Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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Once upon a Time


Once upon a time (actually in 2003) in the Norwegian mountains, when I was on the run from prison, I had taken refuge in a cabin in the mountains and saw from a map that it was possible to park the car on a road leading up to the same mountain from the north side, only 500 meters or so from the cabin, accessible via a road from the south side of the mountain. So I left the cabin and drove the 1,5 hours around the mountain to park there instead. I figured it would be wise to do so, in case I had to split real fast. If the police got to know where I was they would be likely to come from the south side.

Using military tactics, not at all learned from the Norwegian army, of course, I walked in a big U formation to get to the cabin – to make sure that I would see anyone following me, if there were any. Because of this I approached the cabin from the south, and some 200 meters south of the exit leading to the cabin a huge SUV was parked in a way that obviously intended to block the road. There were no other occupied cabins in the area (I checked those who were there), and the road was a dead end, so I got down, picked up my binoculars and tried to get a clear picture of what was happening. I then heard dogs barking by the cabin, and shortly after I saw men wearing black or at least very dark parkas and ski masks, helmets and automatic weapons. One of them had a German shepherd and a revolver or pistol in his other hand and they followed a trail I had walked on some hours earlier. I was located some 100 meters south of the parked car, so they were about 300 meters away, walking right into my field of vision, not knowing I was there. Cool. Now, if only I had a rifle…

I was possibly armed with a pistol, a Walther PPK, and a hand grenade (M67), although I would say otherwise if the police asked me about this, but whether this is true or not, I came to the conclusion that I was lucky to see them first, unlucky not to have a rifle (all three of my contacts had failed to deliver what they promised) and I was not James Bond. So I chose to live to fight another day, and retreated slowly. When out of sight I dashed for the car, I zig-zagged whilst running across a bog, because I did not know whether or not there were more of them or if they had spotted me by then. In the car – a car with an old diesel engine – I started «glowing» the car and then hurridly threw a bullet resistant vest over the driver’s seat back, in case they could see me and started shooting and when finished «glowing» could start the car and drove off… without any of my equipment, food or money – all of it being left in the cabin. I was alone, had nobody to help me, nobody to support me, and I had not really broken too many laws, so giving myself up to the police in Oslo was the best option I could find. Well, possibly after getting rid of a few items of course… I chose Oslo because I figured it would be safer for me to surrender to professional policemen in front of witnesses rather than to some hillbilly sheriff in the countryside where nobody saw what happened. I believed by then that the men I saw were policemen, SWAT.

When questioned by the police they refused to have ever been by the cabin. The policeman I talked to was himself (a hillbilly sheriff…) responsible for the SWAT operations in the area, and he had not given any orders whatsoever in this context. Nor did they use such SUVs, he argued.

So who was that? Who were the men by the cabin? Thankfully the judge wrote that I had seen hunters (with ski masks, German shepherds and automatic weapons…) or even ghosts (the judge wrote that!), and that there had been no policemen in the area whatsoever, and that was the end of that story. In a penal situation that was a story I could well live with, so I did nothing to question it or try to bring the facts on the table. I got away real easy.

By chance I know a few Norwegians who serve or have served in FSK, a company of Norwegian special forces with police authority, and they have told me that there is a special unit in FSK with soldiers trained for action against Norwegian citizens in Norway, available for «special use», including taking care of troublesome individuals in Norway, but they only act if ordered to do so by the minister of justice in Norway himself. My Spec Op friends could also tell me that the car I described to them was identical to the car used by this unit of military assassins. Ah… well, so I guess I was more lucky than I first thought, when I saw them before they saw me… *phew*

But who do I think I am?! Do I really think I am or at least was so important that they would risk a political crisis just to get rid of me? Well, at the time we had a Jewish minister of justice, with the Norwegian sounding name Odd Einar Dørum. (Google translate his Norwegian Wikipedia entry, instead of reading his very short English entry, to find info on his Jewish origin.) I was alone in the middle of the mountains, there were no witnesses there, they had demonized me for a decade already, so even if someone got to know of this they were unlikely to care. At the time I was their most hated dissident in Norway, and of course I was no less anti-Jewish than I am today, so… why not? It is not like Jews have never resorted to such tactics before.

FSK training.


The subject of who they were was as mentioned discussed in court, but not a single journalist present brought this story to the public. It was bygone in complete silence.

What are we to believe? I have never heard about such military assassins in Norway before, and even I, a dissident, didn’t think Norway was that extreme. It sounds a bit like something from a novel, but the police claimed and apparently proved to the judge that they had not been there, and yet I saw these men – and unless foreign powers operate on Norwegian soil, who else could it have been?

All I know is that hunters don’t use ski masks, helmets, German sheperds or automatic weapons, and they don’t park their cars like that either. I must have seen «ghosts»…

Today I am a family man, and they have guys like Breivik to worry about, but I still think it might be wise of me not to spend too much time in Norway as long as it is run by Jewish Marxist extremists. I could run into «ghosts» again, and perhaps I would not be as lucky the next time. HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. I am a bit reluctant to tell this story, because it is very strange, scary and unbelievable! 

Student Revolt


Dear readers,

Let me show you a touching video about true Europeans resisting the Jewish evil that is forced upon our once proud nations today. Note how normal they are; there are no «extremists» to see anywhere; look how European they all are, how fundamentally good they all look and how the light of justice shines from their eyes!

This is France 2013This is the Europe we are proud of and fight for!

The next student revolt in France might very well change our world for the better, like it did for worse in 1968. HailaR WôðanaR! 

Thanks to C. S. for sharing this. 

Related videos dug up by my wife. 

Des ombres parmi les ruines


English version.

Toutes nos divinités sont très injustement traitées par les chrétiens qui écrivent ou ont écrit sur notre mythologie et notre religion païenne. Parfois par mauvaises intentions, mais le plus souvent parce que les chrétiens ne les comprennent tout simplement pas. Ce qu’elles sont, ce qu’elles représentent ou ce qu’est leur but. Ils appellent Freyja notre Déesse de l’Amour et de la jeunesse éternelle, une “pute” car ils ne comprennent pas qu’elle n’a pas plusieurs amants; elle est juste la personnification du rôle de l’épouse. La traiter de “pute” n’est pas moins stupide que d’appeler une”épouse” une pute. Oui, les femmes couchent avec différents hommes ( leurs maris), mais chaque femme ne couche qu’avec son propre mari – donc ce ne sont pas des putes.

Dans ce contexte, le plus probablement mal lotis n’est pas encore Freyja, mais le pauvre Loki, que les chrétiens ont identifié comme “le diable” de la mythologie scandinave. Naturellement, ces chrétiens n’ont jamais été et ne sont toujours pas capables de comprendre que les autres religions sont en fait d’autres religions et non de pauvres et délirantes copies de leur magnifique culte juif. Il n’y a pas de “diable” dans le paganisme, et pourquoi en aurions-nous besoin ?

Le jour, par Arbo


La nuit, par Arbo


Chaque fois qu’un chrétien rédige quelque chose sur le paganisme nous voyons ça. Loki devient le diable et sa progéniture différents démons. Hel devient un lieu de punitions éternelles et de damnation pour les péchés commis pendant la vie. Âsgarðr devient le paradis céleste. La Valhöll devient le paradis stupide pour ces barbares primitifs qu’étaient les guerriers païens. Les elfes de lumière deviennent les anges ( bien que je puisse ajouter que les anges [ Grec: Messagers] sont en fait aussi une chose païenne; il s’agissait des messagers des Dieux). Les elfes noirs deviennent de petits lutins. Baldr devient Jésus-Christ. Et ainsi de suite.

