Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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A Political Program


In 1998 I wrote what was came to be a political program for the A. H. F., the «Allgermanische Heidnische Front». For different reasons the A. H. F. was eventually dissolved, I think around 2003, but I have several times after this thought about this program and as far as I remembered it was quite good. With the help of the host of Destroy Zionism I found a copy of the program online. It is a bit abbreviated (or perhaps even slightly changed), but not much, and after reading through it I still think it is a pretty good program.

The program was written for an assumed pan-Germanic state, but could well be written for any European state made up of a specific ethnic group, be it Gaulish, Britonic, Slavo-Scythian, Thrakian, Greek, Finnish, Italian, Hungarian, Iberian or Basque, or indeed for a pan-European Empire made up of different ethnically defined kingdoms.

«The Allgermanic Heathen Front fights to create a free Grossgermania with a competent defence, and a strong responsible leadership who serves the people, and who ties the bounds between the people and the soil of the fatherland, strengthens unity and loyalty, religion and culture.

A competent defence and freedom demands a firm and healthy human stock, red-hot with enthusiasm towards it’s elevated task, proud of it’s Germanic blood and it’s kin, self-secure, and aware of it’s rights and duties.

For the people to be steeped in this good spirit, the male youth must be educated to become competent military personnel. The compulsory military service must be introduced in a renewed form, and every soldier must find his place in the people’s army.

In a war situation men and women must serve the fatherland at the front or at home.

A land with a competent army must respect and honour it’s soldiers, take care of them after fighting ends – especially for the wounded and injured. A situation of need for these men and women is a disgrace for the fatherland.

Unlimited (right of) self-determination is a presupposition for freedom.

We must get rid of alien states’ and organisations’ guardianship, subjugation and yoke.

On the domestic front we need to fight freemasonry and Marxism, alien capital and stagnation of the people’s material and spiritual life, intend to grasp the power of the world. The Jehovah-faith is also forced upon the Germanic people as a stratagem.

We must fight the Jesuit order and all similar megalomaniac offsprings of Judaism.

It is of uttermost importance that a citizen directly responsible to the people controls the government.

The people is a living unit of Germanic citizens, who in company with the self-sacrificial will, serve each other with the work of both the hand and the spirit. Everybody who does his or her duty has – in whatever situation the individuals are in – right to enjoy respect, help and care.

Men and women stand at each other’s side, as equals, yet they are different from each other. In the family the Germanic people is renewed. The coming youth shall live like their parents. Youth movements can gain some influences, but never replace the parents’ movements.

The soil of the home is for the people the irreplaceable fatherland, with it the people is connected. By establishing small farms and own homes the homefeeling is strengthened more than by building blocks of flats in the cities. The holy Germanic soil must never become an object of bargain. For thousand of years we where a happy people of farmers and under changed conditions we must continue to be, and have our backbone in the farmers, without neglecting the other industries.

When people re-grow with the soil of the fatherland, it will acquire the faith, culture and competence our forefathers possessed. This is what will determine the future of our people.

Familyfeeling and cultural awareness are the backbone of a people.

The Germanic Asatru is characterised by the race-peculiarity of the people. To return to Asatru will save our people from degeneration. Germanic awe for the ideals and Germanic patience will show us the way we have to go to get ourselves rid of the alien subjugation and yoke.

Culture is the result of a people’s religion and it’s moral ideals. Like a living source the culture penetrates art, science and all creation of spirit. Art and science must be freed from alien influence. That the people is poisoned spiritually is worse that sickness and death. The mothertongue and the people’s customs and practices are essential parts of a people’s culture, and must be kept sacred.

Civilisation and it’s progress shall serve the people, and through that the Germanic work of science get its initiation. The community household must subordinate itself to the moral ideals of the people. Within these borders it can unfold freely. In wartime the community household subordinate itself to the state.

The community household must provide the people with all necessary supplies in the cheapest way possible, independent of alien supply. Increase in cost to the benefit to individual groups is out of the question. It is the duty of the state to see that this work the way it is meant to.

The finances must be free from all alien influence and be arranged through Germanic sense of justice. In that the measurement of value lies untouched from the influences of foreign countries.

The pay must be proportional to the work done. This principle will strengthen the enthusiasm for one’s work and it will secure the industrial peace.

The redemption from the subjugation and all alien yokes will mean welfare for all Germanic citizens, and it will end the misery of all the workers in need in all the stratum of society.

On this foundation every man and woman of Germanic descent can find foothold, and we encourage everybody to do that.»

The official A. H. F. flag;


It saddens me to see that since 1998 nothing in our societies has become better, save perhaps the Internet. Most likely we need such political programs as this one more than ever before, but I am in doubt whether or not there is a political solution to the problems Europe suffer from. Like the Germans say, or at least used to say; “Gegen Demokraten hilfen nur Soldaten”. We might just as well prepare for disaster. Total collapse of society. Total anarchy.

Only a storm of steel, blood and fire can cleanse Europe now!

Get ready for it! HailaR WôðanaR! 



We talk about martial arts, self-defence, fighting back when attacked and so forth. I have some experience in this field, and although I am sure others know much more about this subject than I do, and are much more capable fighters than I am, I will share some advice. Feel free to correct me, comment and add advice in the comment field below.

First of all I think there is one thing that should be stressed in this context; no matter how capable, big, strong and skilled you are as a fighter the thing that will most likely make you win the fight is aggression! The ability to just attack and continue to attack until the fight is won is extremely important. Ignore pain and injury to you, and just make sure you in the most brutal way possible inflict more pain and injury on your opponent than he does unto you – and if you are aggressive you most likely will. Never tolerate even the idea of defeat. The fight is not over until you have won! You can worry about your injuries after the fight has been won.

Being aggressive also means that you don’t wait for the other guy to hit you; when you see the problem coming you take the initiative – and you do so aggressively. It will leave you the winner. No matter how capable, big, strong and skilled your opponent is as a fighter he will not be able to keep standing if you punch him or hit him with your elbows repeatebly in the side of his head, on his nose or on his jaw. Ignore the rest of his body; focus all your aggression against his head! Normally, in street fights, the guy who throws the first punch usually wins the fight – because he is probably the most aggressive of them.

There is much more that could be said in this context, but I think I made my point clear; aggression is the key to success! What this means is that we must cultivate aggression, in ourselves, in our children and even in our wives. Teach yourself and them to react to danger and even just possible danger with aggression!

If the youth of Europe does not become more aggressive than they are today Europe will be lost. Aggression is the key to success not only for individuals in a fist fight, but for Europe as a whole!

Hit first, ask questions later. If in doubt; attack! Better safe than sorry. HailaR WôðanaR!

Related posts herehere and here!



