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About our Future, or lack thereof…

About Faith



Most believe in the theory of evolution, that man was once a primitive creature much like the apes still amongst us. They believe that man and apes have common ancestors, common roots. Almost everything is seen in this light. Almost everything is understood in this light. “Man was primitive before, and we are more advanced today”. “We are the most advanced creatures ever to walk on this planet”.

(Then they go watch football on their high tech TVs, and scream like apes when their favourite team scores… Yeah; ‘very’ advanced indeed…)

They heard the news that Ebola has arrived and 10.000 are already dead? They just got to know that another nation has invaded their homeland? No. Their team just lost a match…

APTOPIX Brazil Soccer WCup.JPEG-08206

Also, almost everything we do today are based on some sort of technology. We can fly? Yes, in advanced planes and helicopters. We can dive to the depths of the sea? Yes, in advanced submarines. We can build tall buildings? Yes, with cranes and other advanced machinery. We accurately can map the stars? Yes, using high tech telescopes and computers we can. Et cetera.

When we think of ancient man we immediate understand that he had no such things, no such advanced technology, so we assume that he could do nothing of that sort. Some remains of the antediluvian world remains, such as the pyramids in Egypt, and the wisest of us wonder what kind of technology they had, that enabled them to build them like that. Yeah, I mean: do we ever think that perhaps there was another factor involved here, that we don’t know today?…

Technology is today often the answer to everything….

Q. Hunger?

A. More advanced technology, enabling us to produce more food from less land.

Q. Deadly viruses?

A. More advanced medicine, enabling us to produce vaccines that are more beneficial than they are harmful.

Q. The Sun will die one day?

A. Deep space travel and intergalactic travel.

Et cetera

The modern man has faith in science. He is assured by science. “Don’t worry! Science will find a way!” The scientists will solve all problems, using technology. Have no worries. Science and technology will save us all! Hallelujah!”

In reality, every problem solved by technology creates one or two – or more – new problems, and they are often no less dramatic, severe and dangerous. Some times the adverse effects of the technology we surround ourselves with are like a cancer to our societies, and will – unless stopped – destroy us completely. Wipe us out. Obliterate us. Remove us from the face of the Earth.

Ah, but the ‘religious’ don’t worry about that: the priests… sorry, I mean scientists will find a new technology that will solve this before it goes that far! Right? Have faith in them. Let them carry on. Don’t stop them. Don’t object. Things will be fine. Just have faith…


High Tech Man


BulgarianFrenchMagyar. SpanishSerbian.

We live in a high tech world, but the vast majority has close to no comprehension of how the high tech they surround themselves with and enjoy on a daily basis works. They would not be able to repair, let alone build, even 1% of it. They can barely change a light bulb, or the oil filters of the cars they drive. Note also – and this is rather interesting – that they would not be able to repair, let alone build, much low tech items either. Those who can make things today usually can only make one component to something, and have no idea how to make the rest of the parts needed for the item to work as intended.

So the high tech man is not only not very ‘high tech’ himself, but he is not even very ‘low tech’. He knows close to nothing. Even the ‘savages’ of the pre-historic times, were vastly superior to the majority of men today, when it comes to the ability to repair, maintain and build things.

What this means is that the ‘savages’ of the past were free men, their own masters, and the vast majority of men today are slaves to the good will of a few ‘benevolent’ masters, who control the high tech of our world. If their masters tell them to ‘jump’ they better jump, or else they are completely helpless – and will soon actually perish (even from boredom). No electricity? No light bulbs? No clean water? No money? Or – dear God! – no TV?!

But are their masters really benevolent? And where is it they want with this? What is it they want to achieve with this enslavement of man? Do they even do it on purpose? Are they just too stupid to see what is happening? “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”.

If you want to survive in the future, you better live like your forebears did, and be your own master. Get rid of all you don’t need, and be free! Embrace the low-tech world, that every man can master and find freedom through. Freedom from. Freedom to. True freedom: self-sustainability.

