Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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Missionaries are strangely enough often talked about in positive terms here in Europe, but I think we should all open our eyes and see what these people really are and what they really do.

Europe was Christianized with force; bribes, threats, deceit, treachery, torture, brainwashing and murder. Christians chopped down our sacred groves and burned down our temples, and were even sanctified for this. They then built their own temples (alias churches) on the European sacred sites, where our sacred groves and temples used to stand, to ensure that no Pagan temples would ever be built there again, and no archeological work should ever be carried out there. (And then they criminalized the type of behaviour that had enabled them to Christianize Europe in the first place.)

In France one of the worst of these genocidal maniacs is celebrated as Charlemagne, “Charles the Great”, known best in Pagan circles for his coward Massacre of about 4.500 unarmed Saxon captives in Verdun. The Wikipedia post describe the revolting massacre like this: “The Massacre of Verden (…) was a massacre of 4.500 captive rebel Saxons in 782. During the Saxon Wars, the Saxons rebelled against Charlemagne’s invasion and subsequent attempts to Christianize them from their native Germanic paganism”.

In my book the defenders don’t “rebel” against invading armies trying to destroy their culture; they fight back. They resist. And rightfully so. This is called war.

Oh, but this was in the past, right? Christians are not like that today! Well, maybe not in Europe; they have already destroyed everything they could destroy here, so why would they? But if you look elsewhere…

Take a look at Nepal, a country that used to be Hindu, for ages. At one point they allowed Christians to come to their land, but banned all missionary work. But after some lobbying, threats and bribes, the Christians were “finally” allowed to spread their Jewish religion there too, and of course when the Nepalese natives resist them they are described as terrorists. The Christians there accuse the Nepalese for persecuting them – “only” because they try to destroy everything that is theirs, and “only” because they are funded by wealthy foreigners in a poor country. What economic power do you think Nepal has to defend themselves against this? They build their churches and schools en masse, to spread Christianity in Nepal, and those who resist this are described as backward terrorists!

So when you defend your culture against Christianity you are a terrorist – or a rebel. And the Christians who work to destroy your culture, using any and all means available to achieve this, are heroes, saints and only there to help… to help you get rid of that backward, worthless gentile religion. *spit*

The arrogance of the Christians is extreme. Their basis is that all other religions are worthless and must be eliminated from the face of the Earth. All other cultures than their own Jewish culture are seen by them as not only worthless, but outright Satanic and evil, and they are doing a good thing when they destroy them. Yes, the missionaries are so deluded that they think they help others by destroying everything that is theirs!

Christian missionary at work in Nepal!



The Christians are not in Nepal to help the Nepalese; they are there to destroy their culture, their religion and their heritage – and to replace it with their own.

With what right are they doing this?

Why are nobody screaming up in protest against this genocide? Where is the media when the Nepalese are being exposed to this coward, despicable and revolting genocide? They sure remember the Holocaust, when the Jews were the victim, but apparently nobody else matters. Only the Jews matters to them. And of course that makes sense: most of the journalists and the newspaper owners are Jews themselves or Christians (e. g. artificial Jews) (just Google it). So when we teach our children about the horrors of the Holocaust, over and over again, year after year, so that such things shall never happen again, we at the same time do nothing about a genocide going on in Nepal as we speak. Nobody cares. Because the Nepalese are not Jews. They are “just” Pagans. Because they are victims of a genocide carried out because the Christians want to destroy all non-Jewish religions, cultures and ideas on this planet, and replace it with their own Jewish religion, culture and ideas.

All Christian (and Muslim too, of course) missionaries on this planet should be sent to the international tribunal in Haag, charged with genocide or for having the intent to commit genocide. They are destroying culture, religions and ultimately entire peoples too. Like they have done in and to Europe. They are destroying the little human diversity we (still) have left here on this planet!

Europe was Christianized, but Christianity is a Jewish religion, so it has no roots in Europe, or in the European man (or in Nepal or the Nepalese people!) The only things we can appreciate in Christianity are the elements that are actually not Christian; the Pagan elements included in Christianity during the Christianization of Europe. A small gust of wind, a little fresh air, will send Christianity flying out of Europe, and back to the “holy land”, from whence it came. A little rainfall and the Jewish fire consuming Europe will be extinguished in no time. A little thump with the foot and the Jewish faith will be crushed completely in Europe. It has nothing real linking it in any way to Europe, save the Pagan elements, and we don’t need Christianity to keep them.

And if you ever wondered why they are so aggressive towards me, that little annoying Norwegian musicians living in Corrèze, you now know; I open my mouth and breathe in the “wrong” direction, and they fear that their house of cards will come falling down because of this. The European religion is in our nature; it takes so little effort to re-kindle the Pagan flame! Europe can wake up in no time. They know it. They fear it. The (real and artificial) Jews see their power at risk of vanishing in thin air overnight. Europeans like me don’t care about “the holy land”, the “holy bible” or “the chosen people”. HailaR WôðanaR!

The Kumari; an important Hindu-Buddhist symbol that the Christians in Nepal are trying to Christianize, just like they Christianized our European deities and turned them into “Saints” when they Christianized Europe!

Matina Shakya is taken to her temple after being appointed as the new living Goddess or Kumari in Kathmandutumblr_lsswhpbspE1qlsr3bo1_400 (1)




Soviet Norway is, like the rest of Europe, in serious trouble, we all agree, but unlike in most other European countries there is a glimmer of hope there that the Natives Europeans will prevail there. The regime is one of the most oppressive, extreme and anti-European in the world, but the gap between the political agenda of the criminal regime and the will and opinions of the people is probably bigger in Norway than anywhere else.

I wish to thank Harald Eia for his courage and effort to make these highly politically incorrect documentaries. You have made a difference, for the better. Some years ago this excellent TV series was actually aired on national TV in Norway, and I think it made an impact.

One thing I wish to point at myself is how many of the “scientists” in this program operate. “Science” today is not to be trusted. It is often heavily tainted by anti-scientific political agendas and ill will.

In this post I embed his Hjernevask (“Brainwash”) programs, most of them with English subtitles.  I embed these videos because they all support my own claims, and strongly so.

About Nature or Nurture

About Homosexuality

About Gender Equality

About the Parental Effect

About Violence

About Race

About Sex (for now sans English subtitles)

The Longing


Italiano. MagyarРусский.

First some appropriate music.

As some of you might understand I miss Norway. Not today’s Norway. Not even the Norway I grew up in. I miss the Norway that used to be, long before I was born.

How can I miss something I never knew, you say? Well, what makes you think I didn’t know Ancient Norway? I was there, and the memory is stored in my blood and my spirit. My forebears for thousands of years were all Scandinavians.

Yes, I miss Ancient Denmark as well, and Ancient Sweden. I was there too. I have not only Norwegian, but also Danish and Swedish forebears. Scandinavia (*Skanþin-awjo; “Skanþe’s land by the sea”) is my homeland, my cradle, my hope, my love and my pride. My grave too, I hope.

Scandinavia and the Europe she is a part of is the only motivation I have for my vocal attacks on internationalism and the depraved internationalists. I hate nobody. I only love what is my own, and when necessary at the expense of what is not.

If I ever come across as aggressive and impolite, as ruthless and perhaps even cruel, you now know why. Bear with me; I fight for the roots of the tree that nourish me and keep me alive.

Thank you for the attention.

HailaR Skanþe! 


Waltzing WargaR I



As some of you already know I am going to court in Brive la Gaillarde on Thuesday, because I have an expulsion case against me here in France. I have now seen the evidence they are going to use, and have to say it is odd at best. They seem to have moved away from the initial case against me, and instead focus only on me being “a threat to the national security of France”. I guess because I as a Norwegian man married to a French woman for more than 4 years, and with 3 (and soon 4) French children, can not be expelled from France under any other cicumstances.

This process is not initiated by the French police due to any real concerns they may have had in relation to me. No, it is initiated by Mr. Valls himself! We now know this for sure, and all the “evidence” came directly from his office.