We think we are better, but are we? Let me give you one of many reasons why Europeans should think they are better than others, racially; one reason is our fair skin. «So?», you may ask, but this is a very important factor, and it’s not just aesthetically, and one that has indeed made us better than everybody else.

You see, probably every individual on this planet has suffered from some disease one time or the other, and the weakest amongst us are pretty much sick all the time, or they suffer from some chronic disease. When a person with dark skin suffers from a disease there is not much of a difference; he is still dark skinned, but when a person with fair skin suffers from a disease his skin reveals to everybody else that he is indeed sick. What this has meant in practise, over the millennia, was that the Europeans with a poor immune system didn’t usually look very good (healthy), and naturally this meant that they didn’t as often as others get the chance to reproduce. No such «natural selection» was made in the races with dark skin; nobody could tell whether or not a dark skinned person had a weak immune system or not just by looking at them anyhow. So our white skin has left us Europeans with a generally speaking better immune system, compared to everybody else.

Would you marry and have children with this person?


Race matters, for so many reasons, and with this post I give you, dear Europeans, one very concrete and sensible reason to chose a healthy European mate. HailaR WôðanaR!

Racism II


Light skin is a very European feature, inherited from our forebears, the Neanderthals, and it is also known outside of Europe, in populations with much European (i. e. Neanderthal) blood, such as in the Han Chinese people. Anti-racists, alias «mentally disturbed, self-loathing and brainwashed sheeple», claim «it is only a colour», and that there is «no difference between people of different skin colour» (i. e. people of different human or human-like races). Naturally they are wrong.

Dark skin is much more greasy than white skin, it is also thicker and much less able to produce vitamine D. So even if you only focus on the skin there is already a huge difference between a European and a dark-skinned person. What this means in practise is that e. g. a dark skinned person cannot survive for long in Northern Europe, and are very unlikely to survive for long elsewhere in Europe, without eating a lot of vitamine D. They are simply not meant to live here.

Dark, greasy, thick skin;


Human skin;


In a crisis situation, if the infrastructure breaks down and the distribution of vitamine D stops for some time, we can all just sit back and watch the «culturally enriching» dark-skinned individuals, in particular children actually, drop like flies around us, from all sorts of dieseases… what a pity.

I will do just fine in such a situation, with my white skin, as will all my fellow Europeans! HailaR WôðanaR!

Related posts here, here and here

Racism III


Some argue that the European man is indeed too fair skinned for his own good, and some even claim that there is no way Mother Nature would have ever made any surface-dwelling human beings on this planet that light! In the less intelligent vein we also hear people arguing that our skin is too weak and that we Sun-burn too easily, but any such claim would of course be ridiculous in any culture able to produce something as simple as clothes.

You can always argue that we are too light skinned for this planet and must have originated on some other less Sunny planet out there, but the – perhaps less intruiging – real reason for the light skin is probably something as simple as the location and climate of Europe. It is perfectly sensible for Mother Nature to make us this light, because we not only lived in a dark part of the world, but also in a cold climate. My wife argues that we probably undressed more in the (short) Summer, which would explain the relaxed relatonship Scandinavians have to the naked body even today, and then «filled up» with vitamin D for the Winter, and needed to have this light skin to be able to do so in such a short time. (We still do this, by the way.)

This also explains why children and women have fairer skin and hair than men (because children need more vitamins to grow and women need more vitamins when they are pregnant), as pointed out by my wife on Atala.

Another thing my wife has suggested is that our skin is not just an organ, but actually a very important metaphysical sensory organ; it does register touch and temperatures, but if you look at history only the light skinned man has ever looked towards the stars, mapped the stars and found them interesting (and yes, those who did this in Sumeria and Egypt were light skinned too). Why? Perhaps because only the light skinned man has ever been able to receive the signals (radiation) from the stars/deities? Because only his skin is sensitive enough to sense the signals! This could also explain why the coloured races are void of any imagination and real creativity, and only mimic what others do in the creative genres. They can at best copy what others do, but never come up with anything of their own. You see this very clearly in music, where they invented entire genres based on stealing («sampling») music or even just sounds made by others, dumb it down and present it as their own.

So perhaps all our unique metaphysical powers derive from the fact that our skin is sensitive, thin and light?

Another point in this context is that if mankind at one point would be forced to leave planet Earth in search of a new home, who do you think would survive the journey through the vast and low-Sun-intense void of space? Yes; only those with a very light skin would survive for a long time up there. Even the slightest hint of colour in your skin would spell your doom in outer space! If mankind, made up of different human and semi-human species, should be stupid enough to mix all the humans into one shit-brown mass this exit from a dying world would have been impossible. Well, unless they had a space shuttle able to carry tons of vitamin D as well, of course – and some European men able to build the crafts in the first place (…and yes; everyone in our world who has sent a space shuttle into space has used European engineers to be able to do so).

We should also look at how the potential low-tech future might look, and how that will turn the Ice Free parts of Europe into a Haven for Europeans. If indeed sufficient numbers of Europeans are mongrelized, like the Jews try to achieve, our societies will collapse; only the European man or the non-European under the influence of the European man is able to uphold any degree of civilisation. When the European man withdraw his support, leaves or is mongrelized the civilisation collapses completely or is turned into something horrible. We can look at what happened to the American civilisations for evidence; the white men who taught them everything disappeared, and what was left was a savage, primitive, ritualistic-cannibalistic terror society. Something very similar happened in Sumeria, in Egypt, in the Indus Valley, in Iran, in China et cetera. 

Are these men more likely to create a high culture or to destroy any high culture they come across?


The European man:


Let me make a prediction; without the European man – i. e. when the European man is mongrelized and is thus no longer European – the world will descend into absolute chaos, and return to a very low-tech level (e. g. a Medieval level). In Europe the Europeans left will need to survive a short change-over period, and after that they will be pretty safe, due to the simple fact that the Ice Age we are entering will block access to Europe for anyone not sufficiently light skinned, because only European or European-influenced civilisations produce artificial vitamin D enabling the swarthy types to survive in Europe in the first place. The glaciers will also physically block access over land from Italy to the rest of Europe, or from the Iberian peninsula to France, so access from Africa will be very limited. Europe will be racially purified, for sure…

Naturally, it might never come to this, if Europe wakes up soon and grows some resistance to the Jewish mind-poison. I hope she does. The purity of the European species is the hope for a good future not only for Europe, but for the entire mankind. HailaR WôðanaR!

