First of all some appropriate music.
Fellow Europeans; you have to make sacrifices and work hard to keep the good in life, in your land and culture and in your body and mind too. The tradition-religion of our forebears was a system to achieve this, a system that had been created hundreds of thousands of years ago, and that had ever since been improved and perfected for optimal effect.
When the European Neanderthals (i. e. the original Europeans) started to mix with (the African) homo sapiens, from about 100.000 years ago and onwards, the need for such a system grew dramatically, even though the mixing at the time occurred very seldomly and to a very little degree. The adverse effects of this mixing of species were many, significant and dramatic. What had been a steady uphill walk became a dangerous climb up the side of a steep cliff – and when the European man lost his grip he fell, far and long, and he is still falling and falling.
Ladies and gentlemen of Europe: it is of utmost importance that we end our fall and start to climb again, collectively. Cast the Jewish faith – Christianity — into the abyss, where it belongs, and reclaim your European heritage! Falling might be more easy and comfortable for now, but unless you start to climb you will soon hit the ground – and I can assure you that this will not be comfortable.
I wish to dedicate this post to the memory of the unnamed and unarmoured Norwegian (i. e. Pagan) warrior, wielding an axe, who according to the Anglo-Saxons sources killed 40 Christian warriors on the Stamford bridge inn 1066. He is surely amongst us still today. Heroes never die. They only change bodies. HailaR WôðanaR!
If you want to know more about the European traditions and religion I recommend that you find some time to read the posts linked to below. If you are not Scandinavian I strongly advice you to read this first of all.
The Vibrations of the Universe.
I trow I hung on that windy Tree.
Yggdrasill & the Sacred Wells of Wisdom.
BalðuR – the Shining White God of Enlightenment.