Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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Waltzing WargaR V (The Result of the Expulsion Case)


Francais. Serbian.

First of all I wish to thank everybody who supported me in this case, both those who donated so that I could afford the process and those who were there themselves, physically or in spirit.

As some of you know the interior ministry in France wanted to expel me from France, obviously to cover up the crimes they had already committed against my family; throwing us out would make it very difficult for us to enable the justice system in France to uncover these crimes. Although I don’t think the political system in France seems to work very well, just like in most other European countries I may add (nothing special about France in that context), the justice system in France seems to work just fine. At least for now (…), and I guess in spite of the decay that seems to come from the political leadership. (“Fish rots from the head”.)

It should come to no surprise to you that the commission in Brive la Gaillarde judged in my favour. All those present that day probably already knew that this would be the result. I can also add that they came to this conclusion, without any delay, the same day we were there; the 10th of September. Unlike what the press said there was nothing suggesting that I should be expelled, so why linger?

About my criminal past they say: “it is a continuing fact that Mr. Kristian VIKERNES has never been convicted for anything at all in France”. I have been here since February 2010, so if I was a criminal I am sure France would know by now. (Original text: “il est constant que Monsieur Kristian VIKERNES n’a fait l’objet d’aucune condamnation pénale en France”.)

About my work to promote pre-Christian European ideals, and interior ministery’s attempt to label this as “neo-Nazism”, “racism” and “anti-Semitism” they say that: “Considering that even though he acknowledge that he express himself on a blog with a purpose of promoting European pre-Christian culture he denies the racist and neo-Nazi nature of these expressions, in the sense that he says that the expressions [used by the interior ministery as evidence] are unreliable translations not done by him and that they are taken out of context”. (Original text: “Considérant que s’il l’intéressé reconnaît tenir des propos sur un blog visant à promouvoir la culture européenne pré-chrétienne, il conteste le caractère racial et néo-nazi des propos estimant que la traduction proposée n’est pas fiable et qu’il ne s’agit que d’extraits, non inscrits dans leur contexte.”

About my “survivalism” they say that: “this way of life is not a threat and does not come into conflict with the social order”. (Original text: “ce mode de vie n’est pas en soi constitutif d’une infraction, ni d’une attitude menaçante pour l’ordre social”.)

Their conclusion is: “All the above taken into account the suggested expulsion decision is in no way necessary for the security of the state or for public safety, and that no elements in this case are characteristic for a factual, actual and sufficiently serious threat to one of the fundamental interests of society.” (Original text: “Considérant qu’il résulte de l’ensemble de ce qui précède que la mesure d’expulsion projetée ne répond à aucune nécessité impérieuse pour la sûcreté de ‘Etat ou la sécuritè publique et qu’aucun élément du dossier ne caractérise un comportement personnel représentant une menace réelle, actuelle et suffisamment grave pour un intérêt fondamental de la société.”)

Based on the above mentioned the commission advices against an expulsion of Mr. Kristian VIKERNES.” (Original text: “Considérant que par suite, la commission émet un avis défavorable à l’expulsion de Monsieur Kristian VIKERNES.”)

This might still not stop Mr. Valls from expelling me, but it will pretty much ensure that if I appeal to the justice system (and of course I will) they will annul his decision and allow me to return. There is no reason whatsoever to expel me, and now the justice system in France has said the same. HailaR Furasitan! HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. Because my so-called criminal past comes to the surface again and again, I will add that the political system in Norway is rotten to the core, just like the political system in all other European nations, but unlike in France the justice system too in Norway is rotten to the core. Eastern Europeans who come to Norway and come into conflict with the law there all say the same. These Eastern Europeans are indeed professional criminals, and they tour Europe to rob us, but they told me that the justice system in Germany worked; the system actually needs proof to convict you there. They also told me that the justice system in France worked; the system actually needs proof to convict you there. The justice system in Norway on the other hand is just like the justice system of the Soviet Union; they convict you not because they have any proof, but because they think you are guilty. They want to convict you, so they do.

My own experience with the so-called “justice” system in Norway is very negative. In my case they made witnesses give false testimony against me and convicted me solely on that ground. There was no other evidence whatsoever! One single person claimed I had accompanied him in each and every arson case; and of course each and every one of these guys were friends of the person I had killed, and they were also promised (by KRIPOS, the “criminal police”) a more lenient punishment for themselves if they gave false testimony against me. In 1998 Bård G. Eithun even confirmed this in court, under oath. The other witnesses either refused to say anything at all or they simply failed to show up (and I assume this was the case because they had had the time to think over their pitiful acts by then). So there was no physical evidence and nobody gave testimony against me, and still I was convicted – again – and for the same crimes, to pay some 40 million NOK in compensation for the arsons, in addition to the 21 year prison term I had been given in 1994, when I was convicted the first time.

The “murder” case was no different of course, and my attempt to save my life became a “planned murder” executed in a “brutal fashion”. The fact that the guy I killed had plans to torture me to death was completely ignored (by the media too…). According to them I had no comprehensible motive for killing him, they claimed, and the media even made up stories about a “power struggle” in the Black Metal underground (that I by then was not even a part of…). Even if I had planned to kill him in Oslo that day, the fact that he planned to torture me to death should have been at least brought up as a possible motive, and certainly was a redeeming factor, but no; I had “no good reason whatsoever” to “brutally murder” that “poor” (self-proclaimed devil-worshiping) Øystein Aarseth.

