Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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United we'll stand, divided we'll fall


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The biggest threat to the European race throughout the ages have always been our discords and dividing. May these discords have been provoke by the invasion of Europe by judeo-christianity or by political and cultural factors, the result is the same; we are always the losers whatever the motivation is in such situation. What happened at Cluain Tarbh on Good Friday 1014 or, to a greater extent, what happened in the whole of Europe between 1914 up to nowadays are good examples; once united European kins fought each other and finally, they severely suffered great loss and also lost all control on the governance of their common homeland.

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The Wizards of Oz


Today our governments and their institutions (including the media, that was supposed to keep an eye on them for us) systematically lie about democracy, about history, about the economy, about immigration, about their own merits and flaws, about the news and perhaps most important of all; they tell lies by not telling the whole truth or by simply ignoring events and facts that are of crucial importance to the population. They lie about everything.

The good thing is that they have been doing this for so long now that they have become careless and arrogant; they seem to automatically assume that we will keep buying their stories only because we did the last 220 years or so. They underestimate the value of the Internet as a tool to get the truth out there and to do this fast.

Because of books those with a sharp mind already know that the Germans did not start WWII, they already know the truth about the Holocaust, that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident that made the USA get heavily involved in the Vitenam war was a lie, and so forth, and because of the Internet these truths have been spread to a large part of the population already. Solely because of the Internet those with a sharp mind also already know that there is at best something seriously wrong with the official explanation to the 9/11 event; that the USA invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq on false pretence; that Afghanistan was occupied on false pretence; that there never were any popular uprisings in Libya, but only CIA-supported mercenary Muslim causing trouble, and that Gaddafi was ruthlessly murdered because he tried to stop trading oil in dollars, and wanted to use gold instead; that there never were any popular uprisings in Syria either, but – again – CIA-supported mercenary Muslims causing trouble; that Israel is running a vicious terror campaign, where they blow up and in other ways murder scientists working for Iran; and so forth. Sharp minds have also understood that small-scale operations are executed by the same sinister forces; that different «Intelligence» agencies use and misuse desperate individuals (often, but not always Muslims) to carry out terrorist attacks only to enable different governments to pass new laws restricting the freedom of their populations further, or to serve their other needs. Examples of such cases are the Merah case in France, the Adam Lanza case in the USA, and I am sure others more enlightened then me could list a whole lot of other examples too (and please do in the comment field below).

In the everyday life we – if we read newspapers and watch TV – probably witness several false news items every single day. Some of them are major, but others are minor – and in practise it is possibly these many minor ones that actually matter the most; they mess with our minds and emotions. The ones who are supposed to rule us well and guard our interests fabricate events and make up stories to entertain us (to make sure we are not bored long enough to start thinking for ourselves), to dupe us and to force us to support whatever they do – and to fear dissent.

So, the question is; what happens to a government when a majority of it the population it governs no longer trusts anything it says? You know the answer; REVOLUTION!

Today the governments of our world understand that this revolution will come, sooner (e. g. in France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain) or later (e. g. in Norway) so they prepare for it with different means and thus try to make it impossible for the population to revolt. Immigration is of course a factor here too; divided populations fight each other instead of the government.

In other words this is like a race; what comes first? The time when it has become impossible for us to revolt or the time to revolt? We need to make sure the revolt comes first, and we can help achieve this by spreading the truth about our governments, by telling as many as we can about their lies; their schemes and their false flag operations. When a majority has been convinced about this the Jewish yoke will end. HailaR WôðanaR! 



For many years I have pointed fingers at a certain generation fo the downfall of Europe, and have seen that others do too. Today I saw in a coment that our dear Duncan linked to the photo below. The content in the text is so true and important that it deserves a post of its own;


Thank you very much Duncan for sharing this with us. You are a valuable resource to our cause for sure. HailaR WôðanaR!



Reblogged from Vinland Heritage:

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Dear pagan readers,

I'm taking a few minutes of my time to introduce you to a plant I'm currently harvesting through the Laurentides Mountains. Gaius Plinius Secundus, better known as ''Pliny The Elder'', mentioned and prescribed this wonderful plant in his gigantic work called Naturalis Historia under the name farfarum. It is surely one the greatest encyclopedia made in the pagan era.

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As in Heaven, so on Earth


The pre-Christian marriage was of sacred nature, it was a union between two deities! The King and Queen represented the Sky God (TîwaR) and the Earth Goddess (Erþô) respectively, and in them all the other deities too. The common married man and woman also represented the deities; the god of good health, youthful strength and freedom (FraujaR), and the goddess of love, freedom, youthful beauty and health (Fraujon) respectively. I assume that because the latter’s name is still used today, in Scandinavia and Germany, as titles for married women; Scandinavian «Frue» and German Frau», means «Married Woman» (used like the term «Madame») and both derive from the name of Freyja (Fraujon). The male version of this seems to at some point have been replaced by the more aggressive «Herre» («war-band leader»).


My wife has suggested, and I agree, that the deities represented different stages in a person’s «advancement» through life, and this would make sense if we then assume that the marriage itself granted the man and the woman these titles. They had then reached the level of «FraujaR» for men and «Fraujon» for women. If you didn’t marry your spiritual, intellectual, emotional and even physical development stagnated; you had to marry to be able to continue to the next level – as if the marriage was an initiation ritual in a mystery cult with different ranks. The rank you gained was named after a deity, and when you achieved this rank you became that deity. You then started to take the role of that deity in your society.

In the days of yore the society was naturally very different from what we are used to and each (nomadic) group was probably originally made up of only a single (large) family, each and every one of them representing what we would define as a deity. Several individuals could also represent and take the role of the same deity, because the deity was not linked to a single individual or personality. It could even be found in trees, plants and animals as well. Some deities could very well not be present in the group, if none had achieved this rank.

These large families exchanged sons and daughters with other large families, who crossed their paths, or perhaps whom they met at special sites.

The Europeans arranged marriages; first the parents met and discussed the matter, and if they agreed the children in question were betrothed; they planned to marry later on. When they became teenagers they were engaged normally, unless of course one of them didn’t want to, and then finally they married when the woman had become an adult. The men were normally older than the women (around 5-15 years older) because women are best suited to bear children when they are young adults, and men best suited to feed and protect their wives and children when they are a bit older than that. Men are at their strongest around age 30.


The task of the betrothed boy or young man was to protect, impress and win the heart of his betrothed girl. She could perfectly well reject him when they were to be engaged (or before, for that sake), so he had to really do his best to charm her. He had another very good reason to be a good, skilled, strong, courageous, kind , honest and in all other ways too an honourable (young) man!

You can argue that perhaps neither of them had any interest in the other, but if you think like that you underestimate our forebears; why would they arrange for a marriage between two individuals who didn’t like each other? There were originally no borders, no kingdoms, no slaves, no power over others! No treaties to secure. Nothing of that sort whatsoever! They lived healthy nomadic lives, all of them free from slavery! And they did talk to their children! They – unlike modern parents – socialised a lot with their children. They knew them and their likes and dislikes. They met other families, and we can assume often lived for long periods with other families, so they had plenty of time to get to know each other.

With time the large families became tribes, and later on these tribes settled down somewhere, and the first European kingdoms were established. The marital system was still the same, whether TîwaR was the head of a nomadic family or a settled tribe. It underwent some changes as time passed by and the world changed, not least with the coming of agriculture, but the foundation and idea was the same.

