As explained here, our forebears didn’t believe in “gods” as we today often understand the term. The term “god” in English is an Anglo-Saxon term, and the original meaning is simply “good”, “good thing”, “good deed”, “benefit”, “goodness” or “welfare”. The good and beneficial spirits of nature were hailed as “gods”, and the harmful and some times even malevolent spirits of nature were naturally not.
The European deities were (and still are) ideals, positive concepts such as “the spirit of honesty” or “the spirit of justice”, and unless impersonated by men or women, actors playing the role of certain gods or goddesses, these deities naturally never answered the prayers of men. So there was no pathological relationship between the Pagan European and his deities. He was not at all relating to his deities like the Judeo-Christians do in relation to their “god”. He did not hear voices, “the voice of god”, when there were in fact nobody speaking to him. He did not expect nothing to produce something. He did not address nothing.
Who is this guy talking to?
His sacrifices were to real deities; he gave something to his deity and then got something in return. His prayers were addressed to real deities; he asked for something, negotiated with his deity, and then they agreed on something. He could see and touch and communicate with his deities: the deities were real! The deities were impersonated by men and women of flesh and blood. The deities were kept forever young, immortal, by the yearly selections.
This was the case in Ancient Greece, Ancient Scandinavia, Ancient Gaul, Ancient Britannia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Persia etc., wherever men of European stock dwelled.
A very much real deity
The spirits of nature are very much real too, and they are called spirits because they are not physicals. They are what we would call ideals: honesty, courage, justice, health, beauty, purity, innocence, kindness, love, etc. These ideals – spirits – were seen everywhere in nature. A particularly courageous animal would be an animal linked to the spirit of courage, a particularly kind animal would be an animal linked to the spirit of kindness, a particular strong tree would be a tree linked to the god of strength, etc. You an always argue that “there are no spirits”, but you would be as wrongs as if you argued that there is no honesty, courage, justice, health, beauty, purity, innocence, kindness, love, etc-
Two more real deities
The European deities were thus very much real.