A 21 year sentence in Norway meant that you had to serve 12 years in prison, and then you would automatically be released, with a 9 year prison term hanging over you in case you did something similar again. So in practise I was given a 12 year prison term to serve. Now, in 2001 they made a new law stating that if you were given a 21 year prison term to serve you would instead serve 14 years in prison, and amazingly they made this new law retroactive. This of course is in violation of not only the Norwegian constitution, but also international law. Now, they didn’t actually make it retroactive as a general rule; they only made it retroactive in relation to me. E. g. an Iraqi, who raped and murdered a Norwegian teenager in Oslo in 1992, who also served a 21 year prison term, was released after 12 years, in 2004, as he according to “Norwegian” law and justice should, but “of course” I was not. I – unlike all other criminals receiving such a term in Norway before 2001 – had to serve 14 years instead. So I was given another 2 years in prison only because they made a new law and then made it retroactive. When I had served these 14 years and asked to be released they – I am not kidding you – suddenly found out that I had not been prepared for a release…. I was not ready for freedom, they argued. The reason for this was that I had now (because of their crimes) spent so much time in prison… (wtf?!) So I spent another 2 years in prison being “prepared” for freedom (which in practise means absolutely nothing; you just continue to serve like you used to do). So, my 12 years turned into 16 years for no good reason whatsoever.

Naturally, in the meanwhile the Jew-press in Norway continued to spread lies, they continued their slander and their campaign to demonize me, but in the end even some of them started to question what the criminals ruling Norway did, and it was probably because some newspapers in Norway started to tell tiny bits of truth in this context that the department of justice (i. e. politicians in Oslo), after heated debates and only with a minimal support in my favour decided to release me in 2009. They did because they pretty much had to.

So why did all of this happen to me? Because I – when I was 19 years old (!) – spoke up against Freemasonry, Christiainty, Communism, Feminism, multiculturalism and other Jewish influence in Norway, and – perhaps more importantly – because I promoted real European culture; the pre-Christian European religion. You can today always argue that I was not the most knowledgeable or well-spoken individuals around, and that I was first of all very good at provoking them, but nevertheless; that was my real “crime”! I wanted a return to pre-Christian belief systems, and yes; to themthe real and artificial Jews – this is a huge threat, and in fact the biggest threat of all, because Ôðinn is in our blood, so to speak, and when showed to Europeans he can return before they can say the word “cake”, and if he does all their work falls into ruin, and Europe will prevail.


Ôðinn – the spirit of Europe – is like embers under the ashes, dreaming of becoming a flaming fire again, lighting up and warming the world; all you need to revive him is to add some dry twigs and some firewood. 

The World of Þulê


Reblogged from Mythic Fantasy Roleplaying Game:

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Rather than build a world from ground and up I have used and build upon an existing area in Northern Norway (Lofoten, Vesterålen og Lofoten) as the geographical location of Þulê (“the land of the sages”). Naturally I have exaggerated some of the features, added new features (like proper forests) and also changed the scale, but other than that the land of Þulê is pretty much identical to this real world area in Northern Norway.

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As some of you know I am a musician by profession, but a role-player by passion. Here is a brief description of the MYFAROG world of Þulê.

Virgin Goddess


In the European initiation ritual the candidate travels into the world of the dead, the burial mound, and meets there a woman, dressed like a bear (a true valkyrja); when he leaves the burial mound he is reborn, with a hamingja.

The woman playing the role of the she-bear was a former May Queen, meaning that she was in fact a virgin. So the new-born (re-born) candidate was actually (symbolically) given birth to by a virgin. The European initiates were all thus born by virgins…

The idea that Jesus was born by a virgin is of course not an original claim in Christianity. This Jewish sect adopted the idea later on in order to make Europeans believe that their leader, the criminal Jew Jesus, had been initiated and was a real human being.

The father of Jesus is said to have been God (i. e. the Sky God), who impregnatet the virgin mother in form of a “holy ghost”, but this too is naturally a misinterpretation of the Pagan rite, where the candidate is not fathered by the spirits of the dead, but becomes one of the spirits of the dead, and becomes a part of his hamingja.

The most common idea in Europe at the time (in Classical Antiquity) was that the candidate was reborn not just as an honourable dead, but as a dead (and of course still an honourable) forebear – and not uncommonly as his own father. He in such cases would be his own father, reborn.

Europeans were in this context divided into two groups: those who had been initiated and those who had not. The latter group were defined as mere children, and of course most of them were too. The European children had to from very early on go through the same rites every year – the Halloween festival and the Yule festival and ultimately the rebirth on Ragnarôk (our New Year’s Eve) – and they would not become real men until they succeeded; until they had the guts to face the horrors of the burial mound, until they had the brains to solved the riddles, and so forth. Some made it when they were very young, but others had to wait for the teenage years, and if a person never succeeded he would not be accepted as a real human being, as a real member of society, and he would either eventually die from lack of support or at least not be allowed to procreate.

The “Saviour” the Jews (i. e. the Early Christians) presented to the Europeans was a Middle Eastern character, a Jew, so he had of course not gone through any of these European rituals. He was not accepted by the Europeans, until of course the Jews changed the story and presented it as if he had indeed been a real man. He had, they claimed, gone through the same European initiation ritual.

