Channel: Varg Vikernes – Thulean Perspective
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The term «tolerance» is, just like the term «freedom», very much used in the anti-European propaganda. Being tolerant is apparently a good thing. Being tolerant is the only positive alternative. Yes; tolerance is the sign of a highly developed mind, an emotionally mature individual and of wisdom.

Homosexuals, other races, mongrelization, other religions, alternative life-styles, atheism, all art and all politically correct ideology; we are to tolerate all of this! The only thing we are not to tolerate is of course intolerance…

A Jewish propaganda slogan;

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance

Yes, being intolerant is seen as very bad, and if you are intolerant of anything (save of intolerance) you might as well start dressing and speaking like a redneck, because that is what you are in their eyes; an uneducated, emotionally infantile, stupid and ignorant redneck.

Jewish propaganda posters;

Tolerance (1) tolerance_coexist tolerance

The freedom to and actually this absurd notion of tolerance is what has caused the most havoc to Europe. When everyone are free to do just about anything they want, and when everybody else are supposed to tolerate whatever they do, it will never last long until the entire society is in – pardon my language – deep shit.

My assertion is that being tolerant is not at all a sign of greatness of mind, or being emotionally mature or wise; it is solely a sign of ignorance and weakness, it is (from a biological point of view) suicidal and also utterly stupid. Yes, to tolerate an invasion of peoples who are anything but tolerant towards you; to tolerate that the enemy our forefathers fought hard to keep out for thousands of years to just enter freely; to tolerate that everything healthy and sane is spat upon every day and everywhere in your society is all extremely stupid, ignorant, suicidal and also respectless towards our forebears. Sorry, but I spit upon tolerance instead!

tolerance (2)

I do not tolerate that left-wing nut-cases completely brainwashed into becoming no better than Jews themselves allow Europe to be taken over by Jews and Muslims. I do not tolerate that Muslims in particular, but others too (including Europeans), rape European women in the streets, or anywhere else for that matter, in any context, and are even allowed to do it again and again. I do not tolerate that politicians soil the sacred Pagan institution of marriage, by allowing homosexuals to marry as if they were normal human beings. I do not tolerate that European children are being brainwashed with vile and anti-European lies. I do not tolerate that Jews, priests and other perverts sexually abuse European children. I do not tolerate that Hollywood propagates promiscuity and stupidity as being the highest ideals for women. I do not tolerate that Judeo-Christians build their synagoges on our European sacred soil! I do not tolerate anything in Europe that goes against the interests of Europe! To tolerate anything of that sort is treason and cowardice!

Sorry, but to me a healthy tolerance is e. g. to accept that others make mistakes too and to be able to appreciate your friends in spite of their odd or annoying sides. You don’t tolerate a Muslim invasion or a Jewish take-over of Europe! That is treason, not tolerance! You don’t tolerate that one or more men rape you daughter; you avenge it – and if you don’t you are not a man, but a worthless coward with no honour whatsoever!

No, I am not a «primitive» man, but a man. Not a modern unisex woman-man, but a true European man! I represent the norm, the historic norm; I am a keeper and guardian of law and order, of traditions and culture, of values and virtues, of race and reason; of Europe – and I tolerate nothing that goes against any of this! HailaR WôðanaR!

The Face of Intolerance:


You can judge a book by its cover


We have all heard it before; «you can not judge a book by its cover». This is an idea heavily advocated in our modern societies; it is propagated alongside the idea that it is impossible to have any form of pre-knowledge about anyone based on what their names are, where they come from et cetera, and also that if you do have such «prejudice» you are a bad person.

Sorry to say so, but this is simply wrong! There is so much you can know about a person based solely on how they look, how they dress, what their profession is, where they come from, what their name is et cetera.

First of all you can perfectly well see intelligence in a person’s face, i. e. in his eyes, or of course the lack of intelligence.

Obviously intelligent persons;

adolf-hitler-avatar-923 images (1)

Obviously unintelligent persons;

amy-winehouse David-Beckham-ses-fils-ont-honte-qu-il-s-affiche-partout-en-calecon_portrait_w674

With some cultural insight you can also e. g. tell that anyone around age 30-50 in Norway with the name Jonny, Kenneth, Ronny, Tommy, Roy, Robert or Roger is very, very likely to be untrustworthy, unreliable, unintelligent and uneducated. Yes! Amazingly you can tell all of this just by looking at their first names! Why? Because in Norway only the most low-brow wanna-be-hippie parents gave their children such names 30 to 40 years ago, and they also believed in a «free upbringing», meaning their children received very little upbringing at all and ended up as of course no smarter than their parents, but also extremely badly-behaved. Now, there are of course exceptions to this rule, but in 9 out of 10 cases you will be wise not to e. g. give a loan to a person with such a forename; according to (unofficial and very illegal) bank statistics about 90% of all debt collection cases in Norway are against individuals with such forenames. So I guess you can tell a lot from a person’s first name alone after all.

Here in France I have learnt that any female with a name ending with an -a is working class, and just about anyone with kids called «Enzo» or «Noah» or «Matteo» or the like are working class too. Any French nobleman would be more likely to willingly crawl naked through the streets of his hometown with a carrot sticking out of his behind than call his son «Enzo», so to speak. There is of course nothing wrong with this name, but at least in France they do tell a lot about your social class.

With some cultural knowledge there is really a lot you can tell about a person from his forename alone…

When it comes to clothing we already know, so I will not say much about that. I will however say something; a few years ago I lived near Aurillac, and a few weeks every year they had some left-wing extremist open theatre thing there, flooding the town with left-wing losers (who used the public parks as open toilets) dressed in what I named «the left-wing extremist uniform»; they all had dread-locks, they all had hippie-like clothing, they all had sandals and they all drove large and old (and extremely polluting) mini-vans. When out driving with my oldest daughter and her friend I kept telling them that «the driver of that mini-van to our front is for sure a left-wing extremist», whenever I saw such a car, and they naturally protested and thought I was soooo biased, until we drove up alongside the car and saw the «people» inside… I was not mistaken a single time, and the snotty teenage girls in the back seat learnt a lesson in «prejudice».

Obviously a narrow-minded, biased and intolerant racist;


Yes, we arrive at the bias based on «where you come from» subject, and yes indeed; there is just so much you can tell about a person based solely on where he comes from racially, nationally, regionally, culturally, socially and even economically. And I must say; of course you can!

An example; I can with pretty high accuracy spot a Norwegian in a crowd in any busy London street, simply by the way the Norwegian walks. He is used to having plenty of space so he walks as if he still has, even though he doesn’t, whilst all the «natives» (all 40% of the people living there….) do the opposite, and do their best to become small, so that they can all fit on that narrow side-walk.

