also the things they produce and offer us.

Our parent generation has, mainly with their immigration policy, made sure that for us – their children – to get a roof over our heads we need to either live on their mercy or we must become debts slaves, and milk-cows for the sinister forces that destroy us and everything we hold dear. No matter what we do we will make life for our children even worse, if at all possible.

I have already written about this before, here, but this is so important that I think repeating myself is not a bad thing. You see, there is a solution to this. Not to everyone, I know, but to some few lucky ones, with enough funds for them to at least afford the building materials and some tools, to build a house of their own. Sans mortgage. I am talking about building your own house, doing everything you are allowed to do yourself. This is perfectly possible, unless of course you don’t even have the money for that, or a good enough health.

Our forebears built their own houses, and we can too. It’s that simple. If you can afford a property, but not the building materials then you can, in the worst case scenario, build it from whatever materials are available. I have seen, online, people build houses using empty plastic bottles, hay and mud, branches or whatever, and it works.

I am privileged enough to afford lime stones and Roman concrete for walls, and wood and tiles for roof. I have purchased home made or used oak windows, found online so cheap I felt like a thief when I picked them up – and paid in cash. The doors I will build myself, using wooden boards. Oak, purchased uncut.

Right now I am still working on the foundation for the garage/planned temporary residence (where we will try to live whilst I build the actual house). Last year I dug what I figured would be enough, but after winter it was over-grown and I had to dig some more. Using the best tools availvable for this; a shovel and my own body. I also realised that I should make it level, and have now dug for five days and will have to continue doing so for at least another five. This is hard work, and the Sun is hot, but I can feel how my body is thriving as a result of it. I grow stronger, not by spending money in a gym, but by using it as intended. I hope – and know – that the rest of the build will be as physically demanding.

As you might know I have a wife, and we have three small children. Many would say that a construction site might not be the best place for children, but I beg to differ. They enjoy helping me out and when they are tired of that they play instead.

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Children don’t offer much actual help, but they enjoy it and also learn from it. Digging is good for them too. They become stronger, just like me.


We have purchased a concrete mixer, used of course, and I look forward to being able to start the actual building process.

Building your own house is what our forefathers did. So I do too. And by doing so I undermine the sinister forces in our society, enslaving and exterminating us. There are no better role models than our own Pagan forebears. HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. Yeah, well I can add that this is often what happens when mothers let fathers have the responsibility for the children for a few hours…. Will they never learn? (the mothers, that is…). *sigh*


It started out good though. 


3. Mithra or the bull of fire (en)


Reblogged from Atala - A journey to the Golden Age by Marie Cachet:

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Version française

Quotations are (still) from Critias by Plato:

This last article in that part will give you the keys to understand a ritual which is still significant today in all cultures with European blood: the bullfighting or similar. Whether it is cows and bulls in prehistoric caves, the sacred ancient bulls in Egypt, the cows sacrificed on the graves in northern Europe and the primeval cow, or the bull sacrificed at the coronation of king in the Celtic culture, the mysterious cult of Mithras, the sacred cows of India ans the buffaloes bled out when choosing…

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Her English is definately getting better. ;-)

The plants are intelligent


Reblogged from Ancestral Cult:

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Since I was a little girl, I always detested almost all the novels but I've always loved the factual or linguistic books and documentaries. I love learning. If I had not spent all that unnecessary time in school, I would probably spend my days reading these books and watching documentaries, if they had let me do so. Sometimes you really learn interesting and unique things, like this time.

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