Of course, the bible gets it all wrong; it bears clear evidence of having been written by individuals who knew the European rites only from the outside, so it doesn’t make any sense. The virgin mother is not described as a priestess teaching secret verses to the candidates in a sacred chamber under the surface of the Earth, but she is instead described as his real mother. This of course is ludicrous! But what else to expect? What did they know about this, after all? They were Jews! The “holy ghost” too makes no sense; they didn’t understand the idea of elves living in the burial ground, or that these were actually the spirits if the honourable dead, so they turned into a “holy ghost” impregnating the real mother. The honourable dead had been real gods when alive, some of them probably the Sky God, and this too became mixed into this bizarre Jewish scam, and thus “the holy ghost” was sent by the Sky God to impregnate the mother…

If we turn this around, like some deluded Europeans do, in a desparate attempt to make Christianity look European, we can say that Jesus indeed was a European man, who had gone through the initiation ritual, and he was then misused by these sinister “Early Christians” to create a new type of cult in Europe, but… if this is the case, then each and every one of us should realise that the Jesus character was nothing special. He was just another European man, a real man like almost all others in Europe, a man who had – like pretty much all other adult Europeans, gone through the Pagan initiation rites with success.

No matter how you twist this thing; Jesus was and still is completely irrelevant. He was either a Jewish criminal being presented to Europeans as a European initiate, something that was done to make Europeans listen to his words in the first place (they would probably ignore him and his nonsense completely unless he was presented that way), or he was just another European, that had gone through the exact same rites that pretty much all other Europeans had gone through too.

What Christians in Europe should realise is that the positive image of Jesus and Christianity are created to enslave us, to destroy our culture, to destroy our race, a process that was started because the “the chosen people” (a mongrel race made up of a suspiciously high number of known mass-murderers, serial-murderers, assassins, slavers, rapists, lunatics, child molesters, paedophiles, professional liars and prostitutes [alias actors], money-lenders and other absolute scum) want world domination and understand that we – Europe – are in their way.

You don’t need to look to “The Protocols” for evidence of their plans to destroy all others either. This is from the bible:

Deuteronomy 7:5
But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.
Deuteronomy 12:3
And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.
Deuteronomy 11:23
Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves.

We are in their way, but we are stronger than them, so they can not destroy us using brute force. They have to use guile and devise deseptive tools, such as Christianity, Communism, Feminism, Liberalism and so forth, to achieve their sinister goals. By embracing any of these tools, or any aspects of them, like the meaningless Jesus character, you also aid them in their destruction of Europe. Europe is Pagan. Europe has always been Pagan. Europe will always be Pagan, because Paganism is Europe, and Europe is Paganism. If they manage to destroy one they will also destroy the other. Christians (i. e. artificial Jews) too should realise that, and get their priorities straight. Are you a Jew or a European? You can not be both.

We are in their way. Let’s hold our ground; they will run and hide by the mere sight of our shield walls. HailaR WôðanaR!

Other related posts here and here and here and here


Vercingetorix’ Ghost


Magyar. Serbian.

As we already know most of the readers of this blog are Europeans living in the New World, in the land with the Latinized Scandinavian name America, from Heimrik (“Powerful Home”). Your forebears left geographical Europe, for different reasons, and left you living in a land with not much history.

Europe on the other hand has much history, but as we can expect; much of what we think we know about history is not even close to being true. Alas! Some even claim that everything we think we know about history is false.

What we think we know about history though tells us that France used to be a very important country in Europe ever since Antiquity, and remained a very important country ever since.


If you look at an old map of what is today France you will see the same names that they still use in France today: Paris is named after a tribe called (by the Romans, I guess) Parisii, who participated in the Vercingetorix-lead uprising against the international Romans in 52 BC. The region where I used to live before, Auvergne, is named after Vercingetorix’ own tribe, the Arverni. The region where I live today, Limousin, is – just like the region’s capital, Limoges – named after a tribe known as Lemovici. About 10.000 Lemovician warriors are said to have fought against the Romans in the Battle of Alesia. Gaul fell that day, in 52 BC, and became a Roman province, but the population remained largely the same.

In the West of Gaul large numbers of Welshmen fled to Brittany during the so-called Anglo-Saxon invasions of the British Isles in the 5th century, but racially and culturally they were probably close to identical to the Gaulls already living there, so it didn’t change much. Many claim they even spoke the same language as well. The population remained Gallic.

The Scandinavian Franks conquerred most of Gaul in the 6th century, and established the kingdom that we today know as France, and – again – the population remained largely the same. Only the nobility in France was really Scandinavian. The rest of the population remained mainly Gallic.

In the so-called Viking Age large numbers of Danes and also some Norwegians were invited by the French king to settle in (what is because of that today known as) Normandie, to protect France from the attacks of other Danes and Norwegians. They were, like Scandinavians usually are, easily assimilated, by the Gallic native population, and became Frenchmen in about one generation. It made the Normands a bit fairer than the other Frenchmen, but it didn’t really change much.

France (i. e. the French population) today is made up of a few Scandinavian nobles, a few descendants of the Romans, but first of all Gauls.

So who were the Gauls?

The Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus said this about the Gauls:

Nearly all the Gauls are of a lofty stature, fair and ruddy complexion: terrible from the sternness of their eyes, very quarrelsome, and of great pride and insolence. A whole troup of foreigners would not be able to withstand a single Gaul if he called his wife to his assistance who is usually very strong and with blue eyes...”


