It took a bit longer than I had anticipated;
They say it is not airborne, but they don’t know that (and they don’t even seem to understand what ‘airborne’ means). It probably is; how else could a professional nurse become infected in a Spanish hospital? Are they completely incompetent there or what? They had one single patient with Ebola, and now (at least) one nurse is infected. That’s bad statistics, and is not very encouraging for the medical personnel. What happens if they get ten patients? Or one hundred? Or thousands?! They will quickly run out of medical personnel…
How long will the nurses keep working, before they say ‘stop’ and refuse to go to work? What happens then?
How long will the policemen keep working, before they say ‘stop’ and refuse to go to work? What happens then?
How long will ordinary workers keep taking the bus or the metro?
How long before it all collapses?
..and the airlines still fly between West Africa and the rest of the world. You know: Globalism comes before anything! They need to shift people between the continents, and keep this world a ‘global village’. Entire villages have been wrecked by Ebola already… and that will happen to the ‘global village’ too.
Brace yourselves. S will soon HTF!