Related posts here, here and here

The Hobbit



The Hobbit is the first book I ever read of my own free will. It made a great impression on me; it had a mythological feel to it and it had profound meaning – even on a religious-spiritual level that I back then was unable to properly understand. Today I see how similar this story is to the Pagan initiation ritual, with a child (a Hobbit) travelling into a cave (The Goblin Gate) and through a dark forest (Mirkwood), where he faces his worst fears (Smaug) – and overcomes them. He enters the world of the dead (The Lonely Mountain) and gains his Hamingja. The dragon’s gold is metaphorical; the true gold is Honour. Aurum nostrum, non est aurum vulgi («Our gold is not like the gold of ordinary men»). Bilbo becomes a man.

Naturally I don’t download films illegally, and I don’t ever go to the cinema, so I had to wait some time to see the filmatization of The Hobbit. By chance I saw the DVD in a grocery shop a few days ago and naturally purchased it – and finally saw it.

Yes, I already know that films based on books tend to be poor, even if the books are superd, as proven by Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but I sat down to watch the first part of The Hobbit with no such prejudice and hoped for a good film. It started out alright, but I quickly understood that this was «yet another Hollywood production», and the absolute low point must have been when the party of dwarves lead by Gandalf fought their way through the Goblin Gate. Oh dear. What was that? A parody of PC platform games from the 1980ies? What was the point of those scenes? What relevance did they have to the plot?

Because of my love for the book I really wanted to like this film, but no, I don’t. It reeks. This first part of Jackson’s The Hobbit trilogy (?) is an infantily comedy made for kids. It can please others too, of course, but it is obviously made for kids. The whole film followed the same pattern; stupid, exaggerated, unrealistic fighting scene (alias «Hollywood fighting scene»), Gandalf saves the day and then some sentimental talk before it starts all over again. The dwarves looked like idiot clows. Gandalf is still played by a homo. It felt not like The Hobbit, but like a story about a child Shang-Hai’ed to help a party of greedy, ugly and stupid Jews steal the gold of someone else .

Dwarves or actually clowns?


The book I love, and if I can find the time I think I will read it again some day soon. Tolkien was a genious, and I really don’t need to have his work be «interpreted» by some Hollywood team of film makers. My mind works fine and the pictures it makes inside my head when I read books are always better than those in any film. The power of imagination is wonderful, and should not be underestimated, ignored or indeed be suppressed.

When the Pagan child entered the caves or burial mounds of yore the often plain drawings on the walls were enough to create vivid images in his head; he didn’t see just crude lines and drawings of animal-like creatures; he saw moving, living creatures, and he could even hear them! He saw something not seen anywhere else in his world, and he had to cope with the fear his imaginative mind struck him with when he saw these images.

When the Pagan adult lay on the ground under the clear night sky he didn’t see just stars, but the spirit of the universe, the breath and movement of the universe; the meaning of life! He saw and named the constelations that we still know by his names. He saw eternity – without anything but his senses, and his mind to interpret their singals.

Today we are too busy looking where there is nothing, because we have been mislead. Wonderful stories, like The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, by Europeans, are used to turn our minds’ attention to absolute nonsense; and in the background, behind out backs, when we look the other way, cretins of Judean stock work hard to fasten the shackles of slavery on our feet and hands.

I’ll save my money when part II comes out.

Dominique Venner


A great Pagan Frenchman and European, Dominique Venner, comitted suicide in Notre Dame in Paris today, to wake up his sleeping countrymen to the dangers Europe is facing in relation to so-called “multi-culturalism” and nihilism. 

His suicide letter deserves all our attention; 


I also encourage everyone to read the posts on his blog.

Mr. Venner did what he felt was the best for Europe. I hope his self-sacrifice will inspire other Europeans to act too, although I will not encourage anyone to do it in a similar fashion. His name will be remembered and he will return to continue his fight for Europe, in another life. Hail Dominique Venner!

A big thanks to Arcturus for giving me the link to his final letter.

PS. My wife has translated te letter;

« I am healthy in body and mind, and I am filled with love for my wife and children. I love life and expect nothing beyond other than the perpetuation of my race and my mind. However, in the evening of this life, in front of huge dangers for my French and European country, I feel the duty to act as long as I have strength. I think I need to sacrifice myself to break the lethargy that overwhelms us. I offer the rest of my life with the intention of protest and foundation. I chose a highly symbolic place, Notre Dame de Paris that I respect and admire, because it was built by the genius of my ancestors in places of earlier worship, which are recalling our immemorial origins.

While so many people are slaves of their lives, my gesture embodies an ethical will. I give death to myself in order to awaken the slumbering consciences. I protest against fate. I protest against the poisons the soul and against the individual invasive desires that are destroying our identity and anchors, including family, the intimate foundation of our millenary civilization. While I defend the identity of all peoples in their respective homes, I also protest against the crime of replacing of our people.

Since the dominant voice can not get out of these toxic ambiguities, it is the Europeans who must draw conclusions. We do not have now a religious identity that tie us, but we share from Homer a own memory, repository of all the values ​​on which we can rebuild our future rebirth out from the thought of the unlimited, source of all negative modern excesses.

I apologize in advance to all those who will suffer from my death, and first to my wife, my children and grandchildren, as well as my friends and followers. But once the shock of pain will be faded, I do not doubt that the one and the other will understand the meaning of my gesture and transcend their sorrow to pride. I hope those will work together to last. They will find in my recent writings the foreshadowing and the explanation of my gesture.

* For more information, you can contact my editor, Pierre-Guillaume Roux. He was not informed of my decision, but he known me for a long time. »

Dominique Venner


La magie du monde


English version

Il y a des milliers d’années de cela, un homme pouvait s’aventurer dans une grotte et être émotionnellement, intellectuellement et spirituellement émerveillé par quelques formes de roches sur les murs de la grotte ayant pris vie grâce aux lueurs de la torche que l’homme tenait dans sa main. Il quittait ainsi la grotte avec un nouveau sens de la vie et avec le sentiment d’avoir été véritablement illuminé !

De nos jours, où que l’on tourne la tête, on est constamment bombardés de toutes parts par des stimuli intensifs. On regarde des films en trois dimensions, avec quelques clics on entend tous les sons imaginables. On peut faire l’expérience de vitesses extrêmes, on peut s’équiper pour escalader les plus hautes montagnes sur Terre. On vole au dessus des nuages et on saute d’avions avec des parachutes. Mais au final on s’ennuie plus que jamais. Des études l’on même montré, les hommes et femmes occidentaux ont peur de l’ennui plus que de tout autre chose.

De toute l’histoire, il n’y a jamais eu autant de suicides en Occident que de nos jours.

L’ancienne chasse pour la survie a laissé place à la chasse pour de nouvelles expériences. Notre monde s’effondre autour de nous, mais nous n’avons même plus le temps de nous en inquiéter : nous sommes trop occupés à rechercher des moyens de ne pas nous ennuyer, et nous passons tous notre temps à chercher un maigre sentiment de sens à la vie. Plus on court vite, plus on crie fort, plus on plonge profond, plus haut on grimpe, plus on s’éloigne de tout sensation de sens de la vie.