The reason why the interior ministry does this is, we can assume, because my wife and I are taking legal actions to get our rights back and to ensure that justice prevails. They obviously don’t want that. For some reason we also experience that the public office responsible for the documents in these cases are refusing to hand over to us or to our lawyer the documents I need in order to sue. This will not stop us, but it does delay us; they will eventually be forced to hand over the documents in question, and I guess then it becomes very practical for Mr. Valls’ department if I am expelled before we get these papers. Hence the expulsion case…

Yes; I am not a threat against “national security” in France. I am just a problem to Mr. Valls, because he made a grave mistake the 16th of Juli this year, when he misused his power and the exemplary French police, to terrorize my family and traumatize our children for his own personal gains and to distract the French population away from the many real problems they have here in France (because of politicians like Mr. Valls, I may add). I am also seen as a problem to other Free Masons, Zionists, Judeo-Christians and others who work actively to destroy Europe, because I speak up against their genocidal work. I am not a threat against the national security of France.

Not surprisingly some of the “evidence” they are going to use against me is brand new (because it has been fabricated for this process), so none of you will have heard about it before (even I had not…). When you hear these lies I hope that you remember that had they been true you would of course have heard about them before (there is not a single negative fact about me in this world that has not been spread for all it is worth by the media and my other enemies too), and I know that at least the Norwegian journalists and reporters (and anybody willing to check even just Wikipedia) will know when they hear some of the things they are going to say in court that they are not at all true, but it remains to be seen whether or not they are going to tell their readers and viewers about that – or indeed if they are going to tell them anything at all about this case. They might not want to. It is not good PR for their Free Mason, Zionist, Judeo-Christian or in other ways anti-European owners….

The good thing about this is of course that when they need to fabricate evidence to find an excuse to expell me we all understand that they can not have had any real reasons to do so.

In relation to the legal system in France I am not worried. However, the French judges are not the ones making a decision in this case. They are only going to give legal advice to the person who is going to decide whether or not I am to be expelled from France.

…and that person is apparently Mr. Valls himself.

Wish me good luck. I might need it…

HailaR Furasitan!

By Dawid Leśniak:

Open Court

Waltzing WargaR II



It should come to no surprise to anybody to hear that I am still not officially charged with anything at all here in France; not for “hate speach” and not for “apology of war crimes” or anything else either. I guess it was more important for the media to give the public the impression that I was or at least would be charged than for the legal system to actually charge me. The journalists and reporters are a part of a system that does its best to terrorize true Europeans into submission and silence, and they don’t actually have as much power as they want us to believe. So they must tell lies to the public, and make people think that speaking up against them is very dangerous, while in reality it is not.

I believe that they pretended that I would be charged because of what is going to happen the 10th of September this year, at 09:30, in an open court in Salle de la bibliotheqe, Tribunal de grande instance de Brive, Boulevard du Marechal Lyautey, 19312 Brive la Gaillarde, and they wanted to take away the attention from that case and make sure nobody would come to support me or to cover the case, and of course I believe they also did it to demonize me before the trial in Brive.

Why am I not charged yet?

Because I have not broken any laws.

You see, burzum.org is administrated by someone else, so I can in any case not be held responsible for anything on that website. And even if I had been an admin of that site I can tell that burzum.org is on a server in Russia, and is thus defined as a Russian website, and Russian websites are under Russian law.

The Thulean Perspective blog is on a server in the USA, and is thus defined as American media, and the American media is under American law, and in the USA they actually have the freedom of speech – and I have been wise enough to take advantage of that by publishing my posts on as server in the USA (…).

We could also read in the to my knowledge mainly Jewish-owned “French” press that they were going to use material found on my PC as evidence against me. This is of course absolute nonsense; what I have on my PC is completely irrelevant in this context, and can of course not be used against me in relation to whether I have spread ”hatred for other races” or not. My PC is my private property; the material on it is not public.

Any journalist with a three digit IQ will understand that, but instead of pointing at this fallacy they pretended to the public that this was actually going to be used against me. *Phew*

I am very much following French laws when here in France.Although I feel free to grant me more liberties in my own homeland Norway, I don’t have such rights here. I am just a guest here, so I go to great lengths to make sure that I never break any French laws – like all other guests here should do too, of course (and I hope the “youths” in the suburbs read that).

I have indeed received a single speeding ticket whilst in France, for driving in 95 kmph in Auvergne when the speed limit was 90, and I am very ashamed of this and of course have no excuse, but normally I even go to great length not to drive too fast when here (unlike most Frenchmen….). Like I said; I am just a guest, and even though the host of the house can be forgiven for his habit of e. g. putting his feet on the coffee table when he watch TV or something like that, for a guest to do so is just unheard of. As I see it guests have a special responsibility to behave according to the rules of the host.

My children are French, this is their motherland, but I am just a Scandinavian guest, and I behave like a guest too. So when spreading the truth about a number of things is banned by law in France then I do so in the USA instead, or via a Russian admin in Russia. I would never do so in France.

I am not speaking in particular to the French people either, I may add. I write in English and about half of all the visitors to my blog are Americans; the rest of the European world (mainly) make up the other half. Now, this actually changed a lot after the 16th of Juli this year, when the interest for my blog exploded all over the European world, but that is not a result of anything I did. We can all thank Mr. Valls for that. And I still speak English for an English-speaking audience on an American blog.

So… that might explain why I am not yet charged with anything, and also why I can not be convicted for anything either, if I should be charged after all.

If I should ever be expelled I will of course continue my work to spread the truth, and with greater force than ever. After all, in Norway I too can put my feet on the table and be a bit less careful with what I do or say. I am home there, after all, and not just a guest.

HailaR Furasitan!

PS. Furasitan is a proto-Nordic reconstruction of the Norse name Forseti, the Scandinavian deity of Justice.



Lettre ouverte d’une citoyenne française en colère

à M. le ministre de l’intérieur : Manuel Valls.

M. le ministre de l’intérieur,

Le 16 juillet 2013, vous avez, en qualité de directeur des services de police, fait arrêter à mon domicile, mon mari né Kristian VIKERNES, de nationalité norvégienne, et moi-même, née Marie Dominique France CACHET, citoyenne française, issue de parents français, de grands-parents français, d’arrière-grands-parents français, et cetera.

À 6h00 du matin, la police a tiré à trois reprises sur notre porte fenêtre, sans s’annoncer avant, et a ensuite fracassé la vitre avant de crier « Police ! ».

Nous avons été menottés, mon mari et moi-même, alors enceinte de quatre mois, devant nos trois jeunes enfants apeurés (6 ans, 4 ans, et 2 ans).

Notre domicile, nos voitures et notre propriété ont été fouillés et il a été perquisitionné des munitions et des armes à feu (une carabine de 7ème catégorie, deux carabines 22LR, une carabine 222 Remington, et un fusil de chasse) acquises et détenues légalement par moi-même, tireuse sportive et titulaire d’une licence de tir en cours de validité. Il a été également perquisitionné divers couteaux, du matériel informatique, et divers objets.

Après une perquisition minutieuse, il n’a été trouvé aucun élément illégal.

Nous avons été emmenés au commissariat de Brive et placés en garde à vue, alors que la maison était laissée grande ouverte et sans surveillance.

Nous avons appris que nous étions placés en garde à vue pour suspicion d’association de malfaiteur en vue de préparer des actes de terrorisme.

Vous même vous êtes, selon plusieurs médias, exprimé ainsi :

« Le devoir de l’État et de ses services est de protéger les Français contre toutes les intentions, et là incontestablement, ce personnage, ce couple représentait un danger. Maintenant, il faut évidemment attendre les résultats de l’enquête sous l’autorité du parquet de Paris. » ou ainsi : Kristian Vikernes « était susceptible de préparer un acte terroriste d’envergure ».

Les policiers de la DCRI nous ont expliqué que seul le fait supposé que mon mari, né Kristian VIKERNES ait été l’un des destinataires du manifeste de M. Breivik, auteur de la tuerie d’Utøya, expliquait l’arrestation.

Cette supposition s’est avérée totalement fausse dès la première audition.