HailaR WôðanaR!

The Myth of Christianity as a Wall against Islam



Some seem to think Christianity is and has always been a wall against Islam, but let me remind you of a few historical facts:

The Teutonic Knights did not attack Islam. Instead they attacked true Europeans (i. e. Pagan Europeans), in Prussia, Lithuania, Livonia and Estonia. They also attacked other Christians, both Catholic Poles and Russian Orthodox Slavs. Not only that; they attacked the Christian Slavic tribes at a time when they were already under attack from the Mongols in the East. Other parts of Europe too were under attack, from Muslims, and received no help from the Teutonic Knights, who gave priority to slaughtering Europeans.

Example Sources:



Then we have the crusades, when Christians instead of fighting against the Muslims decided to e. g. sack the capital of the Christian Byzantine Empire – leaving her vulnerable to the Turkish hordes advancing from the East. They even raped the nuns in the monasteries. The Muslims didn’t advance further than they did into Europe because of the efforts of the Christians, but mainly because of the Mongol Horde – who attacked them from the East.

Example Sources:




Some times Christianized Europeans were butchered only because they did not have the ‘right’ type of Christianity, like the Cathars, who were completely anihilated by Catholic crusaders. The Bogomils too fell victim to the hatred and aggression of crusaders.

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This in-fighting culminated, I think we can say, with the ‘Reformation’, resulting in a a series of wars, the worst one being the ‘Thirty Years War’, that killed as much as between 25 and 40% of the entire population of Germany alone (and many other Europeans too), and left the entire Christian Balkans to the mercy of the Muslim Ottomans for hundreds of years.

Now think about that for a while: between 25 and 40% of the entire German population killed in 30 years… because of Christianity!

Example Sources:



Now, letting the Muslims wreck havoc to large parts of Europe, was not a new thing to the Christians. In the 8th and early 9th century, rather than take back what the Muslim Moorish aggressors had taken in Iberia, when his father Charles Martel had been king of France, the Christian Charlemagne decided that it was more important to convert the Saxons (Germans), and spent about 30 years killing Saxons – an even massacred them, when he had the chance to. The result of this was naturally that the Muslim Moors could keep almost all of the Christian Iberian Peninsula for 500 years!

Example Sources:




I could go on an on about this, showing you how Christianity has not defended Europe from anybody at all, and instead focused on wrecking havoc in Europe and for Europeans – even when Europe was seriously threatened from the outside, by foreign enemies such as the Moors, the Ottomans and the Mongols/The Golden Horde. The Christians of Europe left their fellow Christians to fight the foreign threats on their own, and often even supported the foreign threats or even attacked the Christians defending against them in the back.

Example Source:


If anybody thinks that Christianity is the solution, the way to go to ensure the survival of Europe, then think again. Christianity itself is an enemy of Europe, and has always been an enemy of Europe, and is the biggest direct and indirect cause of all our unwanted problems.

The Pagans of Europe united whenever they faced a common threat, and we should do that today as well, and in the future.

Example Source:



Europe is Pagan in blood, mind and spirit, and must return to her roots to become harmonious again. Not peaceful, not weak, not tolerant, but harmonious: in accordance with the laws of nature. Never compromise with Christians: they are enemies of Europe! 

HailaR WôðanaR!

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Bardic Sounds from the New World


If I could I would play music like this…

Lyre, flute and traditional singing will for now be a dream, or perhaps a plan for the future.


Thanks to Taurīni for sharing this video.

Posthumous Fame



Why do you think I am doing this? Why am I writing posts for this blog? Why am I making music? Why am I writing books? Why am I making videos? What’s the point? Why am I exposing myself to so much ‘heat’? What is it I want?

First some music:


We all have different priorities in life. Some just want to live as comfortably as they can. Others want ‘success’, whatever that means today. Some care about fame and fortune. I care about posthumous fame.

‘What’s the point?’, you might wonder. Why would I want fame that I will never be able to see or appreciate in any way?