Si vous voulez ressentir la véritable magie de notre monde, je vous suggère simplement d’éteindre votre télévision ou votre ordinateur, et de contempler un feu qui brûle ou un ciel étoilé. Éteignez la lumière électrique et allumez une chandelle. Garez votre voiture et allez marcher dans la plus vieille forêt à laquelle vous avez accès. Laissez votre iPod à la maison et écoutez le chant des oiseaux, le souffle du vent et le son de la pluie. Fermez les yeux et rêvez. Visitez le monde heureux et prospère de nos ancêtres, et comprenez pourquoi ils n’ont rien changé à leur culture ni à leur mode de vie durant plus de 500 000 ans.

Traduit en français par N. G. 

Soviet Norway


Nationalism is cultivated to the extreme in Norway. We celebrate the Constitution day (the 17th of May) like no others (and with no military parades!), every food item from Norway in the grocery store is decorated with Norwegian flags, we speak openly about «Norwegian quality» on food, we have posters in the grocery shops telling us that «carrots is a Norwegian speciality» (?!), we are the richest, the best skiers, Norway is the best land in the world, we are so important internationally, we spread peace all over the world, et cetera et cetera et cetera. Oh, and it’s not «nationalism», it’s simply facts

Common Norwegian pastry;

Slik-lager-du-en-vellykket-17.-mai17.mai 045???????????????????????????????img_4459

As we know, not all individuals living in Norway are very smart, so here they added a little Norwegian flag in case you are one of them and fail to realise that these cakes are made to resemble Norwegian flags


Now, all of this – a part from being ridiculous, of course – is very strange indeed when you consider the fact that the Norwegian government is a Marxist government, and has been most of the time since 1945. Why on Earth would a Marxist government promote what is actually (some sort of weird form of) nationalism?

The Norwegian sheeple marching obediently in line on the Constitution Day;


The Marxists understand that the Norwegian people is actually very nationalistic (most European peoples are ), and they therefore have created a completely toothless and impotent «nationalism» to satisfy the obvious nationalistic needs of the Norwegian people. They do this mainly to make sure no Norwegians feel a need for real nationalism.

This Marxist «nationalism» is naturally custom designed to include others, so if you e. g. come from Africa or Asia and want to be accepted as a true Norwegian you simply have to wear traditional «Norwegian» clothes, watch ski contests on TV, eat Norwegian food, vote (!?), speak some sort of Norwegian, hail the Jew-lackey puppet king, and so forth. If you do you are a true Norwegian, no matter how swarthy you are, and Norwegians will (or at least should, according to the Marxists) love you.

Ah, we are so proud to be Norwegian; .


The «Norwegian» Marxists have not only removed the race concept from their «nationalism», they also embrace and have included pacifism, negotiation for whatever the cost, diplomacy, foreign aid, and so forth, as part of the concept. Norwegians do these things because we are so good, because it is our custom to do so, and Norwegians are supposed to be proud of that. «It is typically Norwegian to be good», as one of the prime ministers of Norway once said it.

Successfully Integrated “Norwegians with immigrant background”;


If you, as a Norwegian, become a true nationalist, and e. g. want to protect Norwegian culture, instead of that nonsense they pretend is Norwegian culture, then you will be classified as a neo-Nazi and the secret police will visit you, your parents if you are young, your school, your employers and others too, to make them all «convince» you to «stop ruining your life with that neo-Nazi nonsense». To get you back on track…

“Norwegian with immigrant background” enriching our culture, here by adding to “our” (i. e. mainly French…) traditional clothes; 


So nationalism is only apparently very strong in Norway, but it really isn’t. You are allowed to be proud of your Norwegian heritage, but only because they pretend Marxist extremism and cultural suicide is the quintessence of our Norwegian heritage – and you are allowed to be proud only to make sure you don’t feel a need to be proud of your real heritage…

Vikings resisting the Judification of Scandinavia. Ôðinn & Þôrr. Ship technology. Mythology. Architecture. Herb Lore. Nordic blood. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Fair skin. Strong limbs & backs. Honesty. Oral traditions. Sword making. Norse. Music. Poetry. Menhirs. Honour! They want none of that!

The “Norwegian” minister of (Islamic?) culture (but she is not wearing Norwegian traditional clothes!!!!);


Ah, now we like her, don’t we? She is obviously Norwegian now… just like the Marxists say; we are THE BEST when it comes to “integration” as well! 


I however want only that, and none of their Marxism, Judaism/Christianity, Feminism, Pacifism et cetera! Long live Norway and all other European nations too! Together we stand; divided we all fall! HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. When writing about Soviet Norway I always fail… the topic is so huge, there is so much to say and I end up saying too much or too little. I hope this one turned out okay.

How Norwegians really look like (wearing Oakleaf pattern camo, of course…);


The Woolwich Attack


The Woolwich attack is in the headlines, and we all have heard now about how two Muslim terrorists have killed a British soldier in England in the most brutal way. The police then gunned the two terrorists down and the media make sure that we are all supposed to think that Muslims are horrible.

One of the «terrorists» is talking on a YouTube video, and what he says… well; it makes perfect sense. He says that the British soldiers committ crimes against their peoples (in Central Asia, in Africa and in the Middle East), he suggests that their women have to witness similar scenes like the one women in England had to see that day, that they will not stop defending themselves against our aggression until we get rid of our governments – who as we know work not for our interest, but for interests of the Jews.

I have great sympathy for that British soldier and his family, for all we know he might be an innocent man who only wanted to serve his country, but he represented a military force fighting not for Great Britain, but for the Jews. He must have known he volunteered to fight against Muslims in Muslim countries; he is thus in effect a crusader working for the Jews, and only for the Jews. The forces he was a part of have participated in crimes against their countires, and not just minor crimes either; mass murder of men, women and children. Why would Muslims in Europe not have the right to fight back against these murderes?

Oh, you think they are not murderes, but just do their job right? Well, I have a few friends in the Norwegian special forces, and they have told me a lot about what the NATO soldiers are really doing over there. E. g. in Afghanistan they gathered men and teenagers they assumed (!) where Taliban, placed them in huge containers and left them to die in the desert – from heat and dehydration. To make sure they didn’t suffocate – because they thought that was a too humane way to die for them – they emptied a clip or two into the container, to give them breathing holes, wounding and killing a number of the doomed men inside in the process. This, ladies and gentlemen, was according to my sources common practise by the US troops (in charge of the operation), and the British, the Norwegian and other NATO troops knew this very well when they handed over assumed Taliban soldiers to them – to this dreadful fate.