Les chrétiens, aveuglés par leurs études bibliques et autres filtres juifs sont devenus complètement incapables de voir et de comprendre n’importe quel aspect de la religion païenne !

Étant païen, je sais que Freyja est le nom de certaines femmes. Même aujourd’hui nous utilisons son nom comme titre pour les femmes mariées que ce soit en Scandinavie ( Frue) ou en Allemagne (Frau), et aussi pour les femmes non mariées et jeunes filles ( Frøken et Fräulein respectivement). Elle est pure, belle, blonde aux yeux bleus, sage et est une Européenne aimante – personnifiée par la somme de toutes les beautés et de la pureté de ces femmes; Freyja !

Pour les anglophones, les surnoms en anglais pour Freyr et Freyja ont étés utilisés comme titres à la place; Lady vient du vieil Anglais hlæfdige qui signifie “pétrisseur de la pâte” et Lord vient du vieil Anglais hlâford qui signifie “Gardien du pain”. En vieux Norrois, ces surnoms sont hleifdeigja et hleifvörðr respectivement, mais comme je l’ai précisé avant, nous avons utilisé leurs vrais noms comme titre à la place, mais uniquement pour les femmes. Les hommes (libres) Scandinaves sont plutôt appelés Herrer (sg: Herre) “hommes de l’armée”, “guerriers”. Si vous traduisez Lord en Scandinave vous trouvez Herre par contre.

Venus (Freyja) par Botticelli,


En tant que Païen, je sais aussi que Loki est l’éclair Céleste anthropomorphisé.

Scandinave moderne: Loke

Vieux Norrois: Loki

Proto Nordique: *Lukan

Indo-Européen: *Leuke

le nom dérive de la racine Proto Indo-Européenne *Luk – qui signifie tout simplement foudre/ éclair.

“*” utilisé pour les noms reconstruits, basés sur ce que nous savons aujourd’hui de ces langues.

Quand notre mythologie parle de la façon dont il a coupé les cheveux de la déesse Sif et qu’à cause de ça il est poursuivi par Þôrr, un chrétien penserait qu’il s’agit d’une mauvaise personne, mais je sais qu’il est le Dieu du feu ( le feu transmis aux hommes par les Dieux via les éclairs) utilisé dans la technique d’agriculture sur brûlis (No: Svibruk), lorsqu’ils brûlent les cultures pour fertiliser la terre. Après cela, les cheveux de la Déesse des récoltes Sif poussent encore plus merveilleusement, en d’autres termes, les récoltes. Ce n’est pas surprenant que ce soient les nains (les elfes noirs) qui lui aient donné le pouvoir de la terre. Quand on sait que Loki est l’éclair, que Þôrr est le Dieu du Tonnerre, on comprend aussi pourquoi il pourchasse toujours Loki. Si vous voyez un éclair dans le ciel, vous pouvez être sûrs que peu de temps après vous entendrez le tonnerre. Le tonnerre pourchasse donc l’éclair.

Dans la Völuspâ, strophes 17 et 18, nous apprenons que 3 Dieux ont donné la vie à quelques bouts de bois. Évidemment ça a été interprété par les chrétiens ignorants comme étant “le mythe de la création” de la Scandinavie mais ça n’a rien à voir. Les strophes racontent comment les Dieux ( c-à-d les acteurs se faisant passer pour des Dieux) ressuscitent les hommes et les femmes qui ont joué le rôle des esprits d’Hiver dans le Ragnarök annuel ( notre jour de l’an). Au cours de ce combat symbolique, les acteurs de l’esprit d’Hiver, connus sous le nom de Fenrir, sont (principalement) couvert de peaux de loup et ils sont vaincus par les Dieux ( toujours des acteurs ) qui déchirent sa peau et la piétine -décrit dans la mythologie par le Dieu Vîðarr, mettant sa botte dans la gueule de Fenrir et le broyant en deux. Après cela, les acteurs de l’esprit d’Hiver font les morts et sont portés par les Dieux jusqu’à l’arbre sacrificiel où leurs vêtements humains pendent. Là, on leur donne des boissons chaudes et de la nourriture et ils remettent leurs vêtements ( leur force vitale!) par Ôðinn, Hlôðurr (=Þôrr) et Hoenir (=Freyr).

Le Ragnarök est un évènement annuel que nous célébrons toujours chaque année et nous le célébrons même d’une façon similaire; on allume des brasiers et faisons de notre mieux pour faire autant de bruit que possible. Ça permet d’effrayer les esprits de l’Hiver pour que l’Été puisse revenir, en allumant des brasiers et des torches, en mettant le feu à des roues solaires et en les faisant rouler en bas de collines avec des étincelles volant partout. Aujourd’hui, on utilise des feux d’artifice ( et pour aucune raison valable).

Les divinités sont tuées mais elles reviennent chaque année comme elles l’ont toujours fait, donc c’est n’est pas bien grave. C’est ce que les chrétiens ont du mal à comprendre; renaissance, réincarnation. Ce qui est par ailleurs drôle en considérant que leur faux “sauveur” est censé être revenu des morts.

Il n’y a pas de mythe de la création en Scandinavie ! Les scandinaves chrétiens voulaient vraiment qu’il y en ait un car ils ont l’intuition que chaque religion avancée doit avoir un mythe créateur et ils voulaient –après tout– que leurs ancêtres aient été avancés, c’est pourquoi ils ont déséspérement tout mélangés et transformés et ont donc créé leur “mythe de la création” dans la Völuspâ. Mais, comme je l’ai dit, ce n’est pas un mythe créateur et il n’y en a pas dans la religion païenne parce que notre point de vue païen n’est pas linéaire –avec un début et une fin. Il est plutôt cyclique, sans début ni fin. Le temps, l’espace, la vie etc, sont tous éternels. Même pour n’importe quel non chrétien moderne c’est dur à saisir car nous avons été trompés par l’absurdité du “Big Bang” qui n’est ni plus ni moins que la religion de la science essayant de justifier le mythe de la création judéo-chrétien. ( Le prochain article de ma femme, sur http://www.atala.fr traitera de ce sujet en particulier l’astronomie et les origines de la vie).

Quand, avec arrogance comme certains l’ont prétendu, je dis dans la préface de mon livre “Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia” qu’il n’y avait pas de bons livres ( du moins pas en Anglais, Allemand et Scandinave) sur notre mythologie et notre religion (à un certain niveau, gardez “The Golden Bough” par l’anthropologue Sir James Frazer ), presque tous ce qu’on peut lire à travers ces livres sur notre mythologie est vue et interprété par des filtres et à la lumière Judéo-chrétienne. C’est tordu, mélangé et méconnaissable. La seule alternative que nous ayons de ce point de vue sans valeur et la perspective féministe également sans valeur, qui n’est pas moins juifs ni moins ignorants – et leur seul but, semble-t-il, est de trouver des preuves du “pouvoir de la femme” dans notre paganisme. La pauvre Freyja et les autres Déesses aussi ont été mal utilisées et sont devenus ” La Déesse Mère” d’une société matriarcal horriblement absurde ( sans les racines d’un quelconque matriarcat) gouvernée par des femmes.

Nous sommes embarrassés ici. Les livres que nous lisons traitant de notre propre culture sont remplis de mensonges et de fausses interprétations, ils déforment les faits et transforment notre Paganisme en une sorte de religion de la “lumière chrétienne”pour nihilistes, féministes ou autres personnes induites en erreur. Nous voyons l’ancienne prairie fleurie devant nous, mais lorsque nous courons vers elle à bras ouverts, nous trébuchons et tombons dans un marais puant. Un autre marais puant créé par les juifs, souvent aidés par de nombreux hommes de paille perdus.