Sorry, but bias is not «prejudice». Bias is rather accurate pre-knowledge. You very much can judge a book by its cover! Sure, there are always exceptions to the rule, but by and large you can tell a lot about a person based on his looks alone. You can tell a lot about a person based on his name alone. You can tell a lot about a person based on his social class alone. You can tell a lot about a person based on his nationality alone. You can tell a lot about a person based on his race alone. You can tell a lot about a person based on his eyes alone.

If you want any real world and practical effect of this blog in your life please start to trust your gut feeling when you meet others; their looks can deceive you, but most of the time they don’t – and you will be better off trusting your gut feelings most of the time.

My gut feeling tells me that guys who look like this are not to be trusted and are up to no good; 

louisbmayerzionism-zangwill-israel-011292805378612largethe-jewsJew-Communist-Hobsbawmjewstarantinonicolas,sarkozy,israel960xtéléchargement (1)castelSir Jimmy Savilebulletin-communiste-janvier22

The Future


When I was in my early to mid teens I played a lot of role-playing games with mostly older friends, and one of them, Thor-Henning, who was a full five years older than me, was a social client, a hashish-smoking, over-weight anarchist who argued that we should all – when we became adults – not work and instead go on social welfare, because – he argued – that would bring the system down sooner.

At the time I was rather anti-social; I was skipping classes in school, I kept ending up in fist fights in school and outside of school as well, I trained martial arts and went to the rifle range to get access to ammo for my illegal rifle, that I stole from a house when I was 12. When the pro-Soviet Union hunting teacher at school held classes a friend of mine and I went to his home and stole some 2,500 rounds of ammo. I traded my old moped for 1,000 NOK and three bags of electronic detonators. I purchased an original SS-steel helmet for 300 NOK from one of my RPG-friends. Everything I did was really just a preparation for WWIII, and until that came I figured I could play guitars and RPGs. Some times I just sat there, wearing my SS-helmet, holding my loaded rifle; looking at the watch and wondering when the war would start. I had plenty of weapons and ammo, but not food for even a single day – because I figured I wouldn’t last long enough to ever need that. The war was to be my doom; I wanted to follow the path taken by those of my forebears whom I respected and looked up to. I guess I too was a rather depressed teenager.

Why? Well, I saw the world around me fall apart, and for some reason I felt as if everything that had been worth living for had been destroyed – and it had mainly happened during the Christianization of Europe and the last nail in the coffin was when Hitler’s Germany lost WWII. I would rather die for something that was long lost than live for anything in my lifetime. I thought that I would rather die for Hitler than life for what the victors had brought us.

My brother took another path and choose education and what is today seen as success. Yes; I was a loser. A real loser; no education save what we all have to have, no job, no wish for a job, no girlfriend, only loser friends like the one mentioned above, no hope for any future. But…. I was a loser by choice. I didn’t want a job where I had to pay taxes to a thoroughly rotten system. I didn’t want a girlfriend and later a family in this world; I saw bringing a child to this rotten world as the uttermost cruelty! I didn’t want to end up like my parents; useful «winners» with good jobs, contributing to the downfall of Europe by paying taxes to a criminal system. I choose to be a loser! As I saw it the biggest failure I could suffer was to be «successful» in this system.

When I see others attack people for being what most of us see as «losers» I think about this, how I wanted to be a «loser» rather than be good at something bad in a bad system. Naturally I was just a teenager; young and ignorant, but in hindsight I must say I did the right thing. When the game is «Rape Europe» I think losing is the best thing you can do.

Today I am older and wiser. Sure, some are both young and wise. Age doesn’t really matter. But I wasn’t, and in any case; today I am older and wiser, and in spite of facing some problems in life – like spending some time in prison – I am doing fine, even in this rotten world. Though instead of doing my best to end my own life, I do my best to stay away from the decay of this world; rather than try to fight the tidal wave I step aside and let it wash over the world. I have to relate to reality; there is nothing I can do about a tidal wave, save step aside and let it kill those who fail to do the same. When it has destroyed everything I will descend from the hills or mountains and build a new world. A better world. A European Europe. With this blog I try to make sure that as many as possible other Europeans do the same; my children need there to be others like them, or else everything is indeed lost.

So let this world fall, let it and everybody in it drown in all the filth they produce. Let this world set itself ablaze, and let it burn to ashes, along with everyone who clings to it. Build your fortress on a hill or in the mountains and sit there and just watch as the tidal waves wash this world clean. A new world will arise from the ashes of the old, green grass and tall trees will grow, flowery meadows and forests wide will appear. Fell no tear for what is lost when this world is cast by itself into the abyss: only hatred, stupidity, dishonesty, jealousy, greed and cruelty will be lost! A true Europe will be gained! A homogeneous, beautiful, harmonious and white Europe will be born from the ashes, like a Phoenix. Europe renewed. Europe reborn. Europe as it was and as it should be! Glorious Europe!

Yes, I am but an old man with a questionable past, and I will probably never see the Europe I love and long for, but I have children, and I hope they will some day be able to live in a European Europe. HailaR WôðanaR!

This is what I fight for;

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The Why we care


The once homogeneous Europe was a well-functioning continent, efficient and orderly; the trains ran on time, so to speak. The more mongrelized a European nation was the less true this was for that nation though.

Today Europe is overrun by Afro-Asian immigrants, and European societies that used to work at least almost perfectly no longer do so, and those who had problems before have even greater problems now. All the services in society suffers greatly from immigration, as individuals who don’t care at all about the new nation they live in do a poor job when doing work in that nation. The police has become less reliable and all of a sudden has too much work to cope well with it all, the postal system is much less reliable, the local workshop no longer does a good job with your car, the builders do a poor job when they build your house, et cetera, and all because different non-European swarthy types have been allowed to work in these professions, and they all fail to offer the same service as a European would.

One of the biggest problem is that the healthcare system suffers from this, and European countries hire non-European doctors en masse. Half of these alien «doctors» got their diploma through bribery, the other half probably just forged their papers, and questioning their honesty would of course be “racism”, so we never do that! – and of course the few exceptions to this rule, who actually are educated doctors, change nothing in this context. By and large the medical skills of these non-Europeans as at best substandard and they cause great damage to our healthcare system – and thus to all of us, if or when we need medical assistance.


Earlier this week my youngest boy, age 3,5, hurt his left foot when he fell whilst playing with his siblings. There was only a little swelling and no bruise-marks, so we figured it was not that serious, and – since it was already late in the evening – we decided to wait until the next morning before we took him to a doctor. It seemed as if he had just sprained his ankle.

My youngest son playing in the front yard;


The next day my wife called a hospital, who advised us to go to a local doctor instead. The local doctor told us that they needed an x-ray of the foot, so we had to go to the hospital after all. We did, and I dropped my youngest son and his mother off at the hospital.