When our military forces attack their countries, for no good reason whatsoever (we all know that by now), and then committ serious crimes against their peoples, then we should not be surprised if this has adverse effects for us in our home countries too. These men were not «terrorists»; they were as much soldiers as the man who was killed, and fought back against a coward, despicable, rotten and thoroughly Jewish aggression against them in their own homes.

The war Europeans and Americans fight on behalf of the Jews is and will of course be fought in Europe and the USA as well, and don’t buy the crap that it’s the Muslims who are behind this and that Muslims are the threat to us. All of this is the fault of the Jews, who want us to help them in their war to conquer the entire Middle East for Israel; Europe is to fight the wars for them, European soldiers are to die for them and Europe is to take the blame for all of this. In reality the Jews just play both the Europeans and the Muslims up against each other, intentionally, cynically and by using all means to achieve their goals, including fake flag operations of all types.

Sure, we need to throw out every single Muslim from Europe, but the first priority must be to throw out every single Jew, strip them of all the gold they have stolen from us and give justice to the European traitors who allowed them to infiltrate and in effect control Europe in the first place. HailaR WôðanaR! 

The Plan


These days we all know that Muslims riot in Sweden. They have rioted in other parts of Europe too, mainly in France and in England. For all we know it is more common and has happened more often than we have been told.

Why is this happening?

In short it’s like this; first the Jews spread feminism to reduce the birth rate in Europe. Then they argued that we had to import non-European immigrants to compensate for the lack of population growth in Europe. Then the Jews executed several terrorists attacks on American and European soil and put the blame on the Muslims, and they used the same Mossad-lead terrorists to attack regimes in several other countries (Libya, Syria). They made Europe respond by attacking Muslim countries (not by chance those who are the most anti-Israel [Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria]), which of course was another great excuse for them to make us accept a further few million «poor (Muslim…) refugees» from these wars.

As we all know the huge Muslim population in Europe work as leverage for the Jews to make us all side with the Israel. How can we not? We have these sub-human nut-case Muslims living all around us, semi-animal scum in every corner of our countries, raping our women, robbing our old and young, stabbing and beating up young men, and now even murdering British soldiers in the street and burning down half of Stockholm! Why would we not side with the Jews and Israel in this situation? Obviously they are right when they want to fight their Muslim neighbours!

If we side with the Jews they will strengthen their already strong grip on Europe; they will do as they please in the Middle East, meaning they will take everything they want from their neighbours (and they want everything from the Mediterranean all the way to the Euphrates or even the Tigris (both in Iraq). They will use Europeans as cannon fodder to achieve this, of course.

In Europe they will turns us all into debt slaves, and in effect make us their possessions; real slaves. They will feed us only with genetically modified food (that they have patented) and gain monopoly on all food production and distribution. So if you protest against their tyranny, you will starve to death. They will drug us and make money from doing so, using “Vaccines” and their pharmacy industry and lobby to achieve this. They will use Europe as a slave colony for Israel! They will also destroy all our will and ability to resist the rule in the future by mixing us with other races, leaving us without any nationalistic feelings whatsoever and destroying our intelligence. Europe will slowly but surely die, rot from within, and cease to be. They will then erase our history and write a new history for Europe, like they have done with Palestine, Egypt and the Middle East. We will no longer worry about Muslims raping us, robbing us or even killing us. We will be destroyed completely.

What we need to do, instead of siding with the purely evil Jews, is to fight both the Muslims – low-brow, low-tech aggressors trying to take over Europe – and the Jews, but we must focus our aggression on the Jews first. We must wait, though, and let things become much worse than they already are before we do anything. We need the European masses on our side, and they will not wake up from their by Jews drug-infused sleep until things get even worse. If you do act only do so in a a way that will make common Europeans side with our cause!

The Jews forget that if the current trend continues Europe will not work any more, the trains and buses will not run, the food will not be distributed, the hospitals will not work, the police, the fire departments and so forth; nothing will work like it should when more non-Europeans pour into our countries and when more Europeans mix with non-Europeans, because only a country with a European majority works as well as Europe does today! The more racially mixed a country is, the less efficient it becomes in all ways. As Europe becomes less and less efficient we will also become poorer and poorer, and thankfully; poverty – when our European children starve – is probably the one thing that will make the masses wake up and revolt!

Prepare for the worst. Prepare for war. Prepare to defend Europe! Make lists of our enemies, but of course only if this is legal in your country, and keep them to yourself. Be ready to move in and fix the leaking roof and to mop up the floor afterwards! HailaR WôðanaR!

“Palestine Calls. Jews are not tolerated in Norway.”




Sorry guys, but I just saw a photo where you CAN see the blood on the road aswell, making my main point invalid, so until I know better I will trash the Woolwich false flag post. This is all very confusing, and rather than say something wrong I chose not to say anything.

As you can see the blood stain is also visible from ground level photos from when the two Negroes were still there (you can also see that the “white t-shirt” is not a t-shirt at all, but the victim’s white skin);


Les Arbres divins


English version.

Dans l’imaginaire collectif, les vieilles forêts européennes sont grandes, profondes, sombres, et sont constituées de vieux arbres massifs. Naturellement, ce n’est pas le cas. Dans de nombreuses zones en Europe, la quantité de terre est insuffisante pour que tous les arbres prennent du volume, et ceci, peu importe leur âge. De nos jours, la plupart des feux de forêts causés par la foudre trouvent leur explication dans cette proximité entre les jeunes (et faibles) arbres. À la fin de chaque périodes glaciaires, les forêts doivent repartir de zéro, pour ainsi dire, et se propager une nouvelle fois, lentement, en direction du nord, sur les terres vierges laissées par la rétractation des glaciers. Dans la plupart des endroits, les plaines sont finalement remplacées par des forêts, même si toutefois, cette tendance n’a rien de systématique, car la Nature ne reste pas figée bien longtemps. Certaines essences d’arbres prennent le dessus (« conquièrent ») jusqu’à devenir, plus tard, elles-mêmes dominées par de nouvelles espèces, entraînant progressivement un changement de type de forêt et, sans doute, l’apparition d’une nouvelle faune.

Aujourd’hui, la plupart (79%) des arbres en Norvège sont des conifères. Mais à l’époque des Vikings, les choses sont très différentes, car si je ne m’abuse, le littoral est majoritairement peuplé de chênaies. Puis vint le XVème siècle, période où les chênaies de Norvège, mais aussi du reste de l’Europe, souffrirent énormément (si elles n’étaient pas simplement éradiquées) par la faute des nations Européennes judéifiés qui entreprirent avidement de conquérir et de Christianiser (Judéifier) le reste du monde à l’aide de navires en bois. Les forêts de conifères se développèrent alors dans une grande partie de la Scandinavie.

