We are surrounded by professional, everywhere we go, everywhere we look. Electricians. Masons. Car mechanics. Painters. Carpenters. Architects. Etc.
Our society has become very specialized. Most of us only know one single thing, we are only really trained to do one type of tasks well.
So what will happen when this society collapses? We will all be on our own, and we need to do everything ourselves. Everything. Some of us will be lucky and have a peasant next door, or a car mechanic, or a soldier, but those stuck with a computer programmer or a hair dresser are really, really on their own…
I am a musician, a writer and a game designer, but I am blessed with some knowledge about reality; for most things we really don’t need professionals. We can do it ourselves. For free. Just use common sense, and if that fails; Google it. (Now, in a survivalist situation you can hardly Google it, but for now we can.)
So when the wind shield of my favourite car was smashed (accidentally and by myself….) I decided to fix it myself. My car is rare, a UAZ 469b from the SSSR, so I went to a glass manufacturer and had them make me four glasses (two for the car and two to have as spare parts for the future). It cost me only about 150 EUROs. I also ordered a new rubber frame from Germany, costing me very little. Then I purchased some Vaseline and a 4 mm nylon cord. I was told and read that this was difficult, so I didn’t look forward to it….
Window steel frame sans glass.
Glass with rubber frame (on dinner table…).
Adding Vaseline to the rubber frame, to make it easier to attach to the steel frame.
Adding Vaseline to the steel frame for the same purpose.
Putting the nylon cord into the rubber frame.
Placing the glass with rubber frame into the steel frame, and gently pulling the cord out to install the glasses (with some help from my pregnant wife).
The result, after I have put it all back on the car, and re-attached windshield wipers and the canvas hood.
Whatever you think you can not do yourself, you can probably do yourself. They have only made you think you can not, to ensure your loyalty to their slave system – and to ensure that you remain in your post, as a slave in society serving them and their interests, and only them and their interests. Free yourself by freeing yourself from most of your dependence on the paid services of others! HailaR WôðanaR!
PS. Not breaking the glass by accident would have taken me much less time and energy though…