When the enemies of Europe today attack our age-old marital institution they do because this is the one pillar that holds it all up; this is the glue that holds Europe together! The nuclear family, lead by a man and a woman in a sacred marriage, raising and educating their children, is what has enabled Europe to survive up to 2,000 years of Christianity. They successfully tore down and removed so much of what was ours, but they have not yet succeeded with this sacred institution! They try – they try harder than ever – but even though feminism and the feminization of men has some success the age-old European marital institution stands strong in the hearts of all true Europeans! «As in Heaven, so on Earth»; we marry just like our gods and goddesses, and by doing so bring the Divine Heaven down to Earth – in form of a spiritual, intelligent, ancient and powerful marital institution! HailaR WôðanaR! HailaR Fraujon! 

Recommended Reading for the Ôðalist


A French friend of mine suggested earlier today that I make a list of recommended reading, i. e. books Ôðalists should read for different reasons. Some of the books in this list are by Christian authors, others contain at least some dubious claims or outdated information, but they all have something useful, interesting and most importantly European in them, that we can learn from and take encouragment from — and it might perhaps even change us for the better.

If you have a suggestion for an author definately worthy of our attention feel free to let me know and I will add the author’s name to the list. If you do please let me know why. HailaR WôðanaR!


Asbjørnsen & Moe/(All their works)/Fairy Tales

Cornelius Tacitus/«Germania»/History & Religion

J. R. R. Tolkien/»The Hobbit»/Fantasy

J. R. R. Tolkien/»The Lord of the Rings»/Fantasy

Julius Evola/(All his works)/Traditionalism

Lucius Seneca/(All his works)/Philosophy

Marcus Aurélius/«Meditations»/Philosophy


Plato/Sokrates/(All his works)/Philosophy

The Grimm brothers/(All their works)/Fairy Tales

Varg Vikernes/«Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia»/History & Religion

Varg Vikernes/«Perþ»/Fairy tale

Suggested authors by other Ôðalists/Genre


George Dumézil/Indo-European studies

Homer/”The Odyssey”, “The Iliad”/Mythology

Jan de Vries/Mythology

Jean Raspail/Traditionalism

R.L.M Derolez/Mythology

Søren Kierkegaard/Philosophy

Snorri Sturluson/”The Poetic Edda”/Mythology


HailaR WôðanaR!


From beyond the grave I hear a call form our forebears. They neither speak nor scream; they attract me to the past in silence; like a beautiful painting makes me look at it and adore it. They move my mind to the days of yore… the forgotten European realms. They inspire me! They are in sum our god of inspiration!

Because of that I want to thank this wonderful deity inspiring me to write, to fight and to lvie even, and hail him at every opportunity! Not by saying «Heil Odin», like any modern Norwegian probably would have. Not by saying «Heill Ôðinn» either, like a Viking Age Norwegian would have, but by saying «HailaR WôðanaR», like a Norwegian living in Norway in the time before Christianity came about would have.

«HailaR» and «WôðanaR» are reconstructed words, reconstructed from known Norse to proto-Nordic grammatical rules, and the even older form (older proto-Nordic) would have been «Hailaz Wôþanaz», but for some reason I feel more attracted to the younger proto-Nordic «HailaR WôðanaR», so I use that instead. These days anyhow. My mind might be shifted even further back in time – to Hailaz Wôþanaz or even to Hailas Wôþanas… the assumed PIE (i. e. proto-Indo-European) version of this (used in MYFAROG). And then back again.

The challenge this poses to many of you readers is of course to know how to pronounce this. The truth is that we actually don’t know for sure. We assume that the -R is like something inbetween the older -z and the younger -r, so we assume that it is pronounced like a voiced alevolar -r. The w is pronounced like a normal English v and the ð like th in English that (and the þ like th in English thing). The ô is just a normal long continental o (Norwegian å).

Good luck pronouncing this correctly… I know some of you want to.


The physical way to greet this way is «of course» to raise your weapon arm (the right if right-handed, the left if left-handed) and show your palm to the person you greet. This was done by the Romans, the Italian Fascists and the National Socialists too, yes, I know that, but they did because this is the European way to greet others! Everyone in Europe greeted each othe rthis way! You do this from a polite distance and you do to show that you come as a friend (you don’t carry any weapon in your hand, ergo you come in peace).

Shaking hands is also European, but was originally only done to seal agreements; the two men shaked their hands and a third man – a witness – pushed their hands downwards to confirm it. If the agreement was to be cancelled the men needed to shake hands again and a witness had to push their hands up. Therefore we e. g. still say «jeg slår opp» («I push/hit up») in Norway, when we cancel an agreement (today usually only in context with relationships between children and teenagers).

To greet somebody with a handshake is actually rather dishonest; that would be the way of the assassin, who wants to get up close and stab you in your belly without showing his hands first. The proper European way to greet others is by showing them the palm of the hand you would use if you were to hold a weapon. If you want to agree on something you first greet properly, and then you can shake hands afterwards.

There is nothing wrong with the old European salute. It is the most honest way to greet others for sure – and we shold use it proudly! HailaR WôðanaR! 


The Roots of a Tree


First a soundtrack to the post

There is much we know about man and the world he lives in, and there is much we know has been lost and that we really only know of, but what we rarely consider is how much has been lost to us because even the memory of it was destroyed by our enemies. There are many a “Holocaust” stories in our history books too, casting shadows on reality. 

The «Early Christians» (i. e. crypto-Jews) in Europe systematically burned or in other ways destroyed every piece of European culture they came across and that they could get their filthy hands on, and they kept doing so for hundreds of years. In fact they still do, only they are no longer called «Early» Christians and far from all of them are crypto-Jews.

The Muslims did the same wherever they came, but thankfully their mayhem was limited to Iberia, the Balkans and parts of Italy. However, they also took many books or in other ways came into contact with ancient European texts and translated them into Arabic. So ironically because of them and their aggression much of our European culture that otherwise would havebeen lost survived.

Today we therefore know Roman and Greek philosophy and literature, taken by the Muslims from the areas they occupied, but we have very little information about the other parts of Europe; the parts where the «Early Christians» and their converted Europeans reigned free. We know some things because Christians «by accident» recorded information about European culture in their attempt to demonize our forebears. We also have a handful of books, such as The Eddas, recorded by Christians for other reasons. (None of these books are written by real Jews, of course.)

The most stupid of Christians argue that «if it hadn’t been for these Christians recording information like that we would not have known anything at all about the European religion». Nothing could be further from the truth; if it hadn’t been for the Christians we would have had our European culture intact in the first place.

In the 20th and also the 19th century many Europeans, like Julius Evola, turned to South Asia to find information about the European heritage. They did because they saw that much of Europe’s heritage was better preserved there than here. The South Asians never suffered (as much) from Jews or the by Jews created curse of Christianity, so even though their upper classes were no longer Europeans themselves, like they were in the past, their religions to some degree were. There is because of this actually much to find there, in India and Tibet in particular, that can teach us about and help us better understand our own European culture.

No tree can grow without its roots, no building stand without a foundation. For Europe to grow – or even survive – we need our roots. We need to build the future on a European foundation. The roots of another tree does not benefit our tree. The foundation of another house does not fit ours. Without our past we basically have no future!

The lost wisdom that we cannot find – in the green grass, in abandoned ruins, in dark caves or hidden under layers of moss – we can reconstruct from memory! Yes, from the memory of the blood. We are still Europeans after all, most of us anyhow, and like a well of wisdom our heart and blood can nourish our spirits and minds and teach us what has been lost. We can listen to the voices of our forebears and reconstruct our magnificent Europe!



Ah, but many misunderstand this approach and think it is all about a return to the past. It is not; it is a continuation into the future, but with another direction. We pick the good parts of the past up (because we lost it before) and bring it with us into the future! We also keep the good parts we – in spite of the Jewish yoke – created the last few millenia. We don’t toss away anything good: we only cast aside the ugly, the rotten, the dishonest, the wrong, the injust, the coward, the dishonourable; the non-European!