Bien que, y compris dans le Monde Antique, la plupart des arbres ne soient pas aussi vieux que nous l’aurions voulu, il existait tout de même de très vieux spécimens – ainsi que quelques très vieilles forêts – et il n’est pas étonnant que nos ancêtres y virent des manifestations de divinités ou des sanctuaires.

De nos jours, nous rencontrons encore quelques un de ces vieux arbres, plus nombreux dans certaines zones géographiques que d’autres (agriculture, urbanisation, etc…), et lorsque nous en rencontrons un, fatalement, il nous impressionne, nous réjouit et ne peux s’empêcher de faire vibrer notre fibre spirituelle ; divinement bien !

Certains parviennent à voir la lumière, l’amour et l’espoir agenouillés devant une représentation grossière d’un criminel juif crucifié, sanglant et agonisant, sur un système d’exécution Romain. Pour ma part, je préfère la vue des objets sacrés de la Vieille Europe. En me promenant aujourd’hui, je fis la rencontre de deux d’entre eux :


L’Homme est capable de créer de merveilleuses beautés dans notre monde, mais la Nature le fait certainement mieux que lui. HailaR WôðanaR!

PS : j’ai inclus dans MYFAROG des informations à propos des 13 divinités de l’année et des 4 divinités des saisons, ainsi que leur appartenance avec tel ou tel arbre. En dehors du domaine du Jeu de Rôle, je recommande cette lecture à tout ceux que ces choses intéressent.

Traduit en français par Kentin A.  

White Ops


Whenever we can we should of course disclose the enemy when they carry out false flag operations, but only a select group of people listens to such «conspiracy nonsense» in the first place, so this will probably not sway the general public either way. Whether real Muslim attacks take place or the enemy carries out false flag operations we should at least also do our best to exploit the events when they happen to our advantage.

When we see large scale immigrant riots, like the one taking place in Sweden as we speak, we must understand that this actually benefits us. This is what we have warned about all the time. This is what we knew would come.

Stockholm May 2013;

1200 (2)1200 (7)1200 (38)1200 (42)1200 (60)

On one side we could move in and try to prevent the rabid half-apes from destroying property, and this would possibly turn more ordinary people to our side, but on the other hand we probably should just sit back and let them burn down – in this example – large parts of the city of Stockholm. The more they destroy, burn and damage the more obvious to the general public it becomes that these guys are no «resource» to our countries, that they don’t «enrich» our cultures or «boost our economy». They are a problem and nothing but a problem.

What we should worry more about is how we can disclose the Jews and their role in the genocide on Europe, how we can wake up more of our people to the dangers of Monsanto and the whole genetically modificed food industry, how we can inform ordinary people about the origins and true purpose of Christianity, how we can show others that the Renaissance was the beginning of a ressurrection of the Pagan Europe, how we can let common folk understand that the people in the news lying to them are actually Jews or agents working for the Jews, how we can make girls and women understand that Feminism is a Jewish tool of genocide, how we can tell parents that vaccines are poison and even a potential security risk for Europe, how we can show that our politicians are not only working for the Jews, but are actually often Jews themselves, loyal not to our countries, but to Israel, how we can help good Europeans survive the coming crises, how we can make every European understand how worthless, dangerous and Jewish the so-called «democracy» of the West is, how we can show scientists that the official theories regarding our origin and so much else too is nonsense, how we can encourage other Europeans to start cultivating the European spirit in them, and so forth.

With time they will open up their minds and learn to understand that we are at war with extremists! We are at war not only with the Muslims, that low-brow, low-tech camel-herder scum from the deserts, but also with the criminals’ breed; the natural born mafiosos, murderers, rapists, child molestors, assassins, liars and thieves; the Jews. HailaR WôðanaR!

Swedish citizens1950;


Swedish citizens 2013; 


Riot Rules


What to do when immigrants riot? Stop them? Help the police? Why would you? The police work for the government, who brought your nation into this misery in the first place! Let the immigrants destroy your capitals, let them burn everything; it is the government in your nation who will have to answer for this – and they will have to answer in front of your people!

In France the so-called right-wing extremists are wiser; they march with the people against the government (see video at 22:05)! HailaR WôðanaR! 

Le sous-homme de Néandertal


English version

Lors de la découverte des premières traces de l’homme de Néandertal, au XIXè siècle, les premiers à enquêter sur ces ossements étaient des prêtres. Oui, c’est bien l’Église qui a découvert un être humain au crâne contenant un cerveau plus gros (!) que celui de l’homme moderne, mais cela n’allait évidemment pas poser de problèmes, ni à eux, ni à leurs enseignements judaïques. La simple idée qu’un « sauvage païen » Européen puisse être plus intelligent que l’homme moderne, ou même que les fondateurs de la foi chrétienne, ne leur a même pas effleuré l’esprit. Non, cette idée, c’était beaucoup trop pour eux !

À cause de cela, l’homo Neanderthalis, l’européen originel, devint un animal, une brute, un semi-singe, un sous-homme crasseux et primitif. Ils sont même arrivés à la conclusion qu’il n’avait probablement pas la faculté de parler. Ce n’était qu’une bête sauvage parmi d’autres.

Un certain nombre de scientifiques européens ont tout de même tenté de donner du Néandertalien une image plus proche de la réalité, mais ils n’avaient aucune chance contre l’Église et son pouvoir de propagande. Ainsi, même aujourd’hui, la plupart des gens imaginent l’homme de Néandertal comme un sous-homme.

Quand des scientifiques européens ont découvert que l’homme de Néandertal n’avait jamais vraiment disparu, mais qu’une partie de ses gènes était en nous aujourd’hui, l’image horrible du sous-homme sauvage à moitié singe est revenue à l’esprit de tous. « Quoi ? On a leurs gènes en nous ? Oh non ! ». Les journaux ayant écrit sur le sujet avaient l’air plus choqués par le fait que nous ayons des gènes de « sous-hommes » en nous que par autre chose.

Un autre personnage historique qui a été présenté sous un jour peu flatteur est cet homme :


Oui, depuis maintenant plus de 70 ans, on a essayé de nous le montrer en homme mauvais et haineux, en artiste raté en colère contre les juifs qui n’aimaient pas son art, en homme avec un seul testicule, qui a ordonné de gazer 6 millions de juifs, qui a commencé la 2nde Guerre mondiale. On a même fini par nous faire croire que Hitler était lui-même juif, et qu’il avait des ancêtres juifs.

Pas la moindre trace de respect n’était montrée à son égard ; pas une seule occasion n’était manquée pour dire du mal de lui.

Hitler, tout comme dans ancêtres Néandertaliens, est devenu un monstre !

À cause de cela, beaucoup rejettent l’idée de penser du bien de Hitler ou des Néandertaliens. C’est difficile pour eux d’accepter l’idée que peut-être, ce qui leur a été dit sur eux est non seulement inexact, mais est même constitué d’infâmes mensonges – proférés uniquement à des fins tout à fait mauvaises !

