Light skin is a very European feature, inherited from our forebears, the Neanderthals, and it is also known outside of Europe, in populations with much European (i. e. Neanderthal) blood, such as in the Han Chinese people. Anti-racists, alias «mentally disturbed, self-loathing and brainwashed sheeple», claim «it is only a colour», and that there is «no difference between people of different skin colour» (i. e. people of different human or human-like races). Naturally they are wrong.
Dark skin is much more greasy than white skin, it is also thicker and much less able to produce vitamine D. So even if you only focus on the skin there is already a huge difference between a European and a dark-skinned person. What this means in practise is that e. g. a dark skinned person cannot survive for long in Northern Europe, and are very unlikely to survive for long elsewhere in Europe, without eating a lot of vitamine D. They are simply not meant to live here.
Dark, greasy, thick skin;
Human skin;
In a crisis situation, if the infrastructure breaks down and the distribution of vitamine D stops for some time, we can all just sit back and watch the «culturally enriching» dark-skinned individuals, in particular children actually, drop like flies around us, from all sorts of dieseases… what a pity.
I will do just fine in such a situation, with my white skin, as will all my fellow Europeans! HailaR WôðanaR!
Related posts here, here and here.