It has lately come to my attention that some Muslims actually think that they built Europe! Yes, I am not kidding; Muslims walk around here in Europe under the impression that they built Europe, that they are to be thanked for what Europe has achieved and that we should appreciate them and what they have done for us. They came as guest workers in the 70ies, and some of them did indeed work, and they have managed to twist this into «Muslims built Europe». Amazing! I didn’t know it was possible to be that delusional, but obviously I was wrong.
The first Muslims invaders came to Europe in the 70ies, under the pretext that they were going to work. I have no idea why they were let in, but I can safely assume that it had something to do with the Boomers desperately trying to exploit and deplete all resources available before they grew too. They obviously did everything within their power to leave nothing whatsoever to the future generations, and I guess these «guest workers» were a part of that egotistical-plan.
The first «guest workers» did work a bit, until they were eligible for unemployment or other welfare payments. They were also (often through their jobs) heavily involved in drug trafficking and other forms of smuggling. I remember some petty criminals I met in Oslo jail told me that “if you want to sell stolen cigarettes or cigarettes smuggled from Sweden you can just enter any immigrant-owned shop and sell it there. They all buy and sell illegal stuff”. Because of the Muslims working in the Oslo harbour (yes; they were working there. Funny isn’t it?) fellow Muslims (with Norwegian citizenships, all of them, of course) could smuggle entire freight containers full of hashish and khat and other drugs, and they were never caught. The Muslims for the same reason also worked as taxi drivers, and thus got to distribute the drugs all over Oslo.
It’s always like that with the Muslims. If they actually work somewhere we should worry, and more so than if they are free-loading parasites who do nothing at all but hang around at the local mall, because they only work where they can misuse their jobs for something illegal, sinister and destructive. Their main objective is always to “help other Muslims”, whether they are policemen helping Muslim criminals, prison guards helping Muslim prisoners or whatever. They even hire them as security guards at the airport, where they claim Muslim terrorists are the main threat. So they hire Muslims to protect us against… Muslims;
I could go on for hours ranting like this, I have so much to say, I have so many experiences and I have seen so much in this context, but I think this suffice. My point is that not only did the Muslims not build Europe, they wrecked Europe by their mere presence! Europe used to be the best place to be, but because of the Muslims it is no longer. And what did they build? They sure cleaned a lot of floors as cleaning ladies, they sure have driven a lot of taxies, taking all the detours they could get away with, they sure have picked up a lot of garbage from our streets (most of it left there by their own co-religionists), they sure have undressed a lot of old ladies at the airport, held back as potential terrorists because they tried to bring their hand creams into the plane, and they sure have sold a lot of drugs from their corner shops (and taxis), but they never built anything worth mentioning. Like have you ever met a Muslim at a supply depot or in a tools shop? I sure haven’t – and yes, I have been to such places a lot lately (in France, a country with probably 8 million Muslim immigrants).
Jews are scum and Gypsies are scum, but don’t for a minute think that the Muslims in Europe aren’t scum too. They are worthless, destructive, ignorant, immoral, hypocritical, child- and wife-beating rats. If there are any exception to this rule I don’t care; get them our of Europe now, all of them: every single one! *spit*
Unlike with Jews and Gypsies though, we can actually state truthfully that not all Muslims are like the scum that comes to Europe. Many Muslims in the Muslim world are fairly good people, and just like we stay in our Europe, they stay in their Arab world. We can think well of them, just like they can of us. And they know that Europe is for Europeans! HailaR WôðanaR!