Well, as I see it, the best we can do is to base everything we do on the assumption that we will be reborn in the kin, that we will – after we have died – return as our children’s children, or as their children, or as the children of somebody else we are related to. Whether we actually do or not is completely irrelevant; what matters is that we either believe that we do, or that we at least pretend to believe that we do and then base everything on this world view.

If we all had such a world view, we would not ruin our planet as we know it, we would not destroy what is good in our world or turn our world into a Hell on Earth, ruled by lying, perverse and greedy madmen, to be sorted out by those who come after us. No. We would instead worry more about the future and take steps to ensure that life also for those who come after us will be good, right, just and healthy.

What I do is to ensure that if I return some time in the future, the most important of what I know today, of what I learned in this life, will pass on to the future me, so that I don’t have to re-learn all of this the hard way. I wont have to re-interpret our mythology and read all those often boring books that I had to read to be able to get the knowledge base needed for me to write. I want to hand over my knowledge to my future self, so to speak.

Yes, the fame, or if you like infamy, I accumulate in this life will ensure that the future me will get to know about me, so that I can easily and fast re-learn the most important things I knew in this life. Hence I worry more about my posthumous fame than I do about fame. Fame matters no whit, unless it is also posthumous. I will not return to life until after I am dead, after all.

The ‘heat’ I generate in life, to put it that way, contributes to my posthumous fame. Yes, it also makes life for me so much harder and much less comfortable, but that is a price I am willing to pay. Because I know – or if you like; believe or just pretend I believe – that my posthumous fame matters so much more, and this fame is actually nourished by the ‘heat’.

When I die, my memory will be left amongst the living, and therefore when I return to life, I can return to myself, and continue living where I left the last time. Thus I not only can live forever, but I can accumulate experience and wisdom, and start each new life on increasingly solid ground. True greatness is not achieved in one single lifetime. You need to ‘save up’.

HailaR WôðanaR!

About Islam in Europe


FrenchMagyar. Spanish.

Many Europeans see Islam as a threat, and therefore throw themselves in the arms of the force they see as the only alternative to this, namely Christianity. All of a sudden they start talking about ‘our traditional Christian values’ and ‘our Christian cultural heritage’ and so forth, rejecting Islam as an immigrant religion – and a threat.

In reality Christianity is an immigrant religion too – and a threat to our traditional European values and cultural heritage. Christianity prevailed here in Europe from about the year 500 to 1300, replacing our European religion (we are told….). 

Now, imagine that Islam actually prevailed here in Europe, and we all became Muslims, like we once (supposedly) became Christians.

Then after some time, let us say a thousand years, a new religion is created by somebody in the Middle East, and all of a sudden the Europeans will start talking about ‘our traditional Muslim values’ and ‘our Islamic cultural heritage’… They will defend Islam against this new threat, just like the Christians today defend Christianity (yes: they defend not Europe, but Christianity) against Islam.

I think our forebears, who fought, killed and died defending Europe and our religion (so-called ‘Paganism’) against the Christians and their foreign religion, would shake their heads in despair, had they seen how Europeans today embrace Christianity as ‘our’ religion and the best alternative to Islam.

What different does it make if you call the foreign ‘God’ you worship for Jehovah or Allah? What difference does it make if your ‘saviour’ is some rebel Jew or some Arab prophet? It is in any case a foreign religion, alien to your European nature.

We are not ‘Christians’ or ‘Muslims’. We are Europeans, and we have our own cultural heritage. Our own values. Our own laws. Our own ideals. Our own religion.

All foreign religions are alien to us and our European spirit. And both Christianity and Islam are foreign religions.

Hail the European deities! Hail and Joy!



About the ISIS of Antiquity



Summarised from Vlasis Rassias’ book “DEMOLISH THEM..”, published in Greek, Athens 2000 (2nd edition), Anichti Poli Editions, ISBN 960-7748-20-4:

Immediately after its full legalisation, the Christian Church attacks the Gentiles: The Council of Ancyra denounces the worship of Goddess Artemis.

