Our forebears cultivated and promoted the health of mankind. Health means beauty, so they idolized the beautiful men and women amongst them. To a depraved, perverse, hyper-sexualized and degenerated Jewish mind it is probably impossible to understand that a man can praise the masculine beauty of another man without any sexual motivations or undertones though, so when we hold the healthy, masculine body up as an ideal for our men, when we are physically aware and try to look our best, we are accused of being homosexuals, by Jews and by those fooled by their propaganda. When we also hold the healthy, feminine body up as an ideal the Jews for some reason ignore that and only focus on our mandom cult. They perhaps want to present us as homosexuals, or rather «closet homosexuals».
There is nothing sexual in the healthy male admiration for healthy male bodies, just like there is nothing sexual in your admiration for e. g. a large, strong and beautiful deer, standing proud on a hilltop. You think it is beautiful, but you are not sexually aroused by it. Of course not. If you are there is obviously something wrong with you; in Antiquity, if you were a man sexually attracted to other men, you were commonly executed. Homosexuality was a crime punishable by death in Ancient Europe! Sure, some claim things were different in Ancient Greece and perhaps also Ancient Rome, but I will adamantly claim that they simply misunderstand; they don’t understand the a-sexual mandom cult, the a-sexual master-apprenticeship relationship or the healthy nature of the Pagan European mind. They also intentionally interpret the sources this way and say these things for propaganda purpose, to discredit Europe and European culture. They are, after all, just (real or artificial) Jews.
The European ideals for men are simply put healthy; the male body is to be strong, muscular, symetric, powerful, agile and tough! This healthy naked male body is to inspire boys and other men to work hard to become like that themselves, and also to respect and admire those who have achieved this ideal. The attraction is not sexual at all, but is related to our most natural, healthy and positive instincts; we are all born weak and we need to follow the lead of the strong to become strong ourselves – and we need to become strong in order to have any right to survive.
The sexual attraction some men feel to other men is simply sick, a malfunction of the mind and instincts, and can only be seen as a means for the tribe to be able to remove the bad seeds. Nature has already ensured that they will not procreate, and I am sure that is the purpose of this attraction to. There is something wrong with them, so by all means don’t let them reproduce!
So let us stick to the healthy (i. e. a-sexual) male attraction to healthy men, and let us explain how this is good and healthy for us! Let us also talk about how this can be used for our interest. Ah, and let me use the SS as an example of how this was used by Hitler’s Germany for the same purpose.
The SS had very good looking uniforms. The healthy men who wore those uniforms looked very good, and if they weren’t handsome already they certainly became more handsome when they put on the SS uniform. The purpose of this was to make other men want to follow them, to be like them and to be willing to obey them.
What on Earth makes the Norwegian Army think anybody wants to take orders from a guy looking like this?
Joachim Peiper;
If you take a look at e. g. Joachim Peiper you see not only a handsome man in a cool uniform, but you will be forced to admit that you trust him and his abilities to lead just by looking at him, and you would not only feel safe under his command, you would do your best to impress him and earn the right to be in his unit in the first place! I’de follow Peiper into battle any time, and be so proud just for having his unit’s name on my jacket sleeve that I would be more than willing to undertake any suicidal mission if he ordered me to! I’de die a happy man, hoping that he – that damn impressive gentleman leading me – would think well of me.
This is how it works; we men want to be seen as cool in the eyes of the men we admire, we want to be liked by them, and their mere presence alone can be enough to make us better too.
Now, if the Jews can make us think that is gay… then they have to a large degree ruined our ability to lead others and to be lead by others – because we all know that being gay is sick (even the gays understand that). And what will we be able to do against these genocidal maniacs without good leadership?
What we should do is to make this clear to all other European warriors, and then we make sure that our future uniforms are no less cool than the SS-uniforms, that they make the wearers feel good about themselves and that they feel handsome when wearing them. We will also not only allow, but strongly promote and actively cultivate the mandom cult of our forebears – and this will lead to a so strong wish from European young men to join our ranks that we can but prevail! HailaR ÞunaR! HailaR WôðanaR!