Life is not the curse of some fictional desert «god», that we are to suffer through because we are such horribly sinful creatures, and that we really should do our best to replace with a seat in the Hebrew «Heaven». Life on Earth has meaning in itself! There is nothing better than life on Earth! Sure, we can enjoy a rest from life (alias death) every now and then, before we return to enjoy life again, to grow and become better, but the goal is not to rest; the goal is to live and to live in a good way!

Life is good if we cultivate the good in us and the world we live in, and the bad is present in life to bring forth the opportunity for the good to do its deeds, so to speak. We will never get rid of everything «negative», and of coruse if we do it will spell our doom –because we need the bad to grow or stay strong, to learn. The objective is not the ultimate goal in this context: the road to the objective is.

Even today, in a world suffocated by Jewish darkness and despair, we should see it as an opportunity! We – unlike so many of our forebears – have the opportunity to defeat an enemy about to murder not just a family, a tribe or even a people, but an entire race – even a species! We have the opportunity to become Heros greater and more important than any Heroes before us! We have the opportunity to defeat an enemy stronger, bigger, mightier, uglier and crueler than any enemy Europe has faced before! Rejoice! Pick up your sword and charge (metaphorically speaking, of course…)! Bards will sing your tale for ages to come, if you do.

Europe is the cradle of heroism and invention, of philosophy and justice! To think the man born from this cradle is any different is just silly. The future is bright for all great men – and all great men create themselves: they simply choose to be great! Every European has it in him to be great – to do what is right regardless of the personal cost or risk! You too!

Let us slay the beast (metaphorically speaking…) and save Europe! We can – and we will! HailaR WôðanaR




First some appropriate background music


The Judeo-Christians did their best to find a creation myth in all the Pagan mythologies they encountered, and when they found none they just didn’t get it and twisted every word of that mythology and in effect created a creation myth for it. They were not able to understand that not everything has a beginning and an end. They didn’t fathom eternity.

You might say that we cannot blame them for this, because neither do we – modern men. We can understand eternity, but we can not really fathom it. Because of that one of the most common non-European notions today is that everything has a beginning and an end. Even amongst good Pagans we find this primitive idea hammered into their minds. It works as a foundation to all their other ideas and because of that definately limits their ability to think and to see reality.

The Ancient European man was better than us. Yes, we have to admit this; he was better in all respects. He was thus also better intellectually, and unlike us he could fathom eternity. Because of that he created myths that modern man has serious problems interpreting, because he doesn’t really understand them. He is locked in linear time, so to speak. He fails to see beyond the limits of time.

As explained in «Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia» the Pagan world view is not linear, it is indeed circular, and thus in fact eternal. It is based on that understanding of eternity that we can not fathom today. There is no creation myth in our mythology. There is no beginning and no end. All births described are mere re-beginnings, so to say; rebirths. What the Judeo-Christians interpreted as «The Twilight of the Gods» or «The End of the World», called Ragnarök, is in fact just such a re-beginning; a rebirth of everything in nature and in man too – as described in «Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia», but actually better in «MYFAROG» (not yet published, but you can get a good preview here).

Modern man reacts to this and asks; but when did it start? Where do they come from? What came first? It never started; it was always there. They didn’t come from anywhere; they were always here. Nobody came here first; everyone and everything exist beyond time, i. e. at the same time, in eternity.

The man who failed to fathom eternity created his own flawed theories, that we best know as «The Creation», as described in e. g. the bible. When the same man a few thousand years later got to know more he created a new and to him better idea; «The Big Bang Theory», which of course is in fact identical to «The Creation» in the bible, save that «God» has been replaced by a «Big Bang», and the seven days it took «God» to create the world has been replaced by «evolution». His mind is still stuck in time.

What we should do, even though we can not really fathom eternity, is to think as if there was no beginning and no end. So even though we can not really fathom an endless universe we can base our world view on the understanding that it is indeed endless. Even though we cannot really fathom eternity we can base our world view on the understanding that we live in eternity. There is no beginning! There is no end!


How man came to be is thus a silly question! We didn’t! We have always been here! HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. You can read more about eternity and a better way to perceive the universe in these posts;

B. The invisible light: An infinite cosmogonic and cosmological model 
1. The infinite thought 
2. Electromagnetic radiation 

3. A spacetime ? 
4. The absorbed light 
5. Temporal velocity, geographical velocity and absolute velocity 

La patrie des patries.


English version

Sur les 500 000 dernières années de notre histoire européenne, nous avons été chasseurs-cueilleurs pendant 490 000 ans et n’avons vécu en sédentaires pas plus de 10 000 ans, cela signifie que nous avons été chasseur-cueilleur à au moins 98% du temps les 500 000 dernières années. Le mode de vie nomade est, en d’autres termes, dans notre sang et vous pouvez le constater dans nos envies constantes de voyages, tourisme et de déplacement.

Les chasseurs-cueilleurs européens ne voyageaient pas seulement toute l’année. Ils construisaient (habituellement des tentes) des villages et restaient pendant un long moment à un endroit avant de démanteler leur équipement et d’emporter le maximum avec eux ailleurs. Le plus souvent, ils se sont déplacés vers le nord pour l’été et vers le sud pour l’hiver – comme beaucoup d’oiseaux font toujours ( bien que les oiseaux voyagent plus loin, certains allant même du pôle nord au pôle sud!).

On pense souvent de nos jours qu’il était impossible pour nos ancêtres de voyager loin, car ils n’avaient pas de voiture ni d’avion ni même de navires. Cependant, voyager à pied ne leur posait pas de problème. Ils étaient bien plus fort et en bien meilleure condition physique que nous ne le sommes aujourd’hui. Ils pouvaient donc facilement parcourir en moyenne 30 km par jour, transportant tout leur équipement et ils étaient sans doute capables de voyager même plus loin encore. Voyager à cette vitesse aurait pris à peu près 2 mois pour rallier Rome de Copenhague.

Ils restaient sans doute 4 mois à un endroit avant de repartir pour 2 mois et répétaient ce procédé 2 fois par an. Il est même possible qu’ils ne soient pas retournés pas au même endroit chaque année. Cela veut dire que n’importe quelle tribu aurait pu vivre n’importe où en Europe.

Moi par exemple, qui n’ait que des ancêtres scandinaves aussi loin que nous pouvons remonter, ait très bien pu avoir des ancêtres venant aussi bien d’Italie que de Scandinavie, d’Espagne, d’Irlande, de Pologne, de Grèce, des plaines russes ou de n’importe quel autre endroit en Europe (incluant l’Afrique du nord, une partie du Moyen Orient et l’Asie centrale aussi, originairement peuplés par des Européens).

Nos ancêtres ont très bien pu avoir un lien fort avec la terre où ils vivaient, mais à l’origine cette terre n’était pas telle ou telle partie de l’Europe mais bien l’Europe toute entière ! Aujourd’hui nous nous sommes tous installés sur notre propre colline ou montagne, dans notre propre petite vallée ou forêt et nous réclamons cette endroit comme étant notre patrie! Nous nous sommes développés différemment, nous avons donné des noms différents à nos Dieux, nous avons eu différentes impulsions ou des additions génétiques différentes ( par le contact avec des races non-européennes, particulièrement en Europe du sud), et ainsi de suite. Mais dans l’ensemble, nous sommes tous identiques; une Europe et une espèce/race européenne avec une religion européenne. Nous sommes tous Frères et Soeurs et nous devons nous traiter les uns les autres en conséquence. La force vitale de l’Europe est en nous tous. Les paroles de nos ancêtres européens peuvent être entendues par nous tous si nous nous soucions de les écouter. L’Europe est notre Patrie originelle !