Donc, ne vous fiez pas aux livres que vous lisez au sujet de notre mythologie. Ne croyez pas ce qu’ils disent sur notre Europe Païene. Ne croyez pas le moindre mot qui sort de leur bouche. Et le plus important, ne construisez pas votre caractère et votre pensée, votre système de croyances et vos rites sur ce que ce Judéo-chrétiens disent au sujet de notre mythologie!

Il va y avoir de plus en plus de sujets à propos de ça sur http://ancestralcult.com. Nous vous montrerons le vrai visage de nos ancêtres et ses racines –L’ancient culte de l’ours en Europe !

Je salue souvent Ôðinn à la fin de mes articles et je ne le fais pas parce qu’il est le “vrai Dieu”, un Jéhovah Païen ou quoi que ce soit, mais parce qu’il est le Dieu de l’esprit, de l’inspiration, de fureur et de notre esprit. Il est la force qui me permet d’écrire ces articles. Alors encore une fois; HailaR WôðanaR!

Traduit en français par C. S.  



English version.

À ma connaissance, hamingja en islandais veut dire principalement “chance”, mais en vieux norvégien ça signifie vardøger ou fylgja ( “disciple” dans le sens “d’esprit gardien”). Un vardøger est un “double” qui précède une personne où qu’il aille. L’esprit est quelquefois aperçu par d’autres personnes bien avant l’arrivée de la personne concernée. La traduction directe et la signification originale de hamingja d’autre part est “celui qui marche sous hamr”. Le hamr est la forme, l’aspect de la personne.

Alors, qu’est-ce qui marche sous formes et sous l’aspect ? Et de quelles formes et aspects parle-t-on ? Les mythes nous disent que les Dieux pouvaient enfiler différentes formes et par ce biais, se changer en eux; oiseaux, serpents, insectes, boeufs, loups et encore d’autres. Ils “marchent alors sous formes”

Mais d’abord, quoi ou qui marche sous formes ? La réponse est bien sûr nos esprits. Vous êtes nés sous une forme, vous vivez (marchez) sous cette forme et par la suite vous mourrez. Vous renaissez alors, sous une nouvelle forme et vous vivez (marchez) à nouveau et vous mourrez encore. Et ainsi de suite, probablement pour l’éternité. Donc nos esprits sont des entités immortelles qui changent uniquement de forme de temps en temps; nous sommes ceux qui marchons sous formes ! Nous sommes les Dieux, et ils sont nous et exactement comme les philosophes Grecs le croyaient, nous pouvons vivre sous toutes sortes de formes. De la plus infime des créatures (insectes, vers) à la plus grande d’entre elles (Dieux), ainsi que le reste. Si c’est physique et si la vie est présente alors c’est un vaisseau pour un quelconque esprit.

Nous devons cependant continuer à nous poser des questions; qu’est-ce donc qu’un esprit ? On disait que les esprits et les divinités pouvaient prendre la forme d’arbres et autres plantes, comme expliqué ici, toute vie vient de la lumière. Il serait donc correct d’appeler nos esprits et divinités tout simplement par le terme “Lumière”. Ou encore elfes de lumière peut-être ? Lumière blanche : votre véritable être est donc une lumière blanche vivant sous des formes.

Cependant, nos très nobles et très intelligents ancêtres affirmaient qu’on pouvait se rajouter à cette lumière. Vous pouvez la nourrir et la rendre plus importante! Comme vous le pouvez avec une rumeur! Comme vous le pouvez avec votre Honneur ! Sur un plan spirituel, votre Honneur éclairera aussi le monde pour d’autres, les inspirera, les renforcera dans leur détermination, les réconfortera quand ils sont en difficulté et les aidera à trouver leur chemin à travers les ténèbres de notre monde.

Nous savons que c’est vrai. Nous grandissons toujours grâce à la lumière créée par nos Héros et Héroïnes du passé. Marc Aurèle, Tore Hund, Michael Wittmann, Décébale, Vercingétorix, Arminius et j’en passe. Leur lumière est toujours là, brillante, chaude et éclairante. Ils sont toujours là, avec nous, en nous, nous nourrissant spirituellement, nous apportant notre nourriture métaphysique.

stamford_bridgespartan-warriors-2images (1)

L’Hamingja n’est donc pas juste votre chance dans la vie, mais c’est vous et la somme de toutes vos honorables réalisations ainsi que celles de vos ancêtres par lesquels vous avez été spirituellement nourri.Vous pouvez le laisser dépérir et disparaître à travers une vie moderne de honte qui ne vous apportera pas de lumière et en le rejetant ou vous pouvez, comme nos ancêtres l’ont fait, vous efforcer d’avoir une vie d’Honneur et de Gloire! Une vie de Gloire immortelle ! Soyez la lumière spirituelle qui nourrira vos descendants dans le futur, ou cessez d’être quand vous mourrez. HailaR WôðanaR!

Hâvamâl, strophe 76

” Le bétail meurt,

les amis meurent,

toi aussi tu meurs de la même façon,

mais je sais une chose

qui ne meurt jamais,

une honorable réputation”


Traduit en français par C. S. 

Character Murder


When a person says or does something the established society doesn’t like they often committ what has been called a «character murder» against him. In Norway we know it well from the scam trial against Knut Hamsun, whom they wrote off as «insane» and a person with «permanently weakened soul-abilities», a purely judicial term presented as psychiatry to the public. This is what they used to excuse his support for Hitler and the «Nazis», suggesting to the public that in order to support Hitler and the «evil Nazis» there had to be soemthing wrong with you.

Hitler’s supporters was (and still is) one thing, but as we know no other person on this planet has been subjected to character murder as many times as our dear Adolf Hitler. It started even before he rose to power in Germany, and it only intensified after his death. On all levels and in all degrees possible the enemies of Hitler has ridiculed, mocked and spat upon him and his memory. Likewise they have done everything in their power to undermine him and to make him appear pitiful, pathetic, dishonourable, lying, coward and you name it; every negative adjective in the world must have been used by them to describe the decorated war hero Adolf Hitler. Whatever he did they turned it into something ridiculous and bad; his personal SS body guard was made up of men standing 2 m tall all of them, and he – a perfectly average man for his time, 1,74 m tall – appeared small next to them, so his lying enemies tell us that he was a «small man with inferiority complexes», and use it to explain his other (by them made up) follies.

Hitler himself wrote in Mein Kampf that «the more they (the Jew-press) talk down a person in public the closer he is to us». He knew perfectly well what tactics the enemies of Europe were using, and not only in relation to him.

Today their character murder skills have been improved even more, their tools are perfected and they naturally keep this up, with all and every man who comes in their way. They take perfectly innocent facts and twist them, to make them negative. They make up negative facts when there are none to twist. They are consequent, merciless and extremely aggressive.

Character murder is a very efficient weapon to get rid of troublesome characters, for sure, and we can not abstain from using this weapon against our enemies if we are to save Europe. However, we are in a lucky position; we don’t need to make up negative facts about our enemies. We don’t need to twist anything at all – and we should never do so either! We can simply spread the truth about them to as many as we can, and this will have the same effect! We can do this consequently, mercilessly and extremely aggressively, and we should. Turn your spotlight on the Jew working in the shadows, so that all our men and women can see him and what he is up to!

Examples of some Great Europeans we should think better of;

1197502_3_b2f4_jean-marie-le-pen-le-10-mai-2009-lors-d-une4179051133Joachim Peipercoups_et_blessures_robert_faurisson_betar_tagarno-nb_sml_ 195ah-1923-colorized-1Portrett_av_Vidkun_Quisling_i_sivile_klær,_ukjent_datering.