La garde à vue n’a abouti sur aucune charge, pourtant on a retiré à mon mari et moi-même, citoyenne française au casier judiciaire vierge, le droit de détenir des armes de toute catégorie, y compris 6ème (couteaux…). Ceci pour le seul motif que j’ai été arrêtée pour suspicion d’association de malfaiteurs en vue de préparer des actes de terrorisme.

Il m’a été retiré un droit élémentaire, avec comme seul motif le fait que j’aie été arrêtée pour une suspicion.

Mon mari, né Kristian VIKERNES, se voit convoqué devant une commission d’expulsion, ce mardi 10 septembre 2013, au tribunal de grande instance de Brive à 9h30. Cette procédure a été engagée par vous-même. M. Vikernes constituerait une potentielle atteinte à la sûreté de l’Etat, alors qu’il n’a jamais été condamné en France, et n’a pas été condamné à la suite de cette arrestation.

Je dois, M. le ministre de l’intérieur, vous rappeler ces deux articles de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme :

Article 11

1. Toute personne accusée d’un acte délictueux est présumée innocente jusqu’à ce que sa culpabilité ait été légalement établie au cours d’un procès public où toutes les garanties nécessaires à sa défense lui auront été assurées.

Article 12

Nul ne sera l’objet d’immixtions arbitraires dans sa vie privée, sa famille, son domicile ou sa correspondance, ni d’atteintes à son honneur et à sa réputation. Toute personne a droit à la protection de la loi contre de telles immixtions ou de telles atteintes.

En tant que ministre de l’intérieur, vous devez garantir à tout citoyen français l’exercice de ses droits, devoirs et libertés.

Article 14

Tous les Citoyens ont le droit de constater, par eux-mêmes ou par leurs représentants, la nécessité de la contribution publique, de la consentir librement, d’en suivre l’emploi, et d’en déterminer la quotité, l’assiette, le recouvrement et la durée. 

Article 15

La Société a le droit de demander compte à tout Agent public de son administration.

Au regard de ces deux articles de Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen de 1789, en tant que citoyenne française, j’ai le droit de m’informer et de contrôler la bonne marche de la fonction publique, pour laquelle je paie chaque année des impôts.

Je dois donc vous poser les questions suivantes :

  • Pourquoi les policiers de la DCRI, envoyés chez nous à 6h00 le 16 juillet 2013, ont-ils tiré à trois reprises, et fracassé notre fenêtre avant de s’annoncer ?
  • Il nous a été dit que nous étions surveillés par les services de renseignements intérieurs, et pourtant le motif de l’arrestation était, selon les policiers de la DCRI, le fait que mon mari aurait été le destinataire du manifeste de M. Breivik sur une adresse de courriel qui ne lui appartenait pas. Pourquoi cette adresse n’a-t-elle pas été vérifiée avant l’arrestation ?
  • Concernant cette surveillance, il n’a justement été rien trouvé qui puisse laisser croire à la planification effective d’un acte terroriste. Pourquoi donc cette arrestation ?Pour que l’on puisse parler de suspicion, ne faut-il pas une preuve de suspicion ?
  • Quel danger représentait « ce couple » franco-norvégien vivant en France depuis trois ans, à la campagne avec ses trois jeunes enfants, des poules et des lapins, composé d’un homme de quarante ans certes condamné (mais il y a vingt ans), et d’une femme de vingt-cinq ans, enceinte de quatre mois ?
  • Quel danger représentaient des armes de type tir sportif/chasse acquises et détenues légalement par moi-même, mère de famille, et utilisées en stand de tir ?
  • Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas condamné l’attitude des médias dans cette affaire engagée par vous-même?

En tant que citoyenne française, j’ai le droit au choix et au respect de ma famille, et mes trois enfants, de nationalité française et futurs citoyens français, ont le droit au respect de leur père, citoyen européen protégé.

J’espère, Monsieur le ministre, que vous saurez amener une conclusion respectueuse concernant la procédure d’expulsion de mon mari, puisque c’est à vous que reviendra la décision finale, en accord ou non avec l’avis des magistrats de Brive-la-Gaillarde se réunissant le 10 septembre.

En espérant que vous comprenez que je ne reculerai pas dans mon combat – légal – pour la justice, je vous remets mon respect et mes salutations indignées.

Marie Dominique France CACHET

PreRevolutionary French Nationsal flag

The Tree above the Bed


When I made the Gjallarhorn sound last month a high number of fellow Europeans (living all over the world) answered and did what they could to help. I wish to express my gratitude to you all, for you moral support, for you assistance, for your economic support and for your good will. Thank you all very much! Hail to you, and hail to all European Gods and Goddesses! We are the natives of Europe and our struggle is just, lawful, honourable and good! We will prevail! HailaR WôðanaR!

images (10)

Rabid Racists


The most rabid racism and the worst intolerance can be find not in Pagan Europe, but in the Judeo-Christian pitch black darkness spreading out across the world from “the holy land” and “the chosen people”.

They say we are the racists, but this is what some Jews have to say about us and our work to preserve our Europe, about their own motivations and work,  and about their own will and right to destroy everything that is not theirs (all quotes taken from DestroyZionism);

The Jew … Judaizes … he provokes religious indifference, but he also imposes on those whose faith he destroys, his own concept of the world, of morality, and of human life … The Jews detests the spirit of the nation in the midst of which they live.

Bernard Lazare, in Antisemitism

We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.

Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles (1924)

Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.

Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jerusalem Post, october 10, 2010. Yosef is the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi in the Jewish state, and currently the spiritual leader of the Knesset party Shas. He is known to be an important authority on Jewish law.

Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the [Jewish] organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is OK. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is ‘Israel, my country right or wrong,’ identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians.

Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister, Democracy Now, August 14, 2002

If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.

If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Jewish Week, april 26, 1996

Any trial based on the assumption that Jews and goyim are equal is a total travesty of justice.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, June 6, 1989

Here in the Land of Israel, an Arab has no right to exist. [The Jewish terrorist Baruch] Goldstein’s deed [killing 29 Muslims] constitutes a fulfillment of a number of com-mandments of Jewish law…[including] taking revenge on non-Jews.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ha’aretz, Israel, Nov. 05, 2003

I am sorry not only about dead Arabs but also about dead flies.

Rabbi Moshe Levinger, cited in Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak

The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews–all of them in all different levels–is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.

Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kook, once Chief Rabbi in Palestine, cited in Shahak, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

Kill [even] the good among the Gentiles.

Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai, quoted in Mechilta Midrash

The white race is the cancer of human history.

Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt), Partisan Review, Winter 1967

Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.

The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.

We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed, not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.

Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Magazine, Sep-Oct 2002

Even if reason tells us, even shouts with all its force the very absurdity of this confrontation between the small and insignificant people of Israel [i.e, all Jewry worldwide, not just “the State of Israel”] and the rest of humanity… as absurd, as incoherent and as monstrous as it may seem, we are engaged in close combat between Israel and the Nations – and it can only be genocidal and total because it is about our and their identities.

Yitzhak Attia, Israel Magazine, april 2003

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.

The time has come, though. We no longer have to change our names. We no longer have to blend in like chameleons. We own a whole freaking country.

Manny Friedman, Times of Israel, july 1, 2012

Jews totally run Hollywood.

The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish. As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.

But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.

Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times, december 19, 2008

Accordingly, if we see an idolater (gentile) being swept away or drowning in the river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should not save him.

Maimonides, in Mishnah Torah

Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Their material abundance derives from supernal refuse. Indeed, they themselves derive from refuse, which is why they are more numerous than the Jews.

Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad-Lubavitch

The body of a Jewish person, is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul. A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

Mendel Schneerson, influential Chabad rabbi

A Jew is intrinsically good.  A Jew is a part of God above.  Even if at times he strays it is not because he has become evil.  It is only that there is evil within him that he has to cleanse. However, to separate with a million degrees of separation, a Gentile is an impure thing.  The entire essence of the Gentile is evil and impure.  Even if he occasionally does good deeds he does not thereby become good.  As the Holy Light of Life says regarding Gentiles, even such a one who is very careful in his actions does not obtain any degree of holiness thereby.