My wife and my son was then «of course» given a Negro doctor, who rather than greet them as normal human beings do, opened the conversation by saying «So you are the ones who keep me away from lunch?» It was soon lunch. The Negro doctor was impolite and arrogant, and started to grab my son’s foot in a very rough way, twisting it to find the injury. My son cried and was asked to try and stand on his feet. He wasn’t able to, but the Negro doctor insisted. When he still failed to, because of pain, the Negro doctor wrote in his report that my son was «whiny» and that he “refused to walk”. My wife then pressured him into taking an x-ray of the foot, to see if everything was okay. He then asked a nurse to take an x-ray of his right ankle, and she did. The x-ray showed nothing unusual, and the Negro doctor told my wife to give my son an aspirin and that he would be well soon, if only my wife forced him to walk. He then attacked my wife for bringing my son to the hospital, instead of just taking him to the local doctor. And off he went for lunch… «finally».

Naturally, taking an x-ray of the right ankle when a little 3,5 year-old boy has hurt his left foot is a bit strange, but whether this was incompetence, or simply because he wanted to get rid of his patient and thus make sure he could have his lunch sooner is not clear.

Naturally, my son had another tough night, waking up and struggling to sleep, because of pain, and the next morning we went to another hospital. Thankfully this hospital had a French doctor. Several doctors actually, and nurses, who were all (French and) polite, kind and caring, as can be expected from normal Europeans. The doctor touched my son’s foot very gently and carefully, and had an x-ray taken of it. It turned out my son had broken his foot, right under the knee. Yes; it was broken! So, no wonder why my «whiny» little 3,5 year-old boy was unable to stand on it when the Negro doctor ordered him to.

Yes, thankfully there is a hospital with French doctors nearby, where we live, but it is of course only a matter of time before that too becomes so «multi-cultural» that you are better off going to a European New Age healer or any other quack than to the public hospital.

My youngest son «multi-tasking»; brushing his teeth and using a rifle cleaning kit to scratch underneath the plaster;


So, what is my point? Well, we Europeans are humans and we treat each other humanely, but I am sorry to say that Afro-Asians are not. Every single time my wife or I face such creatures we get this confirmed. They have no understanding of what being a human being is, and the state of their own countries is of course proof enough in itself that I am right. They are savages, semi-humans, half-apes, and their mere presence here in Europe is a serious threat to our European humanity. Even those of them who seem to do an honest work are a problem; they don’t do a good job! They are terrible at what they do. Even when they clean our toilets they do a poor job! We really need to get rid of these sub-humans! Get them out of Europe now! They are never “kind” and “loyal” and “lawful” unless they think they can gain more from pretending to be like that, until they no longer have to and can behave like they really want in relation to us “white pigs”! They pretend to be like us, but they are not! They are like wild beasts, and only wait for the best opportunity to attack and to finish us all off! They only wait for a time when they outnumber us, and when they do…. they will go amok and let their true and beastly nature out!

A single lonely Arab, Jew or Negro, or similar, is always kind, smiling, humble and helpful, but turn your back to him or meet him when he is with his friends and you are alone, and you will see his true face… they are the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of humanity! The are expert liars, and have great progress as parasites and predators in our naïve and innocent Europe.

But of course; everyone knowns a “good” Jew…. so; “they are not all bad”. Yes they are, or perhaps “only” 95% of them are all bad, and those last 5% are in any case 95% likely to have all bad offspring. 

Sorry, but I am sick and tired of this. Our children deserve better than this! Our forebears deserve better than this! Even we deserve better than this! In some hundred years or so, when Europe is all shit-coloured, they will start to claim the European heritage as well, like they did with Ancient Egypt and Sumer, and use it as evidence of their superiority! The Vikings will be presented as shit-brown and no European will be around to correct this lie. We will all be butchered the moment they become the majority. Not in individual towns or cities, perhaps not even in individual nations, but when they are a majority in all of Europe!

Sorry, but I don’t want to expose my kids to animals like this Negro “doctor” in any context, ever! In the past I didn’t have to either, because Europe was European, but it is no longer. Europe is dragged down to the level they are and have always been on – and we should do everything we can to stop this process and reverse it! HailaR WôðanaR!

This 3,5 year-old French citizen was ordered by a Negro “doctor” to stand on his broken leg, and when he failed to the doctor claimed he was “whiny”;


The Mirror in the Well


It is impossible to speak about a meaning of life without speculating wildly and entering deep into the zone of religion and philosophy. Sure, you can always stick to the biological meaning of life – which is simply to reproduce and perhaps also improve the species you are a part of – but human beings also have a need for some sort of metaphysical meaning.

When I relate to other human beings in everyday life I always worry about hurting their feelings, disappointing them, making them feel uncomfortable in any way et cetera, and generally speaking simply don’t want to be a problem to others. When I feel that I in some way have helped or pleased, or have made the day better for the individuals I relate to it makes me feel good. Being a pleasant, polite and good person gives my life a deeper meaning. I don’t think life would have been tolerable to me if I felt that I was unpleasant or a problem to good people around me. When I some times feel that I have been in the way for somebody else it troubles me greatly, often for days – and even for years. I once accidentally pushed a girl in elementary school so that she fell into some thorny bushes, and even now, more than 30 years later I some times think about this and feel bad for having done so.

When I took my youngest son to the hospital to get his injured leg treated I felt that I was a parasite, using a system intended for Frenchmen, and that I was wrong to do so, but of course my wife and I pay our taxes and my son is a Frenchman, so I realised that I was being silly. Whilst I was having such qualms, though, I saw hordes of Africans (in particular) and Asians (too) go in and out of the hospital. They were shamelessly using the system for their own benefit (demanding help, complaining for all kinds of things, showing no gratitude for the help they received et cetera), and some of them (I am not kidding!) actually attacked and tried to kick the pidgeons outside the hospital when they left, laughing as they did – trying to impress their company by doing so, or something (I have no idea what goes on inside such a mind). These were the same pidgeons my other son and my youngest daughter shared our lunch with, whilst we ate outside the hospital. (My two kids just stopped playing and looked at their behaviour with shock.)

We – Europeans – are good and honest human beings because we are Europeans – and only Europeans have these qualities. So Europe matters, because we are a part of Europe and because Europe is a part of us, and Europe – as a biological term – is what ensures the immortality of all honourable men and also a hope for a better future for us all. Perhaps, if Europe prevails, we might even find more and deeper meaning than we already have, on all levels.

As for the rest of mankind, of course not all of them are like the pidgeon-kicking nut-cases described above, but they are at best not like us and we have to always remember that. They are not like us! Most of them are plain sadistic, parasitical and destructive, and we must know and never forget that. Europe must be kept free from such creatures – by all means! They are like poison in our wells! HailaR WôðanaR! 

Daughters, Mothers, Sisters & Wives


Mr. Steed sent me a link to a YouTube video today. Before anything I suggest you see it yourself.

Most likely we all already agree on what should have be done with the males discussed in this video – and I am pretty sure we agree on what should have been done with all their co-religionists in Europe too. Every single one of them. We all probably also agree that it is very strange when the fathers, brothers, friends and husbands of the women raped by these sub-humans don’t at the very least «react strongly» in relation to every single one of them, and in relation to the sub-humans she-pigs who gave birth to them too for that sake.