Menhirs still standing


This is a blog mainly about our ancestors and how we can revive everything good that used to be but is no longer.

As a Pagan man I reject the Christian concept of shame and humility in relation to our forebears. Whatever wrong our forebears did is no longer here, but everything good they did will always be with us. We should not only be proud of them ourselves, privately, but also actively do our best to preserve their memory. We are them, because we come from them and carry with us not only their DNA, but also their spirit. We live to add to the Honour of our forebears, whom we are ourselves.

Judeo-Christians would call this «bragging», but why would we care what these low-life, ignorant, Jew-worshiping slaves call it? We should brag about our origin, if we feel we have a reason to – and any great man in your family is of course such a reason! Brag! Tell us whom you come from, what good they did, what they achieved! If you do you also tell us who you are!

Europeans were not (originally) defined by their trade, but from where they came; their parents’ names and (later) their family (Ôðal) properties’ names – and then finally in the Christian era, by their trade.

In the Pagan past this is how they greeted strangers; they showed their empty weapon hands, if they came in peace, wished the strangers luck and joy, and told them about who they were. They gave them their names, their father’s names and where they came from, at least, and often also the names of their grandfathers and of great and famous men in their kin. They were honest, brave and proud! Why should we be different today? HailaR WôðanaR!

In memory of the dead who has returned!


Peiper’s Ghost


When I was a teenager I used to play role-playing games, but usually disliked the board games so many of my fellow role-players enjoyed. But there was one exception; Advanced Squad Leader, or ASL as we used to call it. I purchased everything available and loved it!


The game was very complicated and there were hundreds, and if you had several modules, even thousands of pieces. They were even pretty small, so you had to have rather nimble fingers to play it.

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Naturally I saw ASL as a continuation of my childhood toy soldiers, which of course I had a whole plastic bag full of – most of them Germans. I was so fascinated by the Wehrmacht and in particular the Waffen-SS soldiers, their weapons, their uniforms, their camo, their tanks, their collar symbols (the SS runes), their half-tracks. Everything. I went through my childhood dreaming of finding a German steel helmet or even a Schmeisser! Hitler’s Germany felt right. Everything about the «Nazis» just felt right. When I in my teens finally got my by then rather nimble hands on a German steel helmet, a genuine Waffen-SS helmet in perfect shape, very dark green and with the SS-runes on the side, this was like a religious event to me. I held not only an SS-helmet in my hands, but a sacred relic! A source of sorcerous Nordic powers! My meaning and my life!

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Whilst playing ASL I learned about a character called Peiper, from a module called Kampfgruppe Peiper (I & II). It turned out his name was Joachim Peiper, and he was an officer in the Waffen-SS.


I looked at his picture and saw a hero; a perfect role model. I admired him greatly for his skill, his experience and his heroic nature, and also envied him for his opportunity to fight for what was right.

 Joachim Peiper

Joachim Peiper survived the war, but still met his end in combat. I quote from Wikipedia;

«Residing in France since 1972 Peiper led a quiet and discreet life; however, he continued to use his given name. In 1974 he was identified by a former Communist resistance member of the region who issued a report for the French Communist Party. In 1976, a Communist historian, investigating the Gestapo archives, found the Peiper file. On 21 June tracts denouncing his presence were distributed in Traves. A day later, an article in the Communist publication L’Humanité revealed Peiper’s presence in Traves and he became the subject of death threats.

Upon the death threats Peiper sent his family back to Germany. He himself stayed in Traves. During the night from 13 July to 14 July 1976 Peiper’s home was attacked. Peiper was shot several times and his house was set on fire. In the ruin, Peiper’s charred corpse was found with a .22 caliber rifle, a pistol and with a bullet wound in the chest. The perpetrators were never identified, but were suspected to be either Communists or former members of the French Resistance. Peiper had just started writing a book about Malmedy and what followed.»

Joachim Peiper, a man I never heard about in any history classes in school, or at the university, but whom I got to know of through ASL, a board game, is a man who deserves to be remembered, and remembered well. He was murdered 21 years after the war, by the enemies of Europe. We shall remember that too. Forever. «Never forgive. Never forget». Heil Joachim Peiper! HailaR WôðanaR! 

Moslems in Europe


It has lately come to my attention that some Muslims actually think that they built Europe! Yes, I am not kidding; Muslims walk around here in Europe under the impression that they built Europe, that they are to be thanked for what Europe has achieved and that we should appreciate them and what they have done for us. They came as guest workers in the 70ies, and some of them did indeed work, and they have managed to twist this into «Muslims built Europe». Amazing! I didn’t know it was possible to be that delusional, but obviously I was wrong.

The first Muslims invaders came to Europe in the 70ies, under the pretext that they were going to work. I have no idea why they were let in, but I can safely assume that it had something to do with the Boomers desperately trying to exploit and deplete all resources available before they grew too. They obviously did everything within their power to leave nothing whatsoever to the future generations, and I guess these «guest workers» were a part of that egotistical-plan.

The first «guest workers» did work a bit, until they were eligible for unemployment or other welfare payments. They were also (often through their jobs) heavily involved in drug trafficking and other forms of smuggling. I remember some petty criminals I met in Oslo jail told me that “if you want to sell stolen cigarettes or cigarettes smuggled from Sweden you can just enter any immigrant-owned shop and sell it there. They all buy and sell illegal stuff”. Because of the Muslims working in the Oslo harbour (yes; they were working there. Funny isn’t it?) fellow Muslims (with Norwegian citizenships, all of them, of course) could smuggle entire freight containers full of hashish and khat and other drugs, and they were never caught. The Muslims for the same reason also worked as taxi drivers, and thus got to distribute the drugs all over Oslo.

It’s always like that with the Muslims. If they actually work somewhere we should worry, and more so than if they are free-loading parasites who do nothing at all but hang around at the local mall, because they only work where they can misuse their jobs for something illegal, sinister and destructive. Their main objective is always to “help other Muslims”, whether they are policemen helping Muslim criminals, prison guards helping Muslim prisoners or whatever. They even hire them as security guards at the airport, where they claim Muslim terrorists are the main threat. So they hire Muslims to protect us against… Muslims;

I could go on for hours ranting like this, I have so much to say, I have so many experiences and I have seen so much in this context, but I think this suffice. My point is that not only did the Muslims not build Europe, they wrecked Europe by their mere presence! Europe used to be the best place to be, but because of the Muslims it is no longer. And what did they build? They sure cleaned a lot of floors as cleaning ladies, they sure have driven a lot of taxies, taking all the detours they could get away with, they sure have picked up a lot of garbage from our streets (most of it left there by their own co-religionists), they sure have undressed a lot of old ladies at the airport, held back as potential terrorists because they tried to bring their hand creams into the plane, and they sure have sold a lot of drugs from their corner shops (and taxis), but they never built anything worth mentioning. Like have you ever met a Muslim at a supply depot or in a tools shop? I sure haven’t – and yes, I have been to such places a lot lately (in France, a country with probably 8 million Muslim immigrants).

Jews are scum and Gypsies are scum, but don’t for a minute think that the Muslims in Europe aren’t scum too. They are worthless, destructive, ignorant, immoral, hypocritical, child- and wife-beating rats. If there are any exception to this rule I don’t care; get them our of Europe now, all of them: every single one! *spit*

 bangladeshi-taxi-driver-rapes-customer-gets-7.5-years-for-crime-9.1.2013 article-2286673-185FB686000005DC-93_306x423  images (7)islam-london4rape9uk_muslim_rape_gang

Unlike with Jews and Gypsies though, we can actually state truthfully that not all Muslims are like the scum that comes to Europe. Many Muslims in the Muslim world are fairly good people, and just like we stay in our Europe, they stay in their Arab world. We can think well of them, just like they can of us. And they know that Europe is for Europeans! HailaR WôðanaR! 