Emperor Constantine declares Christianity as the only official religion of the Roman Empire. At Dydima, Asia Minor, he sacks the Oracle of God Apollo and tortures its Pagan priests to death. He also evicts the Gentiles from Mt. Athos and destroys all local Hellenic Temples.

Emperor Constantine, following the instructions of his mother Helen, destroys the Temple of God Asclepius in Aigeai of Cilicia and many Temples of Goddess Aphrodite in Jerusalem, Aphaca, Mambre, Phoenice, Baalbek, etc.

Constantine steals the treasures and statues of the Pagan Temples in Greece to decorate Nova Roma (Constantinople), the new capital of his Empire.

Constantine sacks many Pagan Temples of Asia Minor and Palestine and orders the execution by crucifixion of “all magicians and soothsayers”. Martyrdom of the neoplatonist philosopher Sopatros.

Emperor Constas, son of Constantinus, persecutes “all the soothsayers and the Hellenists”. Many Gentile Hellenes are either imprisoned or executed.

New large – scale persecutions against the Gentiles in Constantinople. Banishment of the famous orator Libanius accused as… “magician”.

An edict of Constantius orders the death penalty for all kind of worship through sacrifices and “idols”.

A new edict of Constantius orders the closing of all Pagan Temples. Some of them are profaned and turned into brothels or gambling rooms. Executions of Pagan priests. First burning of libraries in various cities of the Empire. The first lime factories are built next to closed Pagan Temples. A large part of Sacred Gentile architecture is turned into lime.

A new edict of Constantius orders the destruction of the Pagan Temples and the execution of all “idolaters”.

Constantius outlaws all methods of Divination (Astrology not excluded).

In Skythopolis, Syria, Christians organise the first death camps for the torture and execution of arrested Gentiles from all around the Empire.

361 to 363
Religious tolerance and restoration of Pagan cults declared in Constantinople (11th December 361) by the Pagan Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus.

Assassination of Emperor Julianus (26th June).

Emperor Flavius Jovianus orders the burning of the Library of Antioch. An Imperial edict (11th September) orders the death penalty for all Gentiles that worship their ancestral Gods or practice Divination (“sileat omnibus perpetuo divinandi uriositas”). Three different edicts (4th February, 9th September, 23rd December) order the confiscation of all properties of Pagan Temples and the death penalty for participation in Pagan rituals, even private ones.

An Imperial edict (17th November) forbids Gentile officers of the army to command christian soldiers.

Emperor Valens orders a tremendous persecution of Gentiles throughout the Eastern Empire. In Antioch, among many other Pagans, the ex-governor Fidustius and the priests Hilarius and Patricius are executed. Tons of books are burnt in the squares of cities of the Eastern Empire. All friends of Julianus are persecuted (Orebasius, Sallustius, Pegasius etc.), the philosopher Simonides is burned alive and the philosopher Maximus is decapitated.

Emperor Valens orders the governor of Asia Minor to exterminate the Hellenes and all documents of their wisdom.

New prohibition of all methods of Divination. The term “Pagan” (pagani, villagers) is introduced by the christians to lessen the Gentiles.

The Temple of God Asclepius in Epidaurus, Greece, is closed down.

On 27th February, Christianity becomes the exclusive religion of the Roman Empire by an edict of Emperor Flavius Theodosius, requiring that “all the various nations, which are subject to our clemency and moderation should continue in the profession of that religion, which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter”. Non-christians are called “loathsome, heretics, stupid and blind”. In another edict Theodosius calls “insane” those that do not believe in the christian god and outlaws all disagreements with the Church dogmas. Ambrosius, bishop of Milan, starts destroying all the Pagan Temples of his area. Christian priests lead the mob against the Temple of Goddess Demeter in Eleusis and try to lynch the hierophants Nestorius and Priskus. The 95 year-old hierophant Nestorius, ends the Eleusinian Mysteries and announces the predominance of mental darkness over the human race.