So instead I am going to talk about the women who willingly expose themselves to these sub-humans. First of all; why do they? The answer is of course because the socialist lie-propaganda they have been exposed to from the day they were born have made them believe that «there are no human races, there is only one human race». So they know that some men are worthless scum, and thus occasionally rape women, but they have not been told that in certain (sub-) human races (that they are not even able to identify) the percentage of «rapist scum» is exceptionally high, and many times higher than in any other races. What they also fail to understand, again because of the socialist lie-propaganda they have been exposed to, is that certain creeds – i. e. Judaism and Islam – dramatically increases the chance for a man to become a sub-human rapist. Sure, Jews are more over-represented when it comes to the rape of children, and Muslims are more over-represented when it comes to the rape of non-Muslim women (and men for that sake) (and actually Muslim girls, whom they often marry and rape when they are still children), but still; both these creeds seem to dramatically increases the chance for a man to become a sub-human rapist. Naturally the same can be said about Christianity, but this seems to only apply to the Christian priests – and they seem to mostly rape children too (so I guess they have become “true Jews”).

When the brainwashed European women are exposed to a «race of rapists» with a «rapist creed» they are of course very often doomed, and all the socialist lies they have been told and which they blindly believed in are unveiled for what they are. Too late for the naïve brainwashed women, of course, but still.

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for these women; they can just like the rest of us easily see through the lie-propaganda of the socialists, but they seem to be too stupid to do so, and yes; I detest stupid human beings! Instead they willingly expose themselves to the rapist races with rapist creeds, and have the nerve to complain when they are raped; a bit like a guy walking into a lion’s cage with juicy steaks fastened to his body who then complains if he is being attacked and eaten by the lion. It is no good blaming those who told him that it was perfectly safe to do so; he is an idiot and deserves to be eaten. Good riddance!

Unfortunately many (most?) European women apparently are idiots, and walk around looking like cheap prostitutes amongst individuals of the rapist race with a rapist creed, and claim it is their right to dress as they please. Sure, it is, and it is also the right of any man to fasted a few juicy steaks to his body and then enter the cage of a hungry lion. Be my guest! We are better off without such obviously not-very-smart individuals. The problem is that you have to relate to reality (a very much hated and ignored subject in socialistic ideologies). Even the “liberated” feminist man-women have to relate to reality, at least some times – and at least if they want to avoid being gang raped by half-apes.

Now, don’t get me wrong; not all rape victims are stupid women who look like cheap prostitutes and behaves irresponsibly, and not all rapists belong to a rapist race and/or a rapist creed. Some rapists are purely European, and these European rapists are most often no better than the swarthy guys from a rapist race with a rapist creed; they all deserve to be hanged in public with a sign around their neck telling everyone who sees them that they are sub-human rapists who were removed for race-hygienic reasons and to protect the people.

Dear European women – and girls! Please stop believing in what they teach you in school, at the university, on TV and in newspapers; you are free to walk pretty much wherever and whenever you want to, dress in whatever you want to and socialise with whomever you want to, but you are not free from the adverse effects from doing so. And these adverse effects don’t come because men are such male chauvinists, because men feel threatened by liberated women, because men are uneducated, because men are pigs or anything like that; these adverse effects come because what they teach you in school, at the university, on TV and in newspapers go against nature – both the nature of man and also the nature of the sub-human man your masters have imported en masse the last few decades! What they tell you is nonsense and it has nothing to do with reality whatsoever!

You might be free to walk pretty much wherever and whenever you want to, dress in whatever you want to and socialise with whomever you want to, but what you should be more concerned with is that you are also free to think, and to not walk pretty much wherever and whenever you want to, dress in whatever you want to and socialise with whomever you want to.

When it comes to fathers in Europe; do you let your children play football in the middle of traffic? Do you let your children drink alcohol and take drugs? Do you let your infant baby play alone by the sea? Do you let your children run around with scissors in their hands? Do you let your children eat poisonous plants? Do you allow your children to climb over the fence in a zoo because they want to touch the hyenas? No? Then why on Earth do you let your daughter out alone looking like a cheap prostitute in a Europe overrun by hyper-sexualised half-apes with no respect for anything at all? Are you mad?! If you let your daughter walk around looking like a cheap prostitute in a “multi-cultural” society, then you bear much of the responsibility if she is gang raped by some half-apes.

Sorry, but I don’t understand how European women can be raped by foreigners in Europe. I don’t understand how this can happen – and keep happening. Again and again. Why aren’t people taking to the streets to demand change? Why is there no revolt? I don’t understand this. The world is truly mad. Europe has lost it’s mind. I fear the solution to this will be a bloody and messy affair indeed.

PS. When it comes to those who let the half-apes into Europe in the first place; we will never forgive and never forget!


Endangered Species


For some reason the left-wing extremists are very engaged in environmentalism and the protection of different threatened animal species and races, to keep the floral and faunal diversity on this planet, but at the same time they fight to mongrelize the European species. So some rare frog in the Amazonas or some weird bird in the desert is worth fighting for, but not the European species? Why aren’t these probably originally good and honest – and extremely brainwashed and deluded – human beings able to see the contradiction here? What about human diversity then?

In a former conservative newspaper, Aftenposten, which is now a 100% hard-core anti-European Jew-kneeling traitor newspaper, there was an article about this today. They discuss how foreign plants and animals threaten the native plants and animals in Norway, and destroy the Norwegian flora and fauna in the process, and of course the comment field under is full of comments about the non-European immigration instead. Yes; the ruling socialist “elite” really want to mongrelize Europe, but the European peoples usually don’t – at least if we are to trust such comments fields and the conversations I have had with others over the years. Europe is pretty fed up with immigration by now; even many of the (former?) left-wing extremists are.

Ôðalism is also a fight for environmentalism, pro-animal rights, the diversity of nature and of course for the protection of the European species and all European races. I cheer when activists let out tortured animals from the pelt and food industry plants, even if they die in freedom; it is much better to suffer and die in freedom than it is to suffer and live (longer) in captivity under horrible conditions. If we are to raise animals for any purpose we must treat the animals with respect, give them plenty of freedom of movement and never let them suffer in any way (until we shop their heads off to eat them and/or take their fur…). Ideally we should get all our meat from hunting, trapping and fishing, and perhaps one day we will be able to do that – again.

In Norway they ruthlessly hunt and kill the invading animals, such as the “killer snail”, and rightfully so – and why should we treat other invading species any differently? We must protect the European nature, including the native populations of animals and humans, by any and all means necessary. HailaR WôðanaR!

Another example of Revolt in Practise


This entire day I spent driving back and forth, to get rid of an old «pain», our worn out Mercedes Vito (which didn’t pass the technical test) from 1998, and to pick up a (to us) new car, a UAZ 469b from 1988, registered for 7 passengers. I got up 05:00 in the morning and got back home around 20:00. All in all I drove about 1,000 km, and I signed a pile of papers and spoke all kinds of languages (none of them very well…) with various individuals, so I am tired, my feet hurts from driving the Mercedes and my ears hurt from driving the UAZ – and my head hurts from all that social contact.