The Hashashim


As you all know I am far from perfect, but I learn as I go, and after yesterday’s post I think it is about time we start to differentiate stronger between the bad Muslims (i. e. all of those living in Europe) and the good Muslims (i. e. all those living in Arab countries). Why do I think so? Well, I think this video will explain my view very well;

Note that he stressed that in Muslim countries they have to work for a living. There is no free-loading there, no room for parasitical behaviour. When the Jewish-owned medias present Europe to the Muslim countries as a place where you don’t have to work for a living, who do you think will come? Yes; the lazy ones. The dregs. The scum. In other words we can not regard the Muslims in Europe as representatives for Muslims in general. The Muslims who stay in Muslim countries are much better.

From a long term strategic perspective I think we will benefit greatly from making this clear to everyone; we know that not all Muslims are scum, and that good Muslims are those who live in Muslim countries! Like the video above shows they are at least often ashamed of their co-relogionists who move to Europe, and of course rightfully so. I am sure they as much as us would like to line these criminals up against the wall more than anything else. Rape, drug dealing, drug use and assault is a crime in Islam too.

Further, many of the Muslims in Europe are here because they fled from conflict. Now, why would men flee from conflict? Isn’t that what we normally call «treason»? Would we flee from our countries if they were under attack? I think even most of us (i. e. those in our «extremist» movement) would actually flock to the conflict area to help those under attack – like good Norwegians and Swedes did to Finland when Stalin launched his attack in 1939. The Chechens boast how much of a warrior people they are, and at the same time we see adult male Chechens en masse in our countries, free-loading, dealing drugs and raping European women instead of fighting for their homeland.

The differentiation between «good» and «bad» Muslims is very smart, because if we spread the idea that Muslims in Europe are worthless scum, and the Muslim men in Europe even traitors to their own countries, then not only will the Muslims in Muslim countries agree with us, they will also put more pressure on their fellow countrymen to keep them from leaving in the first place. Being a Muslim in Europe will be tainted with shame! Being a Muslim in a Muslim country on the other hand will be just fine.

There is more to this though; Israel is behind this flux of absolute scum from Muslim countries to Europe, because they want us to believe that all Muslims are like that. This will help them not only recruit our men for war against the Muslims, but also help justify their wars against their neighbours in the first place. Israel wants all the land between the Mediterranean and the Euphrat or even Tigris, from Turkey to the Red Sea, and they will do anything and everything within their power to achieve this.

Amongst the Muslims who come to Europe are Mossad-trained terrorists. They recruit Muslims in Europe, from the Muslim scum living here, and create terrorist cells doing what they can to spread fear of Muslims in Europe, to spread hatred for Muslims in Europe – to distort our image of Muslims. To ensure that we will fight for Israel when the war down there breaks out. (Note that the same Mossad-trained Muslim terrorists work in Muslim countries too, for the same reason.)

Islam is an Abrahamic religion, it is international (but actually more than anything Arabic imperialistic) and aggressive per se, but Islam has given up on us; they know that they can not defeat Europe, and good Muslims accept that.

NB! The rulers of Saudi Arabia are actually Jews, Muslim Jews, and their work to spread Islam in Europe is a part of the Jewish plan to turn us against the Muslims.

We are Europeans, Pagans by heart and blood, mind and spirit, and we have no imperialistic ambitions either, so in effect we are no threat to them, and the good Muslims are no threat to us. The bad Muslims on the other hand is a threat to all of us; to Europe as well as to the Muslim world. If we can make both Europe and the Muslim world understand and appreciate this fact it will benefit us all enormeously. We can shake «Saladin’s» hand, and respect him and his right to rule as he please in his corner of the world, but we must treat the filthy Muslim assassins living in Europe in a completely different way. «Saladin» probably wants them handed over too; to restore the honour of Islam. HailaR WôðanaR!

Du gamla, du fria


A Swedish friend, Johan, sent me a link to an article in a Swedish newspaper earlier today. As you might understand after growing up in Soviet Norway I am used to pretty radical bullshit being spread by the newspapers, but this article still managed to make me drop my jaw. The first shock was of course the picture of the journalist who wrote it; it is like she feels some sort of sick need to express in every single way possible that she is a raving mad feminist lunatic. Either that or they have some sort of sick «Karius & Baktus» fashion going on over there in Sweden at the moment.

It took me a few moments to get over that photo, but when I did and started reading I wasn’t sure if Johan was pulling my leg or not. Was this real? It sounded like a joke. Was it a parody? It sure looked and sounded like one, but no… this is what they actually write in «Swedish» newspapers these days.

You can Google translate the article if you don’t understand the text, but in any case I can tell that it deals with the lunatic feminist’s wish to remove the Swedish national anthem because it according to her is «a celebration of the imperialistic and colonial Sweden», that naturally all Swedes «should be ashamed of». She ends by suggesting it should be replaced by a modern song better representing the Democratic and peaceful society of Sweden today. The possibly «best» part was still when she suggested that Sweden should be self-critical «for a change». Is she on drugs or something?

The “Peaceful” society of Sweden today:

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Naturally such feminist lunatics are always good to have when you are to argue against the right to vote for women, or when you argue in favour of abortion, or public stoning for that sake, and we can always hope that she will only make the rest of Sweden furious, but the truth is that such treacherous pigs rule our countries today. They don’t represent their peoples. They are not in tune with their peoples at all. They just have a mad agenda, and follow it blindly, never checking with reality, never thinking about the consequences for their peoples, never thinking at all – until they stand there, surprised by how the people «suddenly» treat them, when they arrest the traitors and hang them in the nearest lampposts.

I will be sure to sing «Du gamla, du fria», the Swedish national anthem, when this bitch is hanged by her own people. Hail to Sweden! Ave Nemesis!

The Sweden we love;


The Antigones


Yesterday I planned to link to a few videos about The Antigones, but woke up only to see that Destroy Zionism had already done so. Rather than write something myself I just provide you with a link to his post about The Antigones. They speak French and there are English subtitles, and rather than tell you what they say I leave it to them to explain what they are and what they do. Enjoy.

I can also link to a relevant post here on Ancestral Cult. com.

See also this link explaining who Antigone was.

Forever the Forests sing


First some music to set the mood

In a sense life is like a rehearsal for death, and death the première of life. You will not know whether your life has added to your Honour or not until you die, and when you die all the events of your life will be cramped into that one moment of death. A dishonourable life can be somewhat amended by an honourable death, and an honourable life can be ruined by a dishonourable death.

Ôðinn/Woden/Wotan/WôðanaR/Wôþanaz, alias Hermes. 