On 2nd May, Theodosius deprives all rights of christians that return to the Pagan Religion. Throughout the Eastern Empire, Pagan Temples and Libraries are looted or burned down. On 21st December, Theodosius outlaws even simple visits to the Temples of the Hellenes. In Constantinople, the Temple of Goddess Aphrodite is turned into a brothel and the Temples of Sun and Artemis into stables.

“Hellelu-jah” (Glory to Yahweh) is imposed in the christian mass.

Emperor Theodosius orders the Praetorian Prefect, Maternus Cynegius, a dedicated christian, to cooperate with the local bishops and destroy the Temples of the Gentiles in Northern Greece and Asia Minor.

385 to 388
Maternus Cynegius, encouraged by his fanatic wife, and bishop, “Saint” Marcellus with his gangs scour the countryside, sack and destroy hundreds of Hellenic Temples, shrines and altars. Amongst others they destroy the Temple of Edessa, the Cabeireion of Imbros, the Temple of Zeus in Apamea, the Temple of Apollo in Dydima and all the Temples of Palmyra. Thousands of innocent Gentiles from all sides of the Empire suffer martyrdom in the notorious death camps of Skythopolis.

Emperor Theodosius outlaws (16th June) the care of sacked Pagan Temples.

Public talks on religious subjects are also outlawed by Theodosius. The old orator Libanius sends his famous Epistle “Pro Templis” to Theodosius, with a hope that the few remaining Hellenic Temples will be respected and spared.

389 to 390
All non-christian calenders are outlawed. Hordes of fanatic hermits from the desert flood into Middle Eastern and Egyptian cities, destroying statues, altars, Libraries and Pagan Temples, whilst Gentiles are lynched. Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria, starts heavy persecutions against the Gentiles, turns the Temple of Dionysos into a church, burns down the Mithraeum of the city, destroys the Temple of Zeus and burlesques the Pagan priests before they are killed by stoning. The christian mob profanes the cult images.

On 24th February, a new edict of Theodosius prohibits not only visits to Pagan Temples but also looking at vandalised statues. New heavy persecutions all around the Empire. In Alexandria, Egypt, the Gentiles, led by the philosopher Olympius, revolt and after some street fights, finally lock themselves inside the fortified Temple of God Serapis (The Serapeion). After a violent siege, the christians occupy the building, demolish it, burn its famous Library and profane the cult images.

On 8th November, the Emperor Theodosius outlaws all non-christian rituals and names them “superstitions of the Gentiles” (“gentilicia superstitio”). New full scale persecutions against the Gentiles. The Mysteries of Samothrace are ended and priests slaughtered. In Cyprus the local bishop, “Saints” Epiphanius and Tychon destroy almost all the Temples of the island and exterminate thousands of Gentiles. The local Mysteries of Goddess Aphrodite are ended. Theodosius’ edict declares: “the ones that won’t obey pater Epiphanius have no right to keep living on the island”. The Gentiles revolt against the Emperor and the Church in Petra, Aeropolis, Rafia, Gaza, Baalbek and other cities of the Middle East.

The Pythian, Aktia and Olympic Games are outlawed as part of the Hellenic “idolatry”. Christians sack the Temples of Olympia.

Two new edicts (22nd July and 7th August) lead to new persecutions against the Gentiles. Rufinus, the eunuch Prime Minister of Emperor Flavius Arcadius directs the hordes of the baptised Goths (led by Alaric) to the country of the Hellenes. Encouraged by christian monks, the barbarians sack and burn many cities (Dion, Delphi, Megara, Corinth, Pheneos, Argos, Nemea, Lycosoura, Sparta, Messene, Phigaleia, Olympia, etc.), slaughter or enslave innumerable Hellenes and burn the Temples. Among others, they burn down the Eleusinian Sanctuary and burn alive all of its priests (including the hierophant of Mithras Hilarius).

On 7th December, a new edict by Emperor Arcadius orders that Paganism be treated as high treason. Imprisonment of the few remaining Pagan priests and hierophants.