Traduit en français par C. S. 

Le miroir au fond du puit


English version

Il est impossible de discuter sur le sens de la vie sans spéculer fortement ou sans entrer profondement dans la zone de la religion et de la philosophie. Bien sur, on peut toujours se restreindre au sens biologique de la vie – qui est uniquement basé sur la reproduction et peut-être aussi sur l’amélioration de l’espèce dont on fait partie – mais l’être humain a aussi un besoin d’ordre métaphysique.

Quand je parle à d’autres personnes dans la vie de tous les jours, je me soucie toujours de ne pas leur faire de la peine, de ne pas les deçevoir, de ne pas les faire se sentir inconfortable etc…, et de manière générale, tout simplement, de ne pas être un problème pour les autres.

Quand je sens que j’ai aidé, fais plaisir ou amélioré le quotidien de quelqu’un avec qui je parle, cela me fait du bien. Être agréable, polis et être une bonne personne donne à ma vie un sens plus profond. Je ne pense pas que la vie me serait tolérable si je sentais que je n’étais pas agréable ou que j’étais un problème pour les gens bien de mon entourage.

Qaund parfois je sens que j’ai causé problème à quelqu’un, ça me gène énormément, souvent pendant des jours – parfois même des années. Une fois, j’ai poussé une fille dans les orties à l’école primaire et même aujourd’hui, 30 ans plus tard, j’y pense encore et me sens mal d’avoir fais ça.

Lorsque j’ai enmené mon plus jeune fils à l’hopital pour soigner sa jambe blessée, je me sentais comme un parasite, profitant d’un système fait pour les français et que j’avais tort de faire ça. Cependant ma femme et moi payons des impôts et mon fils est français, ce qui m’a fait réaliser que j’avais été idiot de penser ainsi. Pendant que j’avais des scrupules, j’ai vu des hordes d’africains (surtout) et d’asiatiques (aussi) entrer et sortir de l’hopital. Ils profitaient sans honte du système dans leur propre intérêt (demandant de l’aide, se plaignant de toute sorte de choses, ne montrant aucune gratitude pour l’aide reçue etc…) et certains d’entres eux ( je ne plaisante pas) donnaient des coups de pieds aux pigeons à l’extérieur de l’hopital, lorsqu’ils s’en allaient, riant, essayant d’impresionner leurs amis en faisant ça.( Je n’ai pas la moindre idée de ce qui tourne pas rond dans une tête pareille). Il s’agissait des même pigeons avec qui mon autre fils et ma fille ont partagé leur déjeuner quand on mangeait dehors (mes deux enfants, choqués de ce comportement, ont même arreté de jouer).

Nous – Européens- sommes de bonnes et d’honnêtes personnes parce que nous sommes des européens et que seulement les européens ont ces qualités. C’est pour cela que l’Europe est importante car nous en faisont partie et que l’Europe – biologiquement- est ce qui assure l’immortalité de tous les être honorables et qui donne l’espoir d’un meilleur futur pour nous tous. Il se peut aussi que si l’Europe l’emporte, nous pourrions trouver un sens à chaque chose encore plus profond qu’actuellement.

Comme pour le reste de l’humanité, heureusement, ce ne sont pas tous des bourreaux de pigeons débiles comme décrits plus haut, mais au mieux ils ne sont pas comme nous et nous ne devons jamais oublier ça. Ils ne sont pas comme nous ! La plupart d’entres eux sont tout simplement sadiques, parasitaires et destructeurs et nous ne devons jamais oublier ça. L’Europe doit être protégée de ces créatures – par tout moyens ! Ils sont comme le poison au fond de nos puits ! HailaR WôðanaR! 

Traduit en français par C. S. 

Váli – l’élu


English version.

Le QI moyen de ceux qui croient au “Dieu juif” est bien inférieur à celui de ceux qui se nommes athéistes. Cependant, le QI n’est pas un très bon moyen de mesurer l’intelligence de quelqu’un mais ça peut toujours être un indice.Nous pouvons donc supposer que les personnes religieuse sont généralement moins intelligents que ceux qui ne le sont pas.

Si nous devions croire aux divinités européennes de la même manière que les chrétiens, juifs ou musulmans croient en leur faux Dieu, je pense que nous ne serions pas plus intelligents qu’eux. C’est pour cela que nous ne le faisons pas, car nous sommes plus intelligents qu’eux. Nous savons que nos dieux représentent des idées et des concepts, qu’ils sont des métaphores et des personnages, des images de progéniteurs et des manifestations de leur honneur.

Pourtant, il y a un aspect métaphysique qui n’est pas touché, les voix de nos ancêtres nous guidant, l’aide que nombreux d’entre nous reçoivent, ressentant qu’elle vient des dieux et le sentiment profondément enraciné d’une signification divine. C’est ce qui nous rend religieux pour ainsi dire et non athéistes. Oui, notre paganisme est très logique et scientifique mais nous avons aussi cet aspect métaphysique inhérent. Qu’est-ce ? Comment pouvons nous l’expliquer scientifiquement ? Pourquoi le ressentons nous si ce n’est pas réel ?

Non, ne vous méprenez pas, je ne parle pas d’entendre des voix ou de recevoir des ordres de Dieu ou d’esprits de grottes. Tout cela serait du ressort de la psychiatrie plutôt qu’autre chose. Je ne parle pas non plus des personnes ayant des “visions” après prise de drogues, je parle uniquement du sentiment profond de véritable sens, de se sentir béni et protégé, de savoir que vous avez raison sans même avoir de preuve pour le soutenir – pour découvrir par le suite que vous aviez vraiment raison. Ça peut être décrit comme de la pure intuition mais il y a plus que ça. C’est comme une boussole métaphysique nous indiquant constamment la bonne direction. C’est comme avoir un ange gardien veillant à ce que nous puissions marcher sur le feu si nécessaire, sans se blesser et cela nous rend invulnérable. C’est comme une balance ensorcelée qui nous dirait ce qui est important et ce qui ne l’est pas. C’est comme une main nous maintenant sans laquelle nous serions tombés. C’est comme une chaude lumière bannissant les ténèbres autour de nous et nous réchauffant dans un monde gelé. C’est comme une valkyrie nous poussant à être courageux et à ne rien craindre. C’est comme si les dieux étaient dans un sens tout à fait réels !

Nos divinités ne sont pas fondées sur le culte d’une idole dorée ou la mauvaise interprétation d’un autre concept divin. Nos divinités sont tellement de choses, et parmi les aspects raisonnables et logiques nous avons aussi cet aspect métaphysique que nous ne pouvons expliquer rationnellement.

Avant de conclure, je dois vous parler du rituel païen. Ça ne concerne pas le pardon ou le salut, la vie éternelle dans un paradis fictionnel ou quoi que ce soit : le rituel païen est plus comme une éducation métaphysique, destiné à vous éclairer et à vous élever vers le divin pour ainsi dire. Le rituel est plus comme un parcours d’obstacles métaphysiques qu’autre chose, et ça ne pardonne pas; si vous échouez, vous échouez. Seuls les meilleurs peuvent réussir, car c’est une religion naturelle, cultivant le meilleurs qui est en nous, cultivant la force, la beauté, la santé, l’honneur et la justice d’un individu plutôt que la quantité. Les élus du paganisme sont les meilleurs par leurs accomplissements et leur intellect, par par leur naissance. La noblesse païenne n’héritait pas des droit nobles, ils devaient les gagner. Ceux qui échouaient, descendaient d’une classe sociale. Les élus en Europe sont ceux qui émergent des tumulus comme un nouveau né des entrailles de sa mère, comme les dieux et les déesses eux mêmes ! Ils sont nos Váli – élus ! éclairés, plus sages, meilleurs et avec de nouveaux droits et devoirs dans la vie; avec les êtres divins en eux !

