Italiano. Magyar. Русский. Српски.
Vaccines are a threat to mankind today; they can «accidentally» sterilize an entire generation of Europeans anytime if they want to, and I am sure they will too, some time in the near future. However, this is possibly not the greatest threat to mankind; there are similar and possibly even more secret threats to worry about….
In 1951 three men, Carl Djerassi, Louis E. Miramontes and George Rosenkranz invented oral contraceptive pills. By the early 1970ies they had made the use of such pills mainstream in Europe, and…. Europe changed because of this.
You see, these pills contain hormones, and hormones influence us a lot. The hormones influence the body, but perhaps even more importantly also the mind and the behaviour! As we know most of the women in Europe changed their behaviour a lot in the 1970ies, and have since then been – as seen by a traditional man – very strange. If you mess with a person’s hormones he or she will change, and probably not for the better.
If you know a woman who otherwise seems to be perfectly intelligent and capable, but who just doesn’t seem to understand the importance of race and honour, you can be pretty sure she is “on the pill”. The hormones in the oral contraceptive pills has contributed greatly to making her this way, and if she stops taking “the pill” she might well “grow a brain” overnight and become a lovely, intelligent, reasonable, open-minded and child-loving woman again. Just like she probably was before she started taking “the pill”.
Oral contraceptive pills are designed by three non-Europeans, at least two of them with a traditional hatred for Europe and everything European, and “the pill” could well be seen as a tool in their ongoing European genocide, a post-WWII means to sterilize the European female population. They even make a lot of money selling these pills to these duped women. It was designed to make all our women completely mad – messed up by the hormones in the pills they take almost every single day of their adult lives! My experience is that there is no way to put any reason into the head of the average modern European woman, no matter how intelligent she is, and “the pill” might well be the reason for this. Until you take her off “the pill” she will for sure remain an infertile, feminist, promiscuous and left-wing zombie working actively to aid the enemies of Europe in their European genocide.
If you are a woman don’t for anything in the world take oral contraceptive pills, or any other things containing hormones that will mess with your body and head. Stay healthy, in body and mind. Stay European. If you don’t want children at this point in your life simply take the consequence of that and behave like women are supposed to do: keep your legs crossed, and keep them crossed until you find a man with good genes and marry him! If you want to be “liberated”, then first of all liberate yourselves from the destructive influence you come under when you take oral contraceptive pills.
The thing that scares me the most about this is the fact that nobody forces women to take these pills. They take them of their own free will, without any apparent thought about the consequences. Alas! Have European women no more sense than that? A few feminist ideas and almost every European woman out there poisons and sterilizes herself of her own free will, and even pays for it herself. This really has to stop! Tell all the girls and women you know about the adverse effects of such pills! Those who take such pills are not themselves any more! HailaR WôðanaR!
“Oral Contraceptive Pills”, alias “Chemical Sterlilization”.