“Demolish them!” Emperor Flavius Arcadius orders all the still erect Pagan Temples demolished.

The Fourth Church Council of Carthage prohibits to all, including its bishops, the study of Gentile books. Porphyrius, bishop of Gaza, demolishes almost all the Pagan Temples of his city (except nine of them that remain active).

With a new edict (13th July) Emperor Flavius Arcadius orders all remaining Temples, mainly in the countryside, to be immediately demolished: «Si qua in agris templa sunt, sine turba ac tumultu diruantur. His enim deiectis atque sublatis omnis superstitioni materia consumetur»

Bishop Nicetas destroys the Oracle of God Dionysus in Vesai and baptises all the Gentiles of this area.

The christian mob of Carthage lynches Gentiles and destroys Temples and “idols”. In Gaza too, the local bishop, also a..,”Saint”, Porphyrius sends his followers to lynch Gentiles and demolish the remaining nine still active Temples of the city. The 15th Council of Chalkedon orders all christians that still keep good relations with their gentile relatives to be excommunicated (even after their death).

John Chrysostom sends his hordes of gray-clad monks armed with clubs and iron bars to destroy the “idols” in all the cities of Palestine.

John Chrysostom collects funds from rich christian women to financially support the demolition of the Hellenic Temples. In Ephessus, he orders the destruction of the famous Temple of Goddess Artemis. In Salamis, Cyprus, “Saints” Epiphanius and Eutychius continue persecutions of the Gentiles and the total destruction of their Temples and sanctuaries.

A new edict outlaws once more all non-christian acts of worship.

The Emperor of the Western Empire Honorius and the Emperor of the Eastern Empire Arcadius, order together that all sculptures of the Pagan Temples be either destroyed or confiscated. Private ownership of Pagan sculpture is also outlawed. The local bishops lead new heavy persecutions against Gentiles and new book burning. Judges showing pity for Gentiles are also persecuted.

Once again, an edict orders Astrology and all methods of Divination to be punished by death.

In Alexandria, Egypt, the mob urged by the bishop Cyrillus, attacks a few days before the judaeo-christian Pascha (Pesach-Easter) and hacks to pieces the famous and beautiful philosopher Hypatia. Pieces of her body are paraded by the christian mob through the streets of Alexandria, and are finally burned together with her books in a place called Cynaron. On 30th August, new persecutions start against all the Pagan priests of North Africa, who end their lives either crucified or burned alive.

The inquisitor Hypatius, alias “The Sword of God”, exterminates the last Gentiles of Bithynia. In Constantinople (7th December), all non-christian army officers, public employees and judges are dismissed.

Emperor Theodosius II, declares (8th June) that the Religion of the Gentiles is nothing more than “demon worship” and orders all those who persist in practicing it to be punished by imprisonment and tortured.

The Temple of Goddess Athena (Parthenon) on the Acropolis of Athens is sacked. Athenian Pagans are persecuted.

On 14th November, a new edict by Theodosius II orders the death penalty for all “heretics” and “pagans” of the Empire. Only Judaism is considered a legal non-christian Religion.

Theodosius II issues an new edict (31st January) against the Gentiles, incriminating their “idolatry” as the reason for a recent

440 to 450
The christians demolish all the monuments, altars and Temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities.

Theodosius II orders all non-christian books burned.

All the Temples of Aphrodisias (City of Goddess Aphrodite) are demolished and its Libraries burned down. The city is renamed Stauroupolis (City of the Cross).

A new edict by Theodosius II (4th November) emphasises that “idolatry” is to be punished by death.

457 to 491
Sporadic persecutions against Gentiles of the Eastern Empire. Among others, the physician Jacobus and the philosopher Gessius are executed. Severianus, Herestios, Zosimus, Isidorus and others are tortured and imprisoned. The proselytiser Conon and his followers exterminate the last Gentiles of the island of Imbros, in the northeast Aegean. The last worshippers of Lavranius Zeus are exterminated in Cyprus.