Les “élus” judéo chrétiens. Enfants juifs typiques.

Pope Benedict XVI Visits New York City Synagogue

Les potentiels “élus” païens. Une classe normale norvégienne ( célébrant la constituion norvégienne qui, jusqu’en 1951 incluait [ paragraphe 1a ]: “Les juifs et les jésuites se verront refuser l’accès au royaume de Norvège”)


Traduit en français par C. S. 

De l’évolution à la révolution


English version.

Les évolutionnistes affirment que nous sommes bien plus intelligents et meilleurs aujourd’hui que par le passé grace à la fantastique évolution ( une théorie qui manque toujours de quelque chose pour être reconnu comme scientifique) et naturellement les chrétiens rejoignent leur rang, dépeignant nos ancêtres pré-chrétiens comme étant sales, primitifs, inintelligents et fondamentalement des sauvages bons à rien, plus proche du singe que de quoi que ce soit d’humain.

Si vous jetez un coup d’oeil à la réalité, un aspect différent émerge de l’obscurité de la “science” et des religions judaïques. Voici quelques exemples:

-Les scaldes et les bardes pouvaient se souvenir de longs textes ( comme l’Edda) en ne l’entendant qu’une fois.

-Les ponts romains construits il y a plus de 2000 ans sont toujours débout et sont toujours utilisés aujourd’hui (contrairement aux ponts en béton plus moderne des années 50).

-Les pyramides égyptiennes ont été construites ( par des européens ethniques [Prouvé par les tests ADM]) utilisant des techniques modernes que nous ne sommes pas capables de comprendre.

-Rien d’original n’a été dit en philosophie les 2500 dernières années autre que ce que les ancients philosophes grecs n’aient déjà dit.

-Les peintures murales datant de plusieurs milliers d’années sont bien supérieures à l’art chrétien médiéval de la pré-renaissance par exemple.

Lorsqu’il s’agit de réalisations physiques, la situation n’est pas différente.

-Les scientifiques ont calculé en utilisant des traces de pas fossilisés qu’un homme de l’âge de pierre pouvait courir 37 km/h pieds nus sur du sable fin comparant ce dernier au record mondial de 42 km/h réalisé dans une arène sportive avec des chaussures de course. Si l’homme de l’age de pierre avait couru dans les mêmes conditions, il aurait été capable de courir à une vitesse de 45km/h. Je souligne le fait qu’il s’agirait d’un homme moyen de l’âge de pierre.

-Les légions romaines ont parcouru plus de 60 km par jour transportant plus de la moitié du poids de leur corps en équipement.

-Athènes pouvait employer 30 000 rameurs qui ont tous dépassé les résultats des champions modernes.

-L’homme de l’âge de pierre moyen pouvait lancer une lance de bois brut à 110 m voire plus, comparant ce dernier au record mondial de javelot qui est de 98,48m !

Comparé à l’homme d’antan, l’homme moderne est une triste créature, plus faible de corps et d’esprit. Il y a quatre raisons principales à cela :

  1. L’hybridation de nos races européenne a mené a un déclin dramatique de la qualité humaine.

  2. L’agriculture a ruiné nos mode de vie plus sain de chasseur-cueilleur.

  3. Les religions judaïques ont cultivé l’inutile sous homme en nous pendant 2000 ans.

  4. La technologie en combinaison avec la vision du monde judaique a causé un déclin de la qualité humaine plus avancé en autorisant tout individu à survivre son enfance et en rendant la vie encore moins saine.

    Nous sommes bloqués avec la technologie, que ça nous plaise ou non, mais ça ne veut pas dire que nous devons continuer dans ces tendances négatives. Nous pouvons changer la tendance et rejetant toutes les inepties juives, en arrêtant d’essayer de chercher les solutions les plus simples pour tout ce qui est “fatigant”, en s’assurant que plus d’enfants intelligents naissent en Europe, en utilisant nos corps comme ils sont censés être utilisés, en réintroduisant des classes sociales différentes et claires ( s’assurant qu’aucun mauvais sang ne soit mélangé au sang de l’élite), en cultivant notre sens de l’honneur, en offrant des récompenses aux meilleurs d’entre nous, en stérilisant les plus mauvais d’entre nous, en cultivant la force, la fierté et le courage et en regardant plus souvent le ciel étoilé.

L’européen moderne est une créature abimée. Alors, réparerons là,

Peinture murale vieille de 15500 ans ( d’Altamira en Espagne)


Art chrétien vieux de 800 ans. Et j’ai été gentil ici, il existe bien pire que celui là.


Traduit en français par C. S. 



The Ancient Scandinavian description of man is as I see it rather interesting; it describes the physical body as the lîk («corpse»), the life-force that gives life to the corpse is called vörðr («guardian»), the ability to move and learn through repetition is called hamr («shape»), the mind and the ability to reason is called hugr («mind») and the spirit – giving divine powers – is called önd («spirit»).

Everything physical has a lîk.

Every plant also has a vörðr.

Every animal also has a hamr.

Every human being also has a hugr.

Every super-human also has a önd.

The lîk needs hard work or physical exercise; the vörðr needs warmth, sleep and light, the hamr needs joy and appreciation; the hugr needs safety, creative expressions, music, art and dreams as well mental challenges, challenges for the memory, concentration and reasoning; the önd needs harmony, a super-individualistic perspective and a higher meaning. However, the bodies need the opposite of this as well, to thrive and survive; the lîk needs rest; the vörðr needs cold and darkness; the hamr needs sorrow, grieving, silence and emptiness; the hugr needs danger, peace of mind and calm; the önd needs disharmony and sadness as well as ruthlessness. Too much of one thing can only be destructive though, no matter what that one thing is. Each needs both the positive and the negative. Day and Night. Summer and Winter. Sun and Moon.

If the divine man loses his spirit he becomes a normal human being. If a normal human being loses his mind he becomes an animal. If an animal loses his shape it becomes a plant. If a plant loses its life-force it becomes a corpse.

In a more Greek and classical esoteric language these bodies would be called the Physical Being (lîk), the Etherial Being (vörðr), the Astral Being (hamr), the Mental Being (hugr) and the Spirit (önd).

The physical being is of course our flesh and bones, so to speak; the vessel carrying all the other beings. The life-force could probably be said to reside in the blood or some other «life liquid», but most likely in the heart itself. The shape would be our ghost form, an invisible shape filling out the entire physical body (and even if you lose a physical limb, the ghost limb would still be there). The mind would naturally be located in the brain.

So what about the spirit? Where does it reside?

The thymus is a very rarely mentioned human organ, mainly because we really don’t know what it’s for, save that we do understand it seems to be a part of the immune system. Plato mentions thymos, as one of the three parts of the psyke, and – like so often is the case – the ancients were closer to the truth than we are today. We can thus assume that the spirit resides in the thymus, as suggested by my wife in one of our conversatons, although certain animals too has a thymus. What to make of that? Well, to have a spirit you need a thymus, but the pressence of a thymus does not mean you have a spirit. It just happens to be the organ that will house the spirit if it is present.

The Greeks today use the term to mean «anger». As we know the name Ôðinn translates as «fury» as well as «mind», and the rune symbol linked to Ôðinn is called ansuR , from PIE *ans-/and- (Norse âss, known better from it’s plural form æsir), which translates as «spirit», and which is a symbol of a fisherman’s spear point, of the type used in the Stone Age to catch fish. This is the spirit that descends from the sky and attaches itself to the earthly body and turns it divine! Ôðinn in man, the deities in man, the divine man. Naturally the other mentioned term for spirit, önd, also derives from the same PIE root (*ans-/and-).