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In many ways I am not a very good human being. There are so many things I do poorly, that I don’t know, that I think I know but actually don’t, and that I think I do well but actually don’t. In many contexts I lack initiative, and have to be pushed in order to go forward. In relation to others I can be very impatient and intolerant, but expect the same to be patient and tolerant in relation to me. I for sure have double standards. I react far too strongly to any and all adversity, and not only come across as aggressive, but I actually am aggressive. I am «paranoid by profession», meaning I am not actually paranoid, but behave as if I was; I am ideologically inclined to believe everyone and everything in this world is my enemy until proven otherwise and I go to great lengths to prepare myself for defence in any and all contexts. I believe in violence as a means to solve problems; I know violence is just a very unintelligent way to communicate, but I am far too impatient with stupid people to try and communicate with them in other ways; it’s a waste of my time. I often laugh of my own jokes. I am a horrible loser, and will in many cases choose to cheat rather than lose. I am also a horrible winner, but actually only in relation to individuals I dislike. When exposed to such I tend to live by this rule; «The most important thing is not to win, but to humiliate the loser». I don’t like other people. You could even say I am afraid of other human beings, and especially if they like me; I once spent a whole year in a prison cell, 24 hours a day, and only ever left it to pick up my dinner from just outside the door, but I still find the time when I was surrounded by other prisoners who liked me, spoke to me and thought I was cool the most traumatizing of my time in prison. If pushed I can do just about everything with any type of tools, but I do everything poorly. I often destroy electric items by my mere presence. Yes, I am not kidding; e. g. a computer can work fine, until I try to use it, in which case it will stop working, until I leave, when it will all of a sudden start to work again. I have jokingly explained this in the past by saying; «I have an EMP-head». I always think everything is so much worse for me than for everybody else; e. g. if my wife and I are both sick I am convinced that I suffer more than she does, although we suffer from the exact same sickness. I am also very annoying when I am sick; whiny and self-pitying (I prefer proper injuries to sickness). I am too honest, which of course means that I can be rude and insensitive to others’ feelings, and I often am…. and I don’t care. I am egotistical and egocentric and I can be extremely cynical. I think in a larger picture and don’t care to much about details; if an innocent European child is murdered by an immigrant I will think; «Great! That will help us in the long run, because more Europeans will open their eyes to the cruelty of the immigrants». I can be cruel too. If I was to shoot at somebody I would be more worried about my rumour as a rifleman than I would be for the fate of the targets.

I think some times you need to be a bad human being in some contexts in order to be an actually very good and valuable human being in some other and in some ages more important contexts. I am not a psychopath, I have even (because of my prison term and the Soviet-Norwegian regime’s failed attempt to present me as insane) gone through psychiatric tests that showed I was not even close to being a psychopath, but I think that the men who change the world must act, speak and behave in a manner leading ordinary folks to think of them as being mad and psychopathic. These men must be poor human beings in some or even most contexts in order to develop the abilities needed for them to actually help change the world. Naturally I don’t think I alone change the world, but I am not alone in being someone who is useful because I am a poor human being in so many contexts, and we all contribute and pull a larger load than we would have been able to any one of us on his own.

Loki and Sigyn.


When it comes to Honour I must say I have behaved dishonourably many times in my life. Some times by accident, some times out of cowardice but most of the time because of plain ignorance. You can criticise me for this if you like, but what else can we expect when I – just like the rest of you – have grown up in a thoroughly sick society built and based on treachery, cowardice, lies, stupidity and ignorance? Do flowers grow in dry desert sand? Do trees grow tall where there is almost no soil? Do any plants grow without water? Still, I can be proud of myself for having behaved Honourably so many times still, and even most of the time, in spite of the age I grew up in and in spite of what was told by those around me.

Alas! Honour and an Honourable behaviour is something we must teach ourselves; we must learn it from hidden sources written in forgotten and some times foreign languages. We must find it in the grass, whilst walking alone on overgrown paths. Aye, we have our instincts, telling us that something is wrong with what our parent generation is reiterating to us, but our instincts can only help us so much. We still to a very large degree need to learn how to be and behave Honourably, and we have to do this in conflict with our parents, our teachers in school, all available entertainers and all lecturers in higher education too – and some times even with our peers.

Had we had the opportunity to be born into societies where Honour and the wish to be Honourable, rather than selfish greed, law and the fear of punishment, penetrated every layer of society we would have been different today. Our backgrounds would have been different, our bodies and minds less scarred and beaten; our spirits more evolved, strengthened, developed and thorough.

Fear not if you too carry the knowledge of your failures of the past; it does not mean you are less worth or inferior to your forebears; it only means that you are a flower planted in dry sand, or a tree planted where there is not enough soil, or any other plant never watered. Be instead proud of your ability to grasp for the Honour of our forebears. Don’t feel sorry for moving forwards so slowly; you swim against the current, through a maelstrom of ignorance, anti-European racism, greed, cowardice, cruelty, dishonesty and hatred! Don’t feel sorry for being filthy; you live in a reeking bog. How could you not be?

Perhaps we are to some degree lost; perhaps we are broken human beings, reduced, twisted and cursed by the age we live in and by the treachery of our parent generation, but we should not give up; we can take our seeds and simply make sure that we don’t plant them in dry sand or where there is too little or too dry soil. We can instead plant our seeds in good and fertile Pagan soil. On our Ôðal properties. In a Pagan Europe. It will benefit us all; even those who die in the process, because just like we are our forebears, our descendants are us.

Evil Incarnate;


Tear down the synagogue casting shadows all over Europe! Strip the (free-) masons who try to build it even larger from all power! Cast out the demon in black robes spreading his vile poison inside our home and cleanse Europe for all that does not belong here! Europe return to us; Proud, Honourable, Pure and Noble!

Scandinavia is a ‘land by the sea’ (-awiô [modern; -avia]) named after the god of hunting, Skanþe (genitive; Skanþin), known as a goddess (Skaði) in the Viking Age, and for the future of Europe I think it is right to also hail him and perhaps even in particular him in this context. For all we know the Wild Hunt might soon commence. Prepare yourself for it! HailaR Skanþe – the god of the hunt! HailaR TîwaR – the god of war! HailaR WôðanaR – the god of the dead!

Our forebears when faced with what we face today; 

gauls_colorJoachim Peiperimages (4)imagesimages (1)Caledonian-pictnazsolThe_Vikings_were_hated_everywhere

Le réchauffement climatique et… les poules.


English version.

Chaque année nous voyons des images de la glace fondant en arctique et les extrémistes de gauche hurlent qu’il s’agit de “la preuve du réchauffement climatique, mais en réalité, nous sommes justes témoins de quelque chose qu’est rien d’autre que le printemps. Oui, à chaque printemps la glace fond et de gros morceaux de glace tombent des glaciers. Je crois qu’on appelle ça “vêlage”.

Cette année de plus en plus de français réalisent que le discours au sujet du “réchauffement climatique” est une pure absurdité. Il a neigé et/ou plu partout en France depuis un bon moment et les températures sont inhabituellement basses. Nous n’entrons pas dans une période de réchauffment climatique mais bien dans une autre ère glaciaire. Je ne plaisante pas, nous entrons dans une autre ère glaciaire, et ça veut dire -comme d’habitude- qu’une grande partie de l’Europe du nord va être couverte d’une couche épaisse de glace. Bien sûr, ça va prendre du temps avant que ça devienne aussi dramatique, peut-être 100 ou même 1000 ans, mais ça va arriver. Encore.

En avril, le temps est généralement très chaud et agréable ici dans le centre de la France, mais pas cette année, ce qui explique l’ambiance humide et sombre des photos de cet article ( sauf la première, prise un jour ensoleillé). Comme nous entrons dans une nouvelle ère glaciaire, je fais de mon mieux pour devenir aussi autonome que possible. C’est pour quoi, (entre autres choses que j’aborderai plus loin) j’ai acheté un poulailler pour moins cher que les matériaux dont il est construit et ensuite j’ai acheté quelques matériaux pour la personnaliser et l’adapter à nos besoins.

Notre poulailler, fait à partir d’un poulailler acheté ( construit par un autre père de famille, dont le chien n’aimait pas les poules…), quelques nouveaux matériaux et ce que nous avions déjà.