Like other European peoples the Gauls produced magnificent art, had advanced medicine – including surgery and herbal medicine – and enjoyed a healthy life in harmony with (also their own) nature. They were of course so-called Pagans, i. e. Europeans in mind, body and spirit!

Examples of Gallic Art

470px-Parade_helmet 742px-Gold_torque_1 800px-Ceinture_en_or_MAN

The mail shirt is a Gallic invention that remained in wide use until the late Middle Ages; in other words for thousands of years!

Mail shirt

This is the Gaul I moved to in 2010. Behind all the more modern and alien influence poisoning Gaul today, the real Gaul is still alive. The values, the ideas and most importantly; the people itself are all alive! The revolution of 1789 changes the surface, but underneath Gaul is still and will still remain Gaul.

Any growth without strong roots can easily be uprooted and cast aside. Just like that. Even if it is poisonous. Even if it is parasitical. Just uproot the growth and throw it in the bin, where it belongs. Problem solved.


HailaR WôðanaR!

The Cure for Deliberate Car Obsolescence


Magyar. Serbian.

With a hint of exaggeration we can say that cars today are made to completely disintegrate the moment the warranty expires. The car producers don’t even want to make good cars; they just want to make money, so they make absolute crap that looks very nice and is very comfortable, and is very “environmentally friendly”, and then when a few years have gone by they want you to buy a new one (and the “environmentally friendly” car that they spent a lot of polluting energy to produce becomes polluting garbage). There is more money for them to do it this way than it is for them to make good cars.

Another problem with modern cars is the one you as a consumer have when it breaks down (and it will, at least when the warranty expires). It is close to impossible to fix anything in a modern car. You can barely change tyres yourself, and you can certainly not change a broken light bulb; you need a professional car mechanic for such a task – and the money to pay for this complex operation.

To sum it up: modern cars are designed to break down after a short while and you can not fix them yourself when they do. They are mere consumer goods.

The Soviet Union was a Communist regime, with very little talent for making money or for having the type of Capitalist ideas that car producers have today. The Soviet Union was also famous for caring more about the military than for anything else, so whilst people in general apparently had very little, the military cruised around in high quality vehicles (well, at least in vehicles made from high quality materials). Further, they made these cars for soldiers, in other words; they made these cars pretty idiot-proof! Even the average conscript was supposed to be able to fix things that broke.

Knowing this I figured I would solve my problem with cars by buying a military car made in the Soviet Union. Not a military car designed in the Soviet Union and made in (Capitalist…) Russia, but a care made in the Soviet Union. So I went ahead and purchased a Soviet-made UAZ 469b military 4×4, as a family car: it has 7 seats, it is idiot-proof and it is made of steel of such high quality that it is completely rust free, even 25 years after it was made! Even parts where the paint have fallen off have no rust whatsoever! Compared to my (Capitalist) Russian-made Lada Niva this is a dream! My Niva even rusts standing dry in my garage (and I am beginning to give up keeping the rust away with acid, sand paper, anti-rust paint etc.)!

Now, the UAZ 469b is not a typical dream car. Some don’t like it… Pretty much everything in the car is (high quality!) steel, and there is no insulation whatsoever, so it is the most noisy car I have ever driven before (and I commonly drive a Lada Niva…). The comfort is… absent. There are no seat belts for the back seats, but I plan on installing some of those. The door handles don’t work very well (who am I kidding? Only one of them actually works as it should…), and if I turn on the wind-shield wipers it sounds as if I am sitting inside the engine compartment of a jet… it is a little bit thirsty as well, and the gear box sounds as if someone has thrown a handful of rocks inside it if I go faster than 50 kph, and maximum cruising speed is around 70 kph… I might stay away from the motorways in this one.


Even I — a writer/musician — can fix just about everything myself, and the parts are so cheap you laugh every time you pay for them (and you don’t often need to do that either). My 25 year-old Soviet car is still in perfect condition. It has no warranty. Close to no electronics. It is made for the Soviet military and insane offroad driving, and I use it as a family car on the road. It will last forever.

How the average Russian drives his UAZ:

My own UAZ (with freshly repaired wind shield):


Buy only old and used cars when you buy a new car for yourself. The older the better. The more primitive they are the better; the less fancy features they have the better (remember: “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong”). Always repair old cars if you can rather than buy a new one. It is that simple. If you do this you will suffer so much less from car trouble than if you buy a new car. Let the car manufacturers sell no more of their modern garbage! Force them to either start making good cars again or force them to go bankrupt! HailaR WôðanaR!

The Chosen Ones


ItalianoMagyar. Serbian.

There were many mystery cults in the Ancient World; the candidates went through different initiation rituals and were lifted up to the divine by this. They became enlightened.


All these cults grew out from a much older cult; the bear cult. As explained in this post the need for a religious system grew dramatically when the European Neanderthals (i. e. the original Europeans) started to mix with (the African) homo sapiens, from about 100.000 years ago and onwards, even though the mixing at the time occurred very seldomly and to a very little degree. The adverse effects of this mixing were still many, significant and dramatic. What had been a steady uphill walk for the European man became a dangerous climb up the side of a steep cliff.