Naturellement, certains pensent qu’on diffuse uniquement des mensonges à propos de Hitler, ou seulement à propos de l’homme de Néandertal, mais croient toujours aux mensonges à propos de l’autre. Hélas, il est difficile de se libérer de la propagande juive mensongère (pléonasme?) avec laquelle nous avons tous grandi.

Le proto-Européen n’était ni un un sauvage, ni un petit semi-singe affreusement laid. Il n’était pas crasseux et sale non plus d’ailleurs (même parmi les animaux, très peu le sont!). Et pourquoi diable n’aurait-il pas eu la capacité de parler ? Aucun fait ne le suggère d’ailleurs ! Tout ce qui a été dit de négatif sur l’homme de Néandertal a été fabriqué par des prêtres ou des « scientifiques » juifs !

Les européens modernes sont souvent blonds aux yeux bleus parce que les Néandertaliens étaient blonds aux yeux bleus. Nous sommes blancs car les Néandertaliens étaient blancs. Nous sommes intelligents, beaucoup plus que les autres races, car l’homme de Néandertal était beaucoup plus intelligent que les autres espèces humaines.

Aujourd’hui, nous ne sommes plus exactement comme les Néandertaliens dont on a trouvé les vestiges, car durant les périodes glaciaires, un certain nombre d’hommes de Néandertal sont descendus si loin au Sud qu’ils sont entrés en contact avec d’autres espèces humaines, et se sont mélangées avec les Homo Sapiens (les proto-Africains) et, avec le temps, ces gènes non Européens se sont répandus partout en Europe. Ces gènes nous ont changé en ce que nous sommes aujourd’hui : des européens modernes.

Sommes-nous des sous-hommes ? Sommes-nous des bêtes sauvages ? Ressemblons-nous à des semi-singes ? Sommes-nous crasseux ? Non ? Alors pourquoi nos ancêtres éloignés le seraient ? Pouvons-nous parler ? Oui ? Alors pourquoi nos ancêtres ne le pourraient pas ?

Plus on remonte dans le temps, plus les langues européennes sont complexes et évoluées. Par exemple, le Norvégien est primitif par rapport au Norrois. Le Norrois est primitif par rapport au proto-Nordique. Le proto-Nordique est primitif par rapport au proto-Germanique. Alors pourquoi la langue de nos ancêtres pré-historiques ne serait pas plus évoluée et complexe que la notre ? Pourquoi eux-mêmes ne seraient-ils pas aussi, par rapport à nous ?

L’idée que l’homme est au « sommet de l’évolution » est totalement absurde ! L’Église veut aussi qu’on pense de la même manière. Ils veulent qu’on croie que le futur est la seule chose qui compte !

Bien sûr, ils avaient leur Jardin d’Éden, et admettent que le Paradis est dans le passé, mais ils y ont coupé tout accès avec leur « péché originel » ; ainsi, tout ce qui est bon est dans le futur : le salut, le Paradis, ou quoi que ce soit ! Tout est situé dans le futur. Ne regardez pas dans le passé ! Oh non, le passé est entièrement mauvais : païen, sauvage, primitif, cruel et horrible ! Ne vous souvenez que des péchés du passé !

Naturellement, ils veulent que l’on pense ce cette façon. Le Paganisme est un culte du passé, un culte des ancêtres, où ces derniers sont loués, salués et célébrés pour ce qu’ils ont de meilleur ! Où tout ce qu’il y a de bon dans le passé est préservé, et amené vers le futur. L’honneur, la gloire, la force. Toutes ces notions viennent du passé. Nous sommes ce que nous sommes grâce à nos ancêtres. Si vous niez toute forme de réalité spirituelle, alors au moins admettez que nous sommes ce que nous sommes grâce à l’ADN de nos ancêtres ! Nous devons travailler pour préserver le bon !

Les hommes de Néandertal constituent l’immense majorité de nos ancêtres. Notre ADN nous révèle qu’au moins 99,7% de nos gènes viennent des hommes de Néandertal. Les 0,3% restants viennent des Homo Sapiens (les proto-Africains). Au lieu d’avoir honte de nos ancêtres, nous devrions en être fiers !

Au cours des derniers millénaires, l’humanité s’est dégradée, tout comme nos langues se sont dégradé et ont régressé. Principalement à cause de la civilisation, mais aussi à cause du Christianisme. Nous avons cessé de travailler à la préservation du bon dans le passé. Si ça continue comme cela, nous allons effectivement finir par nous transformer en ce que nous méprisons tant : des sous-humains sales, stupides, cruels, des singes cherchant à baiser tout ce qui bouge, se mangeant les uns les autres, et chiant au même endroit.

Seul le culte du passé peut nous sauver de cela. Plus vieux sont les dieux, mieux c’est. Plus loin dans le temps vont les racines, mieux celles-ci peuvent nous nourrir et nous empêcher de nous transformer en des singes.

Si vous doutez, je vous suggère de lire les articles sur Atala. Prenez votre temps. Lisez tout. Cela vous rendra plus sage si vous le faites. HailaR WôðanaR!!

Traduit en français par N. G. 

The European Mind, Spirit & Blood


Tolerance is only weakness and ignorance and a tool promoted by Jews to destroy Europe. So I am not a tolerant person, and I don’t think the future Europe should be either. We are kind by nature, but we should let intolerance guide us rather than kindness when we are to decide who shall stay and who shall not, in the New Europe. We must be merciless and efficient in our weeding out of artificial Jews and mongrels amongst us – if not it will not take long before we sink into another reeking bog.

What I mean when I say «artificial Jew» is «a man of European race with a Jewish mind and spirit». In other words any Free Mason, Christian, Socialist/Communist/Social Democrat, Capitalist, Liberal, Feminist, Nihilist/Atheist and Muslim. Therefore I say that to be European in mind and spirit you need to have a European world view and European values – and yes; European means Pagan! You need to base your life on a concept of Honour! The only religion a European can have is the European ancestral cult, and he must swear allegiance to the deities of our forebears!

What I mean when I say «mongrels amongst us» is «a man who believes he is European, but who is actually so race mixed that he can no longer be defined as a part of the European species». Therefore I say that to be defined as being European by blood you have to actually be European too. What does that mean? Well, it means that you look European, and don’t have any non-Europeans in your family the last few hundred years. If there is any doubt whatsoever regarding whether or not you are European then you probably aren’t. E. g. many (yes, not all or even most, but many!) Iberians, South Italians and Greeks are not Europeans by blood (they are closer to Arabs than they are to other Europeans!), and the same can be said about some from other European nations too.