Ôðinn becomes more and more interesting as a deity, and we understand how many think of him as «the king of the gods», even though Tyr (older form TîwaR) is obviously mightier and indeed the true king of the gods. Tyr is the Sky God. Ôðinn is just an aspect of Tyr. They are one and the same, of course, and yet different; Ôðinn is the heavenly beam that enters man and inspires him!

The name of TîwaR is interesting too; it translates as «beam», but became known as meaning «gods». He is the divine light not from the Sun or Moon, not from any one of the planets or any one star in particular, but from every celestial object emanating light! He is the Sky God after all! Ôðinn is the divine light that inspires man; the light man sees and takes in. This light in turn can come from any one celestial object, or from several of course.

If you remove the thymus organ from a man he will not die, but the organ assumed to house his spirit is no longer there, so we can assume that he will no longer have a spirit. He will be just an ordinary man from then on – unless of course if he already was, in which case nobody will see any change whatsoever. If you remove the heart you no longer have a life-force, so you will in any case die, and the spirit will leave you. If you remove the brain you will no longer have a mind, and I guess life without a brain is not too common either – although we can easily think otherwise when we see the actions of our politicians.

Then comes the racist part; yes, you are right if you think that only the European man has the ability and capacity to «house» a spirit, to be inspired by the deities, to live as part of a deity, to be a deity himself! To do this you need to have European (=Neanderthal) blood. Further, you need to have a sufficiently advanced and noble mind, and of course a thymus not damaged by e. g. radiation (something that perhaps could explain this). Finally, you need to trigger the enlightenment, so to speak, by way of religion and religious rituals.

This, ladies and gentlemen, explain why I – an actually rather hopelessly a-religious person – find the Ancient European (=Neanderthal) religion so important. Every other religion on this planet is just a misinterpretation and misconception of the Ancient European religion, and some times even a twisted, sinister, perverted and soiled version of it as well – as is the case for Judaism. No non-European people has ever created a religion; they have only come to learn of the European religion and has made a religion of their own based on what they were able to understand and learn from this!

There are three human species and many races of men today, but there are really just three types of men; those who are divine, those who have the potential to become divine and those who are not divine. Europeans can be of any of the three types, but the rest are all of the latter type. The enlightened European Noble man is the only Divine Man – and yes, he is always «autistic». HailaR TîwaR! HailaR WôðanaR!

Two Famous Divine Men (Marcus Aurélius and Adolf Hitler);


A Ride to AnsugarðaR (Âsgarðr)


If you want to see the past all you need is to close your eyes and listen to music. Every note is a step on a ladder or a staircase leading neither up nor down, but backwards in time; it rotates freely in empty space, like a meteor from afar or a swirling galaxy, and climbing it makes you dizzy.


Time is the illusion of a human mind only able to see eternity in one glimpse at the time, and the steps lead you out of this illusion; to the true presence. You can see it all, everything that has ever been, but you focus on the most beautiful thing you can imagine. The harmony of our universe is visible to us. The beauty is right there in our own minds. All we need is to let it dominate our world as much as it can our minds.

Europeans working to create beauty where there was none, harmony where there was disharmony and meaning where there was meaninglessness.


A big thanks to Lauri for (twice…) sharing the music used in this post. 

The Sub-Human Neanderthal


From the first Neanderthal remains were found in the 19th century the first to investigate these findings was of course the church. Yes, priests made sure the discovery of a human being with a skull housing a larger (!) brain than that of modern man was not going to cause problem for them or their Jewish teachings. The idea that a European «savage Pagan» was more intelligent than modern man or indeed the creators of the Christian faith was just too much to them.

Because of that the Neanderthals, the original European native, was presented in a very unflattering light. He became a semi-animal, a brute half-monkey, a revolting, filthy and primitive sub-human. They even concluded that he probably didn’t even have the ability to speak. It was just another beast of nature.

Some European scientists tried to present the Neanderthal in a more accurate light, but they stood no chance against the church, their power and their propaganda machinery. The Neanderthal thus to this day is thought of as a sub-human.

When European scientists found evidence that the Neanderthal never actually went extinct, but are a part of us even today, the horrible image of a savage sub-human half-monkey appeared in the minds of almost everybody. «We have their genes in us? Oh no!» The newspapers who did write about this seemed to be more shocked about the fact that we had their «sub-human» genes in us than anything else.

Another historical character who has been presented in a rather unflattering light is this man;


Yes, they have for more than 70 years now tried to make us think of him as an evil and hateful man, a failed artist angry at the Jews who didn’t like his art, a man with only one testicle, a man who ordered the gassing of 6 million Jews, the man who started WWII, and so forth. In the end they even tried to make us believe that Hitler was himself a Jew, that he had Jewish ancestors. He was shown no respect whatsoever; they did not shy away from any means to make us think badly of him.

Hitler too, just like our Neanderthal forebears, has become a monster!

Because of this many reject the idea of thinking highly of Hitler and Neanderthals. It is hard for them to accept the idea that perhaps what they have been told about Hitler and Neanderthals is in fact not just inaccurate, but blatant lies – told with evil intent and purely sinister motives! Naturally, some only think they spread lies about Hitler, or the Neanderthals, and still believes in the lies about the other. It is hard to break free from the Jewish lie-propaganda that we have all grown up with. Alas!

The proto-European, the Neanderthal, was no savage, no short or ugly half-monkey. He was not filthy either (not even many animals are!), and why on Earth would he not be able to talk? There is nothing real suggesting that whatsoever! Everything negative about the Neanderthals was made up by priests or «scientist» Jews!

Modern Europeans are often blond and blue-eyed because the Neanderthal was blond and blue-eyed. We are white, because the Neanderthal was white. We are intelligent, and much more so than other races, because the Neanderthal was more intelligent than the other human species. We are no longer exactly like the Neanderthals whose remains we have found, because during the Ice Ages some of the Neanderthals moved so far South they came into contact with other human species and mixed with Homo Sapiens (proto-Africans), and these non-European genes were with time spread out all across Europe. Less in the North, more in the South, sure, but they did eventually change the entire European species. They changed us into what we are today; modern Europeans.

Are we sub-human? Are we savage beasts? Are we half-monkeys? Are we filthy? Do we look like half-monkeys? Were we ever filthy in historic times? No? Then why would our more distant forebears be? Can we speak? Yes? Then why would our forebears not speak too?

European languages are more advanced and complex the further back in time we go. E. g. Norwegian is primitive comparred to Norse. Norse is primitive comparred to proto-Nordic. Proto-Nordic is primitive comparred to proto-Germanic. So why would the language of our pre-historic forebears not be in fact even more complex and advanced? Why would not they too be, comparred to us?

The notion that modern man is «the peak of evolution» is nonsense! The church wants us to think like this too; they want us to think that the future is all that counts! Sure, they had their Garden of Eden, and admit that this Paradise lies in the past, but they have sealed all access to it with their «original sin»: everything good is thus in the future; salvation, Heaven or whatever! It is all located in the future! Do not look to the past! Oh no; the past is only evil; Pagan, savage, primitive, cruel and horrible! Remember only the sins of the past!

Naturally they want us to think like this; Paganism is a cult of the past, a cult of forebears, where the ancestors are praised, hailed and celebrated as the best there is! Where the good of the past is preserved, and brought with us into the future. Honour. Glory. Strength. It all comes from the past. We are what we are because of our forebears. If you deny any spiritual reality, then at least you have to admit that we are what we are because of the DNA of our forebears! We need to work to keep the good! 