482 to 488
The majority of the Gentiles of Asia Minor are exterminated, after a desperate revolt against the Emperor and the Church.

More “underground” Pagan priests are discovered, arrested, burlesqued, tortured and executed in Alexandria, Egypt.

Baptism becomes obligatory, even for those that already say they are christian. The Emperor of Constantinople, Anastasius orders the massacre of the Gentiles in the Arabian city Zoara and the demolition of the Temple of local God Theandrites.

Emperor Jutprada (Justinianus) outlaws the “alternative” Olympian Games of Antioch. He also orders the execution (by fire, crucifixion, tearing to pieces by wild beasts, or cutting by iron nails) of all who practice “sorcery, divination, magic or idolatry” and prohibits all teachings by the Gentiles (“..the ones suffering from the blasphemous insanity of the Hellenes”).

Emperor Justinianus outlaws the Athenian Philosophical Academy, which has its property confiscated.

The inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus, a fanatical monk, leads a crusade against the Gentiles of Asia Minor.

Emperor Justinianus allows the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus to convert the Gentiles of Phrygia, Caria and Lydia in Asia Minor. Within 35 years of this crusade, 99 churches and 12 monasteries are built on the sites of demolished Pagan Temples.

Hundreds of Gentiles are put to death in Constantinople by the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus.

Justinianus orders the notorious inquisitor Amantius to go to Antioch, to find, arrest, torture and exterminate the last Gentiles of the city and burn all the private libraries down.

Mass arrests, burlesquing, tortures, imprisonments and executions of Gentile Hellenes in Athens, Antioch, Palmyra and Constantinople.

578 to 582
Christians torture and crucify Gentile Hellenes all around the Eastern Empire, and exterminate the last Gentiles of Heliopolis

Christian inquisitors attack a secret Temple of Zeus in Antioch. The priest commits suicide, but the other Gentiles are arrested. All the prisoners, the Vice Governor Anatolius included, are tortured and sent to Constantinople to face trial. Sentenced to death they are thrown to the lions. The wild animals are unwilling to tear them to pieces and they end up crucified. Their corpses are dragged through the streets by the christian mob and afterwards thrown unburied in the city dump.

New persecutions against the Gentile Hellenes by the Emperor Mauricius.

Throughout the Eastern Empire, christian accusers “discover” Pagan conspiracies. A new wave of torture and executions erupts.

The “Penthekte” Council of Constantinople prohibits the remains of Calends, Brumalia, Anthesteria, and other Pagan / Dionysian festivals.

The Gentile Hellenes of Laconia, Greece, resist successfully the attempt of Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, to convert them to Christianity.

950 to 988
Violent conversion of the last Gentile Hellenes of Laconia by the Armenian “Saint” Nikon.

The Word of God


FrenchRussian. Serbian.

Some hundred years ago one could not argue against “the word of God”. If it was in the bible, everybody simply had to believe in it, and arguing against it was if not always a physical suicide, then at least very dangerous, and the risk of being octracized was huge. Ridicule was certain. Scorn was certain. Persecution was certain.

Today science is “the new word of God”, and perhaps especially so DNA. If its in the DNA and the scientists (the new priests) can interpret it for us this or that way, then we can not argue against it. If a DNA sample e. g. proved to you that you were white, when you in reality were black, it would be hard for you to convince your fellow human beings that you were in fact black. I mean; how can you argue against DNA? When science talks, we often close our eyes to reality, and instead just accept what the scientists say.

When the Max Planck institute started their Neanderthal Genome Project, they took DNA from two different already mixed (with Homo sapiens) Neanderthals from Vindija in Croatia, and since they did not have a complete DNA, they added something from another (also mixed, with Denisova [an Asian species]) Neanderthal from Mezmaiskya in Russia. So the DNA they had was not from one individual, it was not from a Neanderthal at all, but from several mixed Neanderthal/Homo Sapiens/Denisova individuals, and as if that wasn’t enough: the DNA was not complete.