So, my newer car was junk, and I replaced it with a car 10 years older, which is in near perfect condition.

Sorry, but why is it old stuff is of so much higher quality than new stuff? When did that happen? For some reason I find this relevant in all contexts; old cars last longer than new cars; old religions (Paganism) are better than new ones (Christianity, Judaism and Islam); old buildings (medieval stone houses) last longer than new houses; the old life style was better than the new life style; old art is better than new art… I could go on forever. So am I a nostalgic romantic or am I simply right?

Today I revolted mainly against Renault (owned by Jews, not Frenchmen) by choosing not to buy their low-budget Dacia Logan, which would probably have broken down within 3-5 years after purchase anyhow, and instead I purchased a used car built in the Soviet Union, which will last forever (the car, that is, not the Soviet Union….) – if only maintained well and given some new (very low-cost) parts every now and then. Sure, it is noisy, has close to no comfort (and I think I might need to install some seat belts…) and drives like a tractor, but it will last. Yes, that is what I worry about these days; will the things I purchase last? I am sick and tired of purchasing things I need only to see them fail me when I need them the most – because they are only made for optimal profit for the manufacturers.

Without any doubt in my mind I choose Paganism (Ôðalism) instead of modern religious bullshit. I choose old cars, with old, tested and proven technology, built to last forever. I choose the old lifestyle, with a wife and children, and fidelity until death, and more closeness to nature in a rural area. I choose to grow my own food (as much as I can) and raise my own animals, rather than buy the modern mass-produced food from the modern super market. I choose the good old racism over the modern racial suicide and genocide. As much as I can I choose not to contribute to the capitalist system. I choose life over death – and death over dishonour! HailaR WôðanaR!

My old Mercedes Vito; R. I. P. (you can decide for yourself whether I am a lousy photographer or just so full of myself that I can not stand the thought of not having at least some sort of image of me on every single photo on this blog…)


Well, I guess I am just a lousy photographer;


My “new” car (UAZ 469b);


Let us not forget my poor Lada, currently being repaired after the electric wires were gnawed on by mice this winter…. but I could of course still drive her myself to the workshop! She never stops! (although I might have confused a few other drivers with odd and out of place signaling and sudden use of windshield wipers and such…)


The Mantra


Earlier today The Mantra posted this video in a comment, and I think it deserves more attention. Before anything I advice you to see it. Ideally twice.

Many of us already know what is going on, but I think this video gives us hope that others too will soon wake up and see what is going on. The message is so obviously true, and anyone who sees this video must agree with that.

The video contains no mention of Jews or other genocidal and psychopathic maniacs, no symbols associated with racism or fascism or nationalism and no foul language, and it is therefore acceptable for everyone. It is obviously intended for everyone and I suggest you spread this video to everyone you know.

The wind is blowing in our favour, and it will continue to do so for a very long time. Maybe forever. Europe is waking up. HailaR WôðanaR!

“Norwegians fight for Norway”





The painted one


Let us all thank The Modern Pict for sharing this excellent video with us. It shows the true face of our main enemy. If they only showed this to all the teenagers in school rather than “Schindler’s List” and such…

HailaR WôðanaR! 

The Blog


Some of you have followed me here on this blog from the beginning, but naturally most of you have begun following later on. For some time I was very active, writing posts, but I think that most of what I wanted to say has been said now. Whenever I added a new post the last few weeks I felt that I only pushed the more important posts further down into the darkness – where they will mostly gather dust and do little good. At one point I contemplated simply removing all the «politics» posts, and let the Ôðalism posts stand – and become more visible. Instead I added a new page with all the «essential» posts.

The politics posts were added reluctantly, I guess out of anger and despair over the world situation; mainly because I see only lies and enemy propaganda and really need to at least speak up against them. If I could (…) I would spend my time on other activities instead, like in my garden, outside playing with my children or maybe watching a good film or two in the evening with my wife. But for how long would I have been able to do so if I didn’t fight the Jewish enemy? For how long would Europe survive if none of us resisted their genocide? Should I just leave this fight to be fought by others? Is it not my duty to do what I can too? It is. So I do…

Still, in this war, in the middle of this terrible war, where our men are stabbed, robbed and even killed in the streets, and were our women are beaten and raped, by the mongrel henchmen of the Jews, all of them protected by the police that was supposed to protect us from them; I advice you to let some light shine into your minds and banish the dismal darkness inside, with some positive information, some clean and fresh European thoughts and ideas – so I invite you to read some of the earlier posts whilst waiting for me to become angry enough to write another post for this pro-European blog.

Here are some of my favourites;
Beyond the River Ifing
Divine Light
The Vibrations of the Universe
The Sacred Dance
The Sacred Marriage
The Apples of Eternal Youth
Sense Perception versus Intuition

Thank you for following me. HailaR WôðanaR!

Global Warming &….Hens


Every year we see pictures of the ice melting in the Arctic and the left-wing extremists scream «proof of global warming», but in reality we just witness something that is best known as simply Spring. Yes; every Spring the ice melts and big chunks of ice falls off the glaciers. I think it is called «calving».

This year more and more Frenchmen at least realize that the talk about «global warming» is pure nonsense. It has been snowing and/or raining all over France for a long time now, and the temperatures are unusually low. What we enter is not a period of global warming, but another Ice Age. I kid you not; we are entering another Ice Age, and this means – as usual – that most of Northern Europe will be covered by thick ice. Of course it might take some time before it becomes that dramatic, maybe 100 or even 1000 years, but it will happen. Again.

In April the weather is usually very warm and nice here in central France, but not this year, and this explains the wet, dark feel to the photos in this post (save the first one, taken on a Sunny day). As we enter a new Ice Age I am doing my best to become as independent of the consumer society as I possibly can. So (amongst other things, that I will discuss later) I purchased a hens’ house for less than the materials it was built from would have cost me, and then purchased some more materials to customize it and make it suitable for our needs.

Our hens’ house, made from a purchased hens’ house (made by another family father, whose dog didn’t tolerate any hens…), some new materials and what we already had;


We already had an electric fence, made in France (and to quote the salesman; «it is not made in China, so it will last a long time»), so I put that up – to keep the fox out. We plan on having two or three (or four) hens, so this large area in our garden will be more than enough for them. I added some roof tiles (not yet properly arranged on the photo) and shingle (and when I ran out of that; a «beautiful» black plastic garbage bag…) to give the hens a (mostly) dry place to sleep.