Nous avions déjà une clôture électrique, “made in France” ( et pour citer le vendeur; ” c’est pas du made in China, alors ça va durer” !) alors j’ai monté ça – pour éloigner les renards. Nous prévoyons d’avoir deux ou trois (ou quatre) poules, donc cette grande surface dans notre jardin est plus que suffisante pour elles. J’ai rajouté des tuiles ( pas encore correctement placées sur la photo) et des galets ( et quand j’ai manqué de ça, un très beau sac poubelle noir…) pour donner aux poules un endroit (presque) sec pour dormir.

La clôture électrique et l’espace libre des poules;

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Maintenant, tout ce dont nous avons besoin c’est d’aller acheter des poules…

Pourquoi faisons-nous ça ? Tout d’abord parce que la façon dont on produit les oeufs aujourd’hui n’est rien d’autre que mauvais traitement pour les animaux – ou plutôt torture. Nous ne voulons pas soutenir ça. Deuxièmement, le prix des oeufs a décollé ici en France ces dernières années. Troisièmement, on ne sait pas quand la petite superette va manquer d’oeufs. Enfin, nous avons tendance à toujours avoir des restes après le déjeuner et le dîner, et les poules peuvent et vont manger la plupart de ces restes – donc, avoir des poules veut dire qu’on ne jètera plus autant de nourriture. Elles mangent de tout en passant par des pommes de terres au four au pain. ( Oh, et en plus elles mangent les insectes et même les mouches, ce qui va réduire la population de ces insectes gênant sur notre propriété.

L’ensemble “composé” est fait pour que je puisse le bouger n’importe quand, de notre location à notre propre propriété à côté.

Tout seul, ce n’est pas suffisant pour nous rendre autonome mais c’est une des nombreuses pierres dont a besoin notre temple païen de la libération (de…). Cette liberté ne sera pas uniquement bénéfique pour nous, mais fera aussi du mal à nos ennemis, qui auraient gagné de l’argent sur nos achats d’oeufs. C’est en fait un moyen de résister au génocide de l’Europe !

HailaR WôðanaR!

Traduit en français par C. S. 

La science dans la mythologie scandinave Partie I; Le champ magnétique, la ,couche d’ozone et les rayonnements ultraviolets.


English version.

Autrefois, l’Europe était un continent brillant avec une vision du monde païenne basée sur la science. Pas sur la quasi-science politisée mais sur la vraie science. Nous en trouvons des preuves partout dans notre mythologie.

Du Grîmnismâl, strophe 39, on entend parler d’un bouclier entre le Soleil et la Terre, empêchant la terre et la mer de brûler. Ce bouclier est appelé Svalinn (“fraicheur”).

38. Svalinn heitier, hann stendr sôlu fyrir,

Skjöldr skînanda goþi:

björg og brim veitek at brinna skulu

ef hann fellr î frâ.

Svalinn est appelé le bouclier

Placé entre le monde et les rayons de la Déesse brillante.

La mer bouillirait et la terre fumerait,

Si celui-ci un jour venait à choir.

Source: wikipédia.

La Terre est en grande partie protégée du vent solaire, un courant d’énergie chargé de particules émanant du Soleil, par son champ magnétique, qui dévie la plupart des particules chargées. Ces particules élimineraient la couche d’ozone qui protège la Terre des dangereux rayons ultraviolets. Les calculs de la perte du dioxyde de carbone de l’atmosphère de Mars, résultant de la récupération des ions par le vent solaire, sont compatibles avec la perte quasi totale de son atmosphère depuis que le champ magnétique de Mars s’est arrêté.


Alors savaient-ils que cette “fraicheur” protégeait la vie de notre planète? Que si elle était “tombée” la terre et la mer brûleraient ?

Toutefois, l’ensemble du spectre des rayonnements ultraviolets possède certaines des caractéristiques du rayonnement ionisant, faisant beaucoup plus de dégâts aux nombreuses molécules de systèmes biologiques que ce qui est représenté par un simple effet de réchauffement ( l’exemple serait le coup de soleil). Ces propriétés sont dues à la puissance du photon ultraviolet modifiant les liaisons chimiques dans les molécules, même sans avoir suffisamment d’énergie pour ioniser les atomes.

Si “Svalinn” tombe, nous brulerons et il se peut que nos ancêtres l’aient su, il y a au moins mille ans.

Traduit en français par C. S. 

La science dans la mythologie scandinave partie II; La gravité


English version.

Il y a une planète en particulier, dans notre système solaire, qui assure la possibilité de vie comme nous la connaissons sur notre planète Terre, et c’est bien sûr de Jupiter dont il s’agit. S’il n’y avait pas eu le champ gravitationnel de cette planète géante, alors la Terre aurait été parsemée d’objets venant de l’espace.

Ce n’est pas par hasard que la planète soit nommée Jupiter et que le Jupiter scandinave soit Þôrr. Il est bien reconnu comme la Dieu du Tonnerre mais moins comme le Dieu de l’agriculture et encore moins comme celui de la pluie. Le Tonnerre nous apporte la pluie et la pluie telle que nous la connaissons (si contrôlée) est bonne pour l’agriculture.

Þôrr est plus communément appelé en Scandinavie “Þôrr au marteau” car il est célèbre grâce à son marteau spécial, fabriqué pour lui par les elfes noirs (=les nains) dans le sol. Le marteau était à la base un rocher, comme le précise en anglais l’étymologie du mot “hammer” qui signifie à l’origine simplement ” rocher” (ndt: Marteau en français vient du latin martellus qui signifie “écraser, frapper”). Il peut toujours revenir à lui lorsqu’il l’envoie dans les airs et il peut facilement se réduire afin de le ranger dans sa poche ou dans une pochette s’il le désire. Il est aussi équipé d’une ceinture qui le rend deux fois plus fort, le Meginnjörð ( “la force de la Terre”).

Comme vous le savez, c’est la gravité qui force la pluie à tomber sur le sol, qui impose au rocher de retourner dans votre main quand vous en jetez un dans les airs et nous savons que la gravité n’est pas liée à la taille d’un objet mais à sa masse. Ainsi, son marteau peut être réduit comme il l’entend, sans influencer ses pouvoirs. Naturellement, sa ceinture de force est aussi appelée ” la force de la Terre” car c’est un autre nom pour la gravité, la force de la masse.

Dans notre mythologie, il est aussi chargé, naturellement, de protéger le monde des géants de pierre et des géants de glace, exactement comme la planète Jupiter nous protège des géants de pierre et de glace de l’espace avec sa gravité. Plutôt que de s’écraser sur notre planète et détruire toute vie, les géants de pierre et les géants de glace sont aspirés par Jupiter, par sa gravité.

Mesdames et Messieurs, plutôt que d’être un Dieu du Tonnerre, de la pluie et de l’agriculture, notre cher Þôrr est avant tout le Dieu de la gravité. Cela expliquerait aussi pourquoi Þôrr est le seul Dieu de la mythologie scandinave à avoir les cheveux et la barbe roux , tout comme la planète Jupiter est rousse.

Que savaient-ils encore avant que les juifs du christianismes détruisent tout avant que nous les découvrions ? Qu’est-ce qui a été perdu à cause d’eux ?


Romain: Jupiter

Grec; Zevs

Scandinave; Þôrr

Slave; Perun

Celtique; Taranis

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Traduit en français par C. S. 