The only Europe with a future is a Europe with a European population, in mind, spirit and blood. Those who are not are not true Europeans! They are artificial Jews and/or mongrels. HailaR TîwaR!

Examples of Europeans by blood

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Examples of mongrels who only think they are Europeans by blood


CH3. Preliminary considerations (en)

Un exemple de la façon de se révolter en pratique


English version.

Les banquiers veulent vous transformer en esclaves de la dette et si vous voulez acheter une maison pour votre famille aujourd’hui, il y a de grandes chances que vous le deveniez. La génération de nos parents s’en est assuré quand ils ont fait venir des millions d’afro-asiatiques en Europe et grâce à ça, fait augmenter le prix des maisons de 1000%. Quand ils étaient jeunes, ils pouvaient s’acheter une maison avec le salaire moyen d’une année à la différence d’aujourd’hui où nous avons besoin d’au moins dix fois cette somme pour acheter un appartement. En “aidant” les sous-hommes d’Asie et d’Afrique, ils ont rendu leurs enfants esclaves de la dette. Merci beaucoup !

Il y a cependant quelques choses que vous pouvez faire pour remédier à ça. Tout d’abord, vous pouvez vous acheter une propriété. Cette propriété doit être située en campagne, de préférence dans un lieu pauvre et peu attirant, plus c’est rural mieux c’est. Ça rendra le terrain moins cher et la zone sera probablement “bien blanche” aussi car comme les rats, les immigrés sont attirés par les villes.

Voici une photo de notre propriété:


Plutôt que d’avoir recours à un architecte, vous pouvez acheter un logiciel qui vous permettra de faire les plans de votre maison. Vous pouvez ensuite trouver où construire votre maison, en utilisant un mètre, des cordes et des bâtons. Au lieu de louer les services d’un excavateur, achetez une pelle et creusez les fondations de votre maison vous-même. Comme je l’ai fait (en une semaine environ) :


Prenez alors votre voiture, accrochez votre remorque (si vous en avez une) et recherchez des rochers que vous pourrez utiliser dans les fondations. Malheureusement je vis dans une zone où il n’y en a presque pas donc j’ai dû en acheter. Mais j’en ai tout de même trouvé quelques-uns en roulant dans la forêt d’à côté. En Europe, vous trouverez facilement ce genre de rochers. Sur la photo vous pouvez aussi voir la barrière que j’ai construite à l’arrière et le petit “trou” que j’ai creusé pour faire du compost.


Le compost à un stade ultérieur avec une mignonne petite fondation pour lui aussi et un petit mur construit par un de mes fils. Les rochers ont aussi été trouvés à proximité.


À ce stade, je n’ai toujours pas les moyens de construire une maison mais j’ai acheté quelques rochers et assez de craie et de sable pour commencer à construire ce compost. Un compost de pierre/béton n’est pas forcément le choix le plus courant mais j’ai pensé que j’allais avoir besoin d’un peu d’entrainement dans la maçonnerie, étant complètement débutant en la matière. Construire un compost avant de construire la maison me semblait être une bonne idée. Oh, et j’ai aussi appris que la couleur du sable a une grande importance. N’achetez donc pas de sable gris pour votre béton quand vos rochers sont de couleur beige.

Vous remarquez aussi que la barrière à l’arrière-plan a été terminée à ce stade.


Le même compost a un stage ultérieur. Remarquez la porte faite maison que j’ai faite en une soirée. Peut-être pas très bien construite mais ça fera l’affaire.


Eh bien, je pense que j’ai été clair, il y a de nombreuses choses que vous pouvez faire vous-même, gratuitement ou presque et vous n’avez pas besoin de professionnels pour faire quoi que ce soit. Vous pouvez même faire l’installation de l’électricité vous-même. Dans ce cas, vous devez juste faire venir un électricien pour vérifier votre installation avant de vous autoriser à vous brancher.

Si comme moi vous n’avez pas les moyens d’acheter les matériaux de construction pour votre maison, faites ce que vous pouvez et dans le pire des cas, vous pouvez toujours planter une tente sur votre terrain et y vivre jusqu’à ce que votre maison soit habitable. Vous êtes libre de la faire!

Souvenez-vous que les maisons construites par nos ancêtres médiévaux tiennent toujours même s’ils n’avaient jamais rien fais de tels de leur vie avant. Ils ont improvisé, appris pendant qu’ils construisaient et ont construit des maisons qui sont toujours debout aujourd’hui à travers l’Europe. Bien sûr, elles sont souvent un peu “originales” mais elles tiennent toujours – contrairement aux maisons modernes, construites par des professionnels et avec une durée de vie d’environ 40 ans. Si nos ancêtres pouvaient le faire alors pourquoi pas nous ? Ils n’avaient pas internet. Nous l’avons. Allez sur Google si vous ne savez pas quoi faire par la suite.

Enfin, si vous vivez en UE, assurez-vous de mettre de vieilles plaques d’immatriculation sur votre voiture. Vous ne voulez certainement pas conduire avec un p*** de drapeau européen sur vos plaques d’immatriculation et la plupart des policiers sont d’accord avec ça ou l’ignore tout simplement.

Traduit en français par C. S. 

Made in Judea


As you might know by now I am no friend of neither Christianity, Islam nor Judaism, nor am I a friend of Socialism, Liberalism, Psychology, Feminism, Capitalism or any other -isms and religions «Made in Judea». One of the most dangerous of these often fly under my radar though, and pass by unnoticed, so I think it is about time I give the so-called Humanist Associations some negative attention.


As a teenager I refused to accept Christianity and go through the confirmation, or actually to go through a baptism and then the confirmation – as I would have been forced to, because I was and of course still am not baptised. Being just a 14 year old boy with material desires I naturally didn’t want to miss out on the gift thing, so I joined some friends of mine and we all went through a Humanistic alternative to confirmation – and dear (Pagan) God what an experience that was! We were forced to attend some brainwashing lectures, lead by a short, fat, tattooed and butt ugly «woman» with short red hair, who claimed she was a former sailor (!) and that she could fight as well as any man. I did meet a lot of nut-cases in the educational system in Norway, but this feminist extremists was definitely the most insane, mad, hateful and delusional of them all – and had the looks to match this.


So I have some first hand information and good insight into what the Humanist Association stands for and what these extremists, lead in Norway by a person named Levi Fragell, are fighting for. The so-called Humanist Associations are just another “Made in Judea” thing, and they are therefore heavily engaged in the work to promote the destruction of Europe by means of feminism, so-called “anti-racism” (alias “blind hatred towards Europeans”), “tolerance” and so forth. “Humanism” and “Atheism” are just code for Judaism for non-Jews. They are traitors to Europe; agents working for the interests of the Jews! Never forget that! HailaR WôðanaR!


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