As is also well known, even educated Gentiles who guarded themselves because of their clear understanding of what is right, nonetheless failed when they were tested, because a Gentile has no power for goodness within him.

On the contrary, the evil thoughts of Gentiles contaminate the world’s atmosphere and create ordeals for Jewish children. As the Remnant for Pinchos says, the thoughts of Gentiles, even when they are dead, still linger in and contaminate the atmosphere.

He says that to be protected from this there is only one solution: to completely despise the thoughts of Gentiles and to realize that all their thoughts are only evil.  Consequently, Gentiles, whose thoughts bring upon us ordeals, may be hated.

The nature of the righteous ones is to hate Gentiles.

A Gentile is impure, as we have mentioned, and he defiles one who speaks to him and this brings evil upon a person.

No one wants to become connected to a Gentile, God forbid.

Certainly, beyond any doubt, a Gentile whose whole nature is essentially evil, looking at his appearance is defiling.

Gentiles are referred to as “wicked waters” while Jews are akin to fire.

Yalkut Shaiylos u’Teshuvos

Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping…. we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.

Samuel Untermyer, Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York, August 6, 1933

I believe, that the Jews have a mission in life. They must see to it that the nations of the world get together in one vast federation. ‘Union Now’ is the beginning of this. Slowly but surely the world will develop into a paradise. We will have perpetual peace. And the Jews will do the most to bring about this confederation, because they have the most to gain. But how can you get peace if Germany exists?

Theodor Kaufman, The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, September 26, 1941, p.5

The Jews know we’re better than everyone else. We’re the chosen people.

James Deen, porn actor, Forward, February 12, 2013

What is the object of the Jew’s worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly god? Money.

Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question

Like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves.

Stephen Steinlight, The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography, October 2001

There must be no assimilation. We are a peculiar people, and a peculiar people we must remain.

Basil M Henriques, South African “Zionist Record” January 29, 1939

Europe thinks as Jews; all her society is Jewish or is controlled by Jews…. There is no program, no idea or conviction a European has that is his own— they all come from the Jews.

Samuel Roth, New York 1927

Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we came here and stole their country. Why should they accept that?

David Ben-Gurion

The whole history of American Jewry is a tribute to the power of Jewish nepotism.

Adam Bellows

There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.

Wesley Clark, retired General who commanded Operation Allied Force in the Kosovo War

The strengthening of multicultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would be more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.

Miriam Faine, editor of Australian Jewish Democrat

The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We [Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible …

Earl Raab. Writer, previously Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council

The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendent quality.

Ben Wattenberg, writer and journalist

Some time in the distant future, brown people are probably going to — and I say this without judgment — breed their way to power in both Europe and America. Arab populations are growing in countries like France and Holland, and I think we all see where this Mexican thing is going in America. That’s right, because they fuck more, the darker skinned people are going to rule the world, and white people, for their own self-preservation, should get a start on being nice to them now! Nice!

Bill Maher, author, TV host, “comedian”

American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief—one firmly rooted in history—that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of U.S. Jews to endorse ‘gay rights’ and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called ‘social’ issues.

Charles Silberman, writer and journalist

… historically, Jews had always thrived in nations and empires with multicultural, pluralistic and tolerant environments, while they fared badly in strong ethnic or nationalistic societies. European Jews have always been the emblematic stranger or ‘other’. Therefore, by definition, a society where the stranger is welcome is good for the Jews, although they have not always appreciated this link. … The future of European Jewry is dependant on our ability to shape a multicultural, pluralistic and diverse society.

Göran Rosenberg, author and journalist

I think there’s a resurgence of antisemitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

Barbara Spectre, director the Jewish organization Paideia

None of these Jews have ever been charged with racism or “hate speach”. Only pro-European statements provoke such reactions from the authorities. 

HailaR WôðanaR!

Waltzing WargaR III


Francais. Magyar.

The court hearing is over now and I am happy to say that it went very well for me. All those there, more than a dozen supporters as well as French reporters and journalists, were given the opportunity to see first hand just how weak a case the accuser have against me.

They argued that I have no steady job, but we made it clear that I am a musician, I am building our own house and I am also – together with Marie – home-schooling our children.

They argued that my children are not in school, but we made it clear that they are home-schooled, and pointed at a social worker’s report stating that not only does my 6 year-old boy know how to read and write in French, he also knows Norwegian fluently and even speaks a bit English, he excels in mathematics and is far ahead of most other kids his age in school contexts. (Because he is not in school, I can add.)

Everything they tried to bring up as an argument in favour of an expulsion was discussed by my excellent lawyer, Maitre Julien Freyssinet, who did an amazing job, speaking for probably a full hour, ripping to pieces all the accuser’s arguments and explaining well how things really were. By the end of his speech I think we all understood that they have nothing they can use against me. They are only left with the will to expel me. But wanting to expel a person is not good enough if you have no reason whatsoever to do so.

In spite of all this though, I could read when I got home that AFP (Agency France-Presse) news agency had made an article, that they send out to all sorts of media institutions, presenting pretty much only the accuser’s arguments, and presented the case as if it was clear that I was obviously going to be expelled. They had close to completely ignored our defense, even though it was made perfectly clear that all their arguments were basically nothing but ill-willed and even fabricated nonsense. A reporter then called us telling us that the interior ministry seems to have used all their power to present the case in their favour. Apparently they is going to expel me no matter what, and they just wants to manipulate the public opinion in their favour before they do, probably to reduce the damage this will do to their reputation.

I can add that AFP also repeat the lie about me being summoned for a trial in Paris the 17th of October. I can repeat that I am still not officially charged with anything at all.

Thankfully there are many French journalists and reporters who are fed up with the scheming and abuse of power from the interior ministry, so they are going to do their best to counter their media offensive. They have told us that they will try to bring the truth about this case to the French population, and of course we will do our best to help them help us – and in doing so we will all help France. We will see how that will go in the coming days.

HailaR WôðanaR!

Photos of me working, a trench I made for the foundation of our garage/house, a fence I built, a gate I built and a stone compost I built. Behind my daughter you can see the building material for the planned garage/house. Perhaps to some I am obviously planning a huge terrorist attack?…

PS. All photos taken and also published here on Thulean Perspective before the 16th of July this year.

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Waltzing WargaR IV


It is very odd to be accused of being a “threat to national security” only weeks after I have been arrested under suspicion of planning an act of terrorism. The police went through all our things and found absolutely no evidence suggesting anything of that sort. They found nothing illegal, nothing controversial and nothing that in any way suggested that we had any criminal plans whatsoever.

In fact the police cleared my name for all such suspicions, and because of that let me go after only 60 hours, telling me that they should not have done it the way they did, jokingly telling me that “the next time we swill just knock on your door”, although they suggested in no way that there would actually be a next time. They in the end even drove me home, something they don’t ordinarily do. They at least, unlike those who gave them their orders, knew that they had made a grave mistake.

This naturally explains why the police is not asking for my expulsion. The reason why I had to go to a court hearing was the fact that certain politicians want to expell me.

So if I am not actually a threat to national security, as proven beyond any doubt by the police and the court hearing the 10th of September, then what am I a threat against? What is it I do that makes me a threat to these politicians? What is it they really fear?

I think they fear the truth about them and their work, their motives and their agenda, and I work to spread this truth. They fear my work to promote self-sufficiency and true freedom; they want peoople to be their slaves. They fear my nationalism and in particular so when it is combined with Paganism; they want to continue to have special rights as if they were some sort of “chosen people”, and Christianity will allow them to keep this special position even if Christianity is combined with nationalism. They fear that Europeans might start to become proud again and to embrace their own heritage if they see it as I present it here on my blog; they want us to bow our heads and accept or even celebrate our own destruction.

They fear Ôðalism; the only real alternative to their Hebrew darkness. HailaR WôðanaR!

In all fairness…


Not all Jews are bankers or money-lenders.
Not all Jews are criminals.

RUSSIA GAIDAR Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky is pictu Mikhail-Khodorkovsky-Jew-316x400133344241692122802a_b

Not all Jews are hate-mongers.