So the Neanderthal bear cult changed into a complex religion; the original meaning of what had been a rite of passage in the bear cult became a more and more mysterious ritual with a more and more and elusive meaning. In the end the meaning was lost completely, and we saw the rise of absolute meaningless rubbish such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The bear cult was meaningful, but actually not very complex. My wife will explain more about this on atala.fr (when she finds time to…), but I can tell that she has found out that it all revolves around the fact that the she-bear enters her winter lair after she has been impregnated by the male bear, and she then – amazingly! – at a later stage chooses which fertilized eggs she will use! She then gives birth to the chosen cubs in December; around the Winter Solstice, and then leaves her lair in the Spring.

If you know this all other religions become clear; this is what they all come from! This is what they all revolve around; a man enters the realm of death, he is there chosen by a deity, he is born anew on the Yule eve and he returns from the realm of death in the Spring! Horus. Baldr. Mithra. You name it; if it is a proper religion it derives from this Neanderthal bear cult!


Today we can feel the need for inner harmony, because we once had it and we still remember it, but we are unable to achieve it, because the mixing of species left us crippled in so many ways. The pre-Christian European religion described in so many posts on this blog is the tool that can fix us. The European Religion can mend what was broken. With time.


Mankind today is in dire distress, and is running willingly into the abyss, into self-destruction and oblivion. Perhaps this is a good thing; the broken man removes himself from the face of the Earth – and left are only those of us who stand a chance of ever becoming better; those few who don’t run willingly into the abyss. Those few who struggle to become better.


When a tidal wave is approaching you can always try to fight it, but you will fail. The only thing you can do is to step aside, move to higher ground and let it wash all those who stand in its way into the sea. Don’t despair; you are safe as long as you simply move out of the way and make sure you and your kin survive there, in the hills and mountains. The loss of the others is no real loss; this is how Mother Earth removes the filth from her shoulders; she brushes it off. Easily and just like that. Cry not for them! Mankind will be a better species when the most broken creatures amongst us are all gone. Rejoice!

The tidal way is approaching. It is only visible to those willing to see it, and to those able to understand it’s nature, and to those I must say; run to the hills! Survive! When you survive the European man survives, and that is what we – the Europeans – need.

When the world has gone through the much needed changeover period you can descend from your hill fortresses and mountain retreats and build a new world. Not on the ruins of the old and rotten world, but on the ruins underneath the ruins of the old and rotten world: the ruins that the masters of the rotten world tried to cover and hide with their grotesque and sinister-looking Satanic temples. Survive and prepare to build a new Europe on a European foundation. HailaR WôðanaR! 

The October-Process


MagyarRussian. Serbian.

It is finally official; I will go to court in Paris the 17th of October this year after all, charged with “inciting racial or religious hatred” and for some strange reason also “apology for war crimes and crimes against humanity”. The latter is the most serious charge, with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a 45.000 EURO fine. The details of the charges are still to some extent unclear, and I will not say anything more about my planned defense.

Before anything though: let me remind you of the fact that they also brutally arrested both my wife and me for no good reason! They had no evidence against us and no legal reason to do so!

Let me further remind you of the fact that they also tried to expel me for no good reason! The judicial system in France has said so too; there was no reason whatsoever to expel me, and yet they tried to do so.

This time it is no different: they have no reason to charge me with anything, as I have broken no French laws! As I see it this is just part III of the Socialist government’s terror campaign against me and my family, seemingly motivated by their apparent contempt for free speech and individual freedom of thought and hatred for everyone who disagrees with them and who works against their genocidal agenda.

Because of this we will not remove the donate button after all (we planned to, because we thought there would be no such charges), because I now still need help to pay for a lawyer.

I hope to see you in Paris then, the 17th of October, in the Tribunal Correctionnel de Paris 1er (75055), 4 Boulevard du Palais, 17 ème chambre correctionelle, salle 17 ème chambre, at 13:30.

HailaR WôðanaR!


The Specialized Slave Society



We are surrounded by professional, everywhere we go, everywhere we look. Electricians. Masons. Car mechanics. Painters. Carpenters. Architects. Etc.

Our society has become very specialized. Most of us only know one single thing, we are only really trained to do one type of tasks well.

So what will happen when this society collapses? We will all be on our own, and we need to do everything ourselves. Everything. Some of us will be lucky and have a peasant next door, or a car mechanic, or a soldier, but those stuck with a computer programmer or a hair dresser are really, really on their own…

I am a musician, a writer and a game designer, but I am blessed with some knowledge about reality; for most things we really don’t need professionals. We can do it ourselves. For free. Just use common sense, and if that fails; Google it. (Now, in a survivalist situation you can hardly Google it, but for now we can.)

So when the wind shield of my favourite car was smashed (accidentally and by myself….) I decided to fix it myself. My car is rare, a UAZ 469b from the SSSR, so I went to a glass manufacturer and had them make me four glasses (two for the car and two to have as spare parts for the future). It cost me only about 150 EUROs. I also ordered a new rubber frame from Germany, costing me very little. Then I purchased some Vaseline and a 4 mm nylon cord. I was told and read that this was difficult, so I didn’t look forward to it…. 

Window steel frame sans glass.


Glass with rubber frame (on dinner table…).


Adding Vaseline to the rubber frame, to make it easier to attach to the steel frame. 


Adding Vaseline to the steel frame for the same purpose. 


Putting the nylon cord into the rubber frame.

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Placing the glass with rubber frame into the steel frame, and gently pulling the cord out to install the glasses (with some help from my pregnant wife).