They did not take DNA samples from any pure Neanderthals, nor from any of the many Neanderthals in Central or Western Europe. Why not?!

Then they took DNA from several modern human beings, and compared it to the DNA of the (remember: mixed) Neanderthals they had taken samples from.

The modern humans they took DNA from were surprisingly not Europeans, save one from France. We know nothing about this Frenchman either.

So when we know the Neanderthals were blue-eyed, blond and very light skinned, why did they not take samples from a population with mainly such features, such as the Scandinavians, the Germans, the Dutch or the English? Why not?!

Not surprisingly, some of the Asians seemingly came out with the most Neanderthal DNA. Well, why would they not, when the scientists had added DNA from a Neanderthal mixed with an Asian species?! We don’t know how mixed it was either. For all we know it was a half-Neanderthal, half-Denisovan, with 50% of its DNA from Denisova.

Why would some of the Asians not have the most Neanderthal DNA, when they had – amazingly – not compared it to a European with Neanderthal features such as blond hair, blue-eyes and very light skin?! How convenient, to leave out the absolutely most Neanderthal-looking modern men from the research!

And tell me: what kind of ‘science’ is that?!

And tell me: do you trust DNA tests and what these priests tell us about DNA when you know this?

They don’t enlighten us; they sink us further into darkness. They don’t illuminate our world with scientific truth; they produce smoke screens and illusions.

I am tired of this. Not a month passes by, without somebody sending me a link to some ‘scientific’ journal who apparently argue against what I say. They don’t actually, but some times it seems as if they do, because – after all – all they produce are smoke screens and illusions, hiding the truth.

If you wish to learn the truth, use your head instead. If it makes sense, it is probably true. If it doesn’t make sense it probably isn’t true – such as the theory that Europeans still in posession of all the recessive traits of the Neanderthals are not mainly Neanderthals!

We are. We still are Neanderthals.

Don’t let these priests ruin your faith in your origin. Don’t let them break down your own identify. Don’t trust “the word of God”.

HailaR WôðanaR!

New Book by Varg Vikernes OUT NOW

Our Demoralized Nations


You wonder what happened? You can find the answer here:

Proof of planned White Genocide


I hope all the policemen who follow my blog will open their eyes soon, and see what the future brings. We — the “nationalists” — are not the problem.

About how Nationalism has lost all Meaning

“Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia” in French

Universal Deceit

Am I a hypocrite and defeatist? Let’s find out…

The Coming: Review

About Stoicism


Just remembered the reblog button. So I reblog this post, with the recommandation to all my readers that they subscribe to this excellent blog. See his older posts as well. Everything on this blog is super.



Ancestor's Voice

Stoicism is one of the most interesting european philosphies, having as prominent representatives Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and Seneca, but it is often poorly understood due to the fact that it has not, apparently, a specifically “technical” language concerning its doctrine. The consequence is that while the texts about stoicism that we have today are quite easy to read and understand superficially even for the casual reader, a deep and authenic understanding of them is often ignored.

The essence of stoicism consists in distinguish between what depends on us and what doesn’t depends on us:

Depends on us: -Judgment (positive or negative), -Desire or Aversion (to something), -Impulse to Action or to Non-Action. These things depends exclusively and totally on us, we have power over them, and they may correspond morally to good or evil wether they are compliant or non-compliant to nature.

Doesn’t depends on us: things external to us…

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Travels & Treasures


RPG stuff for thinking human beings.

Mythic Fantasy Roleplaying Game

Every great adventure starts with a journey, and every journey with a single step. Travels & Treasures enables myth masters to easily and quickly enhance their adventures, to cast the adventurers into unforeseen situations and unexpected events.

Every single journey will become an opportunity for adventure, every single encounter a believable and interesting situation.

Travels & Treasures also facilitates the crafting of adventures, and the treasures potentially found in them.

‘Travels & Treasures’ is available from here.


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