Not all Jews are war-mongers.


Not all Jews are frauds.


Not all Jews are journalists.


Not all Jews are Freemasons.


Not all Jews are politicians in our homelands.

large Jew-Communist-HobsbawmRethinking Government Assistance: David Cameron

Not all Jews are Communists.

bulletin-communiste-janvier22images (11)imagesJew-Communist-Béla-Biszku-Hungary-JewishProblem_com_

Not all Jews are Capitalists.


Not all Jews are feminists.

Enemy-Jew-Betty-Friedan-pulled-the-trigger-on-the-white-race-with-her-lying-propaganda-book-The-Feminine-MystiqueAndrea-Dworkin-JEW-feminist-dyke-kike Naomi-Wolf-a-third-wave-feminist-just-so-happens-to-be-an-Enemy-Jew Robin-Morgan-Jewish-Feminist-Woman-Hating-Pig

Not all Jews are slavers.

Not all Jews are orthodox.

silk coat the-jews 1292805378612

Not all Jews are Crypto-Jews.

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Not all Jews are like that.

Some Jews are ordinary policemen.


Some Jews are very wise.

Jews anti zionisim

Some Jews are entertainers.

Many and probably most Jews are ordinary working people. 

Who do you think will suffer when the Zionist criminals have gone too far and the rest of the world turn on them?

I think it is about time ordinary Jews wake up and start to fight Zionism too.

HailaR WôðanaR!

A Report from Court


This report was first published on Fdsouche. It is written by a person who was present in court, and whom I talked to afterwards. 

Before you read I can correct a few errors: I did not tell burzum.org to shut down. I told burzum.com to shut down. Further Marie has no nephews in Limousin, but cousins. Finally I can tell that Marie spent about 38 hours and I 60 in custody, and not 24 and 48 respectively.

Enjoy the truth about the trial, as recorded by a resourceful and alert Frenchman who was there himself….. 

“Compte-rendu d’une procédure d’expulsion de droit régalien, voulue par Manuel Valls, et suivie par un correspondant de Fortune en Corrèze.

Le 10 septembre 2013, Kristian Vikernes comparaissait devant une commission composée de trois magistrats du tribunal de grande instance de Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) dans le cadre d’une procédure administrative, afin de statuer sur la validité des éléments présentés par les services de la Préfecture du département pour justifier d’une expulsion du territoire français du musicien, auteur et survivaliste norvégien.

Tandis que son avocat accorde une interview à la presse, Varg Vikernes plaisante avec ses sympathisants venus le soutenir à Brive.

Comme aucune autre salle n’était disponible, les trois magistrats stagiaires (tout heureux de pouvoir participer à cette procédure certainement exceptionnelle dans l’ex-département de François Hollande), les agents préfectoraux, les journalistes et le public (une petite trentaine de personnes en tout) ont dû se serrer dans une salle de 25 mètres carrés située dans les sous-sols du Palais de Justice de Brive, la bibliothèque de celui-ci.

Une table autour de laquelle pouvaient s’asseoir 12 personnes trônait en son milieu, le reste des participants devant s’appuyer sur les rayonnages remplis de livres ou s’asseoir par terre devant eux. La température montait, et pas seulement à cause du dossier traité ce jour-là.

Après s’être enquis de l’identité de Kristian “Varg” Vikernes -qui s’appelle désormais Louis Cachet (1)-, de son avocat et de sa traductrice, la magistrate présidant la séance donna la parole au représentant de la Préfecture, un petit homme sûr de son fait et de ceux alignés sur les papiers étalés devant lui.

D’entrée de jeu, il demanda l’expulsion au nom de la sécurité de l’État du militant norvégien, en France depuis 2010. Il énuméra tout d’abord certains faits relatifs à son passé en Norvège (2).

Il continuait en révélant qu’à partir de cette date, il était sous surveillance des services de police français, notamment pour des écrits qu’il aurait postés sur 
Thulean Perspective (dont le serveur se trouve aux États-Unis) et surtout Burzum.org (dont le serveur est lui en Russie).

Il lisait alors en français des textes parus sur l’un de ces sites (sans citer lequel) et datés du 23 février, du 30 avril et du 2 juin 2013 dans lesquels Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet aurait notamment prôné la résistance face à l’invasion allogène de l’Europe, réclamé qu’on se débarrasse des juifs (de naissance ou ceux qui le seraient devenus de par leurs actions) et violemment attaqué l’islam et les musulmans. Il aurait ainsi écrit: “Je crois à la violence pour résoudre les problèmes“.

Il finissait son rapport en demandant l’expulsion de Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet pour “menace réelle, actuelle à la sécurité de l’État et à celle des personnes”

tout en reconnaissant que, marié depuis 3 ans à une Française dont il a trois, et bientôt quatre enfants, dont deux sont nés en Norvège et deux le sont ou le seront en France, et dont il peut assurer financièrement l’existence, il pourrait réclamer que cette demande soit rejetée pour ne pas mettre sa famille en danger.

La présidente de la commission poursuivait alors dans cette direction en lui demandant s’il était vrai que ses trois enfants déjà nés (dont le plus âgé n’a que 6 ans) n’étaient pas scolarisés. Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet déclarait que c’était vrai et que c’était lui et sa femme qui s’occupaient de leur faire l’école à la maison, comme c’est autorisé en France dans un cadre très strict. Elle continuait en lui demandant si la reconstitution de la cellule familiale serait possible en Norvège.

Elle lui donnait ensuite la parole, ce qu’il faisait avec l’aide d’une traductrice norvégienne

Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet commençait son plaidoyer en déclarant qu’il n’était pas motivé par le racisme, mais par la défense de la culture européenne. [ élément important de la défense, à mettre en avant]

Il précisait que ses blogs n’étaient rédigés qu’en anglais ou en norvégien et qu’il ne pouvait donc pas certifier qu’il avait vraiment écrit les textes traduits en français qui avaient été cités comme étant soi-disant de lui.

Il affirmait alors que le christianisme et l’islam étaient des religions orientales importée en Europe et qu’elles représentaient une agression contre la culture européenne pré-chrétienne.

Comme la présidente lui demandait la différence entre la religion païenne nordique et les religions du Livre (judaïsme, christianisme, islam), il précisait que la première célébrait ce qu’il y avait de bon en l’homme tandis que les autres partaient du principe que l’homme était un pécheur. Toutes les religions autochtones européennes étaient bonnes pour les autochtones, tandis que celles importées d’orient ou d’ailleurs ne l’étaient pas.

Il admettait vouloir faire l’école à la maison à ses enfants, ce qui est légal en France et ce à quoi le juge pour enfants n’avait rien trouvé à redire : alors que ces derniers avaient été placés en urgence en juillet après l’arrestation de leurs parents, ils leur avaient été redonnés une semaine après. Il affirmait enfin que son action se limitait à ses blogs, à sa musique et à ses écrits (il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages, entre autres sur la mythologie et la religion nordiques).

Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet révélait que son arrestation avait généré beaucoup de trafic en direction de son blog Thulean Perspective, notamment de Français qui, jusque là, ignoraient qu’il était lui-même en France ou même qui il était. Certains lui avaient rendu visite dans sa maison en Corrèze, lui apportant des dons et se promenant avec lui et ses enfants dans la nature environnante.

Après avoir précisé

qu’il n’était pas le responsable du site Burzum.org, auquel il avait intimé à plusieurs reprises, mais sans résultat, l’ordre de ne plus utiliser ses écrits et/ou son image,

il déclarait que, pour lui, son blog permettait d’apporter “de la lumière dans l’obscurité” et prenait la défense des valeurs européennes d’origine. Lui-même n’était pas agressif à la base, mais plutôt agressé par la tradition judéo-chrétienne. Il affirmait ensuite qu’il était devenu ce qu’il était de par sa nature européenne.

Sa femme ne supportant pas le système norvégien, ils étaient venus s’installer d’abord en Auvergne, puis dans le Limousin car c’étaient des régions où la nature était encore préservée et où ne régnait pas une criminalité galopante comme dans les grandes villes. Ils avaient choisi le Limousin car sa femme y avait des attaches familiales (oncles, tantes, neveux).