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The result, after I have put it all back on the car, and re-attached windshield wipers and the canvas hood. 

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Whatever you think you can not do yourself, you can probably do yourself. They have only made you think you can not, to ensure your loyalty to their slave system – and to ensure that you remain in your post, as a slave in society serving them and their interests, and only them and their interests. Free yourself by freeing yourself from most of your dependence on the paid services of others! HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. Not breaking the glass by accident would have taken me much less time and energy though…

The Evening of Life


First some appropriate music.


As many of you might understand I have always had and still have a privileged life. I am neither very stupid nor very lazy, I have always been in good health, I have never had any addictions and I make a living from what others would call mere hobbies; writing books about mythology, making music and soon even from designing a game. I have a beautiful and intelligent wife, and we have three (and soon four) beautiful and intelligent children. I also have a beautiful and intelligent daughter from my pre-prison life. I live in the countryside, and I am surrounded by friendly faces, I breathe fresh air every day and spend most of my time with my family. If I want to take a walk in the forest I only need to cross the street, and I am there…

As many of you might understand I have always also had a rather turbulent life. I am neither very coward not very good at keeping my mouth shut when many think I should, I have always been lucky enough to win most of my fights (something that has always just provoked more fights, ad infinitum) and I always clash with unjust authorities, I have spent some time behind bars and was convicted for a “murder” that by any standards should be classified as an act of self-defense. I have many enemies and most of them want to harm me, I am always ready to defend myself and spend much of my time taking precautions. Whatever I do I am always ready for anything.

Yes; almost like that….


For all my life I have lived in fear; in kindergarten, in elementary school, in junior high school, in technical school, in prison, and even after prison. I was always in conflict with someone, and when a bit older often with great risk to my health, and at a later stage even to my life. I always came out on top when it mattered, but the threat always remained. Winning a fight was never really a victory; it only meant that the next fight would be tougher to win. And tougher. And tougher. The losers would always come back, reinforced, in higher numbers or with a bigger ally. Losing a fight could in a sense be better; at least that would possibly be the end of it.

Fear is as we all know a very uncomfortable feeling; the dry mouth, the weakness in the legs, the shaking hands and the wish to just get out of there. The conflict between your own fear and your pride, your own fear and your will to win no matter what, your own fear of physical harm and your fear of dishonour, matters to so much in life. Fear is actually just a survival instinct, but not one we often appreciates.


At one point in life I realized that I no longer care about fear. I still know fear, I still understand the danger I some times expose myself to, but I just don’t seem to care about this. All I think about is how I shall without any consideration for my own safety deal with any and all dangerous situations I end up in. If my family is there; to protect them. If my family is not there; to protect our honour and to be a good role model for my children. I also know that if one of my children falls e. g. into a freezing stream and faces certain death, I will jump after him or her, and do my best to save the child, even though I know both of us will die. Not doing so is impossible; I will be terrified when I do this, but… I don’t care. There is some sort of override option in my brain that is now available, because I am a father. To allow a child to die without me doing my best to save it is out of the question. This is the most important duty any father has; to try your best at any cost, and to be a good role model for your children.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I don’t think I am any special. This is what having children does to a man. This is what having children does I am pretty sure to all real men. Nature has spoken: your future has been secured, i. e. your DNA will survive, you have already won the game of life, so now you don’t have to worry any more about whether or not you yourself suffer damage or even die. Death is only a new beginning and an opportunity to gain glory! Hail Death; the evening of life! Hail Death; the remover of all bad and the preserver of all good! Hail Death and Glory! HailaR WôðanaR!


Holocaust I



We learn about the official history in school, about all sorts of crimes committed by the Germans during WWII. We are not allowed to say anything positive about these Germans here in Europe today though. Doing so is apparently seen as “apology for war crimes and crimes against humanity”. So I will say nothing about them.

Instead I will use the chance – while it is still is legal – to tell about the crimes of the enemies of these National Socialist Germans and their many allies in Europe; before, during and after WWII.

We never hear about the crimes of the enemies of Hitler’s Germany in school. We never see any documentaries about their crimes in TV or hear about it on the radio. Nor do we see books written about this in our libraries. At least not unless we look very long and very hard to find these books. They are not at display, so to speak.

Communists (alias “Socialists”) and apologists for Communism occupy most key positions in our societies today, and they try to make us forget what the Communists did. They pretend it never happened, and divert all our attention to “the 6 million”.

The crimes of the Communists are well documented, with all sorts of evidence, even though it was the crimes of the victors. Let me divert your attention to “the 100 million” instead, for a change:

Never forget the victims of Communism! Never forget that the Communists will do this again if they get the chance to, whenever and wherever they get the chance to. They call themselves “Socialists” today, but don’t let them fool you. Beware of all those who carry red banners!

Our Future under Communism:

images (11)

HailaR WôðanaR!

Holocaust II



So you think you know history well, don’t you? You got a good grade in history in high school? Well, that only means you know well the part of history the victors agreed upon and that they wish you to know. The rest….

