Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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The Rhythm of the Universe


We generally think of the changes in nature as changes, but e. g. when the seasons change they really don’t, because after some time they change back to what they were. So there has really been very little or perhaps even no (significant) change. Rather than a change I think we should call it a rhythm. In a sense there are no changes in the universe, only rhythms.

The Ice Ages come and go too; they stay for about 100,000 years, or perhaps about 120,000 years, and then they go and leave a warm period for about 10,000 or perhaps about 12,000 years. In the long run, there is no change there either, only a rhythm. We are now living at the end of a warm period, and of course the scientists believe that the changes in the climate is due to human activity, but it isn’t; we are entering a new Ice Age, that will cover all of Northern Europe with glaciers, and the climate changes we see now are a prelude to this. Man has no influence over climate.

The forests come and go too; the glaciers wipe clean the land on Northern Europe, and then when they retreat they leave plains that eventually will become forests again. Then the forests change; e. g. birch forests become oak forests, and then finally pine forests. Then the Ice Age returns, and we see the whole process start all over again. Without any real change. It all returns to it’s original form and status. Nothing has really been changed for millions of years… In a sense we are caught in a loop, and we cannot free ourselves from this.

The change in our universe is thus really just a rhythm. There is one exception to this rule though; life. The different living creatures change, due to micro-evolution, or they change, not because they «mutate» as stated by the seriously flawed theory of macro-evolution, but because they mix with other species, as suggested by my wife, and thus occasionally give birth to new species. New forms of life.

Mankind is a living entity, made up of three different species (Africans [Homo sapiens], Asians [Denisova] and Europeans [Homo Neanderthalensis]), each made up of several sub-species (alias races), and each one of them mixed more or less with the two other human species. The modern human species and races can best be described as mistakes of nature, in the sense that their creation came about as a degradation of the original man. Most likely there was originally only one human species, but individuals from this species for some reason mixed with other creatures, and gave life to horrible and grotesque creatures such as chimpanzees, gorillas and the like, and then later on other human beings mixed with these creatures again and gave life to more horrible creatures, such as Negroes and Australian Aborigines; cannibalistic, cruel, stupid, sinister and destructive creatures of no value to the universe. Mistakes. Freaks.

The Original Sin” that we can read about in the bible, of we ever bother wasting our time doing so, is most likely a reference to the mixing of species, when the divine man mixed with Earthly creatures, and gave birth to the modern man; a defective creature, unable to get rid of this “original sin”, because it is in his blood. The “defect” is passed on to the next generation. Naturally no “saviour” or “God” can save us from this; only we can; by means of eugenics and by embracing Ôðalism, a religion offering a cultivation of only the divine man in us and subjugation of the base in us.

Perhaps you object to the term “religion”, and would rather have a scientific solution? Well, then I can tell that science today is also just a religion, with extremely religious terms such as “The Big Bang”, based on assumptions and wild speculations by man and with no proper scientific backing whatsoever, and where everything is “too difficult for you to understand using your logical faculties”, meaning you are left to trust the magnificent and mighty “scientists” (alias priests) to do this for you (almost all of them Jews, of course). When they actually fail to they just make up new entities and terms, such as “dark matter” and “dark energy”, that nobody can see or in any way perceive (much like “God”), and then use this to fill in the holes in their own seriously flawed and utterly religious hypotheses and theories. There is no such thing as “science” in this context; it is all religion. It is all based on beliefs, imperceivable entities and the hopes and wishes of man – or more often; of Jews.

No, I will stick to the more honest approach, and I will call “my” solution a religion. Yes, this is not my solution; there is nothing new in what I say, only what has been said before – not least in Ancient Greece – and what has been forgotten. I am not the painter of a magnificent and beautiful picture; I am just one of several human beings collecting and putting together the bits and pieces that were scattered by (a sinister) force some time ago; I work to restore a magnificent and beautiful picture that was painted a long time ago by others. By divine Europeans in an age long forgotten. By our Forebears.

We are ourselves the once magnificent statues of yore, but we are soiled, broken and faded, and we need purification, repairs and new life, to be restored to original form. Ôðalism is the tool to fix us. You and me. We don’t bow and beg others to help us, we don’t pray for help from fictional entities nailed to a Roman execution devise, we don’t lie down and hope death will save us; we help ourselves, we find strength in ourselves and we see death only as an intermission in our quest to restore the Divine Europe here on planet Earth! HailaR BalduR! HailaR WôðanaR!

Venus, in desperate need of restoration; she is missing colours and both her arms;



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