La protection contre la criminalité était importante pour lui et sa famille, et c’est pour cette raison qu’il se tenait à l’écart des “zones sensibles”.

Lors de la perquisition du domicile Cachet, les policiers avaient trouvé beaucoup d’armes médiévales (arbalète, glaive romain, épées, cotte de mailles, etc) lui appartenant ainsi que quatre armes à feu (un fusil de chasse, une carabine 222 et deux carabines 22 LR) appartenant à sa femme, inscrite à un club de tir de Brive et en train de préparer le permis de chasser.

Un second magistrat lui demandant alors ce qu’était le survivalisme, dont il se réclamait,

il précisait que c’était la préparation à toutes les situations de crise possibles, dont celles dues à des pénuries diverses (essence, nourriture, médicaments) et auxquelles la chasse apportait un élément de réponse.

N’ayant pas de permis de détention d’armes, le même magistrat lui signalait qu’il ne pourrait pas utiliser celles de sa femme, ce qu’il reconnaissait bien volontiers.

Il lui demandait alors ce qu’il ferait en cas d’agression. Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet répondait sans se démonter qu’un fusil non chargé était normalement suffisamment dissuasif et qu’en cas de légitime défense, l’utilisation des armes à portée était reconnue. Le magistrat insistait alors en lui demandant comment il agirait au cas où un inconnu menaçant s’introduirait dans sa maison. Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet, les bras croisés sur la poitrine, lui déclarait alors tranquillement : “Je me débrouille très bien avec une batte de base-ball…

Ce qui clôt le débat et l’intervention de ce magistrat.

Maître Julien Freyssinet, avocat de Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet, prit alors la parole. Il commença par préciser qu’on ne pouvait parler d’atteinte à la sécurité de l’État qu’en cas de menace réelle, manifeste.

Or, les arguments présentés par le Préfecture (et donc Manuel Valls) étaient spécieux et il s’étonnait qu’on n’ait pas agi plus tôt si son client était si dangereux et sous surveillance depuis déjà un an, voire plus.

Il martelait que les accusations de terrorisme s’étaient dégonflées d’elles-même dès les gardes-à-vue (24 heures pour Marie Cachet, 48 heures pour Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet), alors qu’elles peuvent aller jusqu’à 140 heures, soit 6 jours dans le cas d’un risque actuel d’actes de terrorisme – cf article 706-88-1 du code de procédure pénale.

Il révéla que, contrairement à ce qui avait dit dans la presse, son client n’avait toujours pas reçu de convocation à une audience à Paris le 17 octobre prochain et qu’il soupçonnait qu’il s’agissait là d’une tentative de déstabilisation de la commission par les services de Manuel Valls, dont le dossier était plus que maigre.

Il poursuivait en déclarant que les services de police avaient fait une erreur d’appréciation de la dangerosité de Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet,

les expertises psychiatriques effectuées lors de sa garde-à-vue et celle de Marie Cachet n’ayant pas été versées au dossier car elles venaient justement infirmer celle-ci. Que la juge pour enfants ait admis que les leurs ne courraient aucun danger et les leur aient rendu était un signe supplémentaire.

Au contraire, leurs enfants, qui sont suivis par les services sociaux, font preuve de beaucoup plus de maturité que ceux de leur âge. A 6 ans, Tivar, l’aîné parle et écrit couramment le français, parle norvégien et a déjà de solides bases en anglais, plus il sait déjà parfaitement compter, et ses cadets ne présentent aucune carence éducative. Comme l’écrivait son père sur son blog, “justement parce qu’il ne va pas à l’école” !

Se replaçant sur le terrain du droit, il affirmait que

Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet n’avait jamais prôné la haine raciale sur son blog (Thulean Perspective) et que les articles cités par la Préfecture/Manuel Valls ne l’avaient pas été dans leur intégralité, avaient été triés, tronqués et sortis de leur contexte.

De plus, on ne savait pas comment, par qui et quand les traductions avaient été effectuées. Beaucoup d’autres articles publiés sur le blog contredisaient ceux présentés par la Préfecture/Manuel Valls.

On avait laissé entendre qu’Anders Breivik lui aurait adressé l’un de ses manifestes avant de passer à l’acte. Faux :

Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet l’avait téléchargé comme des milliers d’autres gens après la fusillade d’Utoya pour prendre connaissance des motivations de Breivik.

Il s’était d’ailleurs rapidement opposé à lui, lui reprochant d’avoir tué plus de Norvégiens que les islamistes qu’il prétendait combattre et lui suggérant même de se suicider pour expier ses crimes.

Même si les articles incriminés avaient vraiment été de lui (ce qui est peu probable, vu qu’aucune procédure judiciaire n’a été lancée), ils ne mériteraient en rien une procédure d’expulsion.

De plus, il n’a jamais dit qu’il fallait prendre les armes pour exterminer telles ou telles personnes. Il se contentait de dire que si la culture française était menacée, le peuple devrait se défendre. Et que pour se défendre proprement, il devait tout d’abord se préparer.

Le survivalisme prêché par Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet n’était pas une idéologie violente, agressive, mais un appel notamment à une autonomie alimentaire et énergétique, voire même économique, puisqu’on avait retrouvé au domicile des Cachet des monnaies anciennes qu’ils gardaient dans l’éventualité d’un krach financier pour relancer des échanges au niveau local.

Encore une fois, pas de poursuites judiciaires, pas de danger pour la sécurité de l’État.

Il rappelait que Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet avait accordé sans problème un interview à une équipe de journalistes dont l’un était juif, que depuis 2010 et son arrivée en France, aucune procédure policière ou judiciaire n’avait été engagée contre lui et que

c’était justement l’action des services de police à son encontre qui avait “boosté” l’audience de son blog et amené beaucoup de Français à s’intéresser à lui.

Sa femme était autoentrepreneur, lui-même vivait des revenus tirés de sa musique et la vente de ses livres et en cas d’expulsion, leur cellule familiale risquerait d’être mise à mal, Marie Cachet devant rester en France plusieurs mois pour donner naissance à leur enfant et s’occuper de différents problèmes administratifs afférents à la demeure qu’ils louent et au terrain dont ils sont propriétaires et sur lequel ils comptaient bâtir.

Le 16 juillet 2013, les forces antiterroristes avaient pris leur maison d’assaut, tiré trois fois dans la porte et menottés puis embarqués leurs parents devant les enfants, ce qui avait déjà provoqué des effets néfastes sur leur santé physique et psychique. Enfin, en cas d’expulsion, les services compétents n’auraient plus la possibilité de contrôler les conditions de vie des enfants français.

Alors que la présidente lui demandait s’il avait quelque chose à ajouter, Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet précisait que c’était les politiciens et non les policiers qui avaient demandé son expulsion, tout comme son arrestation l’avait été en juillet.

Le représentant de la Préfecture, qu’on n’avait plus entendu depuis son discours d’introduction et qui se recroquevillait petit à petit sur son siège au fur et à mesure que la partie adverse détruisait ses arguments, essaya une dernière estocade en demandant à Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet quand il estimait que la crise nécessiterait que l’on passe de la défensive à l’offensive.

Il répondit que, de toute façon, les crises auraient lieu dans les villes, et pas à la campagne. Il ajouta qu’aujourd’hui dans les villes, l’insécurité était due à des adolescents alors que dans les campagnes, elle l’était aux forces de police qui venaient sur ordre enfoncer la porte du domicile d’une famille tranquille à 6 heures du matin. Pour lui, c’est le monde entier qui était en crise, pas seulement la France, et “survivalisme” rimait avec “autosuffisance”.

Alors que la présidente lui demandait s’il avait un exemple de ceci à leur faire partager, il déclara en souriant que c’est ce qui leur avait permis de rester cloîtrés une semaine dans leur maison alors qu’elle était encerclée par les journalistes !

La commission devant rendre son verdict dans les 30 jours suivant la convocation à se présenter devant elle, cela sera fait avant la fin de ce mois. Il est à noter que dans une procédure d’expulsion, c’est le ministre de l’intérieur qui prend au bout du compte la décision et choisit de suivre ou non les recommandations de la commission.