Haiti was discovered by the ‘Spanish Conquisadors’ (a mix of Jews and Moors [Arabs and Berbers] and a few Iberians) in 1492, and by 1548 the native population, the Taíno, had – because of smallpox, warfare and harsh slavery, all brought by the ‘Spaniards’ – been reduced to a population of 500 individuals. Their culture was by then extinct: destroyed by the Judeo-Christians. You might already know about that, though: they probably tell you about this in school (where they accuse only Europeans for these crimes), so I will continue…

In 1789 Haiti was a French colony, and in the wake of the ‘French’ Revolution there was an Haitian Revolution, that lasted from 1789 to 1804 and that brought the end to slavery and ‘freedom’ to the former slaves – pretty much all of them Africans by then. Well; bliss and joy, you might say, they had their ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’. So they probably lived happily ever after, right?

The school probably stop telling you about Haiti at this point, but I wont, and this is where we get to the point of this post. You see, pretty much the first thing the Africans did on Haiti, when they gained their freedom, in 1804, was to ethnically cleanse Haiti. This ethnic cleansing was carried out against the remaining white population and by the order of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the new leader of Haiti. “The massacre, which took place in the entire territory of Haiti, was carried out from early February 1804 until 22 April 1804, and resulted in the death of between 3,000 to 5,000 people of all ages and gender.Squads of soldiers moved from house to house, killing entire families.Even whites who had been friendly and sympathetic to the black population were imprisoned and later killed.A second wave of massacres targeted white women and children.”

1806 engraving of Jean-Jacque Dessalines. It depicts the general, sword raised in one arm, while the other holds a decapitated head of a white woman:


So Africans systematically murdered every European man, woman and child on Haiti, because they were Europeans… and they murdered those who had helped them too, those who had been kind to them and those who had supported them during the slave revolution (something I guess “anti-racists” over here in Europe should remember…). I guess ‘gratitude’ is not in their vocabulary. I can add that less than 2% of the Europeans in the Americas owned slaves (compared to e. g. 40% of all Jewish householders). 

But, ‘of course’ when Europeans are being massacred because they are Europeans, because of their race… who cares?

They don’t tell you about this in school. They don’t tell you about this on TV. They don’t tell you about this in any medias today. They certainly don’t tell you about this in any “Holocaust Museums”. They never tell you about the numerous massacres Europeans have fallen victim to over the years.

I think many of us know why. HailaR WôðanaR!

In memory of the Taíno: victims of Judeo-Christianity:


In memory of the Frenchmen massacred on Haiti in 1804: victims of Masonic-instigated African racism: 


Related video: 

Holocaust III



Not all madmen are the same. Not all mass-murders are carried out the same way.

Let me give you one example of how the rotten regimes in European countries carry out their European Holocaust as we speak: there are about 180,000 abortions carried out every year in the England and Wales alone…. Mostly perfectly healthy European children are murdered before they are even allowed to see the light of day. In the name of feminism, of course, giving European women the right to slay their own children without even telling the father of the child. Feminism is also giving them the moral right to do so. Yes, in some sick way feminism has managed to justify this child-murder by the child’s own mother!

Who benefits from this? Who seeks this end?

Who is it the rulers of our European nations really serve? They certainly don’t serve the interests of Europe, that is for sure.

If the numbers of England and Wales are representative, we know they are not, but still, we get an approximately number of European children murdered every year.

Wales, population = 3 million. England = 53 million.

Europe, population = 739 million.

3+53 = 56 millions have about 180,000 abortions every year.

180,000/56 3214.


So approximately 2,3 million unborn Europeans are murdered every single year in Europe alone. That is 23 million the last 10 years.

Now, those numbers are very approximate, but even with an error margin of 50%, we are speaking about more than a million Europeans murdered every single year!

How many Europeans have been murdered this way since WWII?

So we have Holocaust memorials and museums here and there for “the 6 million”, but what about our own millions? Is it okay to let others dupe our women into participating in this genocide? Is it okay to pretend that this is not happening as we speak? Is it okay to demand that we feel sorry for all other victims of mass murder, while we at the same time ignore the mass murder of our own unborn children?

I don’t think so.

HailaR Fraujon!

Ah no! What a failure! This one didn’t slay her own child! She is obviously a brainwashed Neo-Nazi! 


This one has three blonde children already and a fourth one coming. No wonder why the Socialist government in France sent the police to shoot up her door and lock her up in jail. Were they hoping to provoke an spontaneous abortion? And why isn’t she wearing high heels and at work in the city?! Why is that dress not short or even provoking? Why isn’t she wearing any make-up (tested on caged and suffering animals)? She is even gathering food from nature!? Send in the police! Attaaaaack!  


Another evil and obviously (by men) suppressed woman — seen here with her white demon spawn.


Holocaust IV



We are made in school to “remember the 6 million”.

Do they make us remember Ukraine? Do they make us remember the Holodomor? Do they make us remember the up to 7,5 million Ukrainian victims of Communism?

No…. Because Ukrainians are Europeans. 

I am proud to say that a distant relative of mine, Vidkun Quisling, was there together with Fridtjof Nansen, to help the starving. They are said to have saved tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of Ukrainians from starvation.

Vidkun Quisling was executed the 24th of October 1945, for collaborating with Hitler’s Germany and for his effort to enlist Norwegian volunteers to fight against the Bolcheviks and their terror.

HailaR WôðanaR! 

2. The womb of the Shebear, the matrix of the universe (en)


Reblogged from Atala - A journey to the Golden Age by Marie Cachet:

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French version

I must first, for introduction, tell you a story, a seemingly well-kept secret ...

Once, there was a long long time ago, before the appearance of all all known myths ; all children, boys or girls, did not have any names, they were nobody, just an evolving being, an immature being, just like the newborn the cubs of the bear.