The electric fence and the hens’ free space;


Now all we need is to go buy some hens…

So why do we do this exactly? First of all the way they produce eggs today is nothing but mistreatment of animals – or actually torture. We don’t want to support that. Secondly, the price of eggs have sky-rocketed here in France the last few years. Thirdly we never know when the local store will run out of eggs. Finally we tend to always have left-overs after lunch, supper and dinner, and the hens can and will eat most of this – so having hens means we will throw away less food. They love everything from cooked potatoes to bread. (Oh, and in addition to that they eat bugs, even flies, so they will reduce the population of annoying bugs on our rental property.)

The whole «compound» is made so that I can move it at any time, from this rental property to our own property nearby.

This alone is not enough to make us independent, but it is one of the many bricks needed to build our Pagan temple of Freedom (from…). This freedom will not only benefit us, but also harm our enemies, who otherwise would have cashed in on our purchases of eggs. This is in fact a way to resist the genocide on Europe! HailaR WôðanaR!

Yet another example of how to revolt


As some of you might already have understood, from my work on the property and the rental property, I am generally speaking a rather incompetent individual. Sure, I know some very few things rather well, but in most respects I am at best rather incompetent. With the risk of sounding a bit geeky; if I was a D&D character I’de be a Bard for sure; a jack of all trades, but master of none! However, with the ego of a genious (and a wife who expects me to know and do everything) I am not afraid to attempt anything, and to some extent I do… I build, modify and fix things, with varying results of course.

My latest venture was to build …. (well; my wife’s latest venture, was to have me build) houses for rabbits. Yes, not only do we plan to have hens in our garden; we also plan to have rabbits. Naturally we could have just purchased some rabbits’ houses online, but those they sell are expensive, small and not very robust. And we really don’t want to do it that way; the more we do and can do ourselves the better. The best way to become truly free is to spend the money on tools and materials instead – and to (when you can) make things that you can fix yourself if they break.



So I spent three half days buying materials for and building these two rather large (2,4 metres long) rabbits’ houses. They are, as you can see, crude and primitive, they don’t look very good, but they are heavy and robust, and – after I have added some floor tiles (for ease of cleaning) – ready to house probably 4-8 rabbits in all. We also have a movable fence of some sort, that we will move about on the lawn during the day, and have the rabbits assist me in keeping the grass down.

The rabbit houses;


The rabbits will be a good extra source of protein for us, but we will of course also use the fur, meaning we will have the opportunity to even make clothes ourselves, if the rest of the world goes down the drain – which it probably will soon. Many of the clothes in the Forebears movie (see trailer here) are in fact made by my wife from (purchased) rabbit pelts.

Just like the chicken industry, the rabbit industry is horrible; the rabbits are treated terribly and live their lives in their own extrements in tiny cages. We don’t want to contribute to this, and at the same time we want to become as independent as we can. We revolt by raising our own rabbits, on our rental (and later our own) property, where we have plenty of space and grass for a horde of rabbits. A growing population of rabbits will be kept down by a hungry family, and possibly also via trade with locals, who perhaps produce what we don’t. If they become too many we can always release them into the wild (to be eaten by hawks) (the rabbits, that is, not the locals…).

It doesn’t matter if the houses I built are not perfect! It doesn’t matter if what I do is sub standard; I learn a lot from doing things I don’t know well, and after some time living like this I might even become at least a bit competent in a range of fields. All you need to become truly free is some fearlessness and a good «work spirit» (and I guess it helps to have a wife pushing you). The worst you can do is to end up learning something, and that might not be such a bad thing in itself.

Our rabbits will have plenty of space and a varied diet and will live good rabbit lives (all the way until I chop their heads off…), and my kids will know where the food they put into their mouths come from.

HailaR WôðanaR!

World War II started in 1933!


Reblogged from Justice for Germans:

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We have all been taught, or programmed to believe that World War II began on September 1, 1939 with an allegedly unprovoked attack upon Poland. That myth, which has been passed off as truth for over 70 years is very easily debunked. I have posted numerous items previously here and have provided many permanent links to this information, which prove that we have been lied to, and which also prove that Germany was acting legally, ethically and responsibly in retaliating against Polish acts of aggression, which led to war.

Read more… 2,679 more words



Due to the heavy traffic on my e-mail regarding what many think is my Facebook profile, I feel a need to stress that I have no Facebook profile, not as Varg Vikernes, not as Burzum and not as anything else either. Everyone pretending to be me on Facebook or any other social media are impostors. They are false, coward pigs who only pretend they are me, so please don’t like anything they do, please spam them with requests to close down their false accounts and please to tell them all to fuck off. They are all my enemies! Everything they do is to harm me and my interests. All their photos of me, my family or anything else, are stolen from Thulean Perspective or from elsewhere.

Boycott them at all cost, and please if you — unlike me — have a Facebook account please report them. They are misusing the name of a “celebrity”.

If anyone can tell me who exactly are behind this I would be grateful to hear from you.

Please do also spread this post or the contents of this post to all and everyone who might have an interest in this.

HailaR WôðanaR! 

This is me, and just like the new photos on the false Facebook accounts, this one was first published on Thulean Perspective. No before unpublished photo has ever appeared on any of the false Facebook accounts; because they are not run by me — and they all get their new photos from Thulean Perspective. 


By a Peasant, from a Peasant


By now I’ve finished the two rabbit houses;


We have purchased some hens and a cock;


Today I did not buy hay for the rabbits from some «animal» or «garden» store, but instead went to a peasant and purchased these two large balls of hay, and he wanted only a total of 20 EUROs for them both. It was so cheap I felt guilty when I gave him that tiny 20 EURO bill.


And that’s where the point of this posts comes; whenever you buy anything produced by a peasant make sure you buy it from a peasant. You will pay less for it than you would in any store, and he would get more for it than he would from any store. It’s a win-win situation, for both of you – and the Jews who own the stores lose business.

Whether we talk about eggs, hay, fodder, meat, milk, firewood, vegetables, fruit, fertilizer (cow shit) or whatever; go to the peasants in your area, talk to them and try to get some sort of agreement with them directly.

When a large number of us do this we will break much of the power of the Jews, so by doing so we will contribute to the suvival of Europe (as a biological term). Yes, these tiny things we do in everyday life matters, and we should all do whatever we can to make a difference.

HailaR WôðanaR!

PS. We now also have a vicious, mean and highly dangerous (…) guard dog, to guard both animals, property and the family;



The Future


When I was in my early to mid teens I played a lot of role-playing games with mostly older friends, and one of them, Thor-Henning, who was a full five years older than me, was a social client, a hashish-smoking, over-weight anarchist who argued that we should all – when we became adults – not work and instead go on social welfare, because – he argued – that would bring the system down sooner.