Si, malgré un dossier rappelant les procès de Moscou, un plaidoyer digne et mesuré de Varg Vikernes/Louis Cachet et une défense en béton de Maître Julien Freyssinet, le musicien, auteur, survivaliste et père de famille norvégien devait être expulsé de France,

on aurait alors la preuve que nous avons atteint la limite fixée par le survivalisme de la vieille école, à savoir que lorsque le gouvernement ne protège plus ses citoyens, mais est devenu une dictature au service d’une idéologie, l’alarme Code Rouge est déclenchée.


(1)Kristian “Varg” Vikernes s’appelle désormais Louis Cachet. Cette identité qui figure sur son passeport norvégien depuis qu’il a épousé en 2008 Marie Cachet, citoyenne française dont il a pris le nom et changé son prénom, comme l’autorise la loi norvégienne).

(2)Kristian “Varg” Vikernes est né le 11 février 1973 à Bergen où il fonda le groupe de Black Metal Burzum, on lui doit la création du Mouvement Odaliste et du Front Païen Pangermanique. Condamné à 21 ans de prison en 1994 pour le meurtre le 10 août 1993 de Øystein Aarseth, alias Euronymous, ex-chanteur du groupe de Black Metal Mayhem auquel il appartenait.

Parallèlement à cela, il était également accusé d’avoir incendié trois églises et d’avoir détenu 150 kg d’explosifs, des détonateurs et 3000 cartouches retrouvés chez lui. Remis en liberté surveillée en mai 2009 après 16 ans de prison, il s’installait en France en 2010 avec son épouse française.”

A Thulean Perspective



First some appropriate music


Imagine a life where people trust each other completely because they all are very similar and think the same way. Imagine a life where you don’t worry about death, because you trust those around you to raise your children the right way when you are no longer there. Imagine a life where you trust your peers so much and feel so connected to them that you look for excuses to make sacrifices for them, and they do the same for you. Imagine a life where you know that if you earn it you are to be reborn in the future, by your own children or their children, and imagine how much this would benefit your children and their children too. Imagine a life where walking uphill is seen as an opportunity for you to prove how strong you are, or to become stronger if you are not. Imagine a life where the gods and goddesses are not you masters, but your ideals and upholders of the good in man. Imagine a life where the beauty of nature is appreciated, celebrated and maintained as it is, rather than sought destroyed for short term profit. Imagine a life where you never start your life anew, but continue with all the honour and none of the dishonour you had in previous lives. Imagine a life where your achievements and loyalty is what earns you respect instead of the amount of time you spend begging for forgiveness for ‘sins’ you never committed or even knew. Imagine a life where nothing is urgent and where you have enough time to manufacture everything the best way possible, with the highest quality and beauty you can produce. Imagine a harmonious life in a homogeneous society…

You have just imagined a life in a European Europe. Let us work together to rebuild what once was, and make room for it in our different world today. HailaR WôðanaR!


About how to banish the Darkness suffocating our World


First some appropriate music

The Pagan king of Ancient Europe was first of all a god, and the queen a goddess. The king represented the Sky God; the crown-halo was the sun-rays coming from his head (the Sun), the scepter was the hammer (i. e. originally a stone) causing the lightning to strike from the sky and the sword was the lightning itself, transferring the solar energy from the Sun and Sky to Earth. He placed his sword on the shoulder of men to bless them; and thus elevated them to the Heaven. The queen represented the Earth Goddess; her cauldron and later grail was a source of youthful health and everyone who drank from it would benefit from it; be cured of diseases and poisoning and all bodily as well as mental ills. These deities were on certain days of the year pulled around in wagons or carried around on shields, because nothing divine was allowed to touch the ground outside the sacred groves, lest it lost it’s power.

The king was a grown man, strong and wise, and his main role was to protect the queen, who was a young maiden, only a child, so young and innocent that she had not even bled yet. When she did bleed she was replaced by another queen; selected from the most beautiful of maidens in the land, often by the king himself, who would give an apple to the one he found most beautiful of them all.

Their marriage was purely sacred, so they had no ordinary marital duties. The king was there to protect the innocence, health and beauty of the queen, who in turn represented nature itself. If she suffered so would nature.

So when you know this, perhaps you will see a different and deeper meaning in the Arthurian myths, in many fairy tales, in the use of symbols in monarchies, in the Greek myth about Paris, in the knights and their tournaments and gestures in relation to young maidens, and in so much else that we still have here in Europe, in spite of Christianity.

You will also understand, just by reading this one single post, so much about the myths from other parts of the world, about the Kumari, about the wheeled palacesses (originally throne-wagons) of the Hindu deities, about the processions of the South American Pagans, and so forth. You will understand that perhaps all American and Eurasian Paganism actually was originally the same, and that it all comes from Europe; from the Neanderthal man.

You might also understand just how much has been lost to us all because of Christianity and their arrogance and hatred in relation to everything that does not stem from their Hebrew Black Death. These genocidal slave-creatures still do their best to destroy all ‘gentile’ cultures, in Africa, in America, in Asia, in Australia and in Europe, and they will keep doing so until we no longer let them.

Many of you have gone to school, I am sure, but have you ever learnt in school anything like what you have from this one single post on Thulean Perspective? Do you now understand how I can say that a single Pagan light can banish all their Hebrew darkness in no time?

Let us re-kindle the Pagan fires all over the world. Banish the curse of Judea, whether it advances under a six pointed star, a cross or a crescent. Let a new world rise from the ruins of the old. HailaR WôðanaR! 


The Way of the Bees



The Northern Lights were in the past used to explain how the spirits of the dead traveled to the Sun to be purified, before they were sent back again. Just like impure ore can be purified by fire and turned into pure metals, the Sun could purify the spirits of the dead. The purer the ore is, the more pure metal will be left after this process, but all ore will be purified by this and leave only pure metal.

Ukrainian Pagans jumping through fire to purify themselves.


The European idea is that in life we can grow or whither, we can become stronger or weaker than we were, and we can remain pure or fail to do so. In the end though, the Sky God weighs us in his hands (the Sun and the Moon) on the sky and if we are found too heavy (dishonour is heavy to carry) we cease to be (i. e. no punishment, no torture, no Hell!). If we are found light enough we are purified and sent back to life free of all dishonour.


The more honour we gained in life, the closer to the divine we start the next time we are born. To reach the divine we need to be honourable to start with, and to continue to gain honour for generations, without falling into the many pits life leads us past.

Always do the honourable thing. HailaR TîwaR!

Related post here.


God Unveiled


The term “God” is Deus in Latin, from Old Latin Divus. This is actually just a name for the deity we know better as Iuppiter, and from Ancient Greece as Zevs, from Ancient Scandinavia as *Tîwaz and from Sanskrit as Dyaus. All these names derive from proto-Indo-European *Dyeus/*Diwus.

The evolution of the Scandinavian Tyr:

Norwegian: Tyr

Norse: Tyr (pl. Tivar)

Younger proto-Nordic: *TîwaR

Older proto-Nordic: *Tîwaz (=the name used in Scandinavia in Classical Antiquity)

Proto-Indo-European: *Dyeus/*Diwus

The word has come to mean “sky”, but the original meaning is “(heavenly) beams”; it refers to the many light sources on our firmament sending beams of light down to us; the Sun and the Moon as well as millions of stars. *Diwus is a Sky God. The Sky God.

As part of this Sky God you will find many other deities: Sun deities, Moon deities, Lightning deities, Thunder deities, Day deities, Night deities, Dawn deities, Sorcery deities, War deities, Spirit deities, and so forth. They all stem from the Sky God, and are a part of him.

Dear European Christians: this is our God. If you wish to pray to and follow a Sky God, please at least follow our own Sky God, and not some Hebrew demiurge from the desert. HailaR TîwaR!

The Sky God! 