And the Neanderthals make up the vast majority of our forebears. Our DNA tells us that at least 99,7% of our genes come from Neanderthals. The 0,3% rest are from Homo Sapiens (proto-Africans). Rather than be ashamed of our Neanderthal forebears, because of the Jewish lies told about them for so long now, we should be proud of them.

The last few millenia mankind has degenerated, just like our languages have degenerated. Because of civilisation mainly, and secondly because of Christianity; we stopped working to keep the good of the past. If this continues we will turn into the sub-humans so many of us despice; filthy, stupid, brutal, cruel, half-apes; monkeys running about having sex with everyhting that moves, eating each other where we shit.

Only the cult of the past can save us from this. The older the gods the better. The further back in time the roots go the more they can nourish us and save us from turning into apes.

If in doubt I suggest you read the posts on Atala. Take your time. Read them all. It will make you wiser if you do. HailaR WôðanaR!

Hyperborean Dreams


The (real or artificial) Jew-produced picture of the Neanderthal as a sub-human is an effective means to turn our attention away from the Neanderthal. We don’t want to descend from those creatures! But we know that their picture is false, and that reality is very different. There is one more thing that tends to turn the attention of Europeans away from the Neanderthals; their lack of civilization, their lack of advanced technology and their lack of art.

Yet, we actually know that the first art is Neanderthal art, that they had music and made advanced instruments, that they made spears as advanced as any spears today. We also know that they were hunter-gatherers, so for them to build a civilization would of course be meaningless. The perhaps most odd thing about them was that they seemed to change nothing at all in their lifestyle for hundreds of thousands of years. Why?

Naturally what I am about to say now are only speculations, or educated guesses, if you like, based on Marie’s research and my own knowledge about the subject, but what if they did in fact have a civilisation at one time? What if the myths about Atlantis, Hyperborea, Ultima Thule and every dream we have about forgotten realms are actually vague memories of something that really existed?

What if it went really, really wrong, like it is about to do with our modern civilisation?

It could have gone wrong for many reasons, but the most likely cause of any advanced civilisation’s downfall is a Sun storm. You see, all the metal objects we surround ourselves with will become major problems to us when the next massive Sun storm hits us. They are all conductors of energy that might severely harm us, and also destroy our civilisation. Everything electronic will cease to function, or actually burn and melt, including the cooling systems of our nuclear plants. The metals calls for the dangerous electricity, so to speak, and everyone holding, wearing or standing close to something made of metal will risk being fried… The lightning bolts of fantasy sorcerers all of a sudden fill the air! Any metal jewelry you wear will spell your doom!

Today most of us live in blissful ignorance regarding the threat technology and the use of metal pose to us. Even the modern house you live in and it’s foundation is full of reinforcing iron, wires and object calling for the sorcerers’ lightning bolts from the sky! You might not wake up one day, because a massive Sun storm hit during the night. And if so you died only because you surrounded yourself with metal objects.

Not all Sun storms will do that, most are not harmful to human beings, even if they hold unto metal object, but the most massive ones possibly can, and they do come every now and then. We haven’t seen one such storm yet, in recorded history, but some think we soon will.

A reasonable result of such a catastrophe would be for the few survivors to ban technology, to ban the use of metals, and to return to a healthier lifestyle; hunting and gathering, and to using and allowing only the most basic and neccessary technology. The survivors would know just how dangerous advanced technology is! To those who surround themselves with it, that is. Such a community would not develop new technologies for ages. Not until they forgot their myths and traditions, or came under the influence of other communities with different experiences. They would treat such inventors of technology like Zevs treated Prometheus, when he stole technology from them. 

Technology might not be our solution to anything at all; it might only spell our doom, as it possibly already has to lost civilisations of the forgotten past. In any case, to focus on the improvement of the human material should be of paramount interest to us, and under any circumstances be the ultimate goal. This we know the Neanderthals did too; they hunted with honour (i. e. without shooting animals from a distance), forcing all cowards and weaklings to either starve or be killed whilst hunting. They were much stronger than modern man has ever been, and probably much smarter too – but just like Scandinavians still are; too naive for their own good. Some of them tolerated the presence of Africans, and even mixed with them. And thus they ended their healthy culture; the mongrel blood spread out amongst them and those «infected» didn’t understand the ban on technology, why it was there, and yet they were smart enough to develop new technology as well, something the Africans with no Neanderthal blood never were.

Perhaps many of us love Tolkien’s fantasy world and other fantasy worlds too, because we long for something only our blood remembers. Perhaps that ancient, lost and forgotten civilisation was wonderful, a true Golden Age – until the catastrophe. Perhaps we can re-build it? Perhaps we shouldn’t even try to… Perhaps we are unable not to try. 

Nothing I say here is for sure; like I said it is all speculations and educated guesses, but know that I might as well be more right about this than I am wrong. Only your intuition can tell. HailaR WôðanaR! HailaR ÞunaR!

Some creatures in fantasy were once real (others were not…)!

Megaloceros1KrakeSmilodonBergriseHyaenodon_Heinrich_HarderNøkkSkrømtEKTE PterosaurGjenganger2Basilosaurus1Orm2

Hyperborean Dreams II


Some are open to the idea that perhaps there was indeed an advanced civilisation in the distant past, and perhaps the flood talked about in many religions was actually the coming of an Ice Age, where the land was covered not by water, but by frozen water; by glaciers. However, we also see stories in literature about a civilisation that was simply advanced in a different way. In a manner not known to us, and therefore not really understood by us. A spiritually advanced culture, perhaps?

This has been suggested by many great (and some not at all great) writers, but how should we understand this? What is a spiritually advanced culture?

The perhaps most obvious example of that would be a culture based on Hamingja. A society where man is honest, kind, hard-working, brave and willing to make personal sacrifices of all kinds for others of his kind. If we add a new form of communication, known to us today as telepathy, we possibly get even closer. Yes, even today we see hints of telepathic abilities in modern man. Telepathy would also be an advantage for anyone hunting in packs; the need for vocal or visal communication would be reduced, and the hunt would certainly be more effective.

My wife has a telescope and every now and then we all go outside to look at the stars, planets and other celestial phenomena, and she told me that it takes time for the mind to register a celestial image; you get a different (better) picture if you look at anything on the sky for a long time. In fact you don’t get a complete picture until after you have looked at it continuously for some time. What if our forebears were able to see these and other to us unknown images by a mere glance at the sky? The Neanderthal’s brain was larger partly because they had better senses, and much of the Neanderthal-only DNA is actually linked to the senses too. So what if they learned something by looking at the sky that is lost to us today, because we no longer have those advanced senses – or even only because all our technology make us look at other things than the sky, and when we do look at the sky our technology prevents us from seeing it clearly in the first place (because of light pollution)?

Whether we like it or not we do still believe in sorcery. Some worry when they see a black cat crossing the street in front of them. That’s bad luck, right? Others cross their fingers. Some knock on the table to avert misfortune. Others wear some sort of symbol, usually a necklace, that they think will give them good fortune. All of this, and many other things too, is a belief in sorcery. Why would we have a belief in sorcery if there was nothing to it? We could of course, but perhaps sorcery no longer exist, but did actually at one point – like say in the Neanderthal society?! Telepathy could be defined as sorcery, but so could so much else. Could they, unlike modern quacks, actually heal others by means of sorcery? Could they travel in spirit – by means of so called astral projection – and visit and see other places without actually being there? Could they hybernate, like bears can? Could they levitate – or even fly, like fantasy sorcerers on their staffs?