At the time I was rather anti-social; I was skipping classes in school, I kept ending up in fist fights in school and outside of school as well, I trained martial arts and went to the rifle range to get access to ammo for my illegal rifle, that I stole from a house when I was 12. When the pro-Soviet Union hunting teacher at school held classes a friend of mine and I went to his home and stole some 2,500 rounds of ammo. I traded my old moped for 1,000 NOK and three bags of electronic detonators. I purchased an original SS-steel helmet for 300 NOK from one of my RPG-friends. Everything I did was really just a preparation for WWIII, and until that came I figured I could play guitars and RPGs. Some times I just sat there, wearing my SS-helmet, holding my loaded rifle; looking at the watch and wondering when the war would start. I had plenty of weapons and ammo, but not food for even a single day – because I figured I wouldn’t last long enough to ever need that. The war was to be my doom; I wanted to follow the path taken by those of my forebears whom I respected and looked up to. I guess I too was a rather depressed teenager.

Why? Well, I saw the world around me fall apart, and for some reason I felt as if everything that had been worth living for had been destroyed – and it had mainly happened during the Christianization of Europe and the last nail in the coffin was when Hitler’s Germany lost WWII. I would rather die for something that was long lost than live for anything in my lifetime. I thought that I would rather die for Hitler than life for what the victors had brought us.

My brother took another path and choose education and what is today seen as success. Yes; I was a loser. A real loser; no education save what we all have to have, no job, no wish for a job, no girlfriend, only loser friends like the one mentioned above, no hope for any future. But…. I was a loser by choice. I didn’t want a job where I had to pay taxes to a thoroughly rotten system. I didn’t want a girlfriend and later a family in this world; I saw bringing a child to this rotten world as the uttermost cruelty! I didn’t want to end up like my parents; useful «winners» with good jobs, contributing to the downfall of Europe by paying taxes to a criminal system. I choose to be a loser! As I saw it the biggest failure I could suffer was to be «successful» in this system.

When I see others attack people for being what most of us see as «losers» I think about this, how I wanted to be a «loser» rather than be good at something bad in a bad system. Naturally I was just a teenager; young and ignorant, but in hindsight I must say I did the right thing. When the game is «Rape Europe» I think losing is the best thing you can do.

Today I am older and wiser. Sure, some are both young and wise. Age doesn’t really matter. But I wasn’t, and in any case; today I am older and wiser, and in spite of facing some problems in life – like spending some time in prison – I am doing fine, even in this rotten world. Though instead of doing my best to end my own life, I do my best to stay away from the decay of this world; rather than try to fight the tidal wave I step aside and let it wash over the world. I have to relate to reality; there is nothing I can do about a tidal wave, save step aside and let it kill those who fail to do the same. When it has destroyed everything I will descend from the hills or mountains and build a new world. A better world. A European Europe. With this blog I try to make sure that as many as possible other Europeans do the same; my children need there to be others like them, or else everything is indeed lost.

So let this world fall, let it and everybody in it drown in all the filth they produce. Let this world set itself ablaze, and let it burn to ashes, along with everyone who clings to it. Build your fortress on a hill or in the mountains and sit there and just watch as the tidal waves wash this world clean. A new world will arise from the ashes of the old, green grass and tall trees will grow, flowery meadows and forests wide will appear. Fell no tear for what is lost when this world is cast by itself into the abyss: only hatred, stupidity, dishonesty, jealousy, greed and cruelty will be lost! A true Europe will be gained! A homogeneous, beautiful, harmonious and white Europe will be born from the ashes, like a Phoenix. Europe renewed. Europe reborn. Europe as it was and as it should be! Glorious Europe!

Yes, I am but an old man with a questionable past, and I will probably never see the Europe I love and long for, but I have children, and I hope they will some day be able to live in a European Europe. HailaR WôðanaR!

This is what I fight for;

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The Why we care


The once homogeneous Europe was a well-functioning continent, efficient and orderly; the trains ran on time, so to speak. The more mongrelized a European nation was the less true this was for that nation though.

Today Europe is overrun by Afro-Asian immigrants, and European societies that used to work at least almost perfectly no longer do so, and those who had problems before have even greater problems now. All the services in society suffers greatly from immigration, as individuals who don’t care at all about the new nation they live in do a poor job when doing work in that nation. The police has become less reliable and all of a sudden has too much work to cope well with it all, the postal system is much less reliable, the local workshop no longer does a good job with your car, the builders do a poor job when they build your house, et cetera, and all because different non-European swarthy types have been allowed to work in these professions, and they all fail to offer the same service as a European would.

One of the biggest problem is that the healthcare system suffers from this, and European countries hire non-European doctors en masse. Half of these alien «doctors» got their diploma through bribery, the other half probably just forged their papers, and questioning their honesty would of course be “racism”, so we never do that! – and of course the few exceptions to this rule, who actually are educated doctors, change nothing in this context. By and large the medical skills of these non-Europeans as at best substandard and they cause great damage to our healthcare system – and thus to all of us, if or when we need medical assistance.


Earlier this week my youngest boy, age 3,5, hurt his left foot when he fell whilst playing with his siblings. There was only a little swelling and no bruise-marks, so we figured it was not that serious, and – since it was already late in the evening – we decided to wait until the next morning before we took him to a doctor. It seemed as if he had just sprained his ankle.

My youngest son playing in the front yard;


The next day my wife called a hospital, who advised us to go to a local doctor instead. The local doctor told us that they needed an x-ray of the foot, so we had to go to the hospital after all. We did, and I dropped my youngest son and his mother off at the hospital.

My wife and my son was then «of course» given a Negro doctor, who rather than greet them as normal human beings do, opened the conversation by saying «So you are the ones who keep me away from lunch?» It was soon lunch. The Negro doctor was impolite and arrogant, and started to grab my son’s foot in a very rough way, twisting it to find the injury. My son cried and was asked to try and stand on his feet. He wasn’t able to, but the Negro doctor insisted. When he still failed to, because of pain, the Negro doctor wrote in his report that my son was «whiny» and that he “refused to walk”. My wife then pressured him into taking an x-ray of the foot, to see if everything was okay. He then asked a nurse to take an x-ray of his right ankle, and she did. The x-ray showed nothing unusual, and the Negro doctor told my wife to give my son an aspirin and that he would be well soon, if only my wife forced him to walk. He then attacked my wife for bringing my son to the hospital, instead of just taking him to the local doctor. And off he went for lunch… «finally».

Naturally, taking an x-ray of the right ankle when a little 3,5 year-old boy has hurt his left foot is a bit strange, but whether this was incompetence, or simply because he wanted to get rid of his patient and thus make sure he could have his lunch sooner is not clear.

Naturally, my son had another tough night, waking up and struggling to sleep, because of pain, and the next morning we went to another hospital. Thankfully this hospital had a French doctor. Several doctors actually, and nurses, who were all (French and) polite, kind and caring, as can be expected from normal Europeans. The doctor touched my son’s foot very gently and carefully, and had an x-ray taken of it. It turned out my son had broken his foot, right under the knee. Yes; it was broken! So, no wonder why my «whiny» little 3,5 year-old boy was unable to stand on it when the Negro doctor ordered him to.