PS. If you still believe our forebears believed that the Earth was flat please take a look at the globe representing the Earth on this wall painting from Pompeii (destroyed anno 79)! Flat Earths are not commonly depicted as globes… 

Goddess Unveiled



The European religion is not a monotheistic religion; the Sky God is all the Sky deities in one deity concept. Likewise, the Earth Goddess is all the Earth deities in one deity concept; she is all the deities of the earth, sea, the ice, the water, plants, trees, animals et cetera. They have both masculine and feminine qualities.

The Evolution of the Scandinavian Jôrð (English; Earth)

Norwegian: Jord

Norse: Jôrð

Proto-Nordic: Erþo 


In Christianity the European Earth Goddess has been adopted as a concept, but has been reduced to being the human mother of the deity. In the European religion she is no less important than the Sky God; they are equal in value, but different from each other, like men and women are. They are a pair, and as we know a pair is needed to produce children (=eternal life,). He is the blessing light, warmth and rain from the Sky, and she is the beauty and health of the Earth. Together they give everything that man needs: Sunlight (and warmth), rain and good health (=beauty), and not least; children

HailaR Erþo!

AMI_-_Isis-Persephone gaia1

Divine Child unveiled


The divine child is a well-known concept from pre-Christian Antiquity. In order to dupe Europeans into accepting Christianity the Early Christians adopted this concept too, because it is so essential to the European understanding of life.

In order for the child to become divine the divine father must first die; the child then travels into the realm of death and spends some time with the divine mother in the grave. He is thus initiated and is then reborn; he has become divine! He has become the divine father himself.

This initiation is described in detail elsewhere on this blog, so I will not repeat that here, and it the quintessence of European Paganism; the cultivation of honour and the honourable man. You are not a real man, you have not been elevated to the divine until you have been chosen by the honourable dead to be reborn as one of them.

Thus the European children of the past had no “real” names. They were often just called “Raven”, “Bear”, “Fox”, “Lynx” or after some other animal. They had to enter the realm of the dead (i. e. the burial mound or the burial cave) and solve the riddles posed to them by the Valkyrja (“choser of the fallen”). They would then be reborn with the name of the honourable dead chosen by them. With time the honour was not the only thing used to attract children by the dead; they were also buried with all their richess, in the hope of being chosen by one of the children. The children would take these items from the grave and bring them back out, to be their own possessions (but they gave them first to [a man impersonating] Heimdallr/Cronos/Saturn for safekeeping until Yule eve). It was not seen as a grave robbery: they were going to be reborn as the person in the grave, so they would only reclaim what was their own possession.

(Yes, there were very few “grave robberies” in Antiquity; most of the time they only used these burial mounds as intended. So there is nothing left there; those who were buried there were reborn… )

The reborn child was a divine child, now being a part of a hamingja, and they returned from the grave on the 25th day of what to us would be December, and those who had succeeeded with their initiation received their gifts (i. e. the valuables from the grave). Those who failed received only ashes from the grave (and Heimdallr would then return the items to the opening of the grave, from whence they had been collected1).

1And in case you wonder: archaeological finds supports this claim. They have found several graves with the valuables inside located just inside the entrance.

The god who gave them these gifts, Heimdallr, is known to live on the North Pole, the reindeer is his sacred animal, the pine his sacred tree, and his hearing is so good he can hear the wool grow on sheep, and his eyesight so good he can see the grass grow. He is the deity of the concept: “You harvest what you sow”. Today we know him best as “Santa Claus”, but he used to be called simply “The White God”.



With time, some time in the 5th century I think, and only after many years of internal conflict, with several popes objecting strongly against it, the Christians naturally started to use this part of the European religion as well, and claimed their fictional “saviour” was born on the 25th day of December. Heimdallr was replaced by a Greek saint, living in what is today Turkey. Saint Nicolas.

The divine child has honour, he has hamingja, so he has eternal life. Whenever he dies he will be reborn. When he is reborn he ceases to be a human being, and instead becomes a deity. His world is divine, because he is. So he resides in “Heaven”. This is the origin of the “salvation” and “eternal life in Heaven” offered by the fraudulent Jesus of the bible.

Christianity is a pitiful, meaningless and utterly worthless religion. The only reason why it has some appeal to many in Europe is that it seems to hold so many truths; it does because it has stolen and incorporated so much of the European religion into itself. But it does not hold any truths; the good symbolism, the good concepts are all there, but it is all empty and without any meaning. They ate it all, but failed completely to digest what they ate. Christianity, dear ladies and gentlemen, is nothing but a scam. 

To those poor individuals who have been duped by the Jewish gibberish they call Christianity, I can tell that everything you look for, everything you hold dear, everything you long for and embrace is present in the European religion. It it a religion made by our forebears, for themselves, but also for us.

Many of us are them – we have been reborn with a hamingja – but the rest of our forebears are still waiting to be reborn. You see, most men today have no deeper understanding of anything at all. They were never inititated, by chance or on purpose, so they have no direction, nu purpose and no meaning of life. They are just wandering aimlessly around, not even knowing what they are looking for; they easily fall prey to the lies of our enemies.

Look to your roots and you will find it all. The truth is in your blood. That is of course if it still is European

HailaR BalðuR!

Related post here.


Celts & Britons


As some old-school Burzum fans might remember I several times in my career talked about how there was no such thing as a “Celtic” people. The spread of the so-called “Celtic” culture was not about a European tribe expanding at the expense of others: the spread of Celtic culture was the spread of a certain fashion, like the use of this or that type of swords and armour. I used to use Microsoft as an example to show how ridicules the official history in this context is, and said that just like the spread of Microsoft products across the globe is not the evidence of Americans expanding their territory and taking over the entire world, the spread of “Celtic” art in Ancient Europe is not the evidence of a “Celtic” people expanding their territory and taking over most of Europe.

images (3)

The same, by the way, is of course true in relation to the other “historical invasions” of Europe, like the one by the “Indo-Europeans” and the “Battle Axe people”. 

It was therefore a pleasure for me to see this documentary:

Apparently official history is being re-written in this context, or perhaps they just interviewed a rare example of brilliance in the ranks of historians in this film.

Note also how the internationalists of the Roman Empire caused the almost total destruction of the Native British culture. Internationalism has always been destructive, and it still is. HailaR WôðanaR!



Celts & Britons II


ItalianoMagyar. RussianСрпски.

Second part of the excellent documentary about Britain BC. The first part is briefly discussed here.

The documentary’s focus is very much on how special the British culture was, but I must stress that it is actually close to identical to all other native European cultures. It has a special hue, like all the Euroepan cultures do, but it is the same colour, so to speak. Even the Roman culture used to be like this, before it was corrupted by race mixing and other Afro-Asian influence.

My book Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia deals with the same subject, and although it is focusing mainly on the Scandinavian part of Europe those who read it will recognize all the important elements mentioned in this documentary.

NB! The Gaulish-British name druid (“oak tree”, originally just “tree”) discussed in this documentary is a title and a name for the pre-historic god-kings (=high priests) of Europe. They were found all over Europe, not just in Britain or Gaul, although of course they were called by different names elsewhere. The corresponding Scandinavian name is drôttinn (“ruler”).

Coin with image of European ruler with Neanderthal facial features. From Classical Antiquity. 


Gaulish-British religious titles; Druid (high priest), Wateis (priest) and Bard (travelling priest).

(Male) Scandinavian religious titles; Drôttinn (high priest), Gôði (priest) and Skâld (travelling priest).

(Female) Scandinavian religious titles; Drôttning (high priestess), Gyðja (priestess) and Skâldmær (travelling priestess).

High priest = god-king (impersonating Tyr/the Sky God)

Priest = god (impersonating a god)

Travelling priest = former priest who now travels the land as a teacher in mythology (=history).

High priestess = god-queen (impersonating Erþo/the Earth Goddess)

Priestess = goddess (impersonating a goddess)

Travelling priestess = former priestess who now travels the land as a teacher in mythology (=history).


The troubadours of the Middle Ages were really sköld (=pl. form of skâld), who continued to keep the European lore alive.

Neanderthal Europe is our roots and trunk, the Ancient tribes of Europe the branches and the modern peoples the leaves. HailaR WôðanaR! 


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