Some believe that our most distant forebears weren’t even physical; they were only spirits, without physical shape, and drawn to the North Pole (Hyperborea) by magnetism. At a later stage they turned to some sort of fog shapes, they drifted southwards and then finally turned to something physical; giants of course… and then finally they became men as we know them. This might be a metaphor, an explanation to something we don’t yet understand, but it can naturally be just what actually happened too. Maybe man arrived on this planet as spirits and simply needed time to form and shape the planet and life on it, in order to be able to descend into proper physical form (the European man) and influence the world more directly – like we do today.

So – and again my thoughts wander wide and far, and venture deep into the realm of wild speculations and dreams – what if there are many planets like this one, some not yet on our level, and others on a much higher level? What if we can wander back and forth, between the worlds (and perhaps even in time!), in spirit form? Possibly only between lives, but perhaps also in life? Maybe our forebears could?

Then all fantastic dreams become clear; maybe we really have no imagination, only vague memories of things that we have actually seen – or things that we will see.

The Northern Lights were said to be «the way of the bees», or «elves dancing», and both the bees and the elves were seen as the spirits of the dead. They were believed to leave Earth via the North Pole, and enter Âsgarðr; the realm of the deities. In Âsgarðr there were many divine homes, some only available to the most pure of the pure. Walaskelbio (“the trembling of the chosen/fallen”). Kemenaberga (“heaven/hidden mountain”). Landawîtus (“woodland”). Sinkwabankis (“deep/sinking creek”). Þruþokaimas (“strength world”). Braidoblika (“wide flash”). Nowaduno (“ship yard”). Glîtnias (“sparkling”). Pulkawangis (“folk meadow”). Albokaimas (“elf world”, “white world”). Gladaskaimas (“shining light world”). Þrîmakaimas (“noise world”). Îwadalas (“yew dale”, “rain valley”). Yes, these are also the names of the thirteen months of the Ancient Scandinavian calendar, but why would they only be that? Could they not be actual spiritual realms as well?


Let us return to Earth and gather our thoughs again; I think an advanced spiritual society is first and foremost one able to paint beautiful pictures in the mind, to shape hopes and dreams so beautiful they inspire others and makes them want to live; a society made up of individuals able to enjoy what life has to offer, but also dream, imagine things and play pretend; a community creating myths and other beautiful stories too, explaining and recording the events that have been and that will come – or return; a society able to produce honourable, creative, intelligent, empathic, kind, self-sacrificial, positive, artistic and courageous human beings! A Pagan Europe!

When I have the time I will sit outside one night, on a tree stump, as recommended to me by a Finnish friend, and watch the starlit sky, and ponder on these questions until I figure them all out… I might very well do that, you know; it might all be recorded by and stored in the stars, or in my European blood. That too might be sorcery; us talking to the spirits of our forebears! HailaR WôðanaR! 


Alignments in MYFAROG


Reblogged from Mythic Fantasy Roleplaying Game:

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There are four main deities in Þulé; a Sky god of Winter and Air, an Earth goddess of Spring and Earth, a Sun god of Summer and Fire and a Moon goddess of Autumn and Water. The Þuléan year has thirteen months, and each of the months is connected to a deity too; and these in all seventeen deities (four of the seasons and thirteen of the months) make up the sympathetic deities in Þulé – sympathic in the sense that these are the only deities who listen to the prayers of man.

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We probably all agree that we don’t like being censored, but many seem to mistake my distaste for being censored with a distaste for censorship per se. Here they err gravely! Of course I am in favour of censorship! I am just not happy about the current form of censorship. Yes, I strongly dislike that the truth is being censored, but what I find even more repulsive is when the truth is being actively ignored. Yes, they have realised that to ignore the truth is much more efficient than to try to bury it with lies. No amount of lies can suffocate the truth; it will emerge from the pile of lies thrown on top of it no matter what – sooner or later! However, if they just pretend it doesn’t exist it is much more likely to disappear for all time.

The educational system and the press in Soviet Norway spread their foul lies about me for 16 years, but every time they spread a lie (which often didn’t even make any sense) they only made a few more individuals investigate the issue further – and when they did they easily found the truth; and they in turn then begang to spread the truth to others. Many still believe in the lies, of course, but fewer and fewer do – because the truth is always stronger than any lie. Had they instead ignored me completely – like they wisely do today – nobody would have even known I existed in the first place, and then nobody would have get to know the truth in the first place.

When we spread the truth, with our blogs and other means too, we are free to do so sans persecution pretty much no matter what we say (if we are wise about it), because the cost for them to tell others that we — the «evil Nazi pigs» — say these things is higher than it is for them to leave us alone – and hope that not too many get to know about us or what we say in the first place. Had any mainstream newspaper today written anything negative about Thulean Perspective today it would have been a disaster for them, because it would only mean that all their readers all of a sudden would be reminded of the fact that the Thulean Perspective exists – and many of them would have read a post or two, and they would then have been forced to think a few things over. The (real and artificial) Jews really don’t want that! No amount of darkness can ever suffocate the light! It only takes a single light to banish the darkness.

We are in fact participants in a race; the Jewish enemy race to enforce all the laws they need to physically make it impossible for anyone to revolt, and we race to wake up our peoples and make them revolt before that happens. The good news is that we are winning, and we are because the Jews are too greedy to miss out on any opportunity to cash in on something (anything!); they make money from our truth-spreading art, from our books, from our blogs (you have to pay someone to be allowed to have a blog!), from Internet of course, from our computers and from so much else assisting us! E. g. they made so much money on writing lies about me that they kept doing so for 16 years, even though I am sure they understood and knew perfectly well that it was not at all good for them in the long run.

The Face of the Enemy;

silk coatSpringsteenJEW-SEXPERTSJesusimagesEnemy-Jew-Betty-Friedan-pulled-the-trigger-on-the-white-race-with-her-lying-propaganda-book-The-Feminine-Mystiquecohen-beadsAbraham_Maslow600full-sandra-bernhard416px-Bela-kun--outlawsdiary00tormuoft220px-Levi_Strauss92.1008960x

Things are really bad in our cities; both crime and race mixing is so common it can make anyone with a consciense and a three digit IQ weep, but think about it this way; the victims of this crime are much more likely to see what is really happening, to join our cause and to revolt… so the more multicultural crime the merrier; it benefits us and our cause in the long run! The race mixers are really not a problem either; they don’t ruin our race! They just leave our race, and who can seriously say that we are not better off without them? They have no morals, no racial pride, no honour; nothing! So good riddance! The multicultural society is not the death of our race, but when there actually a good way for nature to weed out the bad seeds, so to speak – and when that has gone on for some time we remove the multicultural society and make Europe European again. I know of so many who are not afraid to do the «hard work» it takes to turn Europe European again that I really don’t think this will be a problem. It might in fact be just a pleasure… after all; Wotan; id est furor! No synagogue/bank, church or mosque will survive the cleansing of Europe for sure! The best they can hope for is to have a huge Hakenkreuz or an Ôðal rune replace whatever decorative art there is in them.

The truth should only ever be censored for strategic-military purposes, and in fact that is what happens today too; our enemies wage a war against us all, on all levels, and naturally they use censorship to win the war. So keep spreading the truth! Never be afraid to do so, and know that we will win in the end! It might take some effort, some personal sacrifices and some courage, but why would we – Europeans – shy away from something like that? Would it not be much worse if we didn’t have an opportunity to fight for a good cause? Heroes are born in times of strife and misery, not in times of peace and joy. Rejoice! We have the opportunity to save Europe! HailaR ÞunoR! HailaR WôðanaR!

The truth is a fist in the face of our enemy!


PS. The guy punching him is also a Jew, but how can we not enjoy this photo anyhow? And look how the wretched Jew already has his «poor suffering victim» mask on, even before he hits the ground!

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