Yes, thankfully there is a hospital with French doctors nearby, where we live, but it is of course only a matter of time before that too becomes so «multi-cultural» that you are better off going to a European New Age healer or any other quack than to the public hospital.

My youngest son «multi-tasking»; brushing his teeth and using a rifle cleaning kit to scratch underneath the plaster;


So, what is my point? Well, we Europeans are humans and we treat each other humanely, but I am sorry to say that Afro-Asians are not. Every single time my wife or I face such creatures we get this confirmed. They have no understanding of what being a human being is, and the state of their own countries is of course proof enough in itself that I am right. They are savages, semi-humans, half-apes, and their mere presence here in Europe is a serious threat to our European humanity. Even those of them who seem to do an honest work are a problem; they don’t do a good job! They are terrible at what they do. Even when they clean our toilets they do a poor job! We really need to get rid of these sub-humans! Get them out of Europe now! They are never “kind” and “loyal” and “lawful” unless they think they can gain more from pretending to be like that, until they no longer have to and can behave like they really want in relation to us “white pigs”! They pretend to be like us, but they are not! They are like wild beasts, and only wait for the best opportunity to attack and to finish us all off! They only wait for a time when they outnumber us, and when they do…. they will go amok and let their true and beastly nature out!

A single lonely Arab, Jew or Negro, or similar, is always kind, smiling, humble and helpful, but turn your back to him or meet him when he is with his friends and you are alone, and you will see his true face… they are the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of humanity! The are expert liars, and have great progress as parasites and predators in our naïve and innocent Europe.

But of course; everyone knowns a “good” Jew…. so; “they are not all bad”. Yes they are, or perhaps “only” 95% of them are all bad, and those last 5% are in any case 95% likely to have all bad offspring. 

Sorry, but I am sick and tired of this. Our children deserve better than this! Our forebears deserve better than this! Even we deserve better than this! In some hundred years or so, when Europe is all shit-coloured, they will start to claim the European heritage as well, like they did with Ancient Egypt and Sumer, and use it as evidence of their superiority! The Vikings will be presented as shit-brown and no European will be around to correct this lie. We will all be butchered the moment they become the majority. Not in individual towns or cities, perhaps not even in individual nations, but when they are a majority in all of Europe!

Sorry, but I don’t want to expose my kids to animals like this Negro “doctor” in any context, ever! In the past I didn’t have to either, because Europe was European, but it is no longer. Europe is dragged down to the level they are and have always been on – and we should do everything we can to stop this process and reverse it! HailaR WôðanaR!

This 3,5 year-old French citizen was ordered by a Negro “doctor” to stand on his broken leg, and when he failed to the doctor claimed he was “whiny”;


The Mirror in the Well


It is impossible to speak about a meaning of life without speculating wildly and entering deep into the zone of religion and philosophy. Sure, you can always stick to the biological meaning of life – which is simply to reproduce and perhaps also improve the species you are a part of – but human beings also have a need for some sort of metaphysical meaning.

When I relate to other human beings in everyday life I always worry about hurting their feelings, disappointing them, making them feel uncomfortable in any way et cetera, and generally speaking simply don’t want to be a problem to others. When I feel that I in some way have helped or pleased, or have made the day better for the individuals I relate to it makes me feel good. Being a pleasant, polite and good person gives my life a deeper meaning. I don’t think life would have been tolerable to me if I felt that I was unpleasant or a problem to good people around me. When I some times feel that I have been in the way for somebody else it troubles me greatly, often for days – and even for years. I once accidentally pushed a girl in elementary school so that she fell into some thorny bushes, and even now, more than 30 years later I some times think about this and feel bad for having done so.

When I took my youngest son to the hospital to get his injured leg treated I felt that I was a parasite, using a system intended for Frenchmen, and that I was wrong to do so, but of course my wife and I pay our taxes and my son is a Frenchman, so I realised that I was being silly. Whilst I was having such qualms, though, I saw hordes of Africans (in particular) and Asians (too) go in and out of the hospital. They were shamelessly using the system for their own benefit (demanding help, complaining for all kinds of things, showing no gratitude for the help they received et cetera), and some of them (I am not kidding!) actually attacked and tried to kick the pidgeons outside the hospital when they left, laughing as they did – trying to impress their company by doing so, or something (I have no idea what goes on inside such a mind). These were the same pidgeons my other son and my youngest daughter shared our lunch with, whilst we ate outside the hospital. (My two kids just stopped playing and looked at their behaviour with shock.)

We – Europeans – are good and honest human beings because we are Europeans – and only Europeans have these qualities. So Europe matters, because we are a part of Europe and because Europe is a part of us, and Europe – as a biological term – is what ensures the immortality of all honourable men and also a hope for a better future for us all. Perhaps, if Europe prevails, we might even find more and deeper meaning than we already have, on all levels.

As for the rest of mankind, of course not all of them are like the pidgeon-kicking nut-cases described above, but they are at best not like us and we have to always remember that. They are not like us! Most of them are plain sadistic, parasitical and destructive, and we must know and never forget that. Europe must be kept free from such creatures – by all means! They are like poison in our wells! HailaR WôðanaR! 

The Sun of our Hearts


Reading newspapers has become a burden. To find the news I first have to wade through loads of semi-pornograhpical adds and articles, the latter mainly about some low-life celebreties and how depraved they are, and then I have to decode the news items when I finally find them. Yes, decode is the right word, because there is very little truth in the news as they are presented to us. At the end of the day I always think; «Why bother reading the newspapers in the first place?» I only do out of old (and bad) habit, and it really only serves as a catalyst for my own frustration. The news are in any case extremely negative, and we even get all the negative news of the entire world served to us every single day. How can that possibly be good? Do I really need to see all that shit every single day of my life? Does this really concern me? I don’t live in a «Global village», so why let them pretend I do?

So I first read the online newspapers less and less, and I think I have come to the conclusion that I will stop altogether. There is no point anymore; I can get my news from blogs made by people who see and experience the news themselves.

When it comes to my own blog I have decided to stop focusing on the negative in our world. I am just too tired of reading, thinking and writing about this. I want to open up the window and let in the fresh air and the light instead, and embrace only positivity. I want positive posts about solutions to our problems, rather than just focus on the problems. Positive environmentalism, Paganism, philosophy, stories and anecdotes. There will be less to say, much less, because there is less good than bad in our world right now, and fewer solutions than problems, but that’s okay. Saying nothing is some times the wisest thing you can do.

The press will soon die, because so many of us stop buying their services or even using their «free» services, and we will be better off without them. The rest of the power of the Jews will also soon die, and especially if we focus on the positive in us and our culture. The Europe of tomorrow will be lighter, brighter and better – and sans Jews and other vermin – but only if we solve our problems more than we bury ourselves in them.

No load is easier to carry than one made up of much wisdom. Leave the problems of the rest of the world behind, and only carry those problems that concern you and that you can do something about. Let the rest of the world fall. Only Europe matters, and Europe survives through you and me. HailaR WôðanaR! 


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