Read more… 1,552 more words, 1 more video

The Gathering of Flowers



First some music.

Fra lufta 1_700x395

As you might understand I am tired of fighting against the tidal wave of ignorance. It is a waste of time and energy. Those worth saving can save themselves. So let them. The rest deserves to die anyhow. There is no use trying to save them.

I will step aside, climb that hill and wait there whilst the tidal wave below destroys this “civilisation” and everybody in its way.


In the meanwhile I will focus on my work with MYFAROG and with Burzum, enjoy life with my friends and family and prepare for what is to come.

Perhaps one day we will meet again, when those of us who survive return, from our safe havens in the hills, the forests and the mountains. We can pick up the golden tablets, from the grass, that the ancients used to own, and build a new and better world – in the image of the Ancient World.

I have said now what needs to be said.

Farewell, and good luck to you all. HailaR WôðanaR!


To learn is natural


Reblogged from THE WAYS OF YORE:

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Today we are accustomed to being taught. Many believe that a child can only learn by being taught, but what do you remember from your school years? Only the things that has been useful for you, right? Is it not true that you better remember what you learned on your own?

To learn is necessary. When a child plays, he lis learning, when a child asks, he is learning.

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To those who have or plan to have children, perhaps this new blog -- by my wife and me -- might be of interest to you. It deals with instinctive and creative learning -- like it was done in the days of yore.

Fifteen years later: Home-Educated Canadian Adults

Bands, Cults & Organisations in MYFAROG


Reblogged from Mythic Fantasy Roleplaying Game:

There are many different bands, cults, mystery cults and organisations in MYFAROG, like The Liberated (the mystery cult of the bachcantes and meanads), The Order of the (Golden) Dragon (the monastic-like order of the Shield Bearers), The Rangers, The Ansugardaraiþô (the mystery cult of the berserks and valkyrias), The Cult of Meleh Ha-Mashiach (a grotesque foreign cult), The Hashashin (the assassin organisation of The Cult of Meleh Ha-Mashiach), The Sicarii (a group of murderous worshippers of a golden cow), The Antediluvians (a terrible ettin cult), The Gardeners (a group of native bigots), the many Hirðs (the body guard of each and every native king), the many Herliðs (the armies of the native tribes), the Rîkas Þulêus (a religious group working to create a Þulêan Empire), The Hunters (a group of man-hunters), The Merchants (a secretive merchant guild), many different foreign pirate groups, The Robber King (a group of outlaws with unknown motives and goals), Sub Rosa (a group of sorcerers in some religious societies, working to keep the traditions alive) and 17 different temples (one for each sympathetic deity).

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Food for geeks...

Travelling in MYFAROG


Reblogged from Mythic Fantasy Roleplaying Game:

First some music whilst travelling... 

One of the things I always found lacking in the RPGs I played was a proper system for travelling. Travel speed never sounded very likely, the random encounters were too random for my liking and not much could be done in relation to travel. Travelling was reduced to a basic math exercise, a boring intermission between adventures, and not really a part of the adventure, or indeed an opportunity for additional adventure.

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You can travel in your mind too...

Lady Justice


Nothing should ever be read without background music, so here you go

Last July my family was subjected to the terror of the Socialist regime currently (!) in power here in France, and because of that my family suffered amongst other things great economic losses, as explained here. Because of this I asked for donations from good people out there, and by now we have received 15883 Euros via bankeez and another 3000 Euros via bank transfer, checks and cash donations. We appreciate this greatly and wish to thank all those who have donated. You are very kind.


We have hitherto spent the following on lawyer expenses:

1800 Euros -To get our Children back from my parents-in-laws (who tried to take them from us after we came out from custody).

1200 Euros -The Expulsion Case , when Mr. Valls tried to have me expelled because I have a different opinion than he do on several topics.

1200 Euros – To get my right to own weapons back.

1200 Euros – To get Marie’s right to own weapons back.

2400 Euros – To get the things the DCRI took from us in July back.

6000 Euros – The Racism & Apology for War Crimes & Crimes against Humanity case (coming up the 3rd of June in Paris).

600 Euros - My lawyer’s transport expenses.

2400 Euros – The expenses in another Kafka-process started by my parents-in-laws against us.

We have further spent another 2000 Euros on expenses related to these cases. More cases are coming up, and all these cases are probably intended to take away our ability to stay on our feet, so to say. Because of that and the continuing harassment from the government in France I will keep the donation option open, but will claim that our need for donations is – thanks to the good men and women who have already donated – not that urgent. We are very grateful to those who have donated. We could not have been able to defend ourselves without your help. Thank you very much.


The last five months have been very hectic. Another negative consequence of the Socialist regime’s persecution is that I have not been able to work (at all) with Burzum, my livelihood (and our main source of income), and only a little bit with MYFAROG. So – in order to make a living and be able to feed and clothe my children – I have to give priority to that.

I get many e-mails with questions regarding how we fare, and I can tell that we do well after all – and much thanks to those who have donated. We expect our third son late December or early January, and will continue to work with music, with MYFAROG, with the Atala blog, the Ways of Yore blog and other things as well.

Thank you all for your support.

Have a pleasant Yuletide!

HailaR WôðanaR!

In the meanwhile: behind the curtains an intense fight is taking place between Lady Justice and certain politicians here in France…..


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