A. Atlantis and the bull of fire (en)


Reblogged from Atala - A journey to the Golden Age by Marie Cachet:

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Version française

1. Atlantis, the island of Atlas, is our solar system

The quotations (in italics) are taken from Plato's Critias, and more precisely the translation in the pdf below (unless otherwise stated):


Poseidon fell in love with her and had intercourse with her, and breaking the ground, inclosed the hill in which she dwelt all round, making alternate zones of sea and land larger and smaller, encircling one another; there were two of land and three of water, which he turned as with a lathe, each having its circumference equidistant every way from the centre, so that no man could get to the island, for ships and voyages were not as yet.

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HorguR auk Hup


llustration of a Pagan sacred site, in Ranheim north of Trondheim, demolished (!) by the non-European Muslim minister of culture in Norway, Hadia Tadjik, to make room for apartments for the growing (immigrant) population in Norway;


When I was a child I sometimes visited an ancient Hörgr, a Pagan altar from the days of yore. It was located on a hill and was surrounded by large and beautiful trees and a natural circle on the ground, used for dance and processions by Ancient Europeans during High festivals. The atmosphere of the place was wonderful, and I felt as if I entered a portal to a better age. The site was simply put engulfed in glamour (i. e. ‘magic’).

My family had a Summer house on Stord, an island off the Norwegian West coast, and when we went there – pretty much every weekend during the course of the Summer throughout my childhood – we sailed past a place called Tysnes (‘Tyr’s Headland’). We never stopped there, I have never been to Tysnes, but I felt the glamour of the areait drew me in, it drew my mind and spirit in, even though my body was left in our boat. I never looked in any other direction than in the direction of Tysnes when we passed by, so often – trying to get a glimpse of what was there.

Vevatnet (‘the sacred lake’) on Tysnes

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There is something very peculiar about old European cultic sites, and they all speak to those willing (and able) to listen. The mere sensation of such a sacred site can be an initiation and a trigger of dormant abilities in the European man. They are like portals into the past. Gates to ancient spirits and influence – and they are just about everywhere in Europe; scattered all over our fine continent.

During my late teens I very much appreciated the idea that you can not just feel the spirits and ghosts of the past, but actually also see them and perhaps even communicate with them – or at they can communicate with you; if you put a mask on. Our forebears believed that you could see and even enter the spirit realm if you put some sort of mask on, and then entered through a gate (a burial mound, a hollow tree, a trapdoor, a well, a bridge et cetera). We know this use of masks from the Greek theatre, but also from the berserk cult and different European religious traditions – and not least from our fairy tales. The idea was that they had to dress up like the dead, to gain access to the realm of the dead – like we are supposed to do on Halloween, the hallow evening when you are hallowed/initiated – when you start the process to become a part of the Hamingja of an honourable dead person chosen by you.

Being an ardent role-player, a natural-born rebel and a well thought through anti-Christian it was naturally not too strange an idea for me to put such a mask on and then enter ancient Pagan sacred sites. Naturally I saw no spirits or ghosts flying about, that is not what our forebears believed they would see either, but I was indeed inspired – by the site and it’s atmosphere. We could say Burzum and it’s music stems from this inspiration; channeled from Pagan hargir auk hôp (‘altars and temples’).

The European sacred sites are often located in the most beautiful places of Europe, where nature alone gives you a feeling of awe and a connection with something spiritual, special and divine. They are there to connect you to your blood (your forebears), your soil (Ôðal) and your meaning of life on all levels. HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. Hargir = pl., horguR = sg.; hôp = pl., hup = sg.

Different European sanctuaries;

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Our Serbian Brothers


There is a very good documentary about the crimes against the Serbs on HARDONS BLOG today, that I highly recommend to you all. It’s main focus is the crimes of the Albanians; Muslims and part of the Mongrel Horde invaders of Europe. Hail Serbia! Our South Slavic Brothers and Sisters!


PS. Here is another very good YouTube film about the same subject;

Hate Crime


The Marxists and Anarchists – operating under names such as «Social Democrats», «Socialists» and similar – often claim we – the «horrible Nazi scum» – are so violent, and they make long lists documenting our hate crimes.

In prison I met a few so-called skinheads, and naturally shared a few stories with them. They were in prison for «hate crimes», after having beaten up some drug dealing Pakistani gang members or Blitz youth (i. e. Marxist and Anarchist extremists), but they all had one thing in common; none of them had actually started the fight. They had all only defended themselves when they were attacked solely because of their «nationalist» looks or because extremists recognized tham as nationalists and therefore attacked them. They told me that whenever they failed to defend themselves they were simply beaten up, and often hospitalised, and of course the «Norwegian» police never did any investigations whatsoever surrounding the circumstances. When they successfully defended themselves though they were viciously persecuted legally and always ended up in prison for «hate crime». Oh, and naturally the Marxists registered their «hate crimes» and used it to document how violent and dangerous the nationalists («Nazis») were.

The extremists seek conflict with the nationalists, and no matter what the nationalists say or do they can not get out of the situation peacefully; when they try they are attacked by the extremists.

In France we had a case yesterday with a left wing activist (i. e. an extremist) who was beaten to death by a gang of skinheads. That is what the newspapers told us anyhow. The Jewish president of France and the Jewish prime minister too have gone out publicly and called it a murder, and even an assassination (!), and call for a total crackdown on all such horrible violent nationalist groups. They must all be banned, they say.

The French TV’s image used to show their viewers what «nationalist skinheads» look like.


Yes, as you can see, they show a manipulated photo of a group of communists and anarchists. Again the media tell us lies.

Ok… then some very few French newspapers interview witnesses to the event and it turns out the dead extremist was part of a group of «left wing activists» (i. e. extremists) wearing fighting gloves (!) who went to an event held in a shop selling clothes of a brand popular amongst nationalists in France. There they verbally abused and threatened the nationalists present, who returned to the inside of the shop to avoid having to fight the extremists. The extremists followed them into the shop but were thrown out of the shop by a guard, because they behaved aggressively. Eventually the nationalists, three young men and a young woman, had to leave the shop, and were then attacked by the waiting extremists. The nationalists then beat up the attacking extremists, and accidentally killed one of them in the process – using no weapons whatsoever when they defended themselves. All the witnesses confirm the story of the nationalists, including the guards who threw out the extremists. The «poor» victim of this «assassination» is known by the police for similar aggressive behaviour earlier. The police was also at the scene 15 minutes earlier, and confirms that everything was fine, the nationalists behaved examplary and there was no problem.

Now, consider what you just read, and then see what Russia Today has to say about this episode;

In other words; Russia Today is no better than other mass medias. They too are nothing but lying pigs. I can add that the “thousands” protesting were actually a much smaller group. Most Frenchmen understand what is actually going on in this case. 

Oh, and had the extremists killed a nationalist we would of course never have heard about this case in the first place. We never do. 

Dear readers. When you read or hear about «nationalist extremists» or «Nazis» attacking others, when you hear about «hate crime», when you hear about the terror and hatred of the «right-wing extremists», this is what you actually see; lies, lies and more lies.

They are the extremists, they are the ones attacking us, they are the ones hating (and they hate Europe), they are the ones we should all fear! They are the ones using terror and lies to achieve their goals!

The left wing extremists make up a small part of our peoples, and they rule via harassment, terror, lies and threats, and the peoples of Europe will at some point revolt against their reign, but until then make sure you don’t break any laws or do other things that can be used against us. The peoples of Europe are waking up to reality, and our mission is to do our best to help them wake up. HailaR WôðanaR! 

Hecate's flower of Strength


Reblogged from Vinland Heritage:

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Dear pagan readers,

Let me present you a plant whose nowadays reputation is far from what is used to be in pagan times. It is now mostly cursed as one of the main weed, being considered the plague of the golf courses, parks and gardens. But let me tell you that the greatest European pharmacologists, botanists and herbalists of